Tuesday 31 January 2012

No 10373, Tuesday 31 Jan 12, M Manna

Is this supposed to be a Cryptic Crossword??
1   - Hide it away without revealing contents (7) - SECRETE [E]
5   - Wanderer who made progress according to the book (7) - PILGRIM [GK]
9   - Fellow affected by unreasonable desire (5) - MANIC [E]
10 - Breadth uncertain when holder of the ashes gets indigestion (9) - HEARTBURN {BREAdTH*}{URN} How do we decide to delete 'D' or is it a Typo for 'breath'?
11 - Not pleasant when there's plenty of room to lose business worth two million (6) - ODIOUS (co)(mm)ODIOUS
12 - Pisces? (8) - STARFISH [CD]
14 - Unhealthy mass of fluid in tissues (5) - EDEMA [E]
15 - To commit to the charge of another (9) - RECOMMEND [E]
18 - One has the skill to achieve a smart end (9) - TRADESMAN*
20 - Walks a horse around quietly (5) - S?E?S ?
22 - Priest in order which is unsullied (8) - PRISTINE*
24 - He may lie on a point about a Chinese nut (6) - LICHEE {LI{C}{HE}E} What's the point here!!
26 - Glaring — and sour, too, in disposition (9) - NOTORIOUS*
27 - Furnish with all that is needed (5) - EQUIP [E]
28 - Fearful cries from the elite incarcerated by Nazi police (7) - SCREAMS {S{CREAM}S}
29 - Top palindrome (7) - ROTATOR [CD]
1   - Moons around when advanced in sleepiness (9) - SOMNOLENT {MOONS*}{LENT}
2   - Short and clear (7) - CONCISE [E]
3   - Inspire with spirit (9) - ENCOURAGE [E]
4   - Reflected sound (4) - ECHO [E]
5   - Unusual places in it for modelling (10) - PLASTICINE*
6   - Expected after real time (5) - LATER {REAL+T}*
7   - Dissolute fellow holding cash in the ordinary way (7) - ROUTINE {ROU{TIN}E}
8   - Time taken for the moon to revolve around the earth (5) - MONTH [E]
13 - Perform turn in some sort of delirium — great! (10) - TREMENDOUS {TR{EMEND}O{U}S*} ? (Addendum - {TREMEN{DO}{U}S} - See comments)
16 - Give wrong route, having cried out in fog (9) - MISDIRECT {MIS{CRIED*}T}
17 - Diane's disposition leads to a complaint (9) - DISTEMPER {DI'S}{TEMPER}
19 - He flew in from Barcelona via Torremolinos (7) - AVIATOR [T]
21 - Wear out tyre, you might say (7) - EXHAUST [CD]
22 - Longs for coniferous trees (5) - PINES [DD]
23 - Higher land on the moon! (5) - TERRA [E]
25 - Arts used as a title by Russian Kings! (4) - TSAR*

Monday 30 January 2012

No 10372, Monday 30 Jan 12, M Manna

1   - Dexterous way Parisians drive (6) - ADROIT  [DD]
4   - Certainly not auction swindle over undeveloped land (8) - CONTRACT {CON}{TRACT}
10 - Marines assembled as a group for discussion on a subject (7) - SEMINAR*
11 - Surgeon's assistant may be holding the plates (7) - DRESSER [DD]
12 - Seldom encountered gunners with sappers (4) - RARE {RA}{RE}
13 - Without locks, so in anxious state (10) - DISTRESSED {DIS-TRESSED}
16 - Brown girl one's backing up (6) - SIENNA {S'I}{ENNA}<-
17 - Prefect developed complete skill in every aspect (7) - PERFECT*
20 - Top man putting points in large assembly (7) - GENERAL {G{EN}ERAL*}
21 - Set aside the real record properly presented (6) - REPEAL {REAL+EP}*
24 - No vote for sailor with gun turning it on (10) - ABSTENTION {AB}{STEN}{TI<-}{ON}
25 - District attorney has a point for him (4) - DASA {DA'S}{A}
27 - Stage performer (7) - ACTRESS [E]
29 - Distance golf ball travelled when struck (7) - CARRIED [CD]
30 - Compelling full payment (8) - EXACTING [CD]
31 - A terse eccentric needed a holiday (6) - EASTER*
1   - Hard to fathom why corruption engulfed good man and King (8) - ABSTRUSE {AB{ST}{R}USE}
2   - In the Royal Society some reels can be unstoppable (11) - REMORSELESS {R{MORSELES*}S}
3   - Point out the sin practiced at hotels (4) - INNS {N+SIN}*
5   - Strange happenings taking place (8) - ODDITIES [E]
6   - Consequently not the first to arrive (10) - THEREAFTER {THERE AFTER}
7   - A dope with dollars (3) - ASS {A}{SS}
8   - Badly tired of a string of invectives (6) - TIRADE {TIRED+A}*
9   - Drag wearily along a path (5) - TRAIL [DD]
14 - Erratic seat arrangement for clerks (11) - SECRETARIAT*
15 - Going before a decent net is set out (10) - ANTECEDENT*
18 - Champion of pithead workers (8) - PARTISAN {P}{ARTISAN}
19 - No dealer wrongly names a plant (8) - OLEANDER*
22 - Rovers home in the garden? (6) - GARAGE [CD] ?
23 - Private tutor to prepare for examination (5) - COACH [E]
26 - Sunken place around a building basement (4) - AREA [E]
28 - Make note that Lawrence get a beverage (3) - TEA {TE}{A}

