Wednesday 28 February 2018

No 12252, Wednesday 28 Feb 2018, Arden

Answer and anno for 16D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Spooner wagers, he manages somehow (4,2) GETS BY (~bets guy)
4   A group of politicians swallow a crook — like this does! (8) ANACONDA {A}{N{A}{CON}DA} Semi&lit
9   Peace finally — turns out to be otherwise (6) UNREST {p..cE+TURNS}* Semi&lit
10 People in the UK take supplement — it goes to show (8) BRANDISH BR(-it+and)ANDISH
12 He doesn't strike as a poet, carries a weapon (8) SCABBARD {SCAB}{BARD}
13 Encourage operator to take Sunday off (4,2) URGE ON sURGEON
15 Terrible night, in gloom holding two jobs (12) MOONLIGHTING*
18 A long time goes into making things impure (12) ADULTERATION {ADULT}{ERA}{INTO*}
21 Friendly, not changing locations (6) SOCIAL LOCAtIonS*
22 Hamlet's castle relies on trade (8) ELSINORE*
24 Port is left, no way it can be right (8) LARBOARD (-st+l}LARBOARD
25 Oil transformed nation (6) ANOINT*
26 He is no good, always carrying broken idol (8) EVILDOER {EV{IDOL*}ER}
27 Agent gets shelter, wants to lie low (6) SLEEPY {S{LEE}PY}

1   Terrible resume, go away (8) GRUESOME*
2   Bull fighter to put one in correct order (8) TOREADOR {TO}{RE{A}DOR*}
3   It's round, it's very hard, understand it's a sporting venue (8,7) BASEBALL DIAMOND {BALL} {DIAMOND} under {BASE}
5   "Managed to raise a thousand", he informs (4) NARK {RAN<=}{K}
6   Business cover taken by citizen face to face (15) CONFRONTATIONAL {CO}{N{FRONT}ATIONAL}
7   Caught as one went to sea, reversed direction initially (6) NAILED (-s+n)NAILED
8   Partners carry two articles, Capital! (6) ATHENS {A}{THE}{NS}
11 Daily breaks record, easy to break (7) FRAGILE {F{RAG}ILE}
14 Tower — metal casing pressurized up to a point (7) STEEPLE {STEE{P}L}{E}
16 Nothing can stop fine extraction from tobacco (8) ?I?O?I?E (Addendum - NICOTINE {NIC{O}{TIN}E} - See comments)
17 Descent — maybe can try to get two points (8) ANCESTRY {E}{S} in {CAN+TRY}*
19 I peddled drug, she drank a potion (6) ISOLDE {I}{SOLD}{E}
20 Tax on Peru upsets Puerto Rico (6) OCTROI {puerTO+RICO}*
23 Not against poetry or language (4) ERSE vERSE


Tuesday 27 February 2018

No 12251, Tuesday 27 Feb 2018, Arden

Answer and anno for 20A left for a first time commenter till 10 AM.

1   Either of the Chappel brothers can have hard time — prayer's the answer (9,5) GREGORIAN CHANT {GREG}{OR}{IAN} {C{H}AN}{T}
10 Heedless, drinks cold coffee (5) DECAF {DE{C}AF}
11 Reformation canonises a holy event (9) ASCENSION*
12 Sharp wit of man (7) PUNGENT {PUN}{GENT}
13 They are on hand during travels — take care after vacation (7) TRICEPS {TRI{CarE}PS}
14 Fish had bad odour (5) SMELT [DD]
16 Lost again, recollecting and longing for the past (9) NOSTALGIA*
19 Most of the money is advanced, it's quite huge (9) CORPULENT {CORPUs}{LENT}
20 Correct and open text, do it later (5) E?A?T (Addendum - EXACT {tEXt}{ACT} - See comments)
22 All cry out when I enter, it's emotional (7) LYRICAL {I} in {ALL+CRY}*
25 Caught her taking supplement over cheese (7) CHEDDAR {C}{HE{ADD<=}R}
27 Curse the devil, create mayhem (9) IMPRECATE {IMP}{CREATE}*
28 It sticks to outer surface, stupid! (5) GOOSE {GOO}{Su...cE}
29 The average Joe freely entertains them (3,2,3,6) MAN IN THE STREET*

2   Set up nuclear reactor — not clear about his side of the story (9) RACONTEUR {NUclear+REACTOR}*
3   Slip is showing, affecting some entries (5) GAFFE [T]
4   Can create oscillating electrical phenomenon (9) REACTANCE*
5   Like the material, half of it goes for the tie (5) ASCOT {AS}{COTton}
6   Open supply — open for one in the race (9) CANDIDATE {CANDID}{sATE} (Correction - {CANDID}{cATEr} - See comments)
7   A bloodsucker in a fairy tale (5) ALICE {A}{LICE}
8   Country represented by Usain Bolt finally secured independence (7) TUNISIA {I} in {USAIN+bolT}*
9   Conforms as a day goes past (6) ADAPTS {A}{D}{PAST*}
15 Billy's meal, it's time right made way for left (9) TRUNCHEON {T}{(-l+r)RUNCHEON}

