Monday 31 May 2010

No 9856, Monday 31 May 10, M Manna

Lots of girls around today to end Manna's round. Gear up for Neyartha, tomorrow & day after.

1   - Tax mine manager for collecting filthy water in a pool (7) - {CESS}{PIT}
5   - Nothing new about her being shown out (7) -{US{HER}ED}
9   - In Paris it's fashionable (1,2,4) - A LA MODE [E]
10 - I roll round to have merry time (7) - {RO{I}STER}
11 - Ideas that may blossom her (5) - SADIE*
12 - Flirting expected in dead marriage (9) -{D}{ALLIANCE}
13 - Disparage – and not for good measure! (4,5) - SELL SHORT [DD]
15 - Freedom from disturbance (5) -PEACE [E]
16 - A call for trumps may dwindle away to nothing (5) - PETER [DD]
18 - Quality best in the long run (9) - ENDURANCE &lit
21 - Detained foreigners seen returning to Bury (9) - {INTER}{NEES<-}
24 - Am leaving USA for her (5) - amERICA
25 - Mad Eden needs to be corrected (7) - AMENDED*
26 - They constantly worry when gangs roaming round return (7) - {NAGG{ER<-}S*}
27 - Made safe by arranging English nurse (7) - {ENSURE*}D How did the D  get in?
28 - They find they've achieved their aim (7) - SEEKERS [CD]
1   - Frame the fool the companion is having imprisoned (7) - {CH}{ASS}{IS}
2   - Can get the youths to cover up the disgraceful behaviour (7) - {S{CAN}DAL<-}
3   - Computer centre for a production line worker (9) - PROCESSOR [DD]
4   - Right to end turn towards general tendency (5) - {TR<-}{END}
5   - Run amok in high spirits, but that is not to the point (9) -{UNR*}{ELATED}
6   - She may hide around a building, but you'll see her (5) -{HE{I}DI*}
7   - Building's large cask is in road – broken (7) - {RO{TUN}DA*}
8   - Leader takes direction and makes efforts to search for her (7) -{DARLEN*}{E}
14 - Without determination the golfing event finished (4,5) - {OPEN} {ENDED}
15 - Not a good hunting dog, it's said; rather a shark (9) - {~poor){POR}{BEAGLE}
16 - Proper tea, brewed by one of us (7) -{PRIM}{ATE*}
17 - Any old rubbish will interest them, they add (7) -TOTTERS [DD]
19 - An un-English gullibility (7) -NAIVETE [CD]
20 - In the confusion Lee does pass silently and slips away (7) - ELAPSES*
22 - Radio pulses to locate objects (5) - RADAR [CD}
23 - Ned on board ship rouses one to ecstasy (5) - {S{END*}S}

Sunday 30 May 2010

No 2587, Sunday 30 May 10

1 - Fruit's pungent - one could get peppered with it (9) – {GRAPES}{HOT}
6 - Fellow drinking last of Soave, good value (5) – {CH{E}AP}
9 - The sort of seat that may suit a lazy professor? (4,5) – EASY CHAIR

10 - Start of number trio's playing? (5) – {I{N}TRO}
11 - Look after a number accompanied by daughter (4) – {TEN}{D}
12 - Avoid bullock? Sure (5,5) – {STEER} {CLEAR}
13 - More than one Dalmatian follows behind coach (8,4) – {CARRIAGE} {DOGS} Nice clue
17/20 - In a lot at a French hotel in resort? No way! (3,3,3,3,3,2,5) – NOT FOR ALL THE TEA IN CHINA*
21 - Primate burying Saint in recess of church (4) – {AP{S}E}
23 - Hunting dog dropping black bird (5) – bEAGLE
 24 - Shady, until each reformed (9) – UNETHICAL*
25 - Prevent a check pinning rook (5) – {A}{VE{R}T}
26 - Holly, say, always jealous (9) – {EVER}{GREEN}

1 - Got the shakes in run-down part of town (6) – GHETTO*
2 - A bishop posted elsewhere (6) – {A}{B}{SENT}
3 - Every single one kept in by schoolteacher (4) – EACH [T]
4 - Compassion shown by family after interval in play (10,5) – {HEART}{BREAK} {HOUSE}
5 - Ignored what Nelson did? (6,1,5,3) – TURNED A BLIND EYE [CD]
6 - Critic he upset going round cold Welsh resort (9) – {CRIC{C}IETH*}What a name had to Google search this
7 - Skipping rope kept in fancy tent in warehouse (8) – ENTREPOT*
8 - Headway made by pair chased by wicked witch (8) – {PR}{OGRESS}
14 - Royal Navy chaps put in a spot of decking (9) – {A}{DO{RN}{MEN}T}
15 - Object of loathing and hate a man exploited (8) – ANATHEMA*
16 - Odd having left in choke (8) – {STRANG{L}E}
18 - Brave, old man in pain? (6) – {A{PA}CHE}
19 - Composer in carriage in capital city (6) – {BERL}{IN}
(Correction to anno - BERLIN - This is a triple definition see comments below) 
22 - Former politician may be hot wearing toupee (4) – {W{H}IG}

