Sunday 31 May 2009

No 2535, Sunday, 31 May 09

No hiccups today, went like a knife through butter after yesterday's hammering by Neyartha
1 - Set up a partnership (5) - STAND [DD]
4 - Actual money to be made if top rent adjusted (3,6) - NET PROFIT*
9 - Take corners well racing in Jersey? (4-4,7) - ROLL-NECK SWEATER
10 - One male job in tax (10) - {I}{M}POSITION
11 - Endlessly hinder alliance (4) - BLOC(-k)
13 - Powerless, locked in sauna, bleeding (6) - UNABLE [T]
14 - Choose artist to illustrate a type of complex (7) - ELECT{RA} Had heard of Oedipus complex but not this one, see the explanation at the link
16 - Wear out car part (7) - EXHAUST [DD]
18 - Lean, adult leader of group diving into lake (6) - MEA{G}RE (Correction ME{A}{G}RE - Thanks to Bala)
20 - Fine linen from Prestatyn, Wales, sent over (4) - LAWN [T] Never knew Lawn was fine linen also
21 - Obstacles in rear by travelling cranes (10) - {HIND}RANCES*
23 - Writer of musical tale, we hear, receiving top prizes (6,9) - {OLIVER} {GOLDS}MITH (~myth)
24 - In succession to throne, displaced head of Tudors (2,3,4) - ON THE TRO{T}
25 - Solitary type Cockney fellow dismissed (5) - LON(-don)ER Londoners are not necessarily Cockneys
1 - Runs in country getting injury (6) - SP{R}AIN
2 - Tolerant? Waspish? Possibly a mild rebuke is the answer (1,4,2,3,5) - A SLAP ON THE WRIST*
3 - Cheese in buns he laid out (6,4) - DANISH BLUE*
4 - Ascot's winning margin, then dead heat? (7) - {NECK}{TIE}
5 - Silk from refurbished US store (7) - TUSSORE*
6 - Part of film is serious, according to report ... (4) - REEL (~real)
7 - ... film total art fanatic misconstrued (5,10) - FATAL ATTRACTION* Great movie
8 - Develop film showing traitor (8) - {TURN}{COAT}
12 - Bone in arm, at least cracked (10) - METATARSAL*
15 - Rich source of oil, also buried diamonds (4-2-2) - {WELL}-TO-{D}O
17 - Start trip (7) - TRIGGER [DD]
18 - Malicious assertions over apartment in area of seaside land (3,4) - MUD FLAT
19 - Queen of Persia belonging to Xerxes, there? (6) - ESTHER [T]
22 - Children on the radio give up (4) - CEDE Anno pending (Addendum - (~seed) - Thanks to Chaturvasi)

Saturday 30 May 2009

No 9546, Saturday, 30 May 09, Neyartha

Oh boy! Today is a tough one and I don't mean the starred clues which were easy after Hamlet fell. Lots of blanks
Note: The starred clues carry no direct definition, but they are all from the same pen.
1 - Palm greased, when enveloped in darkness, with soot (4-5) - LAMP* BLACK
6 - Concluding operation (3-2) - MOP UP [CD]
9 - Embryo bags found with molybdenum extracted from a fertilizer (5) - AM(-mo)NIA
10 - Organ container in hideout returned for packing? Not good! (4-5) - RI{NG} {CAN}AL<- )
11, 19Ac - *Half-witted doctor declines aid from the vocal bishop’s neighbour (7,5) - TWELFTH*(-aid) NIGHT(~knight)
12 - *Overturned tree pictured in headgear (6) - HA{MLE<-}T
14 See 6 Dn
15 - Tipped about the silent cover up of a corn growth (9) - MU{CRONA*}TE
17 - Accountant imprisoned in air-base attacked by beetles (9) - S{CA}RABAEI*
19 - See 11 Ac
20 - Clearing attempt with a right to expel the Yankee (6) - ASSA(-y+rt)RT (Thanks to Chaturvasi)
22 - An understanding teen foolishly pockets what’s left around (7) - EN{TEN<-}TE*
24 - Not joking purposefully (2,7) - IS SERIOUS [CD] (Correction IN EARNEST)
25 - India idolises the showing of Japanese martial art (3-2) - IAI-DO
26 - Treehouses? (5) - NESTS [CD]
27 - Very devout priest and soldier are taken in by the showy flower (9) - R{ELI}{GI}OSE
1 - Individual in audition has an interpretation for calque (4,11) - LOAN(~lone) TRANSLATION
2 - Nominates revolutionary to the State (9) - MINNESOTA*
3 - Boyfriend paid honour to the departing editor with an antique cupboard (7) - {BEAU}{FET}(-ed)
4 - Old English beggar, sailor and artist get meat from the valet (7-3) - {AB}{RA}{HAM} MAN
5, 23Dn - *Work area hides a fireplace inside (4,4) - KING JOHN (Correction - K{ING LE}AR )
6, 14Ac, 19Dn - *Adhesive from the south put around a tooth chain bound by mistake (4,3,5,7) - MU{CH ADO ABOUT NOTHIN*}G <- )
7 - Team sheet (5) - PANEL [DD]
8 - A tall claim’s rejoinder? (4,3,5,3) - PLAY THE STORY OUT [CD] ? (PULL THE OTHER ONE [CD] - From comments of Ganesh)
13 - Unplanned stress for Capone when besieging Idaho (10) - (Addendum - ACC{ID}ENT{AL})
16 - Money needed for renovating building after Victor drops out (9) - ARGENTINO*(-v)
18 - Run out, framed by haloes, to see the sky lights (7) - AU{R}{O}RAS
19 - See 6 Dn
21 - Birds from Moroccan capital for the model cooks (5) - S(-t+m)MEWS (Thanks to Ganesh from the HUB)
23 - See 5 Dn

