Saturday 31 March 2012

No 10425, Saturday 31 Mar 12, Buzzer

1   - They are usually the first ones to greet a house guest (7,4) - WELCOME MATS [CD]

9   - Hue and cry about public relations in retrospect (6) - PURPLE {PU{RP<-}LE}
10 - Buns stuffed with clean fish fillets (8) - ROLLMOPS {ROLL{MOP}S}
11 - Discover lost ancient city directly below… (5) - NEATH uNEArTH
12 - …and be off to find missing…. (3,4) - GET LOST {GET} {LOST}
13 - …rich variety of Bantu and… (8) - ABUNDANT*
15 - …traces of other kindred aborigines, peculiar insect species and animals (6) - OKAPIS {O}{K}{A}{P}{I}{S}
16 - Dwelling in explicit riches, one is still sour (6) - CITRIC [T]
18 - Game of backing a bad actor, no good in the long run (3-5) - MAH JONGG {MAH<-} {JO{NG}G}
20 - Slogged wildly on the golf course (7) - DOGLEGS*
21 - Doctor struggling without sister in Kashmir (5) - HAKIM KAsHMIr*
22 - Miss to err, man to mind and object to it? (8) - HYPONYMS [E] (Addendum - SYNONYMS [E] - See comments)
23 - Star sign containing a shrew (6) - VIRAGO {VIR{A}GO}
24 - Looks like eating soft fruit can somehow end in bellyache (11) - APPEARANCES {A{P}{PEAR}{CAN*}{E}S}
2   - Justify why new wife is beautiful? (7) - EXPLAIN {EX}{PLAIN}
3   - Languages test in dictation (5) - CZECH (~check) Why the plural?
4   - Ideal husband is marginally muscular and perfect (2,5) - MR RIGHT {MusculaR} {RIGHT}
5   - Gumdrop for a child! (4,5) - MILK TOOTH [CD]
6   - Lottery machine accepts million note? First-class (7) - TOMBOLA {TO{M}{B}OL}{A}
7   - Ignore redesigned brand until I say (4,1,5,3) - TURN A BLIND EYE {BRAND+UNTIL}* {EYE}(~i)
8   - An exact replica of Pieta's head in modelling picture (8,5) - SPITTING IMAGE {S{P}ITTING} {IMAGE}
14 - Original produced by artist, a revolutionary sort (9) - ARCHETYPE {AR}{CHE}{TYPE}
17 - Soldiers unit to overcome setback (7) - REGROUP {RE}{GROUP}
18 - Wrongly surmise one will treat badly (7) - MISUSER*
19 - Strong timber obtained from polished teak or elm primarily (3,4) - OAK TREE {TEAK+OR+Elm*}
21 - Bear has new shelter (5) - HAVEN {HAVE}{N}

Friday 30 March 2012

No 10424, Friday 30 Mar 12, Neyartha

Neyartha has taken us into a Haberdasher's shop today.
1   - Places a tune's translation in the digest (11) - ENCAPSULATE*
9   - Letter travelling at the speed of light? (1-4) - E-MAIL [CD]
10 - Creative king forces out the unionist living in a world of fantasy (8) - ARTISTIC A(-u+r)RTISTIC
12 - Appealing to include a public interest litigation about a type of carpet, say (3-4) - CUT-PILE {CUT-{PIL}E}
13 - A short letter about Mark's lease (7) - NOTELET {NOTE}{LET}
14 - Aunt, an advisor? (5) - AGONY [CD]
15 - Teach hero about a reciprocal pronoun (4,5) - EACH OTHER*
18 - Syd comes back with a soft drink and vitamin for the stomach upset (9) - DYSPEPSIA {DYS<-}{PEPSI}{A}
20 - Performed for the audience in checked clothing (5) - PLAID (~played)
21 - Ruby to locate a shelter for Olympian Lewis (7) - SCARLET {S{CARL}ET}
24 - Comic Cary with what sounds like clean, but, synthetic fabric (7) - ACRYLIC {CARY*}{LIC}(~lick)
25 - Zero in on the issue after accepting half of the inputs (8) - PINPOINT {P{INPuts}OINT}
26 - Australian scapegoat's Easter costume (5) - BUNNY [DD]
27 - The British press for a task force on the road (5,6) - FLEET STREET {FLEET} {STREET}
2   - Invalidate New York's seizure of the uniform supply from the south (7) - NULLIFY {N{U}{LLIF<-}Y}
3   - Knowledge about a fresh rising in the Eastern cape (9) - AWARENESS {A}{WAR<}{E}{NESS}
4   - Mark's misplaced article about an embroidery stitch (5) - SATIN S(+a)AT(-a)IN
5   - Obnoxious school-mate's Mac was lost in an African kingdom (7) - LESOTHO {ScHOOL-maTE}*
6   - Trust William to conceal the weave pattern (5) - TWILL [T]
7   - Set out to design trade-in schemes for stock (11) - MERCHANDISE {tRADe-IN SCHEMEs}*
8   - Prudent Cary asks Uma to issue odds using software initially (8) - CAUTIOUS {C}{A}{U}{T}{I}{O}{U}{S}
11 - Protect lady frightened by the flying reptile (11) - PTERODACTYL*
16 - Nature of the note sent up after the cleaning lady's deed (9) - CHARACTER {CHAR}{ACT}{ER<-}
17 - Careless with the halogen compound containing deuterium (8) - HEADLONG {HEA{D}LONG*}
19 - Charlie expelled by the Left block from the Oval (7) - ELLIPSE E(-c+l)LLIPSE
20 - Wear out minor with a moral tale (7) - PARABLE Anno pending {Addendum - {PARdonABLE - See comments)
22 - The taxi Alex provided was pivotal in the … (5) - AXIAL [T]
23 - … journeys to the falls (5) - TRIPS [DD]