Saturday 29 May 2010

No 9855, Saturday 29 May 10, M Manna

I am stumped by 10A. Maybe Richard has the answer.
1   - Spray for treatment of roseola (7) - AEROSOL*
5   - A piece of paper (7) - ARTICLE [CD]
9   - Persuade Lawrence, congressman, to appear on time (5) - {TE}{MP}{T}
10 - Abstemious member of Biblical society? (9) - R?C?A?I?E(Addendum - RECHABITE [CD] - Thanks to Kishore)

11 - New head adept at parading as an overeducated person (6) - {PEDA{N}T*}
12 - The problem about gnats making horses rear (8) -{MU{STANG<-}S<-}
14 - Travelling at the speed of sound (5) - SONIC [CD]
15 - Tied, perhaps, after no ball? Send the offender overseas (9) - {EXTRA}{DITE*}
18 - Loaded beyond capacity (9) - OVERLADEN [E]
20 - Disturbed to see old boy completely fat (5) - {OB}{ESE*}
22 - I met a friend inside and that livened things up (8) - {AN{I}{MATE}D} Nice clue
24 - Somehow sister has to hinder the action (6) - RESIST*
26 - Place for scholar to display his skill? (3,6) - ART SCHOOL*
27 - I spoil the game, figuratively speaking (5) - {I}{MAGE*}
28 - In the hostel Eva tended to exhilarate (7) - ELEVATE [T]
29 - Boils with anger as he sees the disaster (7) - SEETHES*
1   - Not at Pisa, perhaps, this course? On the contrary! (9) - ANTIPASTO*
2   - Rushed the first man back inside fast (7) - {RA{MADA<-}N}
3   - Wicked and I can't alas, reform (9) - SATANICAL*
4   - Old city the French surround to bait (4) - {L{UR}E}
5   - Article about a foreign nobleman — a hard worker he figures (10) - {A}{C}{COUNT}{ANT}
6   - Sat around to drink to success (5) - {TO}{AST*}
7   - I break into song before I drink in Tuscany (7) - {CH{I}ANT}{I}
8   - First lady adds couple of points to make equal money (5) - {EVE}{N}{S}
13 - Inclined to tamper with Moslem deed (10) - MEDDLESOME*
16 - All together in the past (2,3,4) - AT ONE TIME [DD]
17 - Build up the head's standing (9) - {ERECT}{NESS}
19 - Spite may be shown by the French in communication (7) - {EPIST*}{LE}
21 - I shall never live to see mine! (7) - EPITAPH [CD]
22 - Conscious of mid-May hostilities in capital of Egypt (5) - {A}{WAR}{E}
23 - Bill in car crash in Ghana (5) - {AC}{CRA*}
25 - Slam for not giving charity to poor (4) - ALMS*

Friday 28 May 2010

No 9854, Friday 28 May 10, M Manna

Manna has spoilt his effort of the past few days with some vague and pedestrian clues today.
1   - Lick into shape a revolutionary performance (6) - {RED}{ACT}
4   - Cigar-ring drifting over America? Goodness! (8) - {GRACI*}{O}{US}
10 - Cake for member getting in the condiments (7) - {CRU{MP}ET}

11 - Conditioned for expectancy (7) - ALERTED [CD]
12 - Offer goods at reduced prices (4) - SALE [E]
13 - Stock freely distributed to investors (5,5) - SCRIP ISSUE [E]
16 - Half an escudo placed on line of legal document (6) - {ESC}{ROW}
17 - Treasonable legislator? (7) - SENATOR*
20 - List of employees kept on side in different stores (7) - {ROSTE{R}S*}
21 - Restricted to certain class (6) - CLOSED [CD]
24 - Frustrate by removing high C from a disc concert (10) - {DISc}{CONCERT}
25 - Got into trouble in search for a boy (4) - TONI* Toni is normally a girls name, a male would have been TONY. Reminds me of our discussion on MONA-TONY the other day
27 - Cover up entirely to hide (7) - ENVELOP [CD]
29 - Freckle observed by astronomers (7) - SUNSPOT [DD]