Friday 29 May 2009

No 9545, Friday, 29 May 09, M Manna

Mr Manna seems to have improved today. 25A eludes me
1 - He takes up practice with a new found son maybe (7) - {ADOPT}ER ?
5 - One who goes pelting around Canadian forests (7) - TRAPPER [CD]
9 - A ban on Lee affected his visit to this American city (7) - AB{I}LENE*
10 - President Lawrence made out sets of musical compositions for 7 performers (7) - S{E{P}T}ETS
11 - Tim has become so tearful (5) - MOIST*
12 - Worked out cut without hesitation (9) - EX{ER}CISED
13 - Swiss federal state extends to Far East language (9) - {CANTON}ESE
15 - Moves gently to be free from pain (5) - EASES [DD}
16 - Appear quiet dear, as you hang the curtains (5) - DRA{P}E*
18 - Atlantic Coast American near trees uprooted (9) - EASTERNER*
21 - In a temper Ann forever (9) - PERMANENT*
24 - Persian head dress fit for a queen (5) - TIARA [CD]
25 - Friction that narrowed passage without stopping air intake (7) - S?I?A?T
26 - Reclaim another supernatural happening (7) - MIRACLE*
27 - It gives warm support to aspiring glider pilots (7) - THERMAL [DD] Why aspiring? all glider pilots look for thermals, remember looking for them while learning Gliding at the Coimbatore Airport
28 - Listens for a just cause to enter into energetically (7) - ENLISTS*
1 - Looking pale coming out of a cinema (7) - ANAEMIC*
2 - Not right to pin on one, a favourable estimation (7) - O{PIN}{I}ON
3 - Coming of age on the black jack table (6,3) - TWENTY ONE [DD]
4 - Soldier approaching first lady with old bailiff (5) - {RE}{EVE}
5 - Stateless arrangement completely lacking in style (9) - TASTELESS*
6 - A spice having no end of use in savouries (5) - ASPIC(-e)
7 - Record sales crazily delights all (7) - {P}L{E}ASES*
8 - Desires arrangement to dwell permanently (7) - RESIDES*
14 - Like the powers of nature (9) - ELEMENTAL [CD]
15 - Relating to voters (9) - ELECTORAL [CD]
16 - Down payment I posted off (7) - DEPOSIT*
17 - Atmosphere on tap for aircraft organisation (7) - {AIR}{LINE}
19 - Eastern sun can create shades of difference (7) - NUANC{E}S*
20 - In here a person may find agricultural workers (7) - REAPERS [T]
22 - Designed to arm Al with a warning of danger (5) - ALARM*
23 - Tee off with congressman at a place of choice beauty (5) - TE{MP}E

So it's bye bye Mr Manna for the next 28 days

Thursday 28 May 2009

No 9544, Thursday, 28 May 09, M Manna

I think Mr Manna has totally lost it today, there is no point in making any comments as I am totally clueless on some of the answers that I have got and 18A seems an impossible answer to me.
1 - Survive in first? (7) - OUTLAST [CD] ?
5 - A little manual work (7) - BOOKLET [CD] ?
9 - Opinion of English into Spanish wine (5) - TEN{E}T
10 - Fighting with energy, but having difficulty (2,1,6) - IN A SCRAPE ?
11 - Riddle solved in game (6) - ENIGMA*
12 - Sent off with rage having alienated friendship (8) - ESTRANGE*
14 - They ate, say, usually at a prescribed time (5) - EIGHT (~ate)
15 - Wandered, preferring the Middle East to the West (9) - (-w+me)MEANDERED
18 - Ticket collectors’ nemesis (5,4) - (Addendum - METER MAID [CD] see comments below)
20 - Flying at speed of sound (5) - SONIC [CD] ?
22 - For female deer in greatest number, take farthest back (8) - {HIND}{MOST}
24 - Met with acceptance (6) - PASSED [DD] ?
26 - Agreement on tailless aircraft at last (9) - CONCORD(-e)AT
27 - You may find him on the lane leading to lake (5) - AL{L}EN* ?
28 - Appear more impertinent for dope to rise stupidly (7) - S{ASS}IER*
29 - Leader takes time off to pedal (7) - {T}READLE*
1 - Getting warm place for gymnastic exercises (2,3,4) ON THE BEAM
2 - Two quintets praise his conquest of Everest (7) - {TEN}{SING} ? Should have been TENZING
3 - It provides in-flight reading matter (9) - ALTIMETER [CD] Manna has totally lost it here!!
4 - Make an accuracy slip (4) - TRIP [CD] ?
5 - Money belts for musicians (5,5) - BRASS BANDS [CD]
6 - Happen to fall on the same day (5) - OCCUR ?
7 - Right to be around the French as a beginner, to gain skill (7) - {L{EARN}E}{R} ?
8 - Egotists’ subject (5) - {THE}{ME} The only good clue in today's CW
13 - As a diplomat he appears in capital form (10) - AMBASSADOR ?
16 - Quite dissimilar pairs getting involved in rendezvous (9) - D{ISPAR*}ATE
17 - The decline of exotic rhythm (9) - DECADENCE [CD]
19 - Numbered insects hold possession (7) - {TEN}{ANTS}
21 - Settled comfortably (7) - NESTLED [CD]
22 - Gains unauthorised access to other computers (5) - HACKS [CD]
23 - I roam to return as member of New Zealand’s aboriginal people (5) - MAORI
25 - Restore after making for deletion (4) - STET [CD] That should have been marking and not making seems to be a typo

