Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Fantastic in space (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD [C&DD]
10 Top accommodation in a country revisited (5) AERIE {A}{EIRE<=}
11 9 stores cater cut fruit (9) NECTARINE {N{CATER*}INE}
12 Close to biting lip - A way to show displeasure (7) GRIMACE {b...nG}{RIM}{ACE}
Santa cross caught
me making
sour cream (7)
Controls - they're the
re inside (5)
16 Must maintain silence - finally becomes lifeless (9) INANIMATE {MAINTAIN*}{s...cE}
19 New tone, in case one is from Guangdong (9) CANTONESE {CA{N}{TONE}SE}
20 Close to painting in red paint (5) GLOSS {p...nG}{LOSS}
22 Ventilates after a time delay (7) AERATES {A}{ERA}TES Anno not clear
25 State a subject in the beginning (7) INDIANA {A}<=>{INDIAN}
27 Work behind time with a singularly crazy boss... (3,6) TOP BANANA {OP}<=>{T} {BANANAs}
28 ...due to having no name (5) OWING OWnING
29 Studies involving standard allocation for wars and conflicts (14) CONFLAGRATIONS {CON{FLAG}{RATION}S}
2 Subject of Britain and weather, one on one (9) UKRAINIAN {UK}{RAIN}{1}{AN}
3 Play ball - it's essentially entertainment (5) OPERA {O}{PER}{e...tAi...t}
4 Fruit - Argentine bananas? (9) TANGERINE*
5 Remove top of the metal, push in the centre of the bone (5) INCUS {zINC}{pUSh}
6 Being evasive about leaving part outside frame (9) W?A?E?I?G (Addendum - WEASELING {W{EASEL}ING} - See comments)
Something to eat in Madu
Tamilnadu (5)
8 Time to settle what the man reportedly consumed (3,4)
9 Break bread with the first guest who comes in Harry (6) BADGER {BAD{Gu..t}ER*}
15 Brief season is what is needed still (9) SHORTFALL {SHORT}{FALL}
17 'In camera' arrangement - a Yankee objects (9) AMERICAN {IN+CAMERA}*{A}
18 "An homage to a Democrat" - speech follows (9) ADORATION {A}{D}{ORATION}
19 Disorderly in accommodating all our tall leaders (7) CHAOTIC {CH{All}{Our}{Tall}IC}
Spray box over empty
e (6)
23 After a brief sentence, jail to make one mellow (5) RIPEN {RI}{PEN}
24 Informed about left cant (5) SLANG {S{L}ANG}
26 Firstly, does he often tie it around his waist? (5) DHOTI Acrostic Semi&lit
Reference List
New = N, Time = T, Name = N, Democrat = D, In = CHIC, Left = L