Thursday 29 March 2012

No 10423, Thursday 29 Mar 12, Neyartha

1   - Prominent position of a locale's group of lions? (5,2,5) - PRIDE-OF-PLACE {PRIDE}-{OF}-{PLACE}
8   - Exchange about the return of the knight's title with an advocate (9) - BARRISTER {BAR{RIS<-}TER}
9   - It was a mistake getting the auditor's iron hook (5) - GAFFE (~gaff)
11 - Break in the custom enclosure for the spot is detailed (7) - RESPITE {R{ESPy}ITE}
12 - Purse given to the bishop's wife in a concert dance (6) - WALLET (-b+w)WALLET
13 - Undergarment supply (4) - VEST [DD]
15 - Bias shown by R&D site counter in the cinema building (9) - IMBALANCE {IM{BAL<-}ANCE*}
17 - Article on an alien gas mixture causing insensitivity to pain (9) - ANALGESIA {A}{ALIEN+GAS*}
19 - Steps steward took to conceal a surreptitious signal (4) - PSST [T]

21 - Bishops ignore Princess Sierra initially on the seas (6) - OCEANS {diOCEsANS}
22 - Bill sent back to tuck in the sick revolutionary (an American novelist) (7) - ELLISON {E{LLI<-}SON<-}
25 - Add fuel to Sameer's theory on Kingfisher's exchequer initially (5) - STOKE {S}{T}{O}{K}{E}
26 - Voters' college in the USA? (9) - ELECTORAL [CD]
27 - Fungal disease seen where a runner's shoe might be put on? (8,4) - ATHLETES FOOT [DD]
1   - Clips of the couples in audition (5) - PARES (~pairs)
2   - Current, free to the in-charge of a precious metal (6) - IRIDIC {I}{RID}{IC}
3   - Queen discarded strange techniques used in the science of improving living conditions (9) - EUTHENICS TECHNIqUES*
4   - Former US president's model car at the crossing (4) - FORD [MD]
5   - Dangerous guerillas show no hesitation in getting the mast material (7) - LUGSAIL GUerILLAS*
6   - Bond, besieged by strikes, gets decorative fasteners (4,5) - CUFF LINKS  {CUFF {LINK}S}
7   - Abbots arrive in disguise with the old church employees (12) - ABBREVIATORS*
10 - In a beseeching manner, request break down of the netting layer (12) - ENTREATINGLY*
14 - Whipping boy to get away, after commencement, with an animal (9) - SCAPEGOAT {eSCAPE}{GOAT}
16 - Stay in case where the model went up for the bangles (9) - BRACELETS {BRACE}{LE(+t)TS(-t)}
18 - Polite general gets upset with the Belgian port initially (7) - GENTEEL {GENT}{EEL<-}
20 - Drunk lawyer getting rid of the Greek in the small cave (6) - BLOTTO (-gr+bl)BLOTTO
23 - Show off the letters from Ernest Rutherford (5) - STRUT [T]
24 - A hit below this might be quite unfair (4) - BELT [CD]

Wednesday 28 March 2012

No 10422, Wednesday 28 Mar 12, Anitya

7   - Railway station area — one a public speaker appreciates (8) - PLATFORM [DD]
9   - Greeted head of hooligans and felt bad (6) - HAILED {H}{AILED}
10 - It produces money in perfect condition (4) - MINT [DD]
11 - Put a stop to Delhi's top dealer turning as baton waver (10) - BANDLEADER {BAN}{D}{DEALER*}
12 - Way out for key imitator (6) - ESCAPE {ESC}{APE}
14 - Honest dealing on the sports ground (4,4) - FAIR PLAY [CD]
15 - If one were to do this, one sleeps (4,4,5) - DROP ONES GUARD [CD]
17 - More beautiful row of seats at the end (8) - PRETTIER PRET{TIER}
19 - Put through an examination and proven (6) - TESTED [DD]
21 - Be successful in circulation of macho's clip (10) - ACCOMPLISH*
22 - Release without any charge (4) - FREE [DD]
23 - Trouble from Bengali leader different (6) - BOTHER {B}{OTHER}
24 - Appreciative of framework at the front (8) - GRATEFUL {GRATE}FUL
1   - Friends leave Republican out of political functions (6) - ALLIES rALLIES
2   - Proof-reader's instruction saint and alien put together (4) - STET {ST}{ET}
3   - Rome bros' discarded hat (8) - SOMBRERO*
4   - Hot stuff makes Greek character ill-struck (6) - CHILLI {CHI}{LLI*}
5   - Goes out of view (as apprised by different means) (10) - DISAPPEARS*
6   - Again pay off engineer to back person who signs cheques (2-6) - RE-REWARD {RE}-{REWARD<-}
8   - Scholar — one who is taking in (3,2,8) - MAN OF LEARNING {MAN} {OF} {LEARNING}
13 - Mark a feature of cat-o'-nine tails (10) - APOSTROPHE [T]
15 - Big boss gets girl and college official united (8) - DIRECTOR {DI}{RECTOR}
16 - Achieve success — obtain a trophy (3,5) - GET AHEAD {GET} {A}{HEAD}
18 - Significance of what's brought in (6) - IMPORT [DD]
20 - I complete (it's said) something worth looking at (6) - EYEFUL {EYE}{FUL}(~full)
22 - If one finds them, one can stand! (4) - FEET [CD]

