Wednesday 31 January 2018

No 12228, Wednesday 31 Jan 2018, Arden

Answer and annotation for 20D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM

6   Keep Pound in Switzerland (5) BASEL {BASE}{L}
7   Poor long suffering creature (8) PANGOLIN {PA{LONG*}IN}
10 Late prospect, showing no response (7) DEADPAN {DEAD}{PAN}
11 Father of three, Turkish leader died for his country (7) PATRIOT {PA}{TRIO}{Tu...h}
12 General way to make it bigger (7) ENLARGE*
13 Plant material by one in Germany (7) MULLEIN {MULL}{EIN}
14 Chronic type, worried about fireworks (11) PYROTECHNIC*
19 Can hit the sea in France (7) SLAMMER {SLAM}{MER}
21 A newspaper takes on a system of rules (7) ORGANON {ORGAN}{ON}
23 Not only noisy, in fact led on (7) DELUDED {DE{LoUD}ED}
25 Free trial allowed, provided it's an emergency rescue act (7) AIRLIFT {AIRL{IF}T*}
26 Making a mark and entering land (8) BRANDING {BR{AND}ING}
27 Ability to express oneself only makes it piquant (5) ORACY {O}{RACY}

1   "Sit up and take a call on meet", you're told (8) ESCALLOP {ES{CALL}OP<=} (~ meat)
2   He took to his heels on European upraising (6) ELOPER {RE}{POLE}<=
3   Nothing confidential in such a missive (4,6) OPEN LETTER [CD]
4   Break up vessels (4) SNAP<=
5   The German drinks French wine, I guess (6) DIVINE {DI{VIN}E}
6   Harry's an animal (6) BADGER [DD]
8   Algerian port has many hoisting bunting (7) ORTOLAN {OR{LOT<=}AN}
9   Way to store wine in a cask, it's a gimmick (5) STUNT {S{TUN}T}
13 Make fun of one under shade of shrub (4,6) MOCK ORANGE {MOCK} ORANGE Anno pending (Addendum - {MOCK} {ORANGE} - See comments)
15 Month in Spain — nothing for a month, return (7) RAMADAN {NADA}{MAR}<= Why "in Spain"? See comments
16 Group takes over, bar a man-eater (8) CANNIBAL {CA{INN<=}BAL}
17 Ideas to get away (5) ASIDE* &lit
18 Not among the pigs, too big for one's breeches (6) SNOTTY {S{NOT}TY}
20 Attraction, boy turns out to be Royal blue (6) A?L?R? (Addendum - ALLURE {RoyAL+bLUE}* [CA] - See comments)
22 No booze, get high monster! (6) GORGON {NO}{GROG}<=
24 Drop or push up a tit, say (4) DRIB<=


Tuesday 30 January 2018

No 12227, Tuesday 30 Jan 2018, Arden

 Capital fellow! Not in a fix over laundry (13) WASHINGTONIAN {WASHING}{NOT+IN+A}*
10 Under-the-table, with can opener, open (5) OVERT cOVERT
11 Revolt by unruly pair — stop hiring (9) UPRAISING {U{PAIR*}SING}
12 Get angry with power failure (4,1,4) BLOW A FUSE [DD]
13 Romeo lands in a pickle with coach (5) DRILL {D{R}ILL}
14 Gem bearing mine in North India, with 50% gold at the bottom (7) EMERALD {E}{MERA}{goLD}
16 Work hours reduced, not sure it's for the best (7) OPTIMUM {OP}{TIMe}{UM}
18 Animal lays egg by the river, right? (3,4) ROE DEER {ROE} {DEE}{R}
20 Tried out and allowed to open fire — things became more messy (7) DIRTIER {D{fIRe}TIER*}
22 Looking calm in red robes (5) SOBER*
24 Able to have an orgasm — keep quiet, it could be the wine (9) COMPETENT {COM{P}E}{TENT}
26 The sorrel horse doesn't take half an hour, make no mistake (9) ERRORLESS {SORREL+hoRSE}*
27 Expenses as opposed to income (5) OUTGO {OUT}{GO}
28 Proof assailed in a make believe world (5,8) FOOLS PARADISE* &lit

2   One time, one stripper (7) ACETONE {ACE}{T}{ONE}
3   The best come together to deal with apartheid (3,6) HIT PARADE*
4   Dealt with human nature — the man fled to far away island (5) NAURU {hUman+NAtURe}*
5   Crowd said to gather for 300% (9) THREEFOLD {THREE}{FOLD}
6   Nymph from town in Gujarat, took day off (5) NAIAD NAdIAD
7   Could be main philosophy (7) ANIMISM {MAIN*}{ISM} &lit
8   Scores fudged in game by cheats (6-7) DOUBLE CROSSES {SCORES}* in {DOUBLES}
9   A capital allocation involving goods collection (13) AGGLOMERATION {A}{GG}{LOME}{RATION}
15 Free to pick up a shirt, he wears cap which is very inexpensive (4,5) DIRT CHEAP {RID<=}{T} {C{HE}AP}
17 Criminal deported, inner ring damaged (9) TORPEDOED {DEPORTED}* over {O}
19 One from IIM admitted, therefore there is a ban (7) EMBARGO {E{MBA}RGO}
21 Envisages thought set up (7) IDEATES {IDEA}{SET<=}
23 Countryside, with river and mountain range (5) RURAL {R}{URAL}
25 Scrooge becomes smarter, changes sex to start with (5) MISER (-w+m)MISER