Sunday 29 January 2012

No 2671, Sunday 29 Jan 11

1   - My partner may be set to drive off with a member on board (7) - SHAMPOO {SH{A}{MP}OO} Definition 'My partner'?
5   - Almost heaven, after tea, this French wine (7) - CHABLIS {CHA}{BLISs}
9   - Ten jerks in the Spanish bar (5) - EXPEL {E{X}{PE}L}
10 - Pass big gun mashed cabbage and potatoes (9) - COLCANNON {COL}{CANNON}
11 - A Hollywood hangout for the stars, and racing tipsters on newspaper (6,5) - SUNSET STRIP {SUN}{SET STRIP*}
14 - Remark on bridge puzzle (9) - CROSSWORD {CROSS}{WORD}
16 - Monk holding head of laden transport animal (5) - LLAMA {L{L}AMA}
17 - What can help to make children nuisances? (5) - ENNUI [T&CD]
18 - A bishop spotted on the wagon (9) - ABSTAINED {A}{B}{STAINED}
19 - Weak wine, mostly, in Davy Jones's locker (6,5) - WATERY GRAVE {WATERY} {GRAVEs}
23 - What may be brittle in trash can? (6,3) - LITTER BIN*
24 - Chide son lacking in affection (5) - SCOLD {S}{COLD}
25 - Flash, the Parisian wit (7) - SPARKLE {SPARK}{LE}
26 - Duck circling duck - one makes off quickly (7) - SCOOTER {SCO{O}TER}
1   - Watch one who is easily deceived accepting bit of rubbish (10) - SEERSUCKER {SEE}{R}{SUCKER} Missing definition
2   - Plan her son hatched to acquire wind instruments (10) - ALPENHORNS*
3   - 21? Nervous energy, or vitality? (5) - PULSE {PLUS*}{E}
4   - Produced for some special event, story about black piece of furniture (10,5) - OCCASIONAL TABLE {OCCASIONAL} {TA{B}LE}
5   - Poor lad crossing polluted US city (8,7) - COLORADO SPRINGS*
6   - A better piece of phrasing by Fitzgerald, sung without accompaniment (1,8) - A CAPPELLA {A} {CAP}{P}{ELLA}
7/8  - Obtain post as head in Cornwall (5,3) - LANDS END {LANDS} {END}
8 See 7
12 - Girl with sailor, not here to waste time (5,5) - FANNY ABOUT {FANNY} {AB}{OUT}
13 - Ted Heath, for example, also included in British editorial (10) - BAND LEADER {B}{AND} {LEADER}
15 - Whisper spread about king's ruin (9) - SHIPWRECK {SHIPWRE*}{C}{K}
20 - Gadget soldiers and army medic required (5) - GISMO {GI'S}{MO}
21 - Cut lavish bonus (4) - PLUS PLUSh
22 - Mount out of Newmarket - nap (4) - ETNA [T]

Saturday 28 January 2012

No 10371, Saturday 28 Jan 12, M Manna

1   - Infuriated by breach of police pact (10) - APOPLECTIC*
6   - No back-handed honour! (4) - PALM [DD]
9   - Rental ‘e arranged lasting forever (7) - ETERNAL*
10 - Perforated design plate using paint or ink to make copies (7) - STENCIL [E]
12 - Lovely party held by Middle East person on leave — no way! (8) - ADORABLE {A{DO}RAB}{LEave}
13 - He may be the lad in quarter (5) - ALDEN {LAD*}{EN}
15 - A convenience sought by house purchaser? (5) - AGENT [DD]
17 - Not yielding to bad stab in toe (9) - OBSTINATE*
19 - Will the trial get agreement on time? (9) - TESTAMENT {TEST}{AMEN}{T}
21 - Thanks to Lee to bring cheer & raise spirits (5) - ELATE {TA+LEE}*
23 - After deuce extract couple of more points to win (5) - EDUCE* or {E}{DUCE}
24 - News of a possible killer being admitted (8) - BULLETIN {BULLET}{IN}
27 - Pressing a fellow to join the English cricket team (7) - EXIGENT {E}{XI}{GENT}
28 - Goes in to turn out fiery molten rock material (7) - IGNEOUS {GOES+IN+U}*
29 - Time to question work given (4) - TASK {T}{ASK}
30 - Tasteless near the knuckle (10) - INDELICATE {IN}{DELICATE} ?
1   - Copied in a beastly way (4) - APED [CD]
2   - Concerned with what must be paid when late (7) - OVERDUE {OVER}{DUE}
3   - Large passenger carrying vessel (5) - LINER {E}
4   - American city gets disapproval in trial that brings prison (9) - CALABOOSE {CA{LA}{BOO}SE}
5   - A single item supplied (5) - ISSUE [CD]
7   - Greece district populated by simple innocent people (7) - ARCADIA [GK]
8   - Duty dodger from the gremlin era (10) - MALINGERER*
11 - To save up, I've concluded, can be dodgy (7) - EVASIVE {EVAS<-}{IVE}
14 - Fight intended to dispense with a parapet (10) - BATTLEMENT {BATTLE}{MEaNT}
16 - For the athlete who's a real swinger! (7) - TRAPEZE [CD]
18 - A subordinate state (9) - SATELLITE [CD]
20 - Artists' workrooms (7) - STUDIOS [E]
22 - Ron an abstainer from Zambia moved to an American State (7) - ARIZONA {RON+AA+Z+I}* Does the 'I' come from 'an'?
24 - Policeman's truncheon (5) - BATON [E]
25 - Feeling of weariness enveloped class nine (5) - ENNUI {U+NINE}*
26 - A small raised traffic free area in a street (4) - ISLE [E]