Wednesday 27 May 2009

No 9543, Wednesday, 27 May 09, M Manna

Too many errors to comment shall start with question marks and lets see how many we end up with. Only a few links as I am late . 3D unsolved (Addendum - 3D now solved)
1 - Deplore crack about exercise (6) - RE{PE}NT Does repent mean deplore?
4 - One of the family gives Rex great joy (8) - R{ELATION}
10 - Sharply provoked? (7) - NEEDLED [DD]
11 - The Queen was excavated with trimmed white coat (7) - {ER}{MINED} How trimmed??
12 - To search in the dirt (4) - GRUB Search ???
13 - He objects to patterns being changed (10) - PROTESTANT*
16 - To dupe Lawrence, make him an agent (6) - DEPU*{TE} ???? Make him an agent should be Deputise
17 - Teach me to twist the knife (7) - MACHETE*
20 - They reflect a faithful representation (7) - MIRRORS [CD]
21 - Both a painter and a sailor return to this Mid-Eastern town (6) - A{RA<-}{RAT<-} How is this Mid-Eastern
24 - Girl earned trouble from head of gang (10) - RINGLEADER*
25 - Concerned at taking charge of about an acre (4) - CARE Taking charge ?????
27 - Company at a loss facing organisation having gigantic power and influence (7) - {CO}{LOSS}I How plural ??????
29 - He faces facts — retails make up (7) - REALIST*
30 - Getting up and in smart! (8) - ST{AND}ING
31 - Complained when I had shortly broken down (6) - WHINED*
1 - Grandee put out over Oriental apostate (8) - RENEGAD*{E}
2 - Possibly uppermost in arrogance (11) - PRESUMPTION*
3 - Has no legal force (4) - (Addendum - NULL [CD])
5 - Al takes turn at event that is happening as a consequence (8) - EVENT{U}{AL}
6 - Mother’s pea soup needs air (10) - ATMOSPHERE*
7 - Public house in quarter (3) - IN{N}
8 - Dreadfully untidy in the natural state (6) - NUDITY*
9 - Very much like to have a party again (5) - ADO{RE}
14 - Turn accountant into wreck with dispute (11) - ALTER{CA}{TION*}
15 - I tried less to become free of infection (10) - STERILISED*
18 - Action taken about production of a specially designed garment (8) - C{RE}ATION* Where's the garment???????
19 - Bore witness at the match, ‘e’d concluded (8) - AT{TEST}{ED}
22 - A summary that is exact but endless (6) - PRECIS(-e)
23 - Robin Hood had a cheerful band (5) - MERRY [CD] Yes we know he had, so what????????
26 - Accountant quiet where money is concerned (4) - CA{SH}
28 - The French have an open country under grass (3) - LE{A}(-n)

Tuesday 26 May 2009

No 9542, Tuesday, 26 May 09, M Manna

1 - Not applied by editor being absent minded (10) - ABSTRACT{ED}
6 - Defensive armour for the body (4) - MAIL [CD]
9 - Dial a new pal for a knight errant (7) - PALADIN*
10 - It’s a bet made for the fabric to be either cotton or wool (7) - BATISTE*
12 - Specifically selected what had been classified (8) - AS{SORTED}
13 - Overhang still in part causes anxiety (5) - ANGST [T]
15 - Closes to a shorter distance (5) - NEARS [DD]
17 - Craving post — Christian clarity of speech (9) - {AD}{DICTION}
19 - These days a guy splits supporters (9) - {AD}{HE}{RENTS}
21 - He may be a fine student but is like a mischievous child (5) - E{L}FIN*
23 - As arranged Lee is to turn up for her (5) - ELSIE*
24 - Goes for the financial outcome (8) - PROCEEDS [DD]
27 - Coats made by seal-men, sadly (7) - ENAMELS*
28 - CID fee I required for large building (7) - EDIFICE*
29 - Tiny sandbanks in river (4) - TEES [DD] Clue could have been better
30 - It gives the angle in favour of farm vehicle (10) - {PRO}TRACTOR I liked those round protractors we used while in school
1 - May need to run laps around to climb the mountain range (4) - ALPS*
2 - Polish part of the missiles I aim (7) - SILESIA [T]
3 - Show travelled round (5) - RODE{O}
4 - Learns to teach by force (9) - CONS{TRAIN}
5 - Flowed back to decline (5) - EBBED [CD]
7 - One is ages repairing the spear (7) - {A}SSEGAI*
8 - The French woman’s military officer? (10) - LIEUTENANT [CD]
11 - Henry in a dazed state at the issue of portion of money (7) - TRANC{H}E New word for me
14 - Fighting to get a booking (10) - ENGAGEMENT [DD]
16 - Engineer made to sever drawing on pavement (7) - S{C}R{E}EVE*
18 - Crooked underworld boss puts on edge with time (9) - DISH{ON}{ES}{T} Anno not clear
20 - Prisoner kept as security by innkeeper for a period of time (7) - {HOST}AGE
22 - Fussy type taking lot in hand (7) - F{ADD}IST LOT and ADD ?
24 - It may be a difficult question (5) - POSER [CD]
25 - A woman from a South American country (5) - ERICA [T]
26 - A River outfit (4) - WEAR [DD]