BLW Coshes and bludgeon.jpg
By Simon Speed - Originally uploaded through the Britain Loves Wikipedia website., Public Domain, Link

17 Place men on board, they fix things (9) SETSCREWS {SET}{S{CREW}S}
18 Organised — organised something extravagant (9) GRANDIOSE*
19 Devotion to a form of light music (7) CULTISM {LT+MUSIC}*
21 Object to keeping salt on bag (6) TARGET {TAR}{GET}
23 Mature state of writer (5) RIPEN {RI}{PEN}
24 Change hands, come up to filter (5) LEACH (-r+l)LEACH
26 The Queen over time has been enthusiastic (5) EAGER {E{AGE}R}


Monday 26 February 2018

No 12250, Monday 26 Feb 2018, Arden

Answer and Anno for 21D left for a first-time commenter till 10AM.

1   Border's secure, but it could kill (7) HEMLOCK {HEM}{LOCK}

Public Domain, Link
5   Say “NO ENTRY” into infamous paper (7) BAGASSE {BA{GAS}SE}
9   In panic he took the corner (5) NICHE [T]
10 European takes dead animal a flower (9) DANDELION {DAN{D}E}{LION}
By Greg Hume - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
11 Hop around layers, it's a caper (9) HORSEPLAY {HOP+LAYERS}*
12 Usual to be cut short by her (5) NORMA NORMAl
13 Fashion long gone, it's painful to see (4) STYE STYlE
15 Call to tally, it goes to a nobleman (8) VISCOUNT {VISit}{COUNT}
18 A girl asks a question, take time out for complaint (8) ADIPOSIS {A}{DI}{POSItS}
19 He was caught fiddling within one round (4) NERO [T]
22 Festival featuring oriental flower (5) ASTER eASTER

Asteraceae - Aster amellus.JPG
By Hectonichus - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

24 Bill, by the way has come into the centre, it's an advantage (4,5) HEAD START {HE{AD}{ST}ART}
26 Starts driving old car, it's John the friar (9) DOMINICAN {Dr...g}{O}{MINI}{CAN}
27 Time to bequeath the material... (5) TWILL {T}{WILL}
28 such a moist piece of leather (7) CHAMOIS [T]
29 Waste time in jail (7) DUNGEON {DUNG}{EON}

1   Hard on empty stomach, you finally reach Island (6) HONSHU {H}{ON}{St...cH}{yoU}
2   Weapon set to be wasted (9) MACERATED {MACE}{RATED} Rated/Set? See comments
3   Fat and round, live with short sight (5) OBESE {O}{BE}{SEe}
4   Tease girl who likes a bit of leniency (3,6) KID GLOVES {KID} {G}{LOVES}
5   Exchange run out of booze (5) BANDY BrANDY
6   Novice could blow it under a shade (9) GREENHORN {GREEN}{HORN}
7   Perhaps risk taking athlete finally goes downhill (5) SKIER {RISK}* over {a...tE} &lit
8   Almost near, finally it's 9 (6) ENNEAD {EN{NEAr}D}
14 Evening prayer — exposed to an alien tongue... (9) ESPERANTO {vESPERs}{TO+AN}*
16 ...endured the stigma, prayed outside (9) SUSTAINED {SU{STAIN}ED}
17 American rights in local folklore (9) NARRATIVE {N{A}{RR}ATIVE}
20 Like a poet, mad, rabid and cold (6) BARDIC {RABID}*{C}
21 Dictator promoted, was nothing at school (6) ?T?L?N (Addendum - STALIN - {NIL}{AT}{S}<= - See comments))
23 Junction where parents come face to face in Florida (5) TAMPA {T}{AM}<>{PA}
24 Has rounded up hundred thousand horses (5) HACKS {HA{C}{K}S}
25 Material appreciates like money (5) SATIN {AS<=}{TIN}


Sunday 25 February 2018

Special, Sunday 25 Feb 2018, Chatur Vasi

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annos compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Starred clues have no definitions but their solutions are all of a category which will become apparent after the solver gets a couple of answers. The others are normal with definition and subsidiary indication. 

1   *With that woman, I went (7)
4   *Had sari ironed out (7)
8   *Army officer, a graduate (6)
10 *Blood Agra soon found evenly (8)
12 *Blake and diva gallivanted (9)
13 Courage's needed on snowy roads (4)
15 *Child gets a dreadful disease cut by half (7)
17 *A 'welcome' site -  bungalow with blow-out (7)
19 He has a study circle starting  readily after upgrade (3)
20 Thus let off a space vehicle (7)
21 Inspection deploying double peek (4-3)
22 A man in love-act stops short - "it's no different" (4)
23 *It's new cart that's capsized with central buzz (9)
26 *Noise I made around rules to follow by housing head (8)
27 Help out a hollow sexless thing getting introduction to sex (6)
29 Dirt bus kicks up is 'bother' (7)
30 * Releasing a hard vid that's short (7)