Thursday 26 January 2012

No 10370, Thursday 26 Jan 12, M Manna


1   - Proper way of dealing with need for some fun? (4,9) - FAIR TREATMENT [CD]
8   - One producing trim craft? (7) - CLIPPER [DD]
9   - Revenue obtained for aeroplane cargo (7) - PAYLOAD [CD]
11 - Calamitous as horseplay becomes in less than a second (6) - TRAGIC {T{RAG}ICk}
13 - Surprised to go ahead with the French at a point (8) - STARTLES {START}{LE}{S} Surprised or surprises?
15 - Machine to take down shorthand notes (5) - STENO [E]
16 - Doesn't take responsibility for broadcast with noises all around (7) - DISOWNS {DI{SOW}NS}
18 - Native of a West African country leading a Scot (7) - GHANIAN [CD] Why have leading a Scot?
19 - One's big thanks to being in the money (5) - TITAN {TI{TA}N}
21 - He shows a decided preference for quiet workers (8) - PARTISAN {P}{ARTISAN}
23 - Cruel depression inside where experiments happen to turn up (6) - BRUTAL {B{RUT}AL<-}
25 - Former title given to Turkish civil officials (7) - EFFENDI [GK]
26 - Worked for a wage under a pound despite being well educated (7) - LEARNED {L}{EARNED}
28 - Noble head supporter in a position to offer something a lady can wear (5,8) - PEARL NECKLACE {P{EARL} {NECK}LACE}
2   - Shake the thing in marble (7) - AGITATE {AG{IT}ATE}
3   - Grave letters that bring a tear (3) - RIP [DD]
4   - Not often two lots of soldiers get together (4) - RARE {RA}{RE}
5   - Carelessly eat pip and give voice if it's tasty (10) - APPETISING {APPETI*}{SING}
6   - Youth roam around to find city chief magistrate (5) - MAYOR {MA{Y}OR*}
7   - Soon led astray and may end in the soup (7) - NOODLES*
8   - Tom perhaps as the pro collapsing in disaster (11) - CATASTROPHE {CAT}{AS+THE+PRO*}
10 - Put out when Di's led round by a pig, we hear! (11) - DISGRUNTLED {DIS}{GRUNT}{LED}
12 - A circuit with Anil may help find her (5) - ILONA {O+ANIL}*
14 - Maid made allowance and gained respect (10) - ADMIRATION {MAID*}{RATION}
17 - Necessary for washing operations (5) - WATER [CD]
18 - Caught in a social blunder is one king famed for sticking a neck out (7) - GIRAFFE {G{I}{R}AFFE}
20 - Big sinker (7) - TITANIC [DD]
22 - It's next to the bull's eye (5) - INNER [CD]
24 - Nations form together for a common objective (4) - BLOC [E]
27 - High class apprentice may be trouble (3) - AIL {AI}{L}

Wednesday 25 January 2012

No 10369, Wednesday 25 Jan 12, M Manna

1   - Good to hear of how to make light show (7) - GLISTEN {G}{LISTEN}
5   - Right to information maybe vital, but presently is of little importance (7) - TRIVIAL {R+I+VITAL}* Right to Information is actually RTI.
10 - Nuts to the District Attorney who discourages you (6) - DAUNTS {NUTS+DA}*
11 - Take care not to slip out with duplicates (8) - REPLICAS {CARE+SLIP}*
12 - Detectives on the river have to make up their minds (6) - DECIDE {DE{CID}E}
13 - Killing a lot of people on the ground (8) - MASSACRE {MASS}{ACRE}
14 - Write to refuse French flag (6) - PENNON {PEN}{NON}
15 - Performs with quarter cast (6) - ENACTS {EN}{CAST*}
18 - Moor with a girl (6) - BERTHA {BERTH}{A}
20 - Loathe employment department's exam (6) - DETEST {DE}{TEST}
23 - Managed to change gear and set out on road (8) - ARRANGED {GEAR+AND+R}*
25 - See, commanding officer expressed his displeasure (6) - VOICED {VIDE+CO}*
26 - Obscure coteries may be formed (8) - ESOTERIC*
27 - A smoker's jacket? (6) - REEFER [DD]
28 - Alas! Heard he can be from a USA State (7) - ALASKAN {ALAS}{KAN}(~can)
29 - Music of tin soldiers at the double (7) - CANTATA {CAN}{TA}{TA}
2   - Listed by spare journalist (6) - LEANED {LEAN}{ED}
3   - Told to go within it showing feeling (9) - SENTIMENT {SENT}{I{MEN}T} MEN from ?
4   - Nearest resort in the orient (7) - EASTERN*
6   - Return ceremony to include RAF men (7) - RIPOSTE {RI{POS}TE}
7   - Behold Viola! There you are! (5) - VOILA*
8   - Accommodation made in city rail with promptness (8) - ALACRITY*
9   - Cards following a walk for voyagers taking the air (9,4) - PROMENADE DECK {PROMENADE} {DECK}
16 - Not taking much money when going around elsewhere (9) - ABSTINENT {ABS{TIN}ENT}
17 - Rips off in true vengeance (8) - REPRISAL {RE{RIPS*}AL}
19 - Country with unusual lager — first class to knock back! (7) - ALGERIA {LAGER*}{IA<-}
21 - Wild rant about short way to find somewhere to eat (7) - TAVERNA {T{AVE}RNA*}
22 - Concerned with foreign money being up-to-date (6) - RECENT {RE}{CENT}
24 - Short religious dramas (5) - AUTOS [E]