Tuesday 27 March 2012

No 10421, Tuesday 27 Mar 12, Anitya

What type of clues can 16 & 17D be classified as?  
8   - Medical Officers leave nothing to insect (8) - MOSQUITO {MOS}{QUIT}{O}
9   - Lots and lots — most of a world map (6) - OCEANS [CD]
10 - Fearful of a female attack (6) - AFRAID {A}{F}{RAID}
11 - Goes round with black and yellow permits (8) - BYPASSES {B}{Y}{PASSES}
12 - Official to alarm Ned in a way (8) - ALDERMAN*
13 - Most reliable when back home (6) - SANEST {SA<-}{NEST}
14 - The flight ends here (7,8) - AIRPORT TERMINAL [CD]
18 - Rose, we punt merrily (4,2) - WENT UP*
20 - Where one isn't at home (8) - OUTDOORS [CD]
23 - One-piece garment cape in general (8) - COVERALL {C}{OVERALL}
24 - By word of mouth — call to assemble? (6) - ORALLY {O}{RALLY}
25 - Will leaves it to real follower, perhaps (6) - ESTATE [CD]
26 - Youngster in prison's eateries (8) - CANTEENS {CAN{TEEN}S}
1   - Such an amount of luck should get you a lot of gold, perhaps (6) - POTFUL [CD]
2   - Respectful man reportedly on his feet to settle an account (6,2) - SQUARE UP (~squire?){SQUARE} {UP}
3   - Knowledge of a kind of tooth (6) - WISDOM [DD]
4   - The key to this is dialling some numbers (11,4) - COMBINATION LOCK [CD]
5   - Comrade's puzzle for musician (8) - COMPOSER {COM}{POSER}
6   - This must teach you! (6) - LESSON [CD]
7   - Submarine, literally (8) - UNDERSEA [E]
15 - Cool landmark in Chennai that used to store blocks (8) - ICEHOUSE [GK]
16 - Put back salesman up front (8) - REPLACED {REP}LACED
17 - Set apart Ted at the far end (8) - ISOLATED ISOLA{TED}
19 - It has a long arm, as convicts would know (3,3) - THE LAW [CD]
21 - In one's flesh, these are irritating (6) - THORNS [CD]
22 - Lamenting about learner's order (6) - RULING {RU{L}ING}

Monday 26 March 2012

No 10420, Monday 26 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Last month I had leaders coming back with verdict (8) - DECISION {DEC}{I}{S'1ON<-}
5   - Community members succeeded in French capital (6) - PARSIS {PAR{S}{IS}
10 - Present… present… not present (7) - NOWHERE {NOW}{HERE}
11 - Elevator not working? Go up! (4,3) - LIFT OFF {LIFT} {OFF}
12 - Priest's team right about healing potion (6) - ELIXIR {ELI}{XI}{R}
13 - Maugham's county? (8) - SOMERSET [DD]
15 - Smooth-talking Ohio youth leader trapping the Italian (4) - OILY {O}{IL}{Y}
16 - Pasta for ratty crowd leaving new stringed instruments (10) - VERMICELLI  {VERMIn}{CELLI}
18 - Snorting, he resorted to cutback (10) - SHORTENING*
20 - Roll small nail (4) - SPIN {S}{PIN}
23 - Battle excessively in public box, e.g.? (8) - OUTFIGHT [CD] (Correction - {OUT}{FIGHT} - See comments)
24 - Feeble in company (6) - INFIRM {IN}{FIRM}
26 - Relating to marriage up in Latin quarters (7) - NUPTIAL{N{UP}TIAL*}
27 - Relaxed, I consumed stuff (7) - SATIATE {SAT}{I}{ATE}
28 - Step down — or stay for another term? (6) - RESIGN {RE-SIGN}
29 - Being mischievous, char drops Doctor Sen's son (8) - ARCHNESS {CHAR*}{SEN+S*}
1   - What one may encounter riskily while driving on the road to Priestley's play (9,6) - DANGEROUS CORNER [DD]
2   - She has to take care of steer (7) - COWGIRL [E]
3   - Pieces scattered — they are coins (6) - SPECIE*
4   - Frank appeal to writer? (4) - OPEN{O}{PEN}
6   - A student, almost new, gets company in the cool air (8) - ALFRESCO {A}{L}{FRESh}{CO}
7   - Such assets are between husband and wife (7) - SPOUSAL [CD]
8   - The more the count, the more the freedom from danger (6,2,7) - SAFETY IN NUMBERS [CD]
9   - Grant boy much, male servants a little time (9) - ALLOTMENT {AL}{LOT}{MEN}{T}
14 - As we speak, Henry is caught in dirty trick (9) - MEANWHILE {MEAN W{H}ILE}
17 - Hitting out? Wonderful! (8) - STRIKING [DD]
19 - A short month to work on a sea creature (7) - OCTOPUS {OCT}{OPUS}
21 - Soldier is between you and me (7) - PRIVATE [DD]
22 - Grab son, chant deliriously (6) - SNATCH {S}{NATCH}
25 - Exploitative type's trick moving right down (4) - USER (-r)USE(+r)R