1   Part of march in part of circle (3)
2   The street in downtown Mumbai to trade in (5)
3   The girl caught up in marriage (3)
4   Sexy in girl's dress (5)
5   Ran from part of Schiedam (4)
6   Assent for improving beaches (9)
7   Unbroken sequence in download option (3)
9   Two creatures get left - it's obvious (7)
11 Watch out for insect about to war (6)
14 *An article in another article (5)
15 The overhead charges (5)
16 Some points of contact from mean butts (9)
17 *Greek character's central club stripped Andy (6)
18 Raj's not repairing insidious malware (7)
23 He precedes biwi aur ghulam (5)
24 Tiara falls in Maharashtrian dish (5)
25 Many organise the utopia at first for comic character (4)
26 Performed the act from both ways (3)
27 A fag-end deposit (3)
28 Endlessly work hard for Mum paper (3)

Across Lite version can be accessed at CHATUR VASI


The Sunday Crossword No 2984, Sunday 25 Feb 2018

1   Ditch fish in river? On the contrary (6) TRENCH {T{R}ENCH}
4   Time for example consumed by random plan (8) STRATEGY {STRA{T}{EG}Y}
9   Protest in error about railway (6) OUTCRY {OUT}{C}{RY}
10 Eccentric joke, best around (8) CRACKPOT {CRACK}{TOP<=}
12 Author of tales with exhausted villain possessing one unknown power(7,6) BEATRIX POTTER {BEAT}{R{1}{X} {P}OTTER}
14 Famous sign of assent to protect tribe’s borders (5) NOTED {NO{TribE}D}
15 Brief record, hot gem mostly (9) EPHEMERAL {EP}{H}{EMERALd}
17 Wine waiter right after start of meal in a certain lounge (9) SOMMELIER {SO{Meal}ME}{LIE}{R}
19 Film to follow while making jelly (5) ASPIC {AS}{PIC}
21 Learner in tangled web overdrawn in dystopian novel (5,3,5) BRAVE NEW WORLD {L} in {WEB+OVERDRAWN}*
24 Private signal (8) INTIMATE [DD]
25 Move restlessly following identification and capture (6) FIDGET {F}{ID}{GET}
26 Predicted worry about ring, antique (8) FORETOLD {F{O}RET}{OLD}
27 Drink during supper, no doubt (6) PERNOD [T]

1   Player isnt robot designed to cover miles (10) TROMBONIST {ISNT+ROBOT}* over {M}
2   Passage further north of court (7) EXTRACT {EXTRA}{CT}
3   Case in which vehicle goes over top of roof? (9) CARTRIDGE {CART}{RIDGE}
 Bought red car, newly equipped to be more powerful (12) TURBOCHARGED*
6   Racecourse firm in days gone by, not soft (5) ASCOT {pAS{CO}T}
7   Ruler with energy, politician with heartless delusion (7) EMPEROR {E}{MP}{ERrOR}
 Legendary creature still on island (4) YETI {YET}{I}
11 Fellows supporting one in authority with a line that’s tentative (12) EXPERIMENTAL {EXPER{1}{MEN}T}{A}{L}
13 Very happy about central element in inquiry detectives explained (10) ELUCIDATED {EL{inqUiry}{CID}ATED}
16 New mail he sorted at the same time (9) MEANWHILE*
18 Medium crustacean, not large? Criminal (7) MOBSTER {M}{lOBSTER}
20 Standard earlier name for model (7) PARAGON {PAR}{AGO}{N}
22 Acknowledge commercial with mass appeal (5) ADMIT {AD}{M}{IT}
23 Able to rise above loud argument (4) TIFF {FIT<=}{F}


Saturday 24 February 2018

No 12249, Saturday 24 Feb 2018, Arden

Answer and anno for 20D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.


1. Starts new demands, one among the employees creates the logjam (8) STANDOFF {STA{New}{Demands}{One}FF}
5. A subject relating to one's predisposition for allergic reaction (6) ATOPIC {A}{TOPIC}
10. Fungicide used in state, including capital (7) CALOMEL {CA{LOME}L}
11. Pay a bribe // to get a cash crop (3,4) OIL PALM (CD & D)

12. Indian movie about Indian wine (5) RIOJA {R{I}OJA}

13. Make a note, it's a complaint (9) ENTERITIS {ENTER}{IT}{IS}
14. Trial of militant on date (5-7) COURT-MARTIAL {COURT}{MARTIAL}
18. Substitute for Hindi? Drag in a former PM (6,6) INDIRA GANDHI {HINDI+DRAG+IN+A}*
21. He is ratting in other words (9) INTRIGANT {IS+RATTING*} (Correction {RATTING+IN}* - See comments} &lit
23. Expert handled pet on a regular basis (5) ADEPT {hAnDlEd PeT}
24. It's about food left over as drunk makes a noise (7) TROPHIC {PORT<=}{HIC}
25. Dirty been so dirty and cold inside (7) OBSCENE {BEEN+SO*} around {C}
26. A sorry way to keep count (6) ROSARY {A+SORRY*} Way on double duty?
27. Perhaps David will cross Alps under a cloud (8) PSALMIST {ALPS*}{MIST}


