Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.
8 I sat, mixing wine (4) ASTI*
11 & 28 Perhaps, Tun Tun's type of gun (6,6) DOUBLE BARREL Definition by example
12 Folded old file covering one source of fossil fuel (8) OILFIELD {OLD+FILE}* over {1}
13 Burned shed housing Cricket Club hoarding gold (8) SCORCHED {S{C{OR}C}HED}
15 Metro crash on top of rock results in earthquake (6) TREMOR {METRO}*{Rock}
17 Anticipated tool's behind forge after girl left (7) FORESAW {SAW}<=>{FORgE}
19 European lawmaker bound and evacuated (7) EMPTIED {E}{MP}{TIED}
22 Drawer returned prize (6) REWARD<=
24 Perhaps a person from Down Under gives away a pound for a European (8) AUSTRIAN AUSTRalIAN
26 Intimidate Hector's cow and badger (8) ?R?W?E?T ()
28 See 11
30 Food shown in "Home Alone" (4) MEAL [T]
31 Oh god! Greek letter and Roman horn (5) CORNU {COR}{NU}
1 Czechoslovakia's capital (4) OSLO [T]
2 Flying robins are flying without an iota of sense (8) AIRBORNE {ROBINs+ARE}*
3 Heavenly visitor accompanied by husband arrives in the Middle Ages (6) COMETH {COMET}{H}
6 Amateur's voice trembles after end of ovation (6) NOVICE {o...oN}{VOICE*}
7 Bird: It is usually run over by train (4) RAIL [DD]
14 Near cul-de-sac (5) CLOSE [DD]
16 After operation, time for entertainment (5) OPERA {OP}{ERA}
18 Spectators park European car in front of English church (8) AUDIENCE {AUDI}{EN}{CE}
20 A couple of rats return carrying the first and last bit of cheese producing organic compound (8) TARTRATE {RAT<=}{The}{RAT}{c...sE} Only one rat is returning?
21 Plant note with Catholic politician (7) FACTORY {FA}{C}{TORY}
23 A high tide, too (2,4) AS WELL {A}{SWELL}
25 Defeat underwater vessel expected (6) SUBDUE {SUB}{DUE}
27 Leer back, showing spool (4) REEL<=
29 See sixth sense, perhaps, at end of therapy (4) ESPY {ESP}{t...pY}
Reference List
Cricket club = CC, Girl = G, European = E, Lawmaker = MP, Pound = L, Oh god = COR, Husband = H, Operation = OP, English = EN, Church = CE, Note = FA, Catholic = C, Politician = TORY