Sunday 25 March 2012

No 2679, Sunday 25 Mar 12

1   - Guitarist, singer, and actor (4,6) - BASS PLAYER {BASS} {PLAYER}
6   - Miss with something to keep her hands warm (4) - MUFF [DD]
9   - Extra charge made by a key teacher at university (3-2) - ADD-ON {A}{D}{D-ON}
10 - Hotly pursuing filly, run unwisely round foremost of courses (2,4,3) - IN FULL CRY {IN FULL {C}RY*}
12 - Without preparation? Pick a cosmetic (4,5) - COLD CREAM {COLD} {CREAM}
13 - Pound included in bill, for fish (5) - BLEAK {B{L}EAK}
14 - One to decline being cuddled by a vivacious, sexy-looking girl? (1,3,2,3,5) - A BIT OFALL RIGHT {A}{ B{I}{T O}{F ALL} RIGHT}
18 - Opposing union may cause a financial problem (8,6) - NEGATIVE EQUITY {NEGATIVE} {EQUITY}
20 - Commanding Officer taken round state capital (5) - CAIRO {C{AIR}O}
22 - Henley gal adrift in river (9) - ALLEGHENY*
24 - Old boy at meeting with a fixed idea (9) - OBSESSION {OB}{SESSION}
25 - Hunter - gold one - working (5) - ORION {OR}{I}{ON}
26 - Iron uniform (4) - EVEN [DD]
27 - An encumbrance? No more with crew (4,6) - DEAD WEIGHT {DEAD} {W}{EIGHT}
1   - Offshoot of British cattle farm (6) - BRANCH {B}{RANCH}
2   - Son's become confused by talk over bike accessory (9) - SADDLEBAG {S}{ADDLE}{BAG}
3   - State of alarm, frightful in satanic spot (5,8) - PANIC STATIONS*
4   - Turn up a hill (5) - ARISE {A}{RISE}
5   - Drop of lager during fine meal cooked at home (2,7) - EN FAMILLE {L+FINE+MEAL}*
7   - Article taken from grubby relative (5) - UNCLE UNCLEan
8   - Being smart, I take off to test opinion (3,1,4) - FLY A KITE {FLY} {I+TAKE}*
11 - See tree ahead of group of trees in picture (8,5) - LABURNUM GROVE {LABURNUM} {GROVE}
15 - I've to appear in FA team in this form of football (4-1-4) - FIVE-A-SIDE {F{I'VE}-A}-{SIDE}
16 - Crowd, carefree mostly, by the arena (9) - GATHERING {GAy}{THE}{RING}
17 - One cadet spinning a yarn (8) - ANECDOTE*
19 - Sound of seal in a small pen? Possibly (6) - CYGNET(~signet)
21 - Children - an important subject (5) - ISSUE [DD]
23 - Ruled in Dublin? Edward? (5) - LINED [T]

Saturday 24 March 2012

No 10419, Saturday 24 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Moved to protect the king, actors were in the forefront (7) - CASTLED {CAST}{LED}
5   - Language friar used with topless woman (6) - FRENCH {FR}{wENCH}
9   - Kingdom not fancied by very many (5) - REALM {REAL}{M}
10 - Police officer's one habit is unworldly (9) - SPIRITUAL {SP}{I}{RITUAL}
11 - Massaging technique for first of septuagenarians, breaking hiatus (7) - SHIATSU {S}{HIATUS*}
12 - Inch GOC into a tricky situation with an Italian dish (7) - GNOCCHI*
13 - Totally sane wanderer? (5) - NOMAD {NO}{MAD}
14 - Bold elf we set up as partner (9) - BEDFELLOW*
16 - Greeting learners — desis hurtling down ski run spots (9) - HILLSIDES {HI}{LL}{DESIS*}
19 - Blame unsteady walk (5) - AMBLE*
21 - Nimmi hesitant — hesitant at the very least (7) - MINIMUM {NIMMI*}{UM}
23 - Revolutionary's road, we hear, to a smoker's item (7) - CHEROOT {CHE}{ROOT}(~route)
24 - Declaration: “Roughed up, I'm not safe” (9) - MANIFESTO*
25 - Get up, carbon copy India's topping designer wear (5) - GUCCI {G}{U}{C}{C}{I}
26 - Insect in group set out boorishly (6) - TSETSE {T{SET}SE*}
27 - Banter by boy hit hard (7) - KIDDING {KID}{DING}
1   - Mushy merchants stomping in the garden maybe (14) - CHRYSANTHEMUMS*
2   - Must aid ground such as Chepauk or Eden Gardens (7) - STADIUM*
3   - Thus one's movements are not free (7) - LIMITED [CD]
4   - Unsettled, as one burst rashly cutting into Doctor of Education (9) - DISTURBED {D{I+BURST*}eD}
5   - Throw fine fish (5) - FLING {F}{LING}
6   - Essence of English book about Greek character (7) - EPITOME {E}{PI}{TOME}
7   - Central leader to uncoil confusion at groupthink (7) - COUNCIL {C}{UNCOIL*}
8   - Everybody fighting? Tired fighting? (3-2,9) - ALL-IN WRESTLING {ALL-IN} {WRESTLING}
15 - It protects one's dress from looking bad on the surface (4,5) - DUST CLOAK [CD]
17 - Proverbially, clouds have these of silver (7) - LININGS [CD]
18 - Consider: If mates are all of uniform size, their dresses should be of … … (4,3) - SAME FIT*
19 - Got order negatived to skip it (7) - AVENGED NEGAtiVED*
20 - No birch felled to make airways (7) - BRONCHI*
22 - Shot with lots of English? (5) - MASSE {MASS}{E}