Monday 25 May 2009

No 9541, Monday, 25 May 09, M Manna

Annotation of 11A and 27D not clear to me
1 - Bank employee confronted by vast sum of money sees a future (7,6) - FORTUNE TELLER [CD]
8 - Note it is the obvious choice (7) - NATURAL [CD]
9 - Particular concerning parking in school environs (7) - {RE}S{P}ECT
11 - Silk fabric worn by small number in dance one leaves at the end (6) - {V}ELVE{T} Anno pending (Addendum - VEL{V}ET(-a) the dance being VELETA)
13 - A French pair obtaining divorce? (8) - {UN}{COUPLE}
15 - Arranged to lower a small spiked wheel on a spur (5) - ROWEL*
16 - Jabbers and irritates one (7) - NEEDLES [DD]
18 - Hide carefully to know about lace (7) - {CON}CEAL*
19 - Move out of the way of the French dog (5) - D{ODG*}E
21 - Transportation of French servants’ uniform (8) - {DE}LIVERY
23 - Bony cavity occupied by a worker with spirit (6) - {ANT}RUM
25 - “Fixing” a race, the guy will get a complaint (7) - EARAC*{HE}
26 - Oriental or English back (7) - {E}ASTERN
28 - Intend to complete the whole course? (5,2,6) - START TO FINISH [CD]
2 - Outward current (7) - OUTFLOW [CD]
3 - It’s not to climb back a rocky height (3) - TOR <- )
4 - Life line of Egypt? (4) - NILE [CD]
5 - Quite possibly all aren’t at the dance (10) - TARANTELLA * Is this coincidence? This dance appeared in yesterday's Sunday CW as well
6 - Girl has nothing to catch wild horses (5) - LASS{O}
7 - Grants immunity to old MP set apart (7) - {EX}EMPTS*
8 - Don’t give up vulgar way of referring to a dice (5,3,3) - NEVER SAY DIE [CD] What is vulgar about this?
10 - The chaps who dig into their tucker! (11) - TRENCHER{MEN}
12 - Nell turns to English to find her (5) - {E}LLEN*
14 - Affection that’s mean and tender by turn (10) - ENDEARMENT*
17 - Doubtless how merchantmen left a Yemeni port (5) - {L}ADEN
18 - He is at fault to rip cult out of sorts (7) - CULPRIT*
20 - Stare on road, fresh water diving birds (7) - {D}A{R}TERS*
22 - Six vehicle for a Bishop’s deputy (5) - {VI}CAR
24 - Strength of objection (4) - BEEF [DD]
27 - To name is a moral offence (3) - SIN [CD] Is this a CD or SI<-{N}

Sunday 24 May 2009

No 2534, Sunday, 24 May 09

Some entertaining clues for the last Sunday of May
1 - Poet having rare delicacy on part of Hebridean island (5,3-5) - CECIL DAY*-LEWIS
9 - Self-evident truth adult associate recalled about love (5) - A{X}I{O}M
10 - Team everybody boycotts (3,6) - ALL BLACKS [CD]
11 - Fruit that could make one unwell in old Moorish city (10) - GRANAD{ILL}A
12 - Appellation belonging to Dallaglio, naturally? (4) - LION [T]
14 - Distinctive smell of European river, some say (5) - ODOUR (~oder)
15 - Gaudy public house, good in Winter, say (3,6) - {G}{IN} PALACE linking winter; to palace as the answer, seems a bit obscure
16 - Formal wear in smooth clubs,perhaps (5,4) - DRESS SUIT [CD]
18 - Accumulate a large number (5) - A{MASS}
21 - Girl about right for service (4) - A{R}MY
22 - Discovers fool swallowing some (10) - AS{CERTAIN}S
24 - Conductor of opera one located in pub on the way back (9) - TOSCA{N{I}NI<-}
25 - Ring worn by miss, unattached (5) - L{O}OSE
26 - Everything must go here (9,4) - CLEARANCE SALE [CD]
1 - Musical, elegant with a vitality (7) - {CHIC}{A}{GO}
2 - Found, ornate mace and a crucifix (4,6) - CAME {A}{CROSS}
3 - One may be asked by counsel in prominent matter (7,8) - LEADING QUESTION [CD]
4 - At each stage from A to B on the London Underground? (3,5,3,4) - ALL ALONG THE LINE [CD]
5 - Girl, awfully ill close to infirmary (4) - LIL{Y}
6 - US city with CIA involvement (7) - WICHITA*
7 - Girl uses an eccentric knight inside (7) - SUSAN{N}E*
8 - Racing driver frustrated in a fog (6) - FANGIO*
13 - Managed to explain note after Territorial Army dance (10) - {TA}{RAN}{TELL}{A}
16 - Radical doctor with a short cane (7) - {DR}{A}{STIC}(-k)
17 - All together in new manse on outskirts of Stoke (2,5) - EN MASSE
19 - Notice one model is fat (7) - {AD}{I}{POSE}
20 - Nurse in obstetrics is terrific (6) - SISTER [T]
23 - Pretty fine tune (4) - {F}{AIR}