1. Tie up dog straying into the church (6) SECURE {SE{CUR}E}
2. Efflorescent, able, detailed, low and climbing (6) ABLOOM {ABLe}{MOO<=}
3. Harry enamoured by appearance (9) DEMEANOUR {ENAMOURED*}
4. There could be no issue with this condition (5,9) FALSE PREGNANCY (CD)
6. Layer of sorts with large instep (5) TILER {TI{L}ER}
7. Money chasing scheme involving American, could be one in a bunch (8) PLANTAIN {PLAN}{T{A}IN}
8. Arrived carrying loose soil in a piece of clothing (8) CAMISOLE {CAM{SOIL*}E}
9. Study of language limited to countries, they stymie things (14) CONTAMINATIONS {CON}{TAMIl}{NATIONS}
15. Comes into some money, picks up practice (9) REHEARSAL {RE{HEARS}AL}
16. Expelled nun from home is dark (8) SINISTER {S{IN}ISTER}
17. Books on crime relegatedsecond to eighth place (8) EDITIONS {(-s)EDITION(+S)}
19. I'm dividing money, I am an Arab (6) YEMENI {YE{ME}N}{I} I'm=Me?  See comments
20. Get set, take up some of them to bear witness (6) ?T?E?T ATTEST (T<=) See comments
22. Discharge, in which order? (5) ICHOR (T)

Reference List
State=Cal, Indian=I, Left=Port, Cold=C
Church=See, Low=Moo, Large=L, American=A, Study=Con, Money=Real, Nun=Sister, Home=In, Second=S, Money=Yen

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday 23 February 2018

No 12248, Friday 23 Feb 2018, Buzzer

Today being Friday only the blank clues will be posted. All those who are silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. There is no limit on how many answers you want to give. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake someone will correct it with the right annotation.

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM after which anyone is free to comment. 

Thanks everyone for the response. Here is the regular blog 

1   I think of limos endlessly (2,2,7) IN MY OPINION {lIMOs}
9   About to cry, eyes oddly becoming small (6) PEEWEE {WEEP<=}{EyEs}
10 Ingenues flying blind (8) UNSEEING*
11 Retiring, turning to do this to a bulb (5) TIMID {DIM}{IT}<=
12 Grows old facing extremes of pennilessness (7) EXPANDS {EX}{P AND S}(Pe....eS)
13 Highlight of contest, boxing belt (5,3) BRING OUT {B{RING}OUT}
15 Key file in an encryption system (6) ESCROW {ESC}{ROW}
16 Autobahn flow stopped by congestion's beginning to get hopeless (6) ABJECT {AB}{JE{Co...n}T}
18 Old-fashioned steps taken struggling with test (3,5) THE TWIST*

20 Dethrone leader going off AWOL (3,4) NOT HERE dETHRONE*
21 Girl mostly nothing short of a looker (5) GAZER {GAl}{ZERo}
22 Find a voucher to obtain speaker (4,4) COME UPON {CO{ME}UPON}
23 Flying start nullified in propelling boat (6) OARING sOARING
24 Primarily those hiding inner flash perhaps (7,4) LANTERN FISH {Th..e+INNER+FLASH}* &lit

Lanternfish larva.jpg
Public Domain, Link

2   Novel's a lot detailed for reporter (7) NEWSMAN {NEW'S}{MANy}
3   Produce from yard area beginning to wane (5) YIELD {Y}{fIELD}
4   Pastor disrespectful, not wise (7) PRUDENT {P}{RUDE}{NT} Anno for NT not clear See comments
5   Knows peace so to speak is a bridge (9) NOSEPIECE (~knows peace)
6   Officer commanding each navy icharge around sea (7) OCEANIC {OC}{EA}{N}{IC}
7   Hard on the brainso complicated (5,8) HEATH ROBINSON* &lit

Heath Robinson WWI.png
By W. Heath Robinson - Project Gutenberg ebook of NY Times Current history, Vol 1 Issue 6, Public Domain, Link

8   Won cash, does it bring tips out for cheap (2,1,10) ON A SHOESTRING {wON+cASH+dOES+iT+bRING}
14 Battlefront he's potentially circled quickly (2,3,4) ON THE SPOT [T]
17 Meme essentially breaking more limits (7) EXTREMA {EXTR{mEMe}A}
18 Tennis shot clipping net where not hard (7) TWEENER {NET+WhERE}*

19 Pupils taking in one head of zen masters (7) WIZARDS {W{1}{Zen}ARDS}
21 Be fired and leave (2,3) GO OFF [DD]

Will Railway Ribaldry by HEATH ROBINSON be reviewed in a newspaper these days? No way!
The NEWSMAN of today is never PRUDENT and can make mountain of a mole hill.
He can bring THE TWIST in anything and everything. The reporters, they are ON THE SPOT for even the most insignificant event. Their budget is huge and never ON A SHOESTRING.
Why don't they BRING OUT facts which are useful and informative?
Because they will have to YIELD to their bosses.
You want to give your honest opinion?