Friday 23 March 2012

No 10418, Friday 23 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - It may be rotten and can't be eaten, chum (3,5) - OLD FRUIT [DD]
5   - Person of interest, though not quite popular (6) - USURER [CD]
9   - I seem to be tossed among Poles in retributive justice (7) - NEMESIS {N}{EMESI*}{S}
10 - Everything else with cover — a great quantity returned (4,3) - WHAT NOT {W}{HAT} {NOT<-}
11 - Signalling flare, absolutely insubstantial (4,5) - VERY LIGHT {VERY} {LIGHT}
12 - “Mr. Bean” portrayer's fight with a fourth of channels (5) - ROWAN {ROW}{A}{N}
13 - Sacred ceremony's correct, we hear (4) - RITE (~right)
14 - Oriental bird's with mate — always (9) - ETERNALLY {E}{TERN}{ALLY}
17 - Punishment at great cost — not light, not coarse (5,4) - HEAVY FINE {HEAVY} {FINE}
19 - Still one creature (4) - YETI {YET}{I}
23 - Mimic follows a large number in prank (5) - CAPER {C}{APER}
24 - A Tamil leader here now (2,7) - AT PRESENT {A}{T} {PRESENT}
25 - Tom and woman get a type of seat (7) - CATBIRD {CAT}{BIRD}
26 - Fruit for old freedom fighter among abstainers' party (7) - AVOCADO {A{VOC}A}{DO}
27 - A New York individual — no matter who (6) - ANYONE {A}{NY}{ONE}
28 - Capital for deli when restructuring is needed (3,5) - NEW DELHI*
1   - Consumer who takes everything in (8) - OMNIVORE [E]
2   - Blot in holding up short fix — one's tense (7) - DEMERIT {yDEMER<-}{I}{T}
3   - Ulster disintegrates? Take stock! (6) - RUSTLE*
4   - Perception of network by a great many — when a stranded sailor will be happy (2,5,2,4) - IN SIGHT OF LAND {IN SIGHT} {OF} {LAN}{D}
6   - Flighty section in a building? (8) - STAIRWAY [CD]
7   - Frenchman recalling regulation on contract extension (7) - RENEWAL {RENE}{WAL<-}
8   - Scolding a sailor (6) - RATING [DD]
10 - Where one goes for liquid refreshment (8,5) - WATERING PLACE [CD]
15 - Hate expressed in one rendering (8) - AVERSION {A}{VERSION}
16 - Visit our eccentric experts (8) - VIRTUOSI*
18 - Understanding for Gridman going up on route that's unknown (7) - EMPATHY {EM<-}{PATH}{Y}
20 - Reportedly, I cry for watch (7) - EYEBALL (~i bawl){EYE}{BALL}
21 - Bill a USA spy organisation for a plant (6) - ACACIA {AC}{A}{CIA}
22 - Go here to surpass (6) - BEYOND [CD]

Thursday 22 March 2012

No 10417, Thursday 22 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Commanding men to put engineer in terrible grind (8) - ORDERING {OR}{D{E}RING*}
6   - Look back on fellow's charges (4) - FEES {F}{EES}<-
9   - Super cool time of one-seventh of prisoners in enclosure (3,3) - ICE AGE {1}{C{E} AGE}
10 - Wise guy goes around doctor with one lab equipment (7) - ALEMBIC {ALE{MB}{I}C}
13 - Well, one may not get this permission from work (4,5) - SICK LEAVE [CD]
14 - Broadcast again from a barer underground (5) - RERUN [T]
15 - Placid woman's head of nunnery (4) - EVEN {EVE}{N}
16 - "Like __ oaks, will stand immoveable” (Shakespeare) (5-5) - STIFF-GROWN [GK] Thanks to Google
19 - A stop-go authority on the road (7,3) - TRAFFIC COP [CD]
21 - Journalist with appeal to do some copy work (4) - EDIT {ED}{IT}
24 - The heartless with the undisciplined enforcing powers (5) - TEETH {ThE}{THE*}
25 - When it's on the prowl, law-breakers may run for cover (6,3) - PATROL CAR [CD]
26 - For material two unknowns go after newspaper (7) - ORGANZA {ORGAN}{Z}{A}
27 - Better Lady Macbeth's order with one troop leader (6) - OUTWIT {OUT}{W}{I}{T}
28 - Tide's alternative? Browse the Internet! (4) - SURF [DD]
29 - A sort of person to call not so much or a sort of person who can't be called at all (8) - NAMELESS {NAME}{LESS}
2   - On the outer limits of city, woman has nothing to use over again (7) - RECYCLE RE{CitY}CLE Anno pending (Addendum - {RE}{CitY}{CLEo} - See comments)
3   - Make possible recall of ruin by the French (6) - ENABLE {ENAB<-}{LE}
4   - Rigid line expounded with a short staff (9) - INELASTIC {LINE*}{STICk}
5   - Blessing good people (5) - GRACE {G}{RACE}
7   - Ban England's top doctor on fabled ship (7) - EMBARGO {E}{MB}{ARGO}
8   - A US contender ran by force of habit (6,6) - SECOND NATURE*
11 - Incense gran distributed within the limits of Erode (6) - ENRAGE {Ero{GRAN*}dE}
12 - So OTT aunties tend to be showy (12) - OSTENTATIOUS*
17 - Where the main door of a house opens onto (5,4) - FRONT ROOM [CD]
18 - Foreign national to hang around with a female (6) - AFGHAN {A}{F}{HANG*}
20 - He gets even to hail new Government leader with hesitation (7) - AVENGER {AVE}{N}{G}{ER}
22 - Dicta so propagated by Chambal Valley criminals (7) - DACOITS*
23 - Son in place to say — place to stay (6) - HOSTEL {HO{S}TEL}
25 - Seafood uncooked in the fringes of pan (5) - PRAWN {P{RAW}aN}