Saturday 23 May 2009

No 9540, Saturday, 23 May 09, M Manna

Quite a few grammatical errors today in 2D, 22D. The NE corner has me stumped!! (Addendum - answers to clues where I was stumped are from comments below)
 1 - A vehicle followed by a van that could be covered (7) - {CAR}AVAN
 5 - Leave the radio playing march music? (7) - {BAG}{PIPE} ? (Addendum - A{BAND}{ON})
10 - Ringleader caught by an aged headmaster (6) - A{R}N{OLD}
11 - King has priest cast off and smacked (8) - (Addendum - {R}{ELI}{SHED})
12 - Thrashed by the opposition in a game (6) - BEATEN [CD]
13 - About 21 once, but that’s another story (8) - (Adendum - ANECDOTE* - date+once)
14 - An expedition to find animals for a fair’s organised (6) - SAFARI*
15 - New variety of lemons — quite weighty (6) SOLEMN*
18 - Occupying temporary accommodation being so resolved (6) - {IN}{TENT}
20 - It’s Sue who turns up with soft absorbent paper (6) - TISSUE*
23 - Give assistance to the gentleman hemmed in (8) - M{IN}ISTER
25 - He’s reckless in top gear (6) - MADCAP [CD]
26 - The rest is mixed into the meat for the pets (8) - HAM{STER*}S
27 - Some retrogressive female — quite monstrous (6) - OGRESS [T]
28 - Let out when you find another occupant for (7) - RELEASE [DD]
29 - Sewers that are almost totally superfluous (7) - NEEDLES(-s)
 2 - Corresponds with about, through the years (6) - AG{RE}ES
 3 - Re-dial when given the order (5,4) - ABOUT FACE [DD]
 4 - Material that requires to be added (7) - ADDENDA [CD]
 6 - Brief letters from military quarters (7) - (Addendum - BILLETS [DD])
 7 - Used faculty for detecting (5) - PROBE ?? (Addendum - NOSED [CD])
 8 - Open one, myself, as a source of extra revenue (8) - {PART}T{I}{ME} ??? (Correction - {OVERT}{I}{ME})
 9 - Usury is attracting considerable attentions (5,8) - GREAT INTEREST [CD]
16 - A youngster, going outside under direction, washed (9) - LA{UNDER}{E}D
17 - Hint one of the occupants held it up (8) - IN{TI<-}MATE
19 - Giggles at small bird going right into another tree (7) - {TIT}TE{R}S Where's the tree?
21 - Any person not specified (7) - SOMEONE [CD]
22 - A little girl’s story about a donkey (6) - L{ASS}IE
24 - Sue is disturbed on a point in dispute (5) - ISSUE*

Friday 22 May 2009

No 9539, Friday, 22 May 09, M Manna

Have to get used to Manna's style for the next week, with so many CD's and DD's !!! 6A and 10 A though I have entered I am unable to annotate the same, the entries are based on the crossings
 1 - Hold up a wicket and add to the score (9) - {PROP}{A}{GATE}
 6 - Make hot iron (5) - BRAND ? (Addendum - The anno would be [DD])
 9 - Stiff and thoroughly wet (5) - STEEP [DD]
10 - To a child, where that hum comes from? (3,6) - TOP SECRET ?
11 - Honest company Chairman’s relative standing (5,5) - ABOVE BOARD [CD]
12 - Lady accommodates one who succeeds (4) - HE{I}R
14 - One by one sides lining up (7) - ELEVENS [CD]
15 - Network of lines with note found on relic (7) - R{ET}ICLE*
17 - Unusual dialect in the Kremlin, for example (7) - CITADEL*
19 - He has to stand to take part of telephone, to speak (7) - HANDSET*
20 - Foreigner without a legal right (4) - (-a)LIEN
22 - Unhappiness caused by a slump (10) - DEPRESSION [DD]
25 - Ditch a worker, getting acrimonious (9) - {TRENCH}{ANT}
26 - Hotel about a quarter empty (5) - IN{A}NE Where did E come from (Addendum - E from East, though quarters normally are SE, SW, NE & NW)
27 - High pressure area, torrid generally in the interior (5) - RIDGE [T]
28 - Engineer told Lee to model low cut dress (9) - D{EC}OLLETE
 1 - Dad’s Army fare (5) - {PAS}{TA}
 2 - In a short time giving a signal to men assembled outside (3,6) - ONE M{OMEN}T*
 3 - Runs in and gets the picture (10) - APPREHENDS [DD]
 4 - No one performs proper proceedings in a court (7) - ACT{I}{ON}S Confusing clue with no proper indicators etc
 5 - More confused by the inclusion of a sovereign (7) - EM{PER}OR*
 6 - Last stopping place for a drink, you could say (4) - BIER (~beer)
 7 - Eager to give consent (5) - AGREE*
 8 - Check on fellow cleaner (9) - {DETER}{GENT}
13 - Stop but don’t sit down yet (10) - {STAND}{STILL}
14 - Non-stop commercial flight? (9) - ESCALATOR [CD]
16 - Found one entry to criticise (9) - CAST{I}{GATE}
18 - Lee takes a side giving shelter from the wind (7) - LEE{WARD} Poor clue
19 - His beliefs are contrary to his religious community (7) - HERETIC [CD]
21 - Some of the most able men do better and better (5) - EMEND [T]
23 - A young relative will be critical about one point (5) - NI{E}CE
24 - Piece of land Saladin failed to save (4) - ACRE [DD]

Thursday 21 May 2009

No 9538, Thursday, 21 May 09, Gridman

Some entertaining clues from Gridman for the final CW of this round and if my counting is right it's going to be a week of Manna (sic) from the heavens from tommorow.