Tuesday 24 January 2012

No 10368, Tuesday 24 Jan 12, M Manna

1   - Unicorn roaming over moors once (9) - MONOCEROS*
6   - Saw notice on time (5) - ADAGE {AD}{AGE}
9   - Number seen by five (5) - SEVEN {SE{V}EN}
10 - Island where people are accommodated without charge (9) - INNISFREE {INN}{IS}{FREE}
11 - A sin to make pass at Lois that has violent impacts (10) - COLLISIONS {SIN+COL+LOIS}*
12 - Parties that get together for a common cause (4) - BLOC [E]
14 - Brief proceedings of a meeting (7) - MINUTES [DD]
15 - Breakfast cereals (7) - MUESLIS [E]
17 - American Indian tribes (7) - NATIONS [E]
19 - Games made out in riddles (7) - ENIGMAS {GAMES+IN}*
20 - Otherwise there are eels wriggling around (4) - ELSE*
22 - Bring out in the end to offer congratulations (10) - FELICITATE {F{ELICIT}ATE}
25 - It would appear better without one's ad-lib (9) - IMPROVISE {IMPROV{I'S}E}
26 - Recorded becomes famous (5) - NOTED [DD]
27 - Value of some home rituals? (5) - MERIT [T]
28 - Stout boss is a fool (9) - FATHEADED {FAT}{HEADED}
1   - Money back when one starts to collect notes together (5) - MUSIC {MUS<-}{I}{C}
2   - Something Jack gets attached to (5,4) - NAVAL KNOT [CD]
3   - Guilty of strong belief (10) - CONVICTION [DD]
4   - Fruits for the artist's home (7) - RAISINS {RA{IS}{IN}'S}
5   - My nosy partner finds a word having same meaning as another (7) - SYNONYM {MY+NOSY+N}*
6   - Peas rolling about in church recess (4) - APSE*
7   - Heard about Laura (5) - AURAL*
8   - Applies taxes without hesitation (9) - EXERCISES {EX{ER}CISES}
13 - Flexibility is shown about one put inside still (10) - RESILIENCE {RE}{SIL{I}ENCE}
14 - Characteristic of art movement? (9) - MANNERISM [DD]
16 - Roasted meat with pureed dates (9) - LAMBASTED {LAMB}{DATES*}
18 - Lawman finds the lady if in San Francisco originally (7) - SHERIFF {S{HER}{IF}F}
19 - It's obvious Ned has time for six English (7) - EVIDENT {NED+T+VI+E}*
21 - It is delightful to have a purse of exceptionally good quality (5) - SUPER*
23 - Finally closed the program (5) - ENDED [CD]
24 - Blockhead who was left in a spot (4) - DOLT {DO{L}T}

Monday 23 January 2012

No 10367, Monday 23 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - Food for canaries Rex found in bedside clutter (8) - BIRDSEED {BI{R}DSEED*}
5   - How yam got entangled in a pile in a barn (6) - HAYMOW*
10 - Transport collection of works (7) - OMNIBUS [DD]
11 - On Burke's turning out to be a dressing-down deliverer (7) - REBUKER {RE}{BURKE*}
12 - Old daughter sour about smells (6) - ODOURS {O}{D}{SOUR*}
13 - After drunken sprees, son has a round of coffee (8) - ESPRESSO {SPREES*}{S}{O}
15 - Board member questioning a second leaving (4) - KING (a)(s)KING
16 - Does one go round and round on this trip? (6,4) - CIRCLE TOUR [CD]
18 - Cordials we served the dramatist (5,5) - OSCAR WILDE*
20 - Pair of quarters (4) - HALF [CD]
23 - Voyage-ending vessel? (4,4) - LIFE RAFT [CD]
24 - Rash, we tangled ship's rope (6) - HAWSER*
26 - Regarded abandoning a faulty canal maker (7) - DREDGER REGaRDED*
27 - Animal disease follows endless gloom and downpour (7) - MURRAIN {MURk}{RAIN}
28 - In conclusion, the girl followed (6) - ENSUED {EN{SUE}D}
29 - The girl has a little measure to make public (8) - ANNOUNCE {ANN}{OUNCE}
1   - An encyclopaedia, for one (4,2,9) - BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE [CD]
2   - Exhausted by baseball play? (3,4) - RUN DOWN [DD]
3   - Bonus distributed, head of rogues roped in to buy off (6) - SUBORN {SUBO{R}N*}
4   - Slow down! Don't start contract! (4) - EASE lEASE
6   - Australian beer's splashed around good inns (8) - AUBERGES {AU}{BER{G}ES*}
7   - Manages naughty dames OK (5,2) - MAKES DO*
8   - A scholar looks it up to gather some information (4,2,9) - WORK OF REFERENCE [CD]
9   - Tailor-made guideline for what you may put on? (5,4) - DRESS CODE {DRESS} {CODE}
14 - Tell wrongly, tell: “Woman performing well” (9) - MISINFORM (~miss){MIS}{IN}{FORM}
17 - Put off big-league scoundrel (8) - PROROGUE {PRO}{ROGUE}
19 - Those who spill information said to have storage facilities (7) - COFFERS(~coughers)
21 - Just say no to sailor's mark (7) - ABSTAIN {AB}{STAIN}
22 - Bun, bob or beehive? (6) - HAIRDO [CD]
25 - Willing to give up clever last word (4) - AMEN Anno pending (Addendum - AMENable - See comments)