30 - Curse the executive, briefly, for the price set (8) - {EXEC}{RATE}
31 - Loved making a theologian admit alternative point (6) - {A}{D{OR}{E}D}
1   - Withdraws into alcoves (8) - RECESSES [DD]
2   - Cheat a score of Romans (6,5) - DOUBLE CROSS I liked this clue.
3   - Many copy to make a sleeveless cloak (4) - {C}{APE}
5   - Accomplished to obtain money by selling property (8) - REALISED [DD] 
6   - Tick can be believed (10) - {CREDIT}{ABLE} [CD]
7   - Not in (3) - OUT [E]
8   - Improvised with swift action (6) - SUDDEN [DD]
9   - Animals kept on a farm (5) - STOCK [E]
14 - Displays opera-hat, the one that brings the house down (4,7) - {SHOW S}{TOPPER}
15 - He'll manage to hoodwink a fisherman (10) - {CON}{TROLLER}
18 - What a madman will do if he can't get a jar open? (8) - {CRACK}{POT}
19 - Didn't deny dad met it in a devious way (8) - ADMITTED*
22 - He breaks a bent red stick (6) - {A}{D{HE}RE*}
23 - Grossly stupid to give credit to dope (5) - {CR}{ASS}
26 - One end may be given to her (4) - {EN{I}D}
28 - Bid to put forward in competition (3) - VIE [CD]

Thursday 27 May 2010

No 9853, Thursday 27 May 10, M Manna

1   - Agree about its being in keeping (10) - {CONS{IST*}ENT}
6   - Church in charge appears to have style (4) - {CH}{IC}
9   - Personal end achieved last month with no difficulty (7) - {DEC}{EASE}
10 - Calling for minis so adaptable (7) - MISSION*
12 - For the animal, the tide's being out made it easier (8) - {ASS}{ISTED*}
13 - Stay in Lincoln — I would (5) - {AB{ID}E}
15 - English to land in South Africa for an antelope (5) - {E}{LAND}

17 - No odd vocal part can be preserved by keeping things unruffled (4,5) - {EVEN} {TENOR}
19 - Action to be taken about land taken away (9) - {DE{TRACT}ED}
21 - Old continental gold coin (5) - DUCAT [E]

23 - Domestic cover needed at some stages (5) - APRON [CD]
24 - I'm sorry father is against modern innovations (6,2) - {PA}{RDON ME*}

27 - Buy for and mop up the tear the tot shed (5,2) - {TREA*}{T TO*}
28 - Loves catching the train to go off to somewhere overseas (7) - {O{NTARI*}O}
29 - You may be hurt if you look for her (4) - RUTH*
30 - Where Moses learnt his tables (5,5) - MOUNT SINAI [E]
1   - Olympic runner about died — trying to break it perhaps (4) - {CO{D}E}
2   - Capital I invested in building casino (7) - {NICOS{I}A*}
3   - I raised another question initially with one Middle Easterner (5) - {I}{R}{A}{Q}{I}
4   - Behaviour to a patient (9) - TREATMENT [CD]
5   - Traveller with Damon in trouble (5) - NOMAD*
7   - Creolised language spoken in former French colony (7) - HAITIAN [CD]
8   - Study a secret arrangement to sanctify a place, maybe (10) - {CON}{SECRATE*}
11 - Heavenly body that Ted was surprised to see (7) - {STAR}{TED}
14 - He has to replan terms ahead (10) - HEADMASTER*
16 - Systematic police search for a criminal (7) - DRAGNET [CD]
18 - Duck landed for cover (9) - {EIDER}{DOWN}

20 - Rubbish thrown up and torn in a rush (7) - {TOR<-}{RENT}
22 - Easy to recognize him as he arrived with Ron (7) - {CAME}{RON}
24 - Shot warm-hearted to visionary tourist (5) - {P{HOT}O
25 - Place hats in ring in making truth statements (5) - {O}{ATHS*}
26 - Desert American serviceman died in (4) - {G{OB}I}

Wednesday 26 May 2010

No 9852, Wednesday 26 May 10, M Manna

Not sure about 18A
1   - A slip one is too unconcerned over (8,5) - {CARE}{LESS} {LAPSE}
8   - A man second to none in peace or war (7) - SUPREMO [CD]
9   - Dastard in song in pastoral Greece (7) - {AR{CAD}IA} [CD]
11 - Zero assessed, held forth from platform (6) - {O}{RATED}
13 - Down and out — overcome with exhaustion (4,4) - DEAD BEAT [CD]
15 - A barbed fork to catch fish (5) - SPEAR [DD]
16 - They let you see the garden sprinklers (7) - SHOWERS [DD]
18 - Packer put me in to partner Close? (7) - {SERV{I}{C}E} ??
19 - Chap to leave tropical fruit? (5) - {MAN}{GO}

21 - Dealing with someone who is patient? (8) - TREATING [CD]
23 - Secret preserve in revolutionary era (6) - {AR{CAN}E<-}
25 - Reprimand means one has to make the case again (7) - {RE}{PROVE}
26 - Swimmer with a deep voice? (3,4) - {SEA} {BASS} [CD]