 1 - Made obeisance? The lowly fellow! It’s bending to the newspaper boss! (8) - {CUR}{TSI*}{ED}
 5 - Computes — sounds reasonable (4,2) - ADDS UP [CD]
10 - Echoes in Esperanto with no-no twists (7) - REPEATS*(-no)
11 - Dairy product you don’t finish — good Ruth’s made (7) - YO(-u){G}{HURT*}
12 - Greater storehouse with no copper but with grand (6) - LAR(-d+g)GER
13 - Afflicted with sprain as Sten falls all over (8) - ST{RICK}EN
15 - Impudence when among the saints (4) - S{AS}S
16 - Passengers accept Hari’s distribution of equitable portions (4,6) - F{AIR SH*}ARES
18 - What you might pay after a medical prescription is made (7,3) - DOCTORS FEE
20 - News gleaned from the main forum (4) - INFO [T]
23 - Hidden with one Pole rioter, unfortunately (8) - I{N}TERIOR*
24 - Graduate and sailor on rock (6) - BA{SALT}
26 - Setter having anagram’s source in Latin translation is a foreigner (7) - {I}TALI{A}N*
27 - Nothing to hold down one on a point of view (7) - {O}{PIN}{I}{ON}
28 - Heads of General Assembly ran and puffed (6) - {G}{A}SPED
29 - The sort of deal you can’t expect from a crooked businessman (8) - STRAIGHT [CD]


 1 - Neither a motorist nor a golfer can afford to do this (8,7) - CARELESS DRIVING [CD]
 2 - Gives an account of explosive noises? (7) - REPORTS [DD]
 3 - Looked intently at pre-eminent journalist (6) - STAR{ED}
 4 - Comfort art supporter who has no learner (4) - EASE(-l)
 6 - Follow tussle in film (8) - DOG{FIGHT}
 7 - One who will be out of the way and who won’t do one’s duty (7) - SKULKER [DD]
 8 - How one might make a blunder — what one might do with a stirrup (3,4,4,2,2) - PUT ONES FOOT IN IT [DD]
 9 - Where the secretive person sleeps? Not exactly! (6,3) - OYSTER BED
14 - What one might do with a plate for more collections (4,5) - PASS ROUND [CD]
17 - Compelling firm to receive orders without invoice at last (8) - {CO}ERCIVE*(e)
19 - Axe — axe the girl (7) - CUT{LASS}
21 - Approaching the last of men with ornament that’s lost its centrepiece (7) - (-me){N}EAR(-r)ING
22 - Animal crushed brown paper (6) - MANILA*
25 - Advertise a job (4) - POST [DD]

Wednesday 20 May 2009

No 9537, Wednesday, 20 May 09, Gridman

 1 - Simpleton backs doctor to work on confection (7) - GUM<-{DR}{OP}
 5 - Journalist in retreat, caught in dismally sore surroundings, disintegrates (6) - ERO{DE<-}S*
 9 - Foeman in Jabalpur holds warrior (5) - NINJA [T]
10 - He repined on spilling medicine (9) - EPHEDRINE*
11 - Excited Super’s has one to boost (5,2) - RAISE UP*
12 - A big number mouthing off their yearning (7) - C{RAVING}
13 - Fiftyone recommended actions on pools (5) - LI{DOS}
14 - ”Nutty” role for Jerry Lewis in a film (9)- - PROFESSOR Must have seen this movie N number of times and will still see it again given a chance
16 - Plugged, as a container jar might be (9) - STOPPERED [CD]
19 - Brief paralysis of one in a game (5) - POL{I}O
21 - Rags about tears being shed on capturing game (7) - TA{TT}ERS*
23 - He may be up on a pole to fix a current problem (7) - LINEMAN [CD]
24 - Kerala festival has the engineer proceeding well (2,3,4) - ON {THE} {BE}AM
25 - About to be with an old historical figure of India (5) - {C}{LIVE}
26 - I need a revised epic (6) - AENEID*
27 - Observes planting of article and is angry (7) - SEE{THE}ES
 1 - One may not go into particulars in making this (14) - GENERALISATION [CD]
 2 - Race around the earth? (7) - MANKIND [CD]
 3 - These tools are used for some rural gatherings (7) - REA*{MERS} Could not find the connection between MERS and rural gatherings, thought it was french but Mer in french is Sea. (Correction from comments below - REAPERS [CD])
4 - He rid Hamelin of rats by playing his flute (4,5) - PIED PIPER [CD]
 5 - Moral principle held by the thick-set (5) - ETHIC [T]
 6 - Someone known to you for ages or a young person with an aged look? (3,4) - OLD FACE [CD]
 7 - Brings to light what’s legal within the boundaries of estates (7) - E{LICIT}S
 8 - Reggie’s put out rejoinders against instruments to detect radioactivity (6,8) - GEIGER* COUNTERS
15 - Would one get burned by contact with former lovers? (3,6) - OLD FLAME [CD]
17 - One of those pieces of eight found in dismantled cote by railway official (7) - OCTE*{TTE}
18 - Come first but quietly fall back finally (7) - {P}RECEDE
19 - Fear about the Spanish throwing up flower cluster (7) - PANIC{LE}
20 - Find his plum having a heavy appearance (7) - LUMPISH*
22 - Retraction of the French capture of foreign mount (5) - S{TE<-}ED <- )

