Artwork by Prasanna for Vishwakarma day |
Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Say, diamond prices to US, one had to recalibrate (8,5) PRECIOUS STONE {PRICES+TO+US+ONE}*
10 Reject original sound track, one should primarily enter contest (9) OSTRACISE {Or...l}{So..d}{Tr..k}{RAC{1}{Sh...d}E}
11 Expression of approval from supporter, very outstanding basically (5) BRAVO {BRA}{Very}{Ou...g}
12 Triple compound of nitre... (5) TRINE*
13 ...say, found on border, towards US (9) STATESIDE {STATE}{SIDE}
14 Labours seen at corner have starter of soup (6) SWEATS {SW}{EAT}{Soup}
16 Counter provided some nachos, apples, oranges in the last-minute (5) FINAL {IF<=}{Na...s}{Ap...s}L L from?
20 Seaming wicket in first ground behind South End primarily (6) SEWING {W}{IN}{Gr...d}<=>{S}{End}
25 Unusual manual, so First Officer's confounded (9) ANOMALOUS {MANUAL+SO+Of...r}*
28 Pastor Frost at stage between 8 pm and 10 pm IST (5,4) PRIME TIME {P}{RIME}{TIME}
29 Kindly suggest new heater to be given to daughter (13) TENDERHEARTED {TENDER}{HEATER*}{D}
2 Say, advance for shopkeeper to issue 50 for note (8) RETAINER RETAI(-l+n)NER
3 Primarily cringe-worthy, destroy trend (5) CRAZE {Cr...y}{RAZE}
4 Say, windows in old town-house (vacated) is redundant (6) OTIOSE {IOS} in {O}{To...sE}
5 Outline track is incomplete near a city, say (8) SCENARIO {SCENt}{A}{RIO}
6 Mixed water, ale and some bourbon in the dishes (9) TABLEWARE {WATER+ALE+Bo...n}*
8 Unborn child be enemy to US ? No nothing. (6) FOETUS {FOE}{To}{US}
9 King of Rajasthan employed ambitious leaders from a peninsular region in Asia (5) KOREA Acrostic
15 For a change, wanted HOD who's ambidextrous (3-6) TWO-HANDED*
17 Erratic bowler without power, amateur, worse than expected (5,3) BELOW PAR {BOWLER}*{ over {P}{A}
18 OK to hire the greatest singer first and settle (8) FINALISE {FIN{ALI}{Si...r}E}
23 Possible to replace one with unionist as substitute (6) ?O?B?E (Addendum - DOUBLE DO(-a+u)UBLE - See comments)
24 Dream like prince having passion (6) ASPIRE {AS}{P}{IRE}
26 Sweden's Ministry of External Affairs rule is a slander (5) SMEAR {S}{MEA}{R}
Reference List
Supporter = BRA, Very = V, Wicket = W, South = S, Electricity = E, Meter = M, Pastor = P, Daughter = D, 50 = L, Note = N, Old = O, Power = P, Amateur = A, Greatest = ALI, Good = G, Times = T, Unionist = U, Prince = P, Sweden = S, Rule = R