Sunday 22 January 2012

No 2670, Sunday 22 Jan 12

1   - Dance after quiet game (8) - SOFTBALL {SOFT}{BALL}
5   - Hack holding page showing prominent headline (6) - SPLASH {S{P}LASH}
9   - One local person, about 100, is resting (8) - INACTIVE {I}{NA{C}TIVE}
10 - Briefly express American position (6) - STATUS {STATe}{US}
12 - Flower standing in row, cut (5) - LUPIN {L{UP}INe}
13 - Repulsive, smooth ale if off (9) - LOATHSOME*
14 - Film barrister attending meeting (5,9) - BRIEF ENCOUNTER {BRIEF] {ENCOUNTER}
17 - Money available for use by company run in Surrey town and London, perhaps (7,7) - WORKING CAPITAL {WO{R}KING} {CAPITAL}
21 - In New Zealand, adult inhaling pipe gets a respiratory ailment (9) - INFLUENZA {IN}{FLUE}{NZ}{A}
22 - Consider carefully course announced (5) - WEIGH (~way)
23 - Got the shakes in deprived area (6) - GHETTO*
24 - Sheriff's officer upset employees (8) - TIPSTAFF {TIP}{STAFF}
25 - President's first to speak in golf club (6) - PUTTER {P}{UTTER}
26 - Popular batting order (2,6) - IN DEMAND {IN} {DEMAND}
1   - Protect novice in cast (6) - SHIELD {SHIE{L}D}
2   - She was a flighty young thing, and one likely to panic? (7) - FLAPPER [DD]
3   - Staff may make racket, working (5) - BATON {BAT}{ON}
4   - Even scores at cribbage? (5,7) - LEVEL PEGGING [E]
6   - Essential oil, oil university refined under cover (9) - PATCHOULI {PATCH}{O{U}LI*}
7   - Performs in a play abroad attached to different cast (4,3) - ACTS OUT {ACTS*} {OUT}
8   - Inn shortly to be refurbished to accommodate engineers, initially (8) - HOSTELRY {HOST{E}LRY*}
11 - Support an outsider, reportedly a drunken reveller (12) - BACCHANALIAN (~back an alien)
15 - Protocol quite absurd - letter required to dismiss banks (9) - ETIQUETTE {ETIQUE*}{lETTEr}
16 - Admitting having spell of prosperity (6,2) - OWNING UP {OWNING} {UP}
18 - Display mirror (7) - REFLECT [DD]
19 - Bail out a bishop, a hero of pantomime (3,4) - ALI BABA {ALI B*}{A}{B}{A}
20 - Irritated husband in snack bar close to Anfield (6) - CHAFED {C{H}AFE}{D}
22 - Refuse to kill (5) - WASTE [DD]

Saturday 21 January 2012

No 10366, Saturday 21 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - Blockheaded — like a court jester? (7) - FOOLISH [CD]
5   - By George! Trail for Hansel and Gretel! (6) - CRUMBS [DD]
9   - Switching ends, speak for classical sister (5) - ERATO (-o+e)ERAT(-e+o)O
10 - “Yes” in two foreign languages etched in wood in US state (9) - LOUISIANA L{OUI}{SI}ANA Anno pending (Addendum - {L{OUI}{SI}ANA} - See comments)
11 - I said: “Strike”. Something batted (7) - EYELASH (~i){EYE}{LASH}
12 - Little grabbers move right back for royals (7) - PRINCES P(+r)RINCE(-r)S
13 - Bit of discrimination? (5) - TASTE [CD]
14 - Where you keep what you don't want to keep (6,3) - REFUSE BIN [E]
16 - One who has to settle when the taxman cometh (9) - RATEPAYER [CD]
19 - Prevent a seasoned one getting restricted (5) - AVERT {A}VERT Anno pending (Addendum - {A{VE{R}T} - See comments)
21 - Shrill firm (American) on Rex (Australian) (7) - RAUCOUS {R}{AU}{CO}{US}
23 - French island follows diplomacy. Touching! (7) - TACTILE {TACT}{ILE}
24 - Somehow adopt self to tone down (4,5) - SOFT PEDAL*
25 - Lost daughter in a foreign country (5) - PERDU {PER{D}U}
26 - The measure of education? (6) - DEGREE [DD]
27 - Inspirational words kept pal going (3,4) - PEP TALK*
1 - Economic activity in which peer interferes crudely (4,10) - FREE ENTERPRISE*
2 - Nil ranges set apart for asses (7) - ONAGERS {O}{RANGES*}
3   - Cut off and also tie in a peculiar manner (7) - ISOLATE*
4   - Indu or rate, not indurate (4-5) - HALF-HARDY [CD]
5   - One hundred swell in group (5) - CLUMP {C}{LUMP}
6   - Takes off the steamer (7) - UNSHIPS [E]
7   - Carry novice newshawk to grizzly baby (4,3) - BEAR CUB {BEAR} {CUB}
8   - Skirting responsibility for handing the cash (7,3,4) - PASSING THE BUCK [DD]
15 - Initial mistake of the fielder? (5,4) - FIRST SLIP {FIRST} {SLIP}
17 - With team leader, collar the chocolate treat (7) - TRUFFLE {T}{RUFFLE}
18 - Flourish Shakespearean character in abridgement (7) - PROSPER PROSPERo
19 - Boy has company for soda and portmanteau drink (7) - ALCOPOP {AL}{CO}{POP}
20 - Tearier about a Red Sea land (7) - ERITREA*
22 - It's a rush for a company of herons (5) - SEDGE [DD]

Friday 20 January 2012

No 10365, Friday 20 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - Move Pluto's quarters? (8) - DISPLACE {DIS}{PLACE}
5   - Treat with two big cups — rather worn out (6) - EFFETE {E}{F}{FETE} I wonder whose cups these are!!
9   - US city stylish in the past (7) - CHICAGO {CHIC}{AGO}
10 - Caught by supple plant (7) - CLIMBER {C}{LIMBER}
11 - Hastily constructed? Owner Hugh is responsible (5-4) - ROUGH-HEWN*
12 - Exotic sunrise — one's out in harbour (5) - NURSE SUNRi'sE*
13 - John, alien, leaves for hard work (4) - TOIL TOILet
14 - Facial feature to which copper dips awfully with genuflection (6,3) - CUPIDS BOW {CU}{DIPS*} {BOW}
17 - Gal leader molested — none dissented (3,6) - ALL AGREED*
19 - Almost certain about learner? Play smoothly! (4) - SLUR {S{L}URe}
23 - Excel with a celebration abroad? (5) - OUTDO {OUT}{DO}
24 - When the former law was promulgated? Not really! (5,4) - EXACT TIME {EX}{ACT TIME}
25 - Confesses to narrow escapes (7) - SQUEAKS [DD]
26 - The kind of help an organisation has without looking beyond itself (2-5) - IN-HOUSE [CD]
27 - Notices a raw edge to playing equipment (6) - SEESAW {SEES}{rAW}
28 - A couple of kings involved in redrawn lesson on breathing equipments (8) - SNORKELS {SNO{R}{K}ELS*}
1   - City men in court embellish (8) - DECORATE Anno pending (Addendum - {D{EC}{OR}ATE} - See comments)
2   - Slut I'm offering to one for excitements (7) - STIMULI {STI'MUL*}{I}
3   - See — hate begets hate (6) - LOATHE {LO}{HATE*}
4   - Strangely, Carol requests cramped place (5,8) - CLOSE QUARTERS*
6   - Impartiality of bazaar Sen's set up (8) - FAIRNESS {FAIR}{SENS*}
7   - Measure lawyers try to ban (7) - EMBARGO {EM}{BAR}{GO}
8   - He gets — he may well have deserved it (6) - EARNER [CD]
10 - Thought of payment (13) - CONSIDERATION [DD]
15 - Prospect of gold in Isthmus land (8) - PANORAMA {PAN{OR}AMA}
16 - Bush's shoes? (8) - CREEPERS [DD]
18 - Allow cute arrangement of salad bar item (7) - LETTUCE {LET}{CUTE*}
20 - At which one's without haste (7) - LEISURE [CD]
21 - Including shift-head in revised rotas for cooks (6) - ROASTS {ROA{S}TS*}
22 - He gives a short account: empty sack's given up for engraver (6) - ETCHER (sack)ETCHER