Monday 29 January 2018

No 12226, Monday 29 Jan 2018, Arden

Answer and annotation of 18A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Testify receiving regular help, keep drug out (6) DEPOSE {D{hElP}OSE}
4   A Greek letter — basically takes one piece of jewellery (8) AIGRETTE {A}{1}{GR}{lETTEr}
10 Motor operated pawl, perhaps (5,4) POWER TOOL {p/POWER}{awl/TOOL}
11 Starts with cakes and rolls, only baker to make St. John's bread (5) CAROB Acrostic
12 Ghastly child, learn to behave properly (7) CHARNEL {CH}{LEARN*}
13 Fancy hat on Paddy (7) CAPRICE {CAP}{RICE}
14 Admonition for cutting credit will follow (5) ENSUE cENSUrE
15 It's expensive town having mobile convenience (8) SAPPHIRE {S{APP}HIRE}
18 Hector — he gets into action, covers a pit (8) ?O?I?E?R (Addendum - DOMINEER {DO{MINE}ER - See comments)
20 Returned smash, Ted goes for a replay (5) RERUN REtURNed*
23 Not this one in metal plant (7) POTHERB {P{OTHER}B}
25 Gas tank empty, no energy in short (7) NEEDFUL {NEED}{FUeL}
26 Quick and silent incursion during assault (5) RAPID {RA{P}ID}
27 Cook writes his item on the menu (5,4) IRISH STEW*
28 Many a choice between say Jack and William (8) ASSORTED {ASS}{OR}{TED}
29 War casualties said to be fixed (6) MENDED (~men dead)

1   Drew picture, tense really (8) DEPICTED {DE{PIC}{T}ED} Anno not clear See comments
2   Fruits trade picks up — watermelon and pineapples initially (7) PAWPAWS {Wa...n}{And}{Pi...s}{SWAP}<=
3   Calm around midnight, it's back to the park (9) SERENGETI {SEREN{niGht}E}{IT<=}
5   Caroline points out law to act as a guardian (2,4,8) IN LOCO PARENTIS*
6   Summarise fast bowler's run-up (5) RECAP<=
7   Hunter's mistake breaking a bank (7) TERRIER {T{ERR}IER}
8   Sign to assemble men inside (6) EMBLEM [T]
9   Approve to be part of drama — to help is Royal duty (8,6) NOBLESSE OBLIGE {NO}{BLESS}E {OBLIGE} Anno for E pending (Addendum - {NO{BLESS}E} {OBLIGE} - See comments)
16 Semicircular ring, stable man has a ring (9) HORSESHOE {HORSES}{H{O}E}
17 End up covering low ground, it's uncultivated (8) UNPLOWED {LOW} in {END+UP*} Anind wrongly positioned
19 Focus on annexing the peak, force out the creature (7) OCTOPUS {fOC{TOP}US}
21 Denied increasing trade union involvement in delay (7) REFUTED {DE{TU}FER}<=
22 Old city's resurrected, like to drink gin (6) SPARTA {A{TRAP}S} <=
24 Wine, that's up or down? (5) EIDER {RED}{IE}<=


Sunday 28 January 2018

Special, Sunday 28 Jan 2018, Dr Satyen Nabar

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment

6   Essentially depressed after run out (5)
7   Husband thrown out! Blab, did he? Unfortunately spoke without preparation (2-6)
10 One hot girl, wild and lively (2, 3, 2)
11 Task - Collect posh gold coin stack (7)
12 Largely express pleasure and gaze at horizon (7)
13 Perplexing to develop an ulcer (7)
14 New migrants primarily cast out, shattering American Dream of togetherness (11)
19 Narks find motive involved in kills (7)
21 Place where UFO landed and ascended? Not quite right (7)
23 Students without bad habits (7)
25 A long distance call? That’s something very different (1, 3, 3)
26 Attacks wild animals? Futile venture (3’1, 4)
27 Tough question for model (5)

1   Hard to understand drunkard in largely creepy club (8)
2   Enemy tortured one countryman (6)
3   Source of trouble but might help a fisherman? (3, 2, 5)
4   Slight stammer (4)
5   Cut out milk? Lacks purity primarily (6)
6   Quick exercise - About to engage in sex (6)
8   One directed at the ribs, countered by hook? (7)
9/20 Butter up dish essentially lacking chilies in seasoning (5, 6)
13 One in charge of late arrivals? (10)
15 Perils of frightfully cold enemas (7)
16 Operation to remove around 2/5th of liver ultimately (8)
17 Time to indicate significance of goal (5)
18 Glimpse of polished film actor (6)
20 See 9
22 Sleeper without sleep gets irritable (6)
24 Affected by endless bad luck (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at Dr SN 19.