28 - Go overseas (5,3,5) - CROSS THE OCEAN [CD]
2   - Satisfy with a couple of coins to achieve peace and quiet (7) - {A}{PP}{EASE}
3   - She always has the right to disappear (3) - EVEr
4   - Love God of the Greek but Cupid for the Romans (4) - EROS [CD]
5   - Less than life size mannequin? (5,5) - SCALE MODEL [CD]
6   - Car of the French crashed by discharge of electricity across terminals (5) -{ARC*}{ED*}
7   - Becomes sorrowful as the advertisements end uneasily on Saturday (7) - {SAD*}{DEN*}{S}
8   - Backward lad describes symptom of a nearly flat battery (4,7) - SLOW STARTER
10 - Their theories are formulated on more stars (11) - ASTRONOMERS*
12 - Fault causing failure of computer programme (5) - ERROR [E]
14  - Taming Ness monstrosity as a task to be done (10) - ASSIGNMENT*
17 - A mere turn to left may find him (5) - {E{L}MER*}
18 - Support for railway rails (7) - SLEEPER [E]

20 - A river once more going up and down (7) - {NIAGA}{R}{A}<-
22 - Lost ring used for working instruments (5) - {TO{O}LS*}
24 - Sea that lies around a small land area (4) - ISLE*
27 - Curve of a circle (3) - ARC [E]

Tuesday 25 May 2010

No 9851, Tuesday 25 May 10, M Manna

1   - A company unreasonably circumscribed by design (7) - {PLA{TOO}N} How can a Platoon be a Company, it is a sub-division of a company?
5   - Vocal disapproval from Tom or Kitty (7) - {CAT}{CALL}
10 - Tyrant was fortunately posted abroad (6) - DESPOT*
11 - Rush off from the violent youngster (8) - {TEAR}{AWAY}
12 - Animal demolished the fibre of the abaca plant (6) - MANILA*
13 - Country achieving equality in a pronounced way (8) - THAILAND Anno pending (Addendum - (~tie){THAI}{LAND} - Thanks to Maddy)
14 - Attended, getting the two ten out (4,2) - WENT TO*
15 - Hot move by sailors to make points (6) - {THO*}{RNS}
18 - It may assist the arrest of bleeding (6) - STASIS [CD]
20 - A sailor is given a mark (6) - {TAR}{GET} Given and get ?
23 - The rat taking a delivery scoffed (8) - APOSTATE Anno pending(Addendum - {A}{POST}{ATE} - Thanks to Richard)
25 - Tries a form of literary persiflage (6) - SATIRE*
26 - The container, a tin, tries to open (8) - {CAN}{ISTER*}
27 - To rush about the Home Counties can be a problem (6) - {TEA{SE}R}
28 - Hanging makes little impression on writer (7) - {PEN}{DENT}
29 - Rent-a-party storm (7) - {TORN}{A}{DO}
2   - Make room to manoeuvre (6) - LEEWAY [CD]
3   - Will they entertain on only the best ships? (3,6) - {TOP} {LINERS} [CD]
4   - Survive to the tenth wicket perhaps (7) - {OUT}{LAST
6   - A hold-up a worker finds very hard (7) - {A}{DAM}{ANT}
7   - Method of progress that is faster in water than on land (5) - CRAWL [CD]

8   - Discovering that a listing is about right (8) - {LEA{R}NING}
9   - Modern painting's condition (5,2,3,3) - STATE OF THE ART [DD]
16 - Prepare excessively for performance of extra coach (9) - {OVER}{TRAIN}
17 - Sorting post, a boy can cause a hold-up (8) - {STOP*}{PAGE}
19 - Extremely tough fight to get a bronze (7) - {SPAR}{TAN}
21 - Teacher turning up with man leaving seat for food (7) - {RIS<-}{OTTOman}
22 - "A companion of the devil” is about right (6) - {F{R}IEND} Nice clue
24 - Watched to collect information (5) - SPIED [CD]

Monday 24 May 2010

No 9850, Monday 24 May 10, M Manna

1   - Disaffected paper chief quaffed rum (9) - {E{STRANGE}D}
6   - The standpoints of both the left and the right (5) - SIDES [DD]
9   - English in Riviera resort is relative (5) - {NI{E}CE}
10 - This player is known to put the squeeze on The Box (9) - ACCORDION [CD]

11 - Highly amused this month by ticklish sensations (2,8) - {IN ST}{ITCHES}
12 - Only French mother (4) - MERE [DD]
14 - Bullfighters appear to roost over on foot! (7) - {TO{RE}ROS}
15 - Plug money sent to the French post to revolt (7) -{STOP*}{P}{LE}
17 - Dictated to have many tied in construction (7) - {IN{D}ITED*}
19 - Commanding Officer sat in preparation of operations (7) - {A{C}TI{O}NS*}
20 - Recognises the sound of the organ (4) - (~knows)NOSE
22 - Presbyterian presidents break up smart rodeo (10) - MODERATORS*
25 - Abandon when you move home (5,4) - {LEAVE} {FLAT}
26 - Race bet in Rhode Island is crooked (5) - {T{RI}BE*}
27 - Start the game? Will do (5) - SCRUM ?
28 - Large number, train with old misconstrued guiding principles (9) - {DO{C}{TRINA*}L*}
1   - Nine turn out with a feeling of weariness (5) - {ENN{U}I*}
2   - Certain to remain in step if treated with respect (9) - {TREA{SURE}D}
3   - I tore a male to pieces to effect an improvement (10) - AMELIORATE*
4   - Strikes ball, with bat, to glide over to fine leg (7) - GLANCES [CD]
5   - Labourers who load and unload ships on a wharf (7) - DOCKERS [CD]
6   - For a Yank, of course, it's always effective (4) - {SU}{RE} No reversal indicator
7   - Five ride out to press forward with violence (5) - {DRI{V}E*} Why violence?
8   - No reason for being without taste, for example (9) - SENSELESS [CD]
13 - Firm undertaking to build a condenser? (10) - CONTRACTOR [DD]
14 - Not musical circles (9) - TRIANGLES [CD]