Wednesday 21 March 2012

No 10416, Wednesday 21 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Change state cycle (11) - ALTERNATION {ALTER}{NATION}
9   - Hung back, being drawn to a luxury car within (7) - TARRIED {T{A}{RR}IED}
10 - Prince broadcast link (7) - PAIRING {P}{AIRING}
11 - Satisfies conferences (5) - MEETS [DD]
12 - In accord about a will (2,3,4) - OF ONE MIND [CD]
13 - Neighbour of Q gets the French musical instrument (5) - TABLA {TAB}{LA}
15 - Musical drama without any conditions (2,7) - NO STRINGS [DD]
18 - Such a secret is not widely known to many (5-4) - CLOSE-KEPT [E]
21 - Wearies of green jewels? (5) - JADES [DD]
22 - Dud mender revised a lease clause (9) - REDDENDUM*
24 - Hindu mystic was cagey with British intelligence (5) - SWAMI {WAS*}{MI}
26 - One who whips after Charles is one who disagrees (7) - CLASHER {C}{LASHER}
27 - A rash developed by one in need of a shower? (7) - SAHARAN {A+RASH}*{AN}
28 - A good stage performer answers this summons (7,4) - CURTAIN CALL [CD]
1   - Australian boy on a sudden contraction that's involuntary (9) - AUTOMATIC {AU}{TOM}{A}{TIC}
2   - Destroyed there is a number (5) - THREE*
3   - Put back to work its neater version (9) - REINSTATE*
4   - Moreover, in a short while, continuing in a like manner (3,2,2) - AND SO ON {AND} {SO ON}
5   - Wicked trouble-maker having debt notices (7) - IMPIOUS {IMP}{IOUS}
6   - Din in leader's quarter (5) - NOISE {NO1'S}{E} or {NO1}{SE}
7   - Imagined to have competed amidst endless noise bouncing back (8) - VISIONED {VI{eSION}ED}
8   - A good journalist, up in years (4) - AGED {A}{G}{ED}
14 - Woman on street in Chennai? (8) - BROADWAY {BROAD}{WAY}

View Larger Map
16 - State short Scottish nobleman is under the kings (9) - RAJASTHAN {RAJAS}{THANe}
17 - The sort of worker who is employed for certain periods of times (9) - SESSIONAL [CD]
19 - Measure rather rude; queen is one who lasts (7) - ENDURER {EN}{RUDE*}{ER}
20 - Hats thrown around a mother in Indian show (7) - TAMASHA {T{A}{MA}SHA*}
22 - Blue vehicle returning at end of day (4) - RACY {RAC<-}Y} Put in {NAV<-}{Y} first and was stuck for ages
23 - Tribal having no new attitude (5) - ETHIC ETHnIC
25 - Vessel carrying vital stuff from Goa or Tamil Nadu (5) - AORTA [T]