The Sunday Crossword No 2980, Sunday 28 Jan 2018

1   Idyll chap's ruined? Easy thing to do (6,4) CHILDS PLAY*
6   Measure necessary to restrain cheat (4) INCH [T]
9   Against going into fabrications in biographies (5) LIVES {LI{V}ES}
10 Casual fling, not at home (9) THROWAWAY {THROW}{AWAY}
12 Sovereign ahead in procession (7) MONARCH {M{ON}ARCH}
13 Rush around place in bout of extravagance (7) SPLURGE {S{PL}URGE}
14 Supreme moment, mood filled with drama (6,2,4) SECOND TO NONE {SECOND} {TO{NO}NE}
18 Indication of work by Mozart, tweak in aria designed for soprano (4,2,6) KIRI TE KANAWA {K}{TWEAK+IN+ARIA}* Thanks to Google

21 What's worn by supporter from east following team in decline? (7) ROSETTE {RO{SET}T}{E}
23 Scottish island for example in retirement plan (7) ARRANGE {ARRAN}{EG<=}
24 Prompt one conclusion from firm referee (9) IMMEDIATE {1}{firM}{MEDIATE}
25 Stage sadly with no odd characters allowed (5) LEGAL {LEG}{sAdLy}
26 Cover up skin (4) HIDE [DD]
27 Mad Hatter, cast with difficulty (2,1,7) AT A STRETCH*

1   Pass over mass in French article in section of newspaper (6) COLUMN {COL}{U{M}N}
2   Design tips from Italian outlet (6) INVENT {It...aN}{VENT}
3   Old-fashioned clothes in rite so badly muddled (13) DISORIENTATED  {IN+RITE+SO}* in {DATED}
4   Plot calling for incongruous combination (9) PATCHWORK {PATCH}{WORK}
5   Large amount in almanac researched (5) ACRES [T]
7   Rising bishop we name with capacity to be agent of change (3,5) NEW BROOM {B}{WE}{N}<={ROOM}
8   Be hesitant about unknown iron allergy (3,5) HAY FEVER {HA{Y}{FE}VER}
11 Bat above wide barrel mistaken for bird (6,7) WILLOW WARBLER {WILLOW} {W}{BARREL*}
15 Garment good over time climbing in hills (9) DUNGAREES {DUN{G}{ERA<=}ES}
16 Read quickly about Romeo and his broken engagement (8) SKIRMISH {SKI{R}M}{HIS*}
17 Taken for granted, quietly started again (8) PRESUMED {P}{RESUMED}
19 On audio, dark period piece (6) KNIGHT (~night)
20 Lake in moorland in good condition (6) HEALTH {HEA{L}TH}
22 Praise lieutenant supporting state without borders (5) EXALT {tEXAs}{LT}

Saturday 27 January 2018

No 12225, Saturday 27 Jan 2018, Incognito

Answer and annotation of 11a left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.


8. African gentleman possesses spectacles (4) MOOR {M{OO}R}
9. Cuban drum found in Silicon Gallery (5) CONGA (T)

10. The Queen's holding you and me in the jug (4) EWER {E{WE}R}
11. Youngster lost support and got nothing for ass (6) ?N?G?R ONAGER {(-tee+O)NAGER} See comments
12. Surgeon's musical performance near mountain (8) OPERATOR {OPERA}{TOR}
13. Run for it // and prepare eggs, perhaps, by mixing contents, and stirring while cooking (8) SCRAMBLE (DD)
15. The French accommodation is hidden (6) LATENT {LA}{TENT}
17. Ivy, for example, // is a snake, perhaps (7) CREEPER (DD)
19. Oceanic disturbances result in snow (7) COCAINE {OCEANIC*}
22. Mummy's resting place reveals talisman (6) MASCOT {MA'S}{COT}
24. Gangster's without companion, without headgear (2,6) AL CAPONE {AL {CAP}ONE}

26. Example: Indian position (8) INSTANCE {IN}{STANCE}
28. Clergyman's average descendant (6) PARSON {PAR}{SON}
30. Gents take a turn to get bill of fare (4)  MENU {MEN}{U}
31. Cut in between a couple of earls and run away (5) ELOPE {E}{LOP}{E}
32. Soldiers return carrying European tree (4)  NEEM {MEN<=} around {E}