"NOT HERE" !!!


Thursday 22 February 2018

No 12247, Thursday 22 Feb 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 7D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Airing rubbish about eastern country (7) NIGERIA {NIG{E}RIA*}
5   Opportunity provided by most of church area (6) CHANCE CHANCEl
9   Good Samaritan's son refined limitlessly (5) SAINT {S}{dAINTy}
10 Reckon US State's copper's not on schedule (9) CALCULATE {CAL}{CU}{LATE}
11 Old female staves off insults (7) OFFENDS {O}{F}{FENDS}
12 Ring State TV employees for launching the unmatched piece (7) ODDMENT {O}{DD MEN}{The}
13 You in Delhi return a length of fine material (5) TULLE {TU}{ELL<=}
14 Have a difficult time on a recalcitrant mount (4,5) RIDE ROUGH [C&DD]
16 Initial mistake of a fielder (5,4) FIRST SLIP {FIRST} {SLIP}
19 Cobra twists around a tree (5) CAROB*
21 Standard from 1947: "For the dear ___ ___, I die" (3,4) OLD FLAG [FITB]
23 Desire to leave head on the payroll (7) EARNING yEARNING
24 Peak that David and Anne reached excitedly (5,4) NANDA DEVI*

Mt. Nanda Devi.jpg

25 Hesitate to leave female in change (5) ALTER fALTER
26 Priest slams badly-written songs (6) PSALMS {P}{SLAMS*}
27 New entertainer with no hard, strange drink (7) NOSTRUM {N}{hOST}{RUM}

1   Upset by the rise of Sone? (4,3,2,5) NOSE OUT OF JOINT {SONE}* [RA]
2   Frenchman possesses brief news that is worthwhile (7) GAINFUL {GA{INFo}UL}
3   Regret about Erode's first container train (7) RETINUE {R{Er..e}{TIN}UE}
4   A home footloose Raj left houses the first of clan from the family tree (9) ANCESTRAL {A}{N{Clan}EST}{RAj}{L}
5   Pen on old instrument (5) CELLO {CELL}{O}
6   Like two foreign articles — in pieces (7) ASUNDER {AS}{UN}{DER}
 It goes on head of man — fellow late in starting (7) C?A?E?U (Addendum - CHAPEAU {CHAP}{bEAU} - See comments))
8   Make a loud noise by playing tavil perhaps (4,3,3,4) BEAT THE BIG DRUM [C&DD]
15 Power having cut all round in view of shortage in supply (9) DEPLETION {DE{P}LETION} Semi&lit
17 Squirrels and rats, for example, run over holes (7) RODENTS {R}{O}{DENTS}
18 Such a narrative holds back nothing (4-3) TELL-ALL [CD]
19 Accountants go round red ship for body (7) CARCASS {CA}{R}{CA}{SS}
20 One put in list to revel (7) ROISTER {RO{1}STER}
22 Reckon visitors spilt tea (5) GUESS GUEStS


The news:
Some papers might BEAT THE BIG DRUM and publish it.
The name:
NANDA DEVI, a tradition bound young woman.
The incident:
Nanda's ANCESTRAL SAINT helped her in securing a plum GAINFUL job. She had a ROUGH RIDE in the first few days. But she didn't want to lose the CHANCE of a lifetime. The first EARNING woman in her community!
But  then what is news worthy?
Something that put THE NOSE OUT OF JOINT.
GUESS what Nanda Devi did with her first salary? 
"Nanda goes to the mall (after receiving her first salary) with RETINUE and buys her ????? ???? (5,4)"

Wednesday 21 February 2018

No 12246, Wednesday 21 Feb 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 17A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Asks a wit to conjure up a Hindu symbol (8) SWASTIKA*
5   Released special part of ladder (6) SPRUNG {SP}{RUNG}
9   Welcome me back with pair (7) EMBRACE {ME<=}{BRACE}
10 Woman's right: one girl's to shake leg and move to and fro (7) WRIGGLE {W}{R}{1}{G}{LEG*}
11 Show a grim hairdo (9) POMPADOUR {POMP}{A}{DOUR}

Pompadour (PSF).png

12 Nothing to tear around and speak (5) ORATE {O}{TEAR*}
13 Say nice, odd characters are in harmony (4) SYNC {SaY}{NiCe}
14 Expel Padre leaving first of altars in a rush and confused (9) PERPLEXED {EXPEL+PaDRE}*
17 Persevere with Bond getting one working (7,2) ?O?D?E? O? (Addendum - SOLDIER ON {SOLD{1}ER} {ON} - See comments)
19 Was around with big crime lab tool (4) SWAB {WAS*}{B}
23 Passage from a small island (5) AISLE {A}{ISLE}
24 Former wife to elaborate — not a trace of evidence to act as an illustration (9) EXEMPLIFY {EX}{(-a+e)EMPLIFY}
25 Twisting the top-ranked one's deterioration, when you look back (7) TORSION {NO1'S}{ROT}<=
26 Give edge to launch site's writer (7) SHARPEN {SHAR}{PEN}
27 Political party's part of a course, perhaps (6) GREENS [DD]
28 Dark brown animal surrounding ten fallen back (8) BRUNETTE {BRU{TEN<=}TE}