16 - Upgrading in favour of formal proposal (9) - {PRO}{MOTION}
18 - Odd to take dole for having scribbled aimlessly (7) - DOODLED*

19 - Substance not liable to decay as per case made out on tip (7) - {ASE{PTI*}C*}
21 - Step one is to get into the lead (5) - {STA{I}R}
23 - Explosive projectile that may direct one to hell (5) - {S}{HELL}
24 - Regard, we're told, as a best friend (4) - DEEM ?

Sunday 23 May 2010

No 2586, Sunday 23 May 10

1   - Indian officer, soldier and revolutionary (8) -{CO}{MAN}{CHE}
5   - Hold up a picnic basket (6) - HAMPER [DD]
9   - Professional wearing article, a protective garment (5) -{A{PRO}N}
10 - A man from Ireland collecting standard US equipment (9) -{A}{P{PAR}AT}{US}
12 - Lab cope with modifying drug for clinical trial (7) - PLACEBO*
13 - One may be required after a game of rugby on `B' deck (7) -{RU}{B}{DOWN}
14 - Just awful, residents' diet (13) - DISINTERESTED*
16 - More than one good man lacking polish seen in sharp suit (5,8) - {ROUGH} {DIAMONDS}
21 - One in cartel amended clause (7) - {ART{I}CLE*}
23 - Terry, perhaps, or Bill with long hair? (7) - {AC}{TRESS}
24 - Something that is incidental to neighbourhood children? (4,5) - {SIDE} {ISSUE}
25 - Club record on circuit (5) -{DISC}{O}
26 - Damage in a harbour (6) -{MAR}{IN}{A}
27 - Cabinetmaker subdued about that woman (8) -{S{HER}ATON}
1   - Applauded Charlie, left well behind in race? (7) - {C}{LAPPED}
2   - Misguided rangers coming after me, a fish-eating duck (9) - {ME}{RGANSER*}

3   - Article used in navy, strong fabric (7) - NANKEEN [DD]

4   - Madly in love? Completely (4,4,5) - HEAD OVER HEELS [DD]
6   - Turn holding mug and a tumbler (7) - {AC{ROB}{A}T} Hmmm.......
7   - A top spinning round one in courtyard (5) - {PAT{I}O*}
8   - Feel bitter about unopened gift (6) - pRESENT
11 - Take wine with girl in a South African city (4,9) -{PORT} {ELIZABETH}
15 - Intimate group after ultimate in food and service (6,3) -{D}{INNER SET}
17 - Affected charm in meeting from which Jack is excluded (7) - jUNCTION
18 - Bullfighter in Benidorm, at a do, relaxing (7) - MATADOR [T] Never liked the concept of bullfighting.
19 - Soldiers shortly to join poet (7) -{SAS}{SOON}
20 - New manor's an extortionate price? (6) - RANSOM*
22 - Organised tour round duke's house (5) - {TU{D}OR}

Saturday 22 May 2010

No 9849, Saturday 22 May 10, Gridman

It's MANNA from Monday

1   - One politician and runaway cadet collided (8) - {I}{MP}{ACTED}
5   - Unreliable person useless for omelette-making? (3,3) - BAD EGG [CD]

10 - One who takes up a redtop variant (7) - ADOPTER*
11 - One for the “Sent” folder? (7) - OUTPOST [CD]
12 - Article on the sea having a single subject (6) - {THE}{MED}
13 - Investigation about hearing in school cut by half (8) - {RE}{S{EAR}CHool}
15 - Besides, kinds of mail are swamping Lok Sabha (4) - {E{LS}E} E from e-mail. Nice clue
16 - Estate employee in mega toss by goalie (10) - {GAME*}{KEEPER}
18 - It's a fifty-fifty allotment (5,5) - EQUAL SHARE [E]
20 - I study a picture on the desktop (4) - {I}{CON}
23 - They spoil those who utter wildly about silver (8) - {RAV{AG}ERS}
24 - Sword in disrepair? (6) - RAPIER [T*] Rapier does come out from Disrepair but I am confused as to how this clue works as dis is removed and repair anagrammed.
26 - As a concrete jungle is (5-2) - BUILT-UP [CD]
27 - Reindeer vehicle I half-purchased (7) - {CAR}{I}{BOUght}