1. Rent to Royal Navy (4) TORN {TO}{RN}
2. Car is reversed in anger after initial defeat in speed contest (4,4) DRAG RACE {Defeat}{RAG {CAR<=}E}
3. Beetle's vehicle? A bicycle, at first (6) SCARAB {S}{CAR}{A}{Bicycle}
4. Advani and Trump's game? Throwing noose to capture king and queen (7) SNOOKER {NOOSE*} around {K} +{R}
5. Servant lost an eye, I hear, at washroom in London station (8) WATERLOO {WAiTER}{LOO}
6. In Bangalore, pasta is grub (6) REPAST (T)
7. Legendary musician narrowly escaped royal ostracism in the beginning (4) NERO (Acrostic)
14. About a cubic centimetre flowed back around one rivet initially (5) CIRCA {A CC<=} around {I}{Rivet}
16. Maharani nonchalantly displays sheer fabric (5) NINON (T)
18. Prolonged term of previous nurse's education (8) EXTENDED {EX}{TEND}{ED}
20. Hoping medicine has little weight (8) ASPIRING {ASPIRIN}{G}
21. Former PM's disastrous romance (7) CAMERON {ROMANCE*}

23. Sort of rustic fruit (6) CITRUS {RUSTIC*}
25. Secret alphabet // represents nothing (6) CIPHER (DD)
27. Require maiden name by beginning of December (4) NEED {NEE}{December}
29. Inaugurate round corral (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}

Reference List
Gentleman=Mr, Spectacles=OO, Queen=ER(Elizabeth Regina), Nothing=O, The French=La, Indian=In, Turn=U, Earl=E, Soldiers=Men, European=E
Royal Navy=RN, King=K, Queen=R(Regina), Cubic Centimetre=CC, One=I, Previous=Ex, Education=Ed, Little weight=G(gram), Maiden name=Nee, Round=O
Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday 26 January 2018

No 12224, Friday 26 Jan 2018, Incognito


Today being Friday only the blank clues will be posted. All those who are silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. There is no limit on how many answers you want to give. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake someone will correct it with the right annotation.

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM after which anyone is free to comment. 

Thanks everyone for the response. Here is the regular blog

1   Bringin' up a mount to the location of the president's residence (7,4) RAISINA HILL {RAISINg}{A} {HILL}
9   A person in one's custody gets recognition (5) AWARD {A}{WARD}
10 Attractive woman's stunning disclosure (9) BOMBSHELL [DD]
11 State: "Vertical and erect" (10) UPSTANDING {UP}{STANDING}
12 Presently unidentified, in short (4) ANON [DD]
13 More's previous spouse returns paintings, for example (5) EXTRA {EX}{ART<=}
15 Floats! Use at lab anyhow (8) TABLEAUS*
17 Prohibit use of drug in British Railway plant (8) BARBERRY {BAR}{B{E}R}{RY}
19 Crushed stone produces some music! (5) NOTES*
22 Standard mark (4) FLAG [DD]
23 Decide ... Drunk? A tad juiced? (10) ADJUDICATE*
26 Perhaps 22 attempt, I hear, with our army officer in the lead (9) TRICOLOUR (~try){TRI}{COL}{OUR}
27 Open bowling spell before commencement of tea-break (5) OVERT {OVER}{Te...k}
28 Main sports lady at YMCA shown dancing (11) YACHTSWOMAN*

1   Shouts loudly, "Install propeller in empty rafts" (5) ROARS {Raf{OAR}tS}
2   Country weapon initially exhibited at war memorial (5,4) INDIA GATE {INDIA} {GAT}{Ex...d}
3   Buries forged dimes around base of baobab (6) IMBEDS {IM{b...aB}EDS*}
4   Gas shell, perhaps, with anti-terror organisation (7) AMMONIA {AMMO}{NIA}
5   Briefly, this month Indian Naval ship begins to travel (4) INST {INS}{Tr...l}
6   Stick around expectantly — laze around at home and linger (3,2,4) LIE IN WAIT {LIE} {IN}{WAIT}
7   Greet and transport 15, except sailor (6) SALUTE TabLEAUS*
8   Plot Spanish flying machines (6) PLANES {PLAN}{ES}
14 Gutturally order harlot carrying it back by subway in the end (9) THROATILY {THROA{IT<=}L*}{s...aY}
16 Oft Merlin may create things shaped like leguminous seeds (9) LENTIFORM*
17 Suits bestif altered (6) BEFITS*
18 Studied, I heard, for first test, in Delhi's landmark (3,4) RED FORT (~read){RED} {FOR}{Test}
20 Vessel contains small portion of titbits and toffees, perhaps (6) SWEETS {S{WEE}{Ti...s}S}
21 Donkey starts to whimper in den (6) BURROW {BURRO}{Wh...r}
24 To some extent, please another regional inter-governmental organisation (5) ASEAN [T]
25 Troy monster's neck ring (4) TORC {T}{ORC}