1   That woman with extremely fragile and broken hips is meek (8) SHEEPISH {SHE}{f...lE}{HIPS*}
2   White book’s objective stops short (7) ALBUMEN {ALBUM}{ENd}
3   A get-up around sailor needing a brewing item (3,3) TEA BAG {GET}<= over {AB}{A}
4   Monitor — as an archer should with respect to the target (4,4,3,2) KEEP ONES EYE ON [DD]
6   Detainee somehow rips singular fellow (8) PRISONER {RIPS*}{ONER}
7   Dare pug to perform better (7) UPGRADE*
8   Old fellow, my love is endless! (6) GEEZER {GEE}{ZERo}
10 Promise in favour of duty or what is used for data entry (4,9) WORD PROCESSOR {WORD} {PRO}{CESS}{OR}
15 Union head turns to Mumbai suburb (8) ADHESION {HEAD*}{SION}
16 Bishop kept out of church — article on church under suspension (8) ABEYANCE {ABbEY}{AN}{CE}
18 Watch old boy's bad verse (7) OBSERVE {OB}{VERSE*}
20 Beat favourite dog (7) WHIPPET {WHIP}{PET}
21 Scruffy artist’s joke about model (6) RAGTAG {RA}{G{T}AG}
22 One is out of aspirin that's ordered for an injury (6) SPRAIN ASPiRIN*


Tuesday 20 February 2018

No 12245, Tuesday 20 Feb 2018, Gridman

1   Sword wound across one hand (8) SCIMITAR {SC{1}{MIT}AR} Anno pending for MIT See comments
6   Surrounded by some pyramids (4) AMID [T]
9   Nervous like the head of municipality in Salem (2,4) ON EDGE Anno pending Definition by example - See comments
10 Loosen tie with nun having no initial sections from the East (7)  UNSTRAP {nUN}{PARTS<=}
13 Get rid of the bird among the very select (9) ELIMINATE {ELI{MINA}TE}
14 Maudlin publicist? (5) CRIER [DD]
15 Extraordinary dues brought into play (4) USED*
16 Once purism swayed the stage (10) PROSCENIUM*

Chicago Auditorium Building, interior from balcony.jpg
By JW Taylor,, photographer.

19 X or Y? Doctor quite lost in web browser (10) CHROMOSOME {CHRO{MO}{SO}ME}
21 Bearing one among fellows (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}
24 Taking after repartee Jack put out (5) APING jAPING
25 Scan till I get to see a spark (9) SCINTILLA*
26 Cold and unemotional person? Beg Eric to change! (7) ICEBERG*
27 Ambitious student emerges as smuggler runs away for good (6) GUNNER GUNrunNER (Addendum - (-r+g)GUNNER - See comments)
28 Brazil etc. back to dazzle (4) NUTS <=
29 Mobile phone feature put up by judge (8) APPRAISE {APP}{RAISE}

2   Pen dupe's punishment (7) CONFINE {CON}{FINE}
3   What a kid may have mixed up — what may be available in a bakery (3,3) MUD PIE [DD]
4   Where you may find 'storehouse of words’, 'reference work,' etc (9) THESAURUS [E]
5   Complaint no good — wake up (5) ROUSE gROUSE
7   Shop for one new Indian cocktail (7) MARTINI {MART}{1}{N}{I}
8   Go mad in a sort of store (12) DEPARTMENTAL {DEPART}{MENTAL}
11 Thus king's opponents become unwell (6) SICKEN {SIC}{K}{E}{N}
12 'Surrender' — Raja's initial and clear delivery (12) RENUNCIATION {Raja}{ENUNCIATION}
17 Recapitulation of activity when additions take place (7,2) SUMMING UP [DD]
18 Arab ruler admitted extremely gustier asylum seeker (6) EMIGRE {EMI{Gu...eR}E} (Correction - {EMI{Gu...r}RE} - See comments)
20 Rani romps around me with primarily thin clothing (7) RAIMENT {RAI{ME}N}{Thin}
22 Complaint of immobility on way out (7) ILLNESS stILLNESS
23 Verse of a Hindustan zamindar extracted (6) STANZA [T]
25 Saint and magi together deciphered Greek letter (5) SIGMA {S}{MAGI*}


As the businessman left the DEPARTMENTAL store with his MARTINI he had a SCINTILLA of doubt. Was a GUNNER following him?
He had a SICKENing feeling and soon let his lawyer APPRAISE the situation.
Then he had to CONFINE himself within the four walls of his villa. He was ON EDGE and going NUTS as he watched the TV.
Finally he USED the time tested escape route.
Like an EMIGRE he quietly slipped out of the country!!