Thursday 19 January 2012

No 10364, Thursday 19 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - Wish for help in a kind of writing (8) - LONGHAND {LONG}{HAND}
6   - Leer at nothing but shapely leg? (4) - OGLE {O}{LEG*}
9   - Lines from a Hindustan zamindar (6) - STANZA [T]
10 - Within a ship… (7) - INBOARD [E]
13 - …am tardily reappraising jurisdiction of the Navy (9) - ADMIRALTY*
14 - Distress caused as girl is caught by raging fire (5) - GRIEF {G}{FIRE*}
15 - “Tears, _ tears, I know not what they mean” (Tennyson) (4) - IDLE [GK]
16 - Demented, he hints elf is in bodily life (2,3,5) - IN THE FLESH*
19 - Favourable place in Parliament or even a class (5,5) - FRONT BENCH [CD]
21 - Measure by one royal ruler (4) - EMIR {EM}{I}{R}
24 - Provide food and a bit of antic at Errol's place (5) - CATER [T]
25 - Does a dual personality have this obsessive mental illness? (9) - MONOMANIA [CD]
26 - Trendy drink I drank at first is tasteless (7) - INSIPID {IN}{SIP}{I}{D}
27 - What the solver is to Gridman — I leave this to those in the prime (6) - YOUTHS {YOU}{THiS}
28 - What is usual among men or maids (4) - NORM [T]
29 - Rent lady collected in a keen manner (8) - ARDENTLY*
2   - Pot mali used for getting best results (7) - OPTIMAL*
3   - Army officer not completing forms (6) - GENERA GENERAl Is that why he's gone to court :-)
4   - How one looked at it quicklya label on spear (2,1,6) - AT A GLANCE {A}{T A G}{LANCE}
5   - Department lofty about milk shop (5) - DAIRY {D}{AIRY}
7   - Old woman's strange tie with stone (7) - GRANITE {GRAN}{TIE*}
8   - Beyond which one can't go — 500 maybe seen there (3,2,3,4) - END OF THE ROAD [CD]
11 - Decline an invitation — Turkish title cancelled (3,3) - BEG OFF {BEG} {OFF}
12 - Splinter group after weekend is content (12) - SATISFACTION {SAT}{IS}{FACTION}
17 - Horse journalist overworked (9) - HACKNEYED {HACKNEY}{ED}
18 - You may put your foot in it and, outright, cause a commotion (4,2) - STIR UP {STIRr UP}
20 - Alumnus, Tamil exploiter, is more difficult to comprehend (7) - OBTUSER {OB}{T}{USER}
22 - Analgesic for people, though liquid at first presentation (7) - MENTHOL {MEN}{THO'}{L}
23 - Challenge one politician dismantling gun (6) - IMPUGN {I}{MP}{GUN*}
25 - They communicate news aimed to be disruptive (5) - MEDIA*

Wednesday 18 January 2012

No 10363, Wednesday 18 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - If one cutter capsizes, it's fake (11) - COUNTERFEIT*
9   - One in a race has ten around to talk excitedly (7) - ENTRANT {TEN*}{RANT}
10 - Sexy partners have you locked in wrap (7) - SENSUAL {SE{NS}{U}AL}
11 - Sailor has no time for card (5) - TAROT {TAR}{O}{T}
12 - Super rate fixed for openings (9) - APERTURES*
13 - A face-saving feature in soldier's headgear (5) - VISOR [CD]
15 - Type size that's matchless (9) - NONPAREIL [DD]
18 - In making love, fool's forgotten statement (9) - SUMMATION conSUMMATION
21 - If Tom retreats at first, it would be an idea (5) - MOTIF {MOT<-}{IF}
22 - Exclaim in parenthesis son leaves cross as Jack comes in (9) - INTERJECT INTER(-s+j)JECT
24 - Rejects cubes? (5) - DICES [DD]
26 - A thousand and one regularly infiltrate war zone in country (7) - ARMENIA {AR{M}EN{I}A}
27 - Antipathy from girl in group of spectators moving ahead (7) - ALLERGY (-g)ALLER(+g)Y 
28 - Spend fixed period in prison to good purpose? (5,2,4) - WASTE NO TIME {WASTE} {NO} {TIME}
1   - I've recast plan for people with new ideas (9) - CREATIVES*
2   - Say ship's lost its top (5) - UTTER cUTTER
3   - Italian diner returns pie to girl (9) - TRATTORIA {TRAT<-}{TO}{RIA}
4   - Raw beginner in commission to learn a different skill (7) - RETRAIN {RET{R}AIN}
5   - Close to Pole behind is Oriental (7) - EASTERN {E}{ASTERN}
6   - Retractable doctrine (5) - TENET <->
7   - Food for nutter in excitement (8) - NUTRIENT*
8   - About to leave kingdoms: charity needed (4) - ALMS reALMS
14 - Pointers to a disease (8) - SYMPTOMS [E]
16 - Animal doll Maria fixed (9) - ARMADILLO*
17 - File's out: “Dirty Place: the French manner of living” (9) - LIFESTYLE {FILE*}{STY}{LE}
19 - Cold covers? (7) - ICECAPS [CD]
20 - Shell found in a mental asylum? (7) - NUTCASE [DD]
22 - Indian queen one promoted in a foreign country (4) - IRAN (+i)IRAN(-i)
23 - Irene will be content to keep it coming (5) - RENEW [T]
25 - Opposition leader left part of Karnataka with one dog (5) - CORGI {COoRG}{I}