Thursday 25 January 2018

No 12223, Thursday 25 Jan 2018, Lightning

Answer and annotaion of 1A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Not sure going past New Year’s Day, returned quickly (2,1,5) I? A ?I?F? (Addendum - IN A JIFFY {IFFY} after {JAN 1<=} - See comments)
5   Send back Chinese dish? Maybe later (3,3) NOT NOW <=
9   Caught a politician distributing gain for election propaganda (8) CAMPAIGN {C}{A}{MP}{GAIN*}
10 Choice in part replacing new vegetable (6) OPTION O(-n+pt)PTION
12 Flirt with district attorney from this morning to night (5) TODAY {TO{DA}Y}
13 Old flame on irons for shows (9) EXPRESSES {EX}{PRESSES}
14 End tare for container (6) CLOSET {CLOSE}{T}
16 Tourist with appeal wearing protective gear (7) VISITOR {VIS{IT}OR}
19 Colleague frames revolutionary leader — one that is first of a kind (7) PIONEER {P{No1<=}EER}
21 Cancel military attack (6) STRIKE [DD]
23 Formed decrees in a dwelling (9) RESIDENCE*
25 Stick with working club (5) BATON {BAT}{ON}
26 Resistance rises in a ship say in a foreign country (6) ABROAD AB(+r)OA(-r)D
27 Democrat is volatile, eager to argue (8) DISAGREE {D}{IS}{EAGER*}
28 Stop taking ecstasy and heroin for wellbeing (6) HEALTH {H{E}ALT}{H}
29 Son is spy, running around for work in a nutshell (8) SYNOPSIS*

1   Encourage at home show on the radio (6) INCITE {IN}{CITE}(~cite)
2   A mild oral treatment for an animal (9) ARMADILLO*
3   Island count left out by country (5) ITALY {I}{TAlLY}
4   Fancy gift captivated humans — something imagined (7) FIGMENT {FIG{MEN}T*}
6   Poor press broadcast by tyrant (9) OPPRESSOR*
7   Captures marine moving down south (5) NAILS (-s)NAIL(+s)S
8   Ride on wave that turns with soft coat from top to bottom (8) WINDSURF {WINDS}{(-f)UR(+f)F}
11 Special people back petty thief (4) SPIV <=
15 Loyal saint quick to embrace engineering these days (9) STEADFAST {ST}{E}{AD}{FAST}
17 Alternate teak? (4,5) TAKE TURNS {TEAK}* [RA]
18 Near access (8) APPROACH [DD]
20 Cheat steals new ornament (4) RING {RI{N}G}
21 Special election commission provided unknown name (7) SPECIFY {SP}{EC}{IF}{Y}
22 A new hair product’s for guardians (6) ANGELS {A}{N}{GELS}
24 Dairy substitute held back by country (5) SYRIA [T]
25 For the most part, courageous at ocean — well done! (5) BRAVO {BRAVe}{O}


Wednesday 24 January 2018

No 12222, Wednesday 24 Jan 2018, Buzzer

Answer and annotation for 1D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Full of life and spirit, born to be adventurous (5) BRISK {B}{RISK}
4   Bound dictionary showing 'Blight' misspelt with 'A' for 'H' (9) OBLIGATED {BLIG(-h+a}AT} in {OED}
9   Somewhat ill-treat? Absurd, not right (1,6) A LITTLE ILLTrEAT*
10 Love rat essentially admitting was a pig (7) OVERATE [T]
11 Of a lens, misaligned between opposite points (4-5) WIDE-ANGLE {W}{ALIGNED*}{E}
12 First letter from Delphi or its fourth (5) DELTA [C&DD]
13 Girl's returning to run through warm up again (6) REHEAT {HER<=}{EAT}
15 Beetle an insect for example ... (8) INSTANCE* Beetle as Anind? See comments
18 ... shrewd in the extreme, able to retreat concealing self (8) CANNIEST {CAN}{N{I}EST}
19 Subatomic particle with breadth nothing like neutron (1,5) W BOSON {W}{B}{O}{SO}{N}
22 Fabulous Greek fare is soup every so often (5) AESOP {fArE+iS+sOuP}
24 Viewpoint here arguably to hide behind (2,3,4) IN THE REAR [T]
26 Result of jab and cut perhaps (7) PRODUCT {PROD}{CUT*}
27 Hot drink, char taken hastily going through windpipe (7) TRACHEA {T{CHAR*}EA}
28 Enclosing snaps of the distant past (4,5) LONG SINCE*
29 Key, alpha sort of personality (4,1) TYPE A {TYPE} {A}

1   Fight to overcome bloody revolutionary (2,2,3) B? A? W?R (Addendum BE AT WAR {BEAT}{RAW<=} - See comments))
2   At heart Achilles, Priam's ode (5) ILIAD {achILles}{prIAms}{oDe} &lit
3   Grand hat worn by a goddess of destruction in dramatic dance (9) KATHAKALI {K}{HAT*}{A}{KALI}
4   Anxious individual bringing up say daughter (2,4) ON EDGE {ONE}{EG{D}<=}
5   Unfinished business left to handle, one does (5,3) LOOSE END {L}{ONE+DOES}*
6   Gross act, stuffing mouth (5) GREED [DD]
7   Tracks and terminals under repair (9) TRAMLINES*
8   Time to expect engagement between two shortly bearing fruit (3,4) DUE DATE {DUEl}{DATE}
14 Passes on with no difficulty (5,4) HANDS DOWN [DD]
16 Seasoning is at best, all right (5,4) TABLE SALT*
17 When can having a little sibling help? (6,2) ASSIST IN {AS}{SIS}{TIN}
18 Fellow partner for a singular footwear? (7) CHAPPAL {CHAP}{PAL} Imagine, youngsters these days wear this to office. I use them in the bathroom only.
20 Bliss taking vehicle through teeming rain (7) NIRVANA {NIR{VAN}A*}
21 Say protecting university's image (6) STATUE {STAT{U}E}
23 Seals many a promotion (5) PLUGS [DD]
25 Online store sales showing at last 40% jump (1-4) E-SHOP {salES}{HOP}


Tuesday 23 January 2018

No 12221, Tuesday 23 Jan 2018, Gridman

I am stumped by 9A and 10A. Any rookie commenter wants to have a go at it, before the regular aces comment at 10 AM?