Monday 19 February 2018

No 12244, Monday 19 Feb 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 4D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Support at home somehow reset about a problem (11) BRAINTEASER {BRA}{IN}{TE{A}SER*}
9   Brown, dark-stained drinking vessel (7) TANKARD {TAN}{DARK*}
10 He's eying no small, regulated state of cleanliness (7) HYGIENE {HEs+EYING}*
11 Brilliance of strange tale about head of clan (5) ECLAT {E{Clan}AT*}
12 Alert Cole to reform a type of college in the US (9) ELECTORAL*
13 Cover one animal (5) COATI {COAT}{1}
15 Tart breaks cars with a short baton (9) SARCASTIC {CARS*}{A}{STICk}
18 French father's broad smile at Oriental bird (9) PEREGRINE {PERE}{GRIN}{E}

Peregrine Falcon with Kill.jpg

21 Child led by scholar to become construction worker (5) MASON {MA}{SON}
22 Covers around last of the covers (9) ENVELOPES {ENVELOP{thE}S}
24 Sidestep car? (5) DODGE [DD]
26 Hint: insect's among the Poles (7) SMIDGEN {S}{MIDGE}{N}
27 In sum, a couple of learners didn't keep mum (3,4) ALL TOLD {A}{LL} {TOLD}
28 Support New York hit by a fashionable youngster (11) TEENYBOPPER {TEE}{NY}{BOPPER}

1   Ram's prize is a flower (9) BUTTERCUP {BUTTER}{CUP}
2   Cancel article taken from year-book (5) ANNUL ANNUaL
3   Close shave? Close it! (4,5) NEAR THING {NEAR} {THING}
4   Straight dismissal of boy is perpetual (7) E?D?E?S (Addendum - ENDLESS bENDLESS- See comments)
5   Bribe school male rector to admit each (7) SCHMEAR {SCH}{M}{EA}{R}
6   Maker without legal claim (5) RIGHT Anno pending (Addendum - wRIGHT - See comments)
7   Fresh ceremony is said to be causing a complaint (8) NEURITIS (~ new rite is)
8   Coverage's reportedly lower (4) VEIL (~ vile) Not sure of Anno as this homophone is not right (Addendum - (~ vail) - See comments)
14 Nice farewell (2,6) AU REVOIR [CD]
16 Animal doll Maria destroyed (9) ARMADILLO*
17 Against soft competitor (9) CONTENDER {CON}{TENDER}
19 Perhaps Gemini, by keeping quiet, may have an effect (7) IMPINGE {IM{P}INGE*}
20 Election Commission's quashing of stay brings happiness (7) ECSTASY {EC'S}{STAY*}
22 If not, say LL... (4) ELSE (~ l's)
23 Smoker's request is frivolous (5) LIGHT [DD]
25 Daughter's substandard rise results in decline (5) DROOP {D}{POOR<=}


Sunday 18 February 2018

Special, Sunday 18 Feb 2018, Fraz

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

1   Guy provided established list of passengers (8)
5   Alarm female before fitting (6)
9   Contender cuddles with a flower in Pakistan? (4,5)
11 Try to prevent chaps leaving laundry additives (5)
12 Something enticing about street sheen (6)
13 Juliet's relatives whimper, interrupting YouTube stars (8)
15 Rude remark about a movie’s last line (8)
16 Assertive company (4)
19 Rattle returned by a prince (4)
20 Trapped in network, staff showed displeasure (8)
23 Pining for Indian boxing venue (8)
24 Symbiotic lichen covers something stale (6)
27 Enlighten doctor I defy (5)
28 Delay banquets hosted by sailors (9)
29 Gives back gift of flowers found in yards (6)
30 Slicker Caine wrote to Spooner (8)

1   Mother’s copying spice mix (6)
2   Approaches unknown listeners (5)
3   Secure place for lock (8)
4   Barring entrance to Sixth Avenue (4)
6   Metal sheep guarding Indian island (6)
7   Advocate for trail (3,6)
8   Dreary, awkward rise in volume (8)
10 Male rite changing, as it happens (4-4)
14 Red swallows in wind (8)
15 I simply admitted to becoming wrong (9)
17 Dickens character brought in dull, unpleasant work (8)
18 Onion ring found in Mumbai suburb (8)
21 Got old Greek looked at (6)
22 China ultimately went after twit (3,3)
25 Belief in sacred offering (5)
26 Cost a quarter (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at FRAZ 5