Tuesday 17 January 2012

No 10362, Tuesday 17 Jan 12, Gridman

1   - Proverbially, one of this deserves another (4,4) - GOOD TURN [GK]
5   - Tease cranky lad for being foul-mouthed (6) - RIBALD {RIB}{LAD*}
9   - Exalt no nether misadventure (8) - ENTHRONE*
10 - One who takes international to eminence (6) - CAPTOR {CAP}{TO}{R}
12 - No good to live badly (4) - EVIL*
13 - A man of religion, he gets involved in a looting gone awry (10) - THEOLOGIAN {T{HE}OLOGIAN*}
15 - Greek character's vulgar plagiarism (6) - PIRACY {PI}{RACY}
17 - Be in position to just about receive a loyal subject (5) - LIEGE {LI{EG}E} (Addendum - {LIE}{GEt} - See comments)
20 - Half-a-dozen circle boy recalling Shakespearean character (5) - VIOLA {VI}{O}{LA<-}
21 - Old cricketer becomes more realistic (6) - SOBERS [DD]
24 - Sirs shaken by violence of an aspect of a jaunty ship (10) - RAKISHNESS*
27 - Old politician has a bit of theory on mine (4) - PITT {PIT}{T}
29 - Torment doesn't begin — that is a relation (6) - AUNTIE {tAUNT}{IE}
30 - Prime Minister takes everything — everything — in London's fashionable street (4-4) - PALL-MALL {P{ALL}-M}{ALL}
31 - Team leader, sexually excited, is difficult (6) - THORNY {T}{HORNY}
32 - Paying for lodging (8) - SETTLING [DD]
1   - Ebenezer Scrooge, once sober, left sozzled as coot (6) - GEEZER {EbEneZer scRooGE}*
2   - Old boy ain't prepared to fetch (6) - OBTAIN {OB}{AINT*}
3   - Beginner with list is Alpine native (4) - TYRO TYROl
 (Addendum - TYROlean - See comments)
4   - Hurried to church estate (5) - RANCH {RAN}{CH}
6   - I would take a semi-home in US State (5) - IDAHO {I'D}{A}{HOme}
7   - Won a game? Capital, boy! (8) - ATTAINED {A}{TT}{A1}{NED}
8   - Insane matriarch has girl pushed down indeed (8) - DERANGED {DE{(-g)RAN(+g)G}ED}
11 - Cry, mob destroyed flat-topped flower cluster (6) - CORYMB*
14 - Detective when on the rise in Italian city (4) - PISA {PI}{SA<-}
16 - Sailor fired away (6) - ABSENT {AB}{SENT}
17 - Apprentice on ship to have fun (4) - LARK {L}{ARK}
18 - Accomplished actors threatening (8) - OVERCAST {OVER}{CAST}
19 - Faced with a problem, what an examiner would do visually (4,4) - LOOK INTO [CD]
22 - Girl applies legislation retrospectively to Indian festival (6) - DIWALI {DI}{WAL<-}{I}
23 - Last out at a German POW camp (6) - STALAG {LAST*}{A}{G}
25 - Leader's going up to tackle key issue (5) - SCION {S{C}'1ON<-}
26 - Haphazard races cause alarm (5) - SCARE*
28 - Sexy walk! The woman is out to show skirt opening (4) - SLIT SLITher

Monday 16 January 2012

Special 8, 16 Jan 12, Arden

Thanks to Arden for providing us with a CW for today.


1.  Each commenter can submit 3 answers with annotations in the comments section below. Final solution will be provided tomorrrow in case any remain unsolved.

2.  GRID is available at the link below the last clue.

3.  Across Lite version of the CW is available below the clues for those who can access the CW in Across Lite mode

1 Nowadays a youngster gets the Spanish to lead on (6)
4 Ban burdening mother with three articles (8)
9 What Chaos begot before the vehicle ? (6)
10 Could a snort be rather different ? (8)
12 Surreptitious way to be fit, avoiding hospital (8)
13 Denigrate a country with a no good review (6)
15 Could be a prey to Handy-Dandy (8,4)
18 May be a Chinaman on purpose sent to jail for being a writer (9,3)
21 Indulge excessively before end of party (6)
22 Demosthenic quote Leonard botched up (8)
24 It was a battle scene when the server showed no interest in John (8)
25 Community will vanish if one goes for the oriental (6)
26 Arm protection - There is a way with money upfront (8)
27 Rely on something evenly spread up close (6)
1 It is an event when Don gets mature (8)
2 They owe allegiance to Sham rock on two points (8)
3 One uses different yardsticks with two flags (6,9)
5 Bore within the inner diameter (4)
6 Anti revolutionary article on people who are old-fashioned in the Chinese capital (15)
7 It is racial to let an alien inch away (6)
8 Utter skill managed internally (6)
11 One has a high roof (7)
14 Elbowing a player out is wrong and a mean thing to do (7)
16 A pint looks small when one has the craving (8)
17 When informed, the poles got irritated (8)
19 Building material for a hypertext system is flimsy (6)
20 Place to sleep with a German girl (6)
23 The Arab gets an accomodation back (4)