1   Head of visitors gets Indian potato dish that is very spicy (8) VINDALOO {Vi...r}{IND}{ALOO}
5   Mark rebel leader in small wood (6) STREAK {S}{T{Re..l}EAK}
9   Cowardly disavowal involving soldiers (8) R?C?E?N? (Addendum - RECREANT - {REC{RE}ANT} - See comments)
10 Lout put out last of grass for foremost of marine shells (6) ?A?P?M (Addendum - WAMPUM - {WAMPU(-s+m)M} - See comments)
12 Animal doesn't complete dash (4) ELAN ELANd
13 Brother's old mantra to fix witchcraft (10) BROOMSTICK {BR}{O}{OM}{STICK}
15 Oddball German withholding one small key (6) MISFIT {M{1}{S}{F}IT}
17 Bombard old newspaper from Mumbai (5) BLITZ [DD]
20 Freight vehicle to leave (5) CARGO {CAR}{GO}
21 Pawn's planted in central body (6) CORPSE {COR{P'S}E}
24 I'm one with ad-man in cooking up a Net identification string (6,4) DOMAIN NAME {IM+ONE+ADMAN}*
27 If one's in __, one is queued up (4) LINE [FITB]
29 Selfish trait of learner leaving troubled Limoges (6) EGOISM lIMOGES*
30 With this, we can do what we like (4,4) FREE WILL [CD]
31 Small tract in case (6) SHEATH {S}{HEATH}
32 Son's making quick trips, buying things (8) SHOPPING {S}{HOPPING}

1   Grieve madly one's discarded rule of church official (6) VERGER {GRiEVE}*{R}
2   Cretan's distillation of juice (6) NECTAR*
3   Old French painter rises briefly (4) AGED DEGAs With help from Google
4   He has depressant drug — without an iota of doubt (5) OWNER dOWNER
6   Catches section put up by section (5) TRAPS {PART<=}{S}
7   Clearly stated: withdrawal involves one employed in corporation (8) EXPLICIT  {EX{PL{1}C}IT}
 Karnataka chap holds essentially brazen and reckless person (8) KAMIKAZE {KA}{MIK{brAZen}E}
11 Sailor snatches fifty away from fat person (6) BOATER BlOATER
14 Swimming pool keeps order under cover (4) LIDO {LID}{O}
16 Try to manage holding copper — it will be fruitful! (6) FECUND {FE{CU}ND}
17 Painter ignores basically crass foolish talk (4) BOSH BOScH With more help from Google
18 Fast runners get Secret Service to detain Chennai's top milk producer (8) SCUDDERS {S{Ch...i}{UDDER}S}
19 Bloomer from priggish girl (8) PRIMROSE {PRIM}{ROSE}
22 Almost huge relative gets one swimming dress (6) BIKINI {BIg}{KIN}{1}
23 Travel sickness brings black girl back (3,3) JET LAG {JET} {GAL<=}
25 Small picture mother picked out from principal group (5) INSET {maIN}{SET}
26 Pack up hard for parade (5) MARCH {CRAM<=}{H}
28 Ooze style at first, then go up (4) SEEP {St..e}{PEE<=}


Monday 22 January 2018

No 12220, Monday 22 Jan 2018, Gridman

Answer and annotation for 20A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Agree icon is acting harmfully to the said team (8) COINCIDE {ICON*}{CIDE}(~side)
5   Both move around to find you in French jacuzzi (3,3) HOT TUB {TU} in {BOTH}*
10 Father returns to Mumbai neighbourhood for dress (7) APPAREL {PA<=}{PAREL}
11 Compelled army to get wine (7) MADEIRA {MADE}{IRA}
12 Good fight: Lok Sabha makes unpleasant sounds (6) GROWLS {G}{ROW}{LS}
13 Story told to support what prevents one's prompt arrival by road (8) TAILBACK (~tale){TAIL}{BACK}
15 Spirit shown in short race (4) DASH [DD]
16 A Samaritan wandering in US city (5,5) SANTA MARIA*
18 Nominal chief F? (10) FIGUREHEAD F is head of Figure. How do we classify this clue? Rebus?
20 Madly, team took away dirty tote in a raid (4) ?M?K (Addendum - AMOK {teAM}{toOK} - See comments))
23 Marginal shift is causing concern (8) ALARMING*
24 Son and men starting late to gain fanfare (6) SENNET {S}{mEN}{NET}
26 Engineer's plan abruptly stops a learner in dislodgement (7) REMOVAL {RE}{MOVe}{L}
27 I, Sue, managed to have oil put to good use (7) UTILISE {TIL} in {I+SUE}*
28 Go up and down the Supreme Court list (6) SCROLL {SC}{ROLL}
29 Wishes to give up first year's wages (8) EARNINGS yEARNINGS