Tuesday 20 March 2012

No 10415, Tuesday 20 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Officer Commanding and accountant at Mumbai suburb for special event (8) - OCCASION {OC}{CA}{SION}
5   - Meditative word about many bone cavities (6) - MANTRA {M}{ANTRA}
9   - Cask old German woman got around (8) - HOGSHEAD {H{O}{G}{SHE}AD}
10 - Surprised at a stag hastening out (6) - AGHAST {A+STAG+H}* can also be a [T]
12 - Incline to be low in body fat (4) - LEAN [DD]
13 - Nothing rockets after worker's delays (10) - TEMPORISES {TEMP}{O}{RISES}
15 - Girl leaves Disney classic in dead ember (6) - CINDER CINDERella
17 - The sort of tiger one doesn't fear (5) - PAPER [CD]
20 - A night flier's direction to lower (5) - ABATE {A}{BAT}{E}
21 - Animal climbing over Rex's body front (6) - BREAST {B{R}EAST}
24 - One church takings squandered on a sport (10) - ICESKATING {I}{CE}{TAKINGS*}
27 - Fool's slip? (4) - LOOF* (Correction - GOOF [DD] - See comments)
29 - With which the reservoir will well up (6) - INFLOW [CD]
30 - Conspicuous friend, quiet and competent (8) - PALPABLE {PAL}{P}{ABLE}
31 - Allow Henry to be destructive (6) - LETHAL {LET}{HAL}
32 - America angry as head of fanatics leaves showing exceptional interest (8) - USURIOUS {US}{fURIOUS}
1   - Having to wait at one end of a telephone connection (2,4) - ON HOLD [CD]
2   - Lowly worker brings container back for brandy (6) - COGNAC {COG}{NAC<-}
3   - London locale very passionate, having not a bit of tension (4) - SOHO {SO}{HOt}
4   - Muse of poetry exchanges sides, say (5) - ORATE (-e+o)ORAT(-o+e)E
6   - Fisherman loses fifty in rage (5) - ANGER ANGlER
7   - Patterns undergo alteration in part of church (8) - TRANSEPT*
8   - Skill that crafty people have (8) - ARTISTRY [CD]
11 - Poles and English are thinly spread (6) - SPARSE {SPARS}{E}
14 - Father is backing engineer (4) - SIRE {SI<-}{RE}
16 - Be held back in steady argument (6) - DEBATE {D{EB<-}ATE}
17 - Expensive shop destroyed (4) - POSH*
18 - Usual change of side at the end of the household (8) - FAMILIAL FAMILIA(-r+l)L
19 - Try wearing a bra and become very angry (4,1,3) - HAVE A FIT [DD]
22 - Volume cut twice in embarrassing mistake (3-3) - BOO-BOO BOOk-BOOk
23 - Gives nothing following oral stumbles (6) - OFFERS {O}{FF}{ERS}
25 - Finally stock boy with a foreign currency (5) - KRONA {K}{RON}{A}
26 - Comes close and gets head of nanny to be lifted (5) - NEARS (-h+n)NEARS Not sure of anno (Addendum - (+n)N EAR(-n)S - See comments)
28 - Son's standard for box (4) - SPAR {S}{PAR}

Monday 19 March 2012

No 10414, Monday 19 Mar 12, Sankalak

1   - Gland, a spare, can be repaired (8) - PANCREAS*
5   - After a twist, we return for a bird (6) - CURLEW {CURL}{EW<-}
10 - A result racers accept as extremely good (5) - ULTRA [T]
11 - High conservative, small at heart? It is difficult to believe (4,5) - TALL STORY {TALL} {S}{TORY}
12 - Prominent incisor of a deer, a biter (9) - BUCKTOOTH {BUCK}{TOOTH}
13 - Greek character to initiate orchestration? Excellent! (5) - OMEGA {O}{MEGA}
14 - Theologian in 24 hours, father? (5) - DADDY {DA{DD}Y}
16 - Given a job, setter returns for a trick by editor (8) - EMPLOYED {EM<-}{PLOY}{ED}
18 - Wine, good in an African republic with a change at the end (8) - BURGUNDY {BUR{G}UND(-i+y)Y}
20 - Channel causes the beginning of dry, scratchy sensation (5) - DITCH {D}{ITCH}
24 - Equalling the score, a ‘knotty' action (5) - TYING [DD]
25 - Clear to any one including Li, lost to the surroundings (9) - OBLIVIOUS {OB{LI}VIOUS}
27 - Ethelred's upset but protected (9) - SHELTERED*
28 - Like Poles do, drive off (5) - REPEL [DD]
29 - The whole lot of books in Ireland (6) - ENTIRE {E{NT}IRE}
30 - One going up as a dispatcher carrying key (8) - ASCENDER {A}{S{C}ENDER}
1   - Went down to test the depth (7) - PLUMBED [CD]
2   - Saw a heavy weight lifted, got chilled (7) - NOTICED {NOT<-}{ICED}
3   - Way to cook a slice of bread — cut the top, apply a trace of raclette and cook in an oven (5) - ROAST (-t+r)ROAST
4   - Creator of “To the French God of Thunder” (6) - AUTHOR {AU}{THOR}
6   - Pure unsold pie recycled (9) - UNSPOILED*
7   - Lacking precision, in a detached way? (7) - LOOSELY [DD]
8   - Path arranged for what an interceptor did (7) - WAYLAID {WAY}{LAID}
9   - Companion in drink confronts my old chemistry (7) - ALCHEMY {AL{CH}E}{MY}
15 - One of tender years gets your name ruined (9) - YOUNGSTER {GETS+YOUR+N}
17 - Go to another place from a Hyderabad journalists' meet (7) - ADJOURN [T]
18 - Material made by engineer to capture artist without right (7) - BATISTE {B{ArTIST}E}
19 - Clothing for gunners: it included soldiers (7) - RAIMENT {RA}{I{MEN}T}
21 - Poor Ted, handicapped, walked in a group (7) - TROOPED*
22 - German dictator, one replaced by us, an unscrupulous man (7) - HUSTLER H(-i+us)USTLER
23 - A girl who had happy years, without a listener (6) - GLADYS {GLAD}{YearS}
26 - Lines written representing victory over Celtic language (5) - VERSE {V}{ERSE}