Sunday 15 January 2012

No 2669, Sunday 15 Jan 12

1   - Criminal raced across a shopping precinct (6) - ARCADE {ARC{A}DE*}
4   - Diplomatic in court in case of potential fault (7) - TACTFUL {TA{CT}FUL*}
9   - In favour of appointment, in theory (11) - PROPOSITION {PRO}{POSITION}
10 - What could be held by mourner? (3) - URN [T&lit]
11 - Take flight from secluded place (7) - RETREAT [DD]
12 - Daughter led astray by former airline? Nonsense (7) - TWADDLE {TWA}{D}{DLE*}
13 - Fluid we rub on baby in Bedfordshire mansion (6,5) - WOBURN ABBEY*
15 - For example, George Peppard's lead heading Tarantino's cast (6,5) - PATRON SAINT {P}{ATRON SAINT*}
19 - English deserter, through drink, makes a mistake (7) - ERRATUM {E}{R{RAT}UM}
21 - Mean to declare silver at the end of cruise (7) - AVERAGE {AVER}{AG}{E}
22 - Sounds like bent grass (3) - RYE (~wry)
23 - Row after promise made to include league's leader in baseball championship (5,6) - WORLD SERIES {WOR{L}D} {SERIES}
24 - County containing power plant (7) - SPURREY {S{P}URREY}
25 - Small son, delicate (6) - SLIGHT {S}{LIGHT}
1   - A steeple to rise to a great height (6) - ASPIRE {A}{SPIRE}
2   - Native American's dog torn apart by wild cat (7) - CHOCTAW {CHO{CTA*}W}
3   - Various nobodies needing time to make a useful contribution (2,4,3) - DO ONE'S BIT {DO ONES BI*}{T}
4   - Drayman's T-shirt, shockingly novel (8,6) - TRISTRAM SHANDY*
5   - Dance in study with Georgia (5) - CONGA {CON}{GA}
6   - Factory set up by railway (7) - FOUNDRY {FOUND}{RY}
7   - Bird left in snare (6) - LINNET {L}{IN}{NET}
8   - Waving my cross - it's free from religious order (7,2,5) - SISTERS OF MERCY*
14 - Groom's partner, quite possibly in prison (9) - BRIDEWELL {BRIDE}{WELL}
15 - Social climber's rave-up disbanded around noon (7) - PARVENU {PARVE{N}U*}
16 - Doing business with a duke in Hertfordshire town (7) - TRADING {TR{A}{D}ING}
17 - Remains in Chermside, Brisbane (6) - DEBRIS [T]
18 - Bidet's cracked in flat (6) - BEDSIT*
20 - Rear of tractor, perhaps (5) - TOWER [CD]

Saturday 14 January 2012

No 10361, Saturday 14 Jan 12, Sankalak

1   - Support three feet of a bit of garden (8) - BACKYARD {BACK}{YARD}
5   - Creature, naughty one from Berlin, say? Not half (6) - BADGER {BAD}{GERman}
10 - Tailless monkey beginning to relish performing on a part of the stage (5) - APRON {APe}{R}{ON}
11 - Scientist of the soil, bigot reformed (9) - BIOLOGIST*
12 - Earmark a board — it is for reading matter (9) - BOOKSHELF {BOOK}{SHELF}
13 - Prefix for a man as well as gold, in retrospect (5) - ANDRO {AND}{RO<-}
14 - Carefree soldier died, died unknown (5) - GIDDY {GI}{D}{D}{Y}
16 - Chickens placed right inside cooking vessels (8) - BROILERS {B{R}OILERS}
18 - Heartless and cruel, a CID sits awkwardly (8) - SADISTIC*
20 - Requirements of bridge partners escorting English editor (5) - NEEDS {N{E}{ED}S}
24 - Follow heartless Ellen, girl! (5) - ENSUE {ElleN}{SUE}
25 - Part of theatre favours label, oriental (9) - BACKSTAGE {BACKS}{TAG}{E}
27 - Plenitude seen in a bad nuance perhaps (9) - ABUNDANCE*
28 - Seconds leave dictator in storehouse (5) - DEPOT DEsPOT
29 - Germ found in them Bryophyllums (6) - EMBRYO [T]
30 - A card seen struggling to go up once more (8) - REASCEND*
1   - Can a British comedian get a cushion? (4,3) - BEAN BAG {BEAN} {BAG}
2   - Passengers, enough to fill the vehicle (7) - CARLOAD [CD]
3   - Pulls exercised by Americans (5) - YANKS [DD]
4   - Deadly disease means a reverse for advocates — that is sure to start with (6) - RABIES {RAB<-}{IE}{S}
6   - Worship with fuss over allotment (9) - ADORATION {ADO}{RATION}
7   - In the kitchen it is a grand conundrum (7) - GRIDDLE {G}{RIDDLE}
8   - Allowances for deserters concealing charge (7) - RATIONS {RAT{ION}S}
9   - Flames seen on Guy Fawkes Day (7) - BONFIRE [GK]
15 - Today tomorrow (9) - YESTERDAY [CD]
17 - Break up a sleuth's group (7) - DISBAND {DI'S}{BAND}
18 - Leak caused by a rising void, a bit enigmatic, in bishop's responsibility (7) - SEEPAGE {SE{E}{PAG<-}E}
19 - I'd burst out to cause an upset (7) - DISTURB*
21 - A role model once more than adequate (7) - EXAMPLE {EX}{AMPLE}
22 - Smelt a bit of money held by society editor (7) - SCENTED {S}{CENT}{ED}
23 - A plan to mesh with church characters somehow (6) - SCHEME {MESH+CE}*
26 - Teams challenge decisions to drop icon (5) - SIDES DEciSIonS*