28 - Makes a stab at some writing (6) - ESSAYS [DD]
29 - The sort of natives found in oyster beds (8) - CULTURED [CD]
1   - Irrelevant bit he retailed about old Russian Tsar (4,3,8) - IVAN THE TERRIBLE*
2   - Methodology formed by expert on tax (7) - {PRO}{CESS}
3   - Butcher's offering allowed after a discount (6) - {CUT}{LET}
4   - Gain experience to put the first of the load out and make money (4) - lEARN
6   - Later Ned leapt out like a deer perhaps (8) - ANTLERED*
7   - This outing should inflate one's opinion of oneself (3,4) - EGO TRIP [CD]
8   - Be treated evasively (3,3,9) - GET THE RUNAROUND [CD]
9   - Hearst and Leo somehow become discouraged (4,5) - LOSE HEART*
14 - Money plant's yields? Not exactly! (4,5) - CASH CROPS [CD]
17 - To a small degree, sly about answer-word (8) - {S{LIGHT}LY}
19 - Reveals to liven us in a way (7) - UNVEILS*
21 - Chhattisgarh's top and flexible mountaineer (7) - {C}{LIMBER}
22 - Mimic Polly (6) - PARROT [DD]

25 - Linen of the cruder sort (4) - ECRU [T]

Friday 21 May 2010

No 9848, Friday 21 May 10, Gridman

1   - Its fall denotes the end (7) - CURTAIN [CD]
5   - Street a meeting-place (6) -{A}{VENUE}
9   - Love in the morning for most of sixty minutes (5) - {AM}{hOUR}
10 - Stranded fare? (9) - SPAGHETTI [CD]

11 - Famous but apparently incompetent (7) - {NOT}{ABLE}
12 - Tom backs CIT's revised procedure (7) - {TAC<-}{TICS*}
13 - The sort of flight or option that makes it unprecedented (5) - FIRST [CD]
14 - Pompous about flu in Thai quarters (9) - HIFALUTIN*
16 - Sticky insect has another insect within (3,6) - OIL{BEE}TLE  Never heard of this beetle before
19 - Overwhelm a doctor and confess (5) - {DR}{OWN}
21 - Canadian cop makes relation blow her top for a short-time (7) - (-a+mo){MOUNTIE}

23 - Sign a number is lionlike (7) - {LEO}{NINE}
24 - Gear for retirement? (9) - NIGHTGOWN [E]
25 - A girl in distress was a knight's quest (5) - GRAIL*
 26 - It makes kite-flying an easy thing (6) - BREEZE [CD]
27 - Competitors' records (7) -ENTRIES [D] Smart again
1   - In which orders pass from one link to another (5,2,7) - CHAIN OF COMMAND [CD]
2   - Early bird? (7) - ROOSTER [CD]
3   - Turn to get hold of mug and a tumbler (7) - {AC{ROB}{A}T} 
4   - Sunshine falls timorously on top of the army building (6,3) -{NISSEN} {HUT} brings back good memories of army life. These temporary huts are still used by our army at many places even in Bangalore, with some of WW II vintage!!
5   - Get adjusted to a lawyer on training (5) - {A}{DA}{PT}
6   - Chela, it was hit just (7) - ETHICAL*
7   - Straighten out (7) - UNTWIST [E]
8   - Complaint is Denise, with son, planned poorly (4,3,7) - {PINS AND NEEDLE*}{S}

15 - Slippery customer going into a country is independent, in a way (9) - {FR{EEL}ANCE}
17 - Less advanced in years, unknown makes way for learner in an armchair (7) - (-y+l){LOUNGER}
18 - Give the right to label (7) - ENTITLE [E]
19 - Must be under doctor during a dry spell (7) - {DR}{OUGHT}
20 - Indian wise men go north after alternative art (7) - {OR}{IGAM<-}{I}
22 - Show feelings dramatically (5) - EMOTE [CD]

Thursday 20 May 2010

No 9847, Thursday 20 May 10, Gridman

1   - Such a sketch doesn’t have flesh and blood (8) - SKELETAL [DD]
5   - Pieceworker, Jack, old boy, gets some numbers (6) - {J}{OB}{BER}
9   - Gun put in hold, our sailors lost in the boat races (7) - {RE{GAT}TAin} Our sailors = IN = Indian Navy
10 - Stubborn person overwhelms females with red scarf (7) - {MU{FF}LE}{R}
11 - Sherpa got flustered in a cluster of projectiles (9) - GRAPESHOT*
12 - Is he fit to be a takeaway person? (5) - THIEF*
13 - Among a small number there’s an engineer: one leading a high life (4) - {I{BE}X}
14 - Tucker, for one, sung about weapons (5,4) - {TOMMY} {GUNS*}