Sunday 18 March 2012

No 2678, Sunday 18 Mar 12

1   - Like staff serving drinks inside? (6,4) - BEHIND BARS [DD]
6   - Ring up about singular musical composition (4) - OPUS {O}{PU<-}{S}
9   - Strong admiral in hold (4,6) - FULL NELSON {FULL} {NELSON}
10 - Principal boy appearing in theatre-in-the-round (4) - HERO [T]
12 - Books one consultation, primarily about the ear (4) - OTIC {OT}{I}{C}
13 - Really showing skill penning two articles (2,5) - AT HEART {A{T HE}{A}RT}
16 - For a change all then see grand opera (6,3,6) - HANSEL AND GRETEL*
18 - Rarely alone? No, I'm one cub that's been abandoned (4,2,1,4,4) - ONCE IN A BLUE MOON*
19 - A danger to shipping, one key diver recalled (7) - ICEBERG {I}{C}{EBERG<-}
21 - Snake by front of gazebo makes one breathe in sharply (4) - GASP {G}{ASP}
24 - Yobbo left unconscious (4) - LOUT {L}{OUT}
25 - Style of decoration our aunt Eva used (3,7) - ART NOUVEAU*
26 - Fix a ragout (4) - STEW [DD]
27 - An opportunist, a doctor accepting dare (10) - ADVENTURER {A}{D{VENTURE}R}
1   - Polish comic opera singer having love spurned (4) - BUFF BUFFo
2   - Hard on everybody in auditorium (4) - HALL {H}{ALL}
3   - Their new one's surprisingly still in ignorance (4,3,5) - NONE THE WISER*
4   - Hood's battle (9) - BALACLAVA [DD]
5   - Port? Jack's on a Spanish wine (5) - RIOJA {RIO}{J}{A}
7   - Safeguard a picture on shifts (10) - PRECAUTION*
8   - Gun down a crocodile to show off (5,1,4) - SHOOT A LINE [SHOOT} {A} {LINE}
11 - Company out of County Clare has distributed a farce (8,4) - CHARLEY'S AUNT {coUNTY+CLARE+HAS}*
14 - Dreadful, the French records (10) - CHRONICLES {CHRONIC}{LES}
15 - Clued 'shone' cryptically, as planned (2,8) - ON SCHEDULE*
17 - Coach's dedication (9) - DILIGENCE [DD]
20 - Pierced with a horn, former vice president died (5) - GORED {GORE}{D}
22 - Stand in pub drinking last of wine (4) - BEAR {B{E}AR}
23 - Rotary file's whirring sound (4) - BURR [CD]

Saturday 17 March 2012

No 10413, Saturday 17 Mar 12, Sankalak

Plenty of time today to read about the Budget!!
1   - The dull routine that a char goes through? (3,5,5) - THE DAILY GRIND [CD]
10 - Instrument that could endlessly injure a girl (9) - HARMONICA {HARm}{MONICA}
11 - Deadly greasy stuff the French sent back …(5) - FATAL{FAT}{AL<-}
12 - … a bygone article, Italian dish (5) - PASTA {PAST}{A}
13 - Treating a sour boil, involving hard work (9) - LABORIOUS*
14 - Commotion made by the modest around India briefly (6) - SHINDY {SH{IND}Y}
16 - Administrative division in England, no unknown, can have an effect (5) - COUNT COUNTy
19 - Custom in America followed by leaders in government everywhere (5) - USAGE {USA}{G}{E}
20 - Give support to one of sixty in a minute (6) - SECOND [DD]
25 - Suffering old men in U.P. with a lung disease (9) - PNEUMONIA {O+MEN+IN+UP}*{A}
26 - His object is to hit the target (5) - AIMER [CD]
27 - Nut initially cultivated in a region (5) - ARECA {ARE{C}A}
28 - The drones, challenged, are cut down a bit (9) - SHORTENED*
29 - Fixture in aircraft to deter a tobacco addict (5,8) - SMOKE DETECTOR [CD]
2   - Difficult conditions created by an unyielding craft (8) - HARDSHIP {HARD}{SHIP}
3   - Epic character, a prosecutor taking boy (5) - DRONA {D{RON}A}
4   - Say, look at the sickle, an evidence of freeze (6) - ICICLE (~eye~sickle){I}{CICLE}
5   - Unknown listener to order in advance an annual publication (8) - YEARBOOK {Y}{EAR}{BOOK}
6   - Allusion made by an arbiter going around North Carolina (9) - REFERENCE {REFERE{NC}E}
7   - Inclination for a wee bit of music in midday (6) - NOTION {NO{TI}ON}
8   - Figures of singular, hard primates (6) - SHAPES {S}{H}{APES}
9   - It may bring transparency to things (5) - GLASS [CD]
15 - Get off the ship! (9) - DISEMBARK [E]
17 - Suffering great anxiety? Diagnose problem (8) - AGONISED*
18 - Special trooper to order start of operation (8) - COMMANDO {COMMAND}{O}
21 - Ridicule some gender ideas (6) - DERIDE [T]
22 - Food fish with strange parts (5) - SPRAT*
23 - Sell stock, get money (6) - REDEEM [CD]
24 - A plan by the French, unknown, revealed (6) - LAYOUT {LA}{Y}{OUT}
26 - Mexican Indian who founded a great empire (5) - AZTEC [GK]