The Sunday Crossword No 2983, Sunday 18 Feb 2018

1   Tons in store, say, for competitor in field event (4-6) SHOT-PUTTER {SHO{T}P}{UTTER}
6   Unwanted messages in charts going around (4) SPAM <=
9   Storm, test for men at sea throughout (4,4,2,5) FROM STEM TO STERN*
11 Supervisor in favour of returning call (7) FOREMAN {FOR}{NAME<=}
12 Burden quietly accepted by old journalists (7) OPPRESS {O}{P}{PRESS}
13 Chapter, part containing good unfinished record of events (9) CHRONICLE {CH}{RO{NICe}LE}
16 Raging against one breaking cover (5) LIVID {LI{V}{1}D}
18 Careless in head of state's absence (5) SLACK {St..e}{LACK}
19 Cheerful people I spot, excited about film (9) OPTIMISTS {MIST} in {I+SPOT}*
20 Anger acceptable in show (7) PROVOKE {PROV{OK}E}
21 Musical piece from applicant at audition (7) CANTATA [T]
23 Criticism popular doctor alters, changing dressing (8,7) STICKING PLASTER {STICK}{IN}{GP}{ALTERS*}
24 Outfit beginning to accumulate capital (4) RIGA {RIG}{A}
25 Like an idealist, waited to receive right cereal (6-4) STARRY-EYED {STA{R}{RYE}YED}

1   Cut off, erring in appeal for help not sharply defined (4-5) SOFT-FOCUS {CUT+OFF}* in {SOS}
2   Smell food, so hurry, deprived of regular portions (5) ODOUR {fOoD+sO+hUrRy}
3   Upright fellow with second innings in game (8,5) POSTMANS KNOCK {POST}{MAN}{S}{KNOCK}
4   Metal casing that is forming connection (3-2) TIE-IN {T{IE}IN}
5   Outgoing traveller, on time after departure, missing one (9) EXTROVERT {EXiT}{ROVER}{T}
7   Maintains power over substitutes (9) PRESERVES {P}{RESERVES}
8   Without source of light I'm upset (5) MINUS {SUN}{IM}<=
10 Extra flexible with translation of any term (13) SUPPLEMANTRY {SUPPLE}{ANY+TERM}*
14 Group filled with energy when working and thinking (9) REASONING {R{E}{AS}{ON}ING}
15 Finish with king and fool bound together (5-4) CLOSE-KNIT {CLOSE}{K}{NIT}
17 Wanted around Panama, lost hope (9) DESPAIRED {DES{PA}IRED}
20 Difficult question for exhibitionist (5) POSER [DD]
21 Cloak right for illicit activity (5) CAPER {CAPE}{R}
22  Restless, say, bothered about part of Bible (5) ANTSY {A{NT}SY*}


Saturday 17 February 2018

No 12243, Saturday 17 Feb 2018, Vulcan

Answer and anno for 11A left for a first time commenter till 10AM. 
I'm Stumped by 8D

1   Fault or niggle in a book (4,4) GONE GIRL*
5   Hungary's capital, a fine city (6) HARARE {Hu...y}{A}{RARE}
10 Live in bliss every second — unseen, in disguise and inconspicuous (9) INVISIBLE {LIVE+IN+BlIsS}*}
11 Pain of a sportswoman, one that's knocked out (5) G?I??  (Addendum - GRIEF {GR(-a+ie)IEF) - See comments)
12 Marketplaces run in a state on strike (6) AGORAS {A}{GO{R}A}{S}
13 Picture of gold placed on the surface (7) TABLEAU {TABLE}{AU}
14 One celeb I'm annoyed with, a fool (8) IMBECILE {1+CELEB+IM}*
15 It's got one foot over a deer (6) WAPITI {IT}{1}{PAW}<=
18 Saw agent wearing brown (6) TREPAN {T{REP}AN}
20 Deny having critical mail on CD (8) DISCLAIM {DISC}{MAIL*}
22 New leader working along with Fox (7) NONPLUS {New}{ON}{PLUS}
25 Writer, old and tired perhaps (6) EDITOR {O+TIRED}*
27 Main variable describing an alloy (5) INVAR [T]
28 Carpet that's extremely rare, neat also (9) REPRIMAND {RarE}{PRIM}{AND}
29 Student is taken into medical department to volunteer (6) ENLIST {EN{L}IS}T}
30 The ones he notes? These are not straight (8) ANAGRAMS Definition by example

1   Purchase beef cut (4) GRIP GRIPe
2   It's new in Mumbai, a triangular section that's passable (9) NAVIGABLE {NAVI}{GABLE}
3   Good to have an almost firm stomach (7) GASTRIC {G}{A}{STRICt}
4   Strongly or subtly different! (8) ROBUSTLY*
6   A large book, primarily about a maths subject (7) ALGEBRA {A+LARGE+Book}*
7   Wake up in Paris early (5) ARISE [T]
8   Aura of a character — with love invariably unconditional — magical primarily (9) E?F?U?I?M (Addendum - EFFLUVIUM {EFF}{LUV}{In...y}{Un...l}{Ma...l} - See comments)
9   Ones trained to provide shelter (4) NEST [T]
14 Club tennis? I have to be serious? (9) INTENSIVE {TENNIS}*{IVE}
16 Maria, not a bad lover (9) INAMORATA*
17 Defenceless one wiped out (4-4) WIDE-OPEN*
19 Attracts each and every user all over (7) ALLURES*
21 Roof covering, say (7) CEILING (~sealing)
23 Unusual story (5) NOVEL [DD]
24 Individual with class (4) SORT [DD]
26 Rules basically skipped in poems (4) ODES cODES