17 - Odd, fifty left for new youth leader for a kind of reward (9) - {PECUl(+n)NIAR}{Y}
19 - Perhaps evangelists hold a recess (4) - APSE [T]
23 - Under a false name, briefly (5) - INCOG [CD]
24 - Painter holding a hot section for islanders (9) - {T{A}{H}ITIAN}{S}
25 - Not straightforward, like a crossword clue! (7) - CRYPTIC [CD]
26 - Perm Sue worked out is the best of all (7) - SUPREME*
27 - Don’t outstanding workers take part in these strikes? (3-3) - SIT-INS [CD]
28 - You and me inquisitive — not about a description of an exceptional interest (8) - {US}{cURIOUS}
1   - Gasolier refurbished at women’s quarters in palace (8) - SERAGLIO*
2   - Chisel image finally with graven designing (7) - {E}{NGRAVE*}
3   - Specialist gets bay perhaps for a starter (6) - {ENT}{REE}
4   - Isn’t archaic? No, just becoming outmoded (13) - ANACHRONISTIC*
6   - Near-offer about torn tags kept away from public view (3-5) - {OFF-{STAG*}Er}
7   - Bobby’s leader coming up with big money (7) - {BILL}{ION<-}
8   - Become thinned with ugly fare on board (6) - R{AREF*}Y RY and on board? I'm not clear

10 - Transformation brought about by aphorisms to the latter half of them (13) - {ME*}{TAMORPHOSIS*}
15 - Conducting element (8) - TUNGSTEN [E]
16 - Estimate again: to be diverted are ships carrying drug (8) - {REA*}{SS{E}SS}
18 - Variable parking in chaotic centre not completed, put in a code (7) - {ENCR{Y}{P}Te*}
20 - Identify unpleasant smell, but this doesn't make cure possible (7) - {PLACE}{BO}
21 - Endlessly talk about freshwater aquarium fish (6) - DISCUSs
22 - Dazed feeling increased when in shop mostly (6) - {ST{UP}ORe}

Wednesday 19 May 2010

No 9846, Wednesday 19 May 10, Gridman

1   - Girl's training men on safety-first electrical devices (8) - {ADA}{PT}{OR}{S}

6   - A great many development units (4) - LOTS [DD]
9   - Some of the best RAF engineers attack from the air (6) - STRAFE [B]
10 - Mate rejects objection to a kind of washing machine (4-3) - {TWIN} {TUB<-}
13 - Listen secretly: ladies heard to prod weirdly (9) - (~eves)(EAVES}{DROP*}

14 - She will take and revise notes (9) - STENO* Nice clue
15 - What an ivory-poacher may look for (4) - TUSK [CD]
16 - In section, prying police's overlooking one package deliverable by mail (6,4) - {PAR{CEL POSi*}T}
19 - Thin fights over work period (5,5) - NIGHT SHIFT*
21 - Big star Bard's river reflected (4) - NOVA<-
24 - Chekhov the writer, for one (5) - ANTON [E]
25 - Mistake in supervision (9) - OVERSIGHT [DD]
26 - Nil parent puzzled at work (7) - {O}{PERANT*}
27 - Put a couple of letters in search engine for laundry additive (6) - {B{L}{U}ING} I always thought it was just Blue
28 - Perched back on top of kiosk for a difficult job (4) - {TAS<-}{K}
29 - French capitalist? (8) - PARISIAN [CD] Smart
2   - Sort of cases District Superintendent involves upstart Evita in (7) - D{ATIVE<-}S New word for me
3   - Party leader to step up for tribute (6) - {P}{RAISE}
4   - Outwit Rev. Horace somehow (9) - OVERREACH*
5   - Pay attention to ab exercise? (3,2) - SIT UP [DD]
7   - Constantly moving, he got no break (2,3,2) - ON THE GO* Nice clue
8   - Not the main business agreements (12) - SUBCONTRACTS [E]
11 - One new single boot part (6) - {I}{N}{SOLE}
12 - Falling into illness but not confined to bed? (7,5) - {GETTING} {A}{BOUT}
17 - Brown's restriction on where you may get a refreshing drink (6,3) - {COFFEE} {BAR}
18 - Poem unit's function variable in appeal (6) - {S{TAN}{Z}A}
20 - Picks up information on gun belonging to the woman (7) - {GAT}{HERS}
22 - Material for The Hindu, say, on Zambia? (7) - {ORGAN}{ZA}
23 - Questions about offspring succeeded (6) - ISSUES [DD] Why succeeded?
25 - Available: old books on Andhra Pradesh (2,3) - {O}{N T}{AP}