1   Diplomat accused of romantic escapades (6,9) CHARGE D'AFFAIRES {CHARGED}{AFFAIRES}
2   Wicked rogue with debts (7) IMPIOUS {IMP}{IOUS}
3   Get round to a group (6) CIRCLE [DD]
4   Tedious leaders of Delhi University lying low (4) DULL Acrostic
6   Ex slamming male fold (3,5) OLD FLAME*
7   A vanishing point that is atop a high mountain (4,3) THIN AIR [DD]
8   These dishonest businessmen might deal in white goods too (5,10) BLACK MARKETEERS [CD]
9   Being fair, one man's taking first section to a learner (9) IMPARTIAL {1}{M}{PART 1}{A}{L}
14 Rough up scholar and composer by an account (9) MANHANDLE {MA}{'N}{HANDLE}(~Handel)
17 First in time, grotesque vampire draws a number (8) PRIMEVAL {VAMPIRE*}{A}{L}
19 Indian mother steeped in good rules — set of language rules (7) GRAMMAR {G}{R}{AMMA}{R}
21 Say, say fellows avoid (7) MENTION (~men shun)
22 Again approve surrender (6) RESIGN {RE}{SIGN}
25 A top-grade artist's glow (4) AURA {A}{U}{RA}

Bhargav's Tale

With prices shooting up at an ALARMING rate,
What will happen to citizen's fate?
The old boy in the HOT TUB wondering how to UTILISE
His meagre income and his dreams realise?
The CHARGE DAFFAIRES waiting for the approval,
For some adjustments and some REMOVAL.
The FM the draft budget does SCROLL
Wanting to be IMPARTIAL on the whole.
For welcome news newsmen will DASH
They don't want stocks to CRASH!!

Sunday 21 January 2018

Special, Sunday 21 Jan 2018, Pay us Fair

Welcome to our new setter. Bouquets and Brickbats will be appreciated.

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

8   Bank communication doesn't require answer (4)
9   Seductress at club,filled with passion,becomes an animal (7,3)
10 Take notice of record players (6)
11 Indirect tax on jewellery and clothing (1-7)
12 The number of people  at the Last Supper later adopted new rite (8)
14 Small imp? That's my photo (6)
16 Some Mariachi song (4)
17 Agency replaces opera at the onset with adult comedy (5)
18 Main performer lying back in yoga video (4)
19 Work is done for scientist (6)
21 Champion’s power (8)
23 Husband is no spy, anyway this therapy will reveal one’s secrets (8)
26 Minx's wearing top that's transparent (6)
27 Wishing well? (3,3,4)
28 Time to stop and care (4)

1   Last month, one duke had initially proposed at this spot and made out (10)
2   By the sound of it, the man's inordinately irate,could be a neurosis (8)
3   Repay a company hosting no- frills affair (6)
4   Superior illegally took 50% (4)
5   Upcoming poet sat sideways,displaying revulsion (8)
6   Rum, gin, ale or cordial? (6)
7   Tooth fairies are nocturnal givers, mainly (4)
13 Doctor runs with her essentially (5)
15 Lies and violations, every other theory dismissed (10) 
17 Did she find out about square root of -1? (8)
18 Criminal made tiny explosive (8)
20  Second article on sex chromosome and mental health (6)
22 Elegant European has sex appeal (6) 
24 Yellow to start with, and round, oddly like part of an egg (4)
25 Act... Quit taking drug for nothing (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at PUF 1


The Sunday Crossword No 2979, Sunday 21 Jan 2018

1   Moments to turn around fringe projects (7) SCHEMES {SECS<=} around {HEM}
5   Settlement made by prince in drama (6) HAMLET [DD]
10 Little consolation in court keeping outdated business from changing (4,7) COLD COMFORT {C{OLD}{CO}{FROM*}T}
11 Colour and flavour, not good (3) TAN TANg
12 Free almost up to end of voyage (5) UNTIE {UNTIl}{v...gE}
13 Eager bull disturbed butterfly (5,4) LARGE BLUE*
14 Past subject, consuming half of saga, to know similarly (2,3,4,5) BY THE SAME TOKEN {BY}{THE{SAga}ME}{TO}{KEN}
17 Charade may fail to shake physicist (7,7) MICHAEL FARADAY*
21 Account about popular Pacific island mostly using two languages (9) BILINGUAL {BIL{IN}{GUAm}L}
22 Hostile, dismissing a piece of poetry (5) VERSE aVERSE
24 Earlier round in casino game (3) AGO [T<=]
25 Caper involving revolutionary attack and rescue (11) DELIVERANCE {D{REVILE<=}ANCE}
26 Amount of medicine that's wise after party (6) DOSAGE {DO}{SAGE}
27 Satisfaction about costume (7) REDRESS {RE}{DRESS}