Tuesday 19 May 2009

No 9536, Tuesday, 19 May 09, Gridman

No idea about 11A as my German is bad!!! Had to do a google search to get it
 1 - Brothers and sisters as a group (8) - SIBLINGS [CD]
 5 - Break in — ten leave furiously to break in (6) - I(-nte*)RRUPT New word for me
 9 - Turn to trios to get an Italian dish (7) - RISOTTO*
10 - Goes away, with bag and baggage (5,2) - PACKS UP [CD]
11 - Is it not true, in German? (5,4) - NICHT WAHR
12 - Profanes and does hose repair (5) - DARNS [CD]
13 - Little swimmers that can also do the crawl (4) - EFTS [CD]
14 - New slates smashed? But that’s known to me already! (5,4) - STALE NEWS* Reminds me of the phrase 'Stale news stinks and so do you'
17 - What wrong in is sentence this (4,5) - WORD ORDER [CD]
19 - One has the journalist’s backing in indigenous style (4) - DE<-{S}{I}
23 - Relative mentions joints (5) - NIECE (~knees)
24 - If some persons are so, they are agreed! (2,3,4) - OF ONE MIND [CD]
25 - Recruited through deception — what a cowboy did, perhaps (5,2) - ROPED IN [CD] Roping in is not exactly recruiting by deception
26 - Fellow high jumper accepts wager over right (7) - RO{BE{R}T}O
27 - They are the pits (6) - ABYSMS [CD]
28 - Grime settles on worker, a displaced person (8) - EMIGR*{ANT}
 1 - More quaint alien (8) - STRANGER [DD]
 2 - Former U.S. President’s cautious act on animal (4-3) - {BUSH} CAT*
 3 - Tito on converting entirely (2,4) - IN TOTO*
 4 - Fine — a fine bird ducks over the bottom of the garden for greeting (4,9) - GOOD {A}{F}{TERN}{OO}{N}
 6 - Going back on yielding (8) - RECEDING [CD]
 7 - Twist in anti-clockwise direction (7) - UNSCREW [CD} Not applicable to pieces of jewellery
 8 - Pity goes out to good man being an office worker (6) - TYPI*{ST}
10 - For a four-sided shape, roll a large map out (13) - PARALLELOGRAM*
15 - Literary supplement? (8) - ADDENDUM [CD]
16 - Discovers — able to have sound disposition (5,3) - FI{NDS OU*}T
18 - Give more money than what is due (7) - OVERPAY [CD]
20 - In summer it reaches the country (7) - ERITREA [T]
21 - A new vision is incomplete for her (6) - {A}{N}DREA(-m)
22 - As used to infuse some flavour into hot water (3-3) - TEA-BAG [CD]

Monday 18 May 2009

No 9535, Monday, 18 May 09, Gridman

Easy outing for a Monday
 1 - Event with choice possibilities (8) - ELECTION [CD]
 6 - Difficult trip with frontrunners of the regiment entering Kohima (4) - {T}{R}{E}{K}
 9 - Low joints (6) - ANKLES [CD]
10 - Enrol the setter recalling Nepal movement (7) - {EM<-}{PANEL*}
13 - One is so when one is free (2,7) - AT LIBERTY [CD]
14 - One so perplexed may be caught by it (5) - NOOSE*
15 - Boozy grown-ups return to hold a wild party (4) - ORGY [T]
16 - In offering one grand is included as a ‘must’ (10) - OBL{I}{G}ATION
19 - They add a shimmer to the edges of the mouth (3,7) - LIP GLOSSES [CD]
21 - The Ramayana, for example, featured in the pictures (4) - EPIC [T]
24 - Police outpost in Mumbai suburb undergoing change finally (5) - THANA (-e+a)
25 - Such a file has no images (5,4) - PLAIN TEXT [CD]
26 - American author Caldwell, for one (7) - ERSKINE [CD]
27 - Hilda is disturbed by a bloomer (6) - DAHLI*{A}
28 - Tipples in small amounts (4) - SIPS [CD]
29 - One who barely makes a dash (8) - STREAKER [CD]
 2 - See no good member for a fielding position (4-3) - {LO}{NG}-LEG
 3 - They are famous people, in short (6) - CELEBS [CD]
 4 - Dedicates to fashionable journalists (9) - {IN}{SCRIBES}
 5 - Poor born extremely drearily (5) - {NEE}{DY}
 7 - Decoration at the doorstep managed with energy by 51 (7) - {RAN}{GO}{LI}
 8 - Going mad, Yank licks ten tenacious fighters (8,4) - KILKENNY CATS* Hearing of this for the first time
11 - Learner goes after animal into thatched structure (6) - {PANDA}{L}
12 - Affairs overwhelming no little one raised by author (3,2,7) - MA{N O}{F LE<-}TTERS
17 - Foreign national transforms elder Rani (9) - IRELANDER*
18 - Soap maker? (6) - ALKALI [CD]
20 - Gives prominence to songs about young dog (5,2) - P{LAYS} UP
22 - Summary by the Orient is exact (7) - {PRECIS}{E}
23 - Hand-out Radha had carelessly discarded in a region of India (6) - {ANDH*}RA(-had*)
25 - Noblemen’s jetties, by the sound of it (5) - PEERS (~piers)