Tuesday 18 May 2010

No 9845, 18 May 10, Gridman

1   - Rough-and-ready method by Tom's dictum? (4,2,5) - RULE OF THUMB
9   - They pull undergarments (7) - DRAWERS [DD]
10 - One boy back with another at the far end of ledge to remove covering (7) - {DIS<-}{ROB}{E}
11 - To a specified time peacekeepers get oil (5) - {UN}{TIL} TIL is Sesame but TIL by itself cannot mean OIL.
12 - PTA cheery about a perfect example (9) - ARCHETYPE*
13 - Give a dirty look to some of the bellowers (5) - LOWER [T]
15 - Shame! Dhonis veered off! Quarter of an hour lost! (9) - {DISHON*}{hOUR}
18 - They keep shops smartened in a certain manner (9) - TRADESMEN*
21 - Company raised rejected rodent (5) - {COY}{PU<-}
22 - Young German gamely abandoned a broken playground equipment (6,3) - {JUNG}{LE GYMa*}
24 - Caused injury by removing top with weapons (5) - hARMED
26 - Act with college head following ‘stop' order on a kind of research (7) - {POST*}{DO}{C}
27 - One who depletes to fall in the German case (7) - {D{RAIN}ER}
28 - His pic Colin morphed is inside the PC (7,4) - SILICON CHIP*
1   - Communist to ponder over alien fish (3,6) - {RED} {MULL}{ET}
2   - Less than less (5) - LEAST [E]
3   - Bigger than big (9) - OVERLARGE [E]
4   - One who would wax eloquent over models, presumably (7) - TUSSAUD [CD]
5   - And the German, to sock pieces away, moves out (7) - {UND}{OCKS*}
6   - Criticise and wildly stab at one finally (5) - {BAST*}{E}
7   - Plump pudding (4-4) - ROLY-POLY [DD]
8   - First of samples, before it's withered (4) - {S}{ERE}
14 - By-no-means a strong vice (8) - WEAKNESS [CD]
16 - Canoeing a sport for another time (4,5) - {ONCE {A}GAIN*}
17 - It brings you to where you began the journey (5,4) - ROUND TRIP [CD]
19 - Wonderful wise men raise a large amount (7) - {MAGI}{CAL<-}
20 - Itinerant, sane, leaders of Indian culture (7) - {NOMAD}{I}{C}
22 - Yes, in Germany, primarily puerile English quip (4) - {JA}{P}{E}
23 - Ditches fifty poems (5) - {L}{ODES}
25 - Insect hovers around Pole for a period (5) - {MO{N}TH}

Monday 17 May 2010

No 9844, Monday 17 May 10, Gridman

1   - By order, behead no stupid person (8) - BONEHEAD*
5   - Creep on dam, do! (6) - {WEIR}{DO}
9   - Standard a couple of females at home have for what paper may be coated with (8) - {PAR}{A}{FF}{IN}
10 - What one did on the doormat pretty much is plain (6) - STEPPEd
12 - Strip of wood is almost bluish-grey (4) - SLATe
13 - Thinner bit of raga included in composition of inept tune (10) - {TU{R}PENTINE*}
15 - Help get comfy at bedtime (4,2) - TUCK IN [CD]

17 - A piece of the action in golf? (5) - DIVOT [CD]

20 - Wrongdoer abandons soft part of target (5) - sINNER
21 - Managed to be back on tier that's of little breadth (6) - {NAR<-}{ROW}
24 - Rep felt cup is broken and becomes tense (10) - PLUPERFECT*
27 - Enemy surrounding large ice sheet (4) - F{L}OE
 29 - Kind of dismissal suffered by foreign one taking part in conducted tour (3,3) - {R{UN} OUT*}
30 - Without a crew, deprived of strength of mind (8) - UNMANNED [DD]
31 - Company of players to gather, we hear (6) - TROUPE(~troop)
32 - Rummage broken lunettes (8) - UNSETTLE*
1   - Give the skip to a kind of surgical procedure (6) - BYPASS [DD]
2   - Just condition met by young boy (6) - {NORM}{AL}
3   - Sound set provided in Hampi's outer limits (4) - {H{IF}I}
4   - What you might say as you leave in France (5) - ADIEU [E]
6   - Consumed bit of what neta eagerly passed back (5) - EATEN [T<-]
7   - Respite for church official covering public relations unit (8) - {RE{PR}{I}EVE}
8   - You can't make one without breaking an egg (8) - OMELETTE [CD]
11 - Footloose writer in Californian town recalled beginner(6) - {O{PEn}NER<-}
14 - Say “I'm happy” as a Siamese might (4) - PURR [CD]

16 - Ruler, one replaced by you, said to have endless fun in martial art (4,2) - {K(-i+u)UNG} {FUn}
17 - Abandon an ornament (4) - DROP [DD]
18 - Discourage girl's rip-it posture (8) - {DIS}{PIRIT*}
19 - Hint that disparate union is about to wind up (8) - {INNU{END}O*}
22 - Scheme by the alien for a heavenly body (6) - {PLAN}{ET}
23 - Dog, with its tail docked but possessing a bit of dependability, for church official (6) - BEAg{D}LE 
25 - Provide oriental bit of wit (5) - {E}{QUIP}
26 - About unknown clergyman (5) - {C}{ANON}
28 - Feeling of malice in chacha telling (4) - HATE [T]