1   Yields reserves, including carbon copy, with hesitation (8) SUCCUMBS {SU{CC}{UM}BS}
2   Leave time for composer (5) HOLST {HOLS}{T}
3   Spice cut by moving the knife (7) MACHETE {MAC{THE*}E}
4   Tune you miss, all distracted at the same time (14) SIMULTANEOUSLY*
6   Traced fantastically old style of design (3,4) ART DECO {TRACED*}{O}
7   Cover, outside dry shelter, new part of connecting rod (6,3) LITTLE END {LI{TT}{LEE}{N}D}
8   Offer, not tough (6) TENDER [DD]
 Rising initially in rank with fresh face, devotee and bringer of luck (4-4,6) FOUR-LEAF CLOVER {FOU{Ri...g}L}{FACE*}{LOVER}
15 Republican, bad one among lots and lots (9) TRILLIONS {T{R}{ILL}{1}ONS}
16 Heap of combustible material observed up in mountains (8) PYRENEES {PYRE}{SEEN<=}
18 Be in suspense with boxer perhaps looking defeated (7) HANGDOG {HANG}{DOG}
19 Blushing about always being admired (7) REVERED {R{EVER}ED}
20 Sailor with stash, not hot, on ship? (6) ABOARD {AB}{hOARD}
23 Get up around noon and wash (5) RINSE {RI{N}SE}

Saturday 20 January 2018

No 12219, Saturday 20 Jan 2018, Gridman

Answer and annotation for 5D left for a first time commenter till 10 AM

 Sort of personality a langur presents (7) ANGULAR*
5   Caught back with no-soft go (6) DEPART TRAPpED<=
9   Skimpy clothing item — if royal gets into it, there will be a crowd (5) THONG {THrONG}
10 Unexpected hazard by waving green wand (3,6) NEW DANGER*
11 Criticise a church academician producing a cure-all (7) PANACEA {PAN}{A}{CE}{A}
12 Enamoured of small hand covering (7) SMITTEN {S}{MITTEN}
13 Fend off the agent giving finishing touches to the deal (5) REPEL {REP}{thE}{deaL}
14 Late on transplanting a tree but free from blame (9) EXONERATE {EX}{ON}{A+TREE}*
16 Indicate I will finally make a pattern with dots (9) POINTILLE {POINT}{I'LL}{makE}
19 Analyse composition of pears (5) PARSE*
21 Criticise Left's emotional bond (7) RAPPORT {RAP}{PORT}
23 A model in that place — entertainment venue (7) THEATRE {THE{A}{T}RE}
24 Make a beastly noise with boy — our next-door fellow (9) NEIGHBOUR {NEIGH}{B}{OUR}
25 Boredom of central agency genuine (5) ENNUI {agENcy}{geNUIne}
26 Indian woman on Thailand thoroughfare (6) STREET {STREE}{T}
27 Sena's operation over dead society causes grief (7) SADNESS {SA{D}NES*}{S}

1   This gives you "no sweats" (14) ANTIPERSPIRANT [CD]
2   N, W or G have changed and are rebelliousquite big! (5-2) GROWN-UP {N W OR G}<=
3   Sound record — one about criminal (7) LOGICAL {LOG}{1}{C}{AL}
4   What a visitor at the front door might do — does it arouse memory? (4,1,4) RING A BELL [DD]
5   What a children's game gives in hills (5) D?W?S (Addendum - DOWNS [DD] - See comments)
6   Pair disheartened by a business in confection (7) PRALINE {PaiR}{A}{LINE}
7   Rashly target a boat race (7) REGATTA*
8   Perks you will not want to fall over the edge (6,8) FRINGE BENEFITS [CD]
15 Upsets open vessels (9) OVERTURNS {OVERT}{URNS}
17 Mark Public Relations in one plant (7) IMPRINT {1}{M{PR}INT}
18 You once grabbed big bird's foot (7) TROCHEE {T{ROC}HEE}
19 Fake it before nurse? (7) PRETEND {PRE}{TEND}
20 Unite in a rush on first train (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNITE*}
22 Advocate holding river fish (5) TROUT {T{R}OUT}

Reference List
Soft = P, Church = CE, Agent = REP, Late = EX, Criminal = AL

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Bhargav's Tale

SMITTEN with a desire to drive away his ENNUI Jack left home with a jill mood after spraying himself with some ANTIPRESPIRANT lest he REPEL someone close to him.
He stepped into the STREET and walked towards the nearby ANGULAR THEATRE.
His LOGICAL thinking: " After all I am a GROWN UP."
The PANACEA soon was sighted by him.
Poster of a dancer in a THONG.
He looked around to check that no NEIGHBOUR was around.
He sees his dad near the counter.
Poor Jack's mood SADDENS as he had
quickly DEPART.