Sunday 17 May 2009

No 2533, Sunday, 17 May 09

Easy CW today
1 - Gets going, sorting out mostly tricky tasks (4-6) - KICK STARTS*(-y)
6 - Silence leader in Africa, slightly mad (4) - {GAG}{A}
9 - Is help in it misplaced for one who's lowbrow? (10) - PHILISTINE*
10 - Huge Greek character losing face (4) - (-o)MEGA
11 - What on-course bookmakers may be doing, talking too loudly (8,3,4) - SHOUTING THE ODDS [CD]
13 - Overlooks foliage blossoming (6,3) - LEAVES OUT [DD]
15 - Goddess Jeffrey Archer's captured (5) - FREYA [T]
16 - Cried out for a drink (5) - CIDER*
17 - Former queen with gift, reportedly, as writer (9) - {PAST}{ER}{NAK} (~knack)
19 - Expression of views about split in government agency abroad (5,10) - STATE {DEPART}MENT
22 - Monster, as a result, returned (4) - OGRE<-)
23 - What may be turned on if one's down in a pumping station? (10) - WATERWORKS [CD]
24 - Garment - king left wearing it (4) - {K}I{L}T
25 - Food store, booming, delivers, we're told (4-6) - DEEP FREEZE (~frees)
1 - Some like pistols and military caps (5) - KEPIS [T]
2 - One seen in vehicle round capital (5) - CA{I}R{O}
3 - Martyr condemned segregation (5,6) - SAINT GEORGE*
4 - Against carrying on, old sea captain in Twelfth Night (7) - {ANT{ON}I}{O}
5 - Small child in shade pocketing fancy toy (4,3) - TIN{Y TO*}T
7,8 - One's hard to find, and keys a chatelaine lost (1,6,2,1,8) - A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK*
12 - I flew free to foreign landmark (6,5) - EIFFEL TOWER*
13,14 - Completely secure merchandise, a brand new line about to be introduced (4,5,3,6) - LOCK STOCK {AND BAR*}{RE}{L}
17 - Talk at tedious length about the Spanish clergyman (7) - PR{EL}ATE
18 - Develop image at college (5,2) - SHAPE UP Anno pending
20 - Strange and frightening eastern lake (5) - {E}{ERIE}
21 - Sip drop of sherry in gallery (5) - TA{S}TE

Saturday 16 May 2009

No 9534, Saturday, 16 May 09, Gridman

Hopefully by this evening we should know who is going to govern our country for the next 5 years
1 - Be adequate — what a pelican might do when hungry (4,3,4) - FILL THE BILL [CD]
9 - A blow from the ocean — sabre-rattling with no difficulty, it’s said (3,6) - {SEA BR}EEZE (~easy) (Correction - ~ease)
10 - Cut through many for army chaplain (5) - PA{D}RE
11 - Perplexed set lost among abstainers (2,3) - A{T SE*}A
12 - Drink the man hit, among 50, thoroughly (2,3,4) - {TO T}{HE} HI{L}T
13 - One doctor to use no second fill (5) - {I}{MB}{U(-s)E}
15 - Emerges again to harvest fruits (9) - {REAP}{PEARS}
18 - Book satellite with revised notes (9) - MOON{STONE*}
21 - Thought a large number to be second-hand (5) - {M}{USED}
22 - Rolls, for one thing (9) - LIMOUSINE [CD]
24 - Sage was driven away by the spies (5) - SWA*{MI}
26 - One of two keys — one found in the kennel (5) - {C}OR{G}{I}
27 - SameCirce calls for frozen desserts (9) - ICECREAMS *
28 - Poor thing in storm is a bird (11) NIGHT*{IN}{GALE}
1 - Government’s economic policy befuddles Miss Calif. (9) - FISCALISM*
2 - Inclines, slight and small (5) - {LEAN}{S}
3 - Intimidates rowdy Stan there (9) - THREATENS*
4 - Choose an alternative German ruler (7) - ELECT{OR}
5 - Near it, I tend to be doing very little (7) - INERTIA*
6 - Circuits have direction to go downhill (5) - {LOOP}{S}
7 - Fleet commanders or flighty creatures (8) - ADMIRALS [DD]
8 - Grand entry may partly make an impression (4) - DENT [T]
14 - Mistakes that are burgeoning? (8) - BLOOMERS [DD]
16 - Strengthens one’s muscles and draws info with one young boy (5,4) - PUMPS {I}{RON}
17 - It doesn’t concern in the main (4,5) - SIDE ISSUE [CD]
19 - Supposing Head of Operations is languishing… (7) - {O}{PINING}
20 - First principle of one’s most favourable environment (7) - ELEMENT [CD]
22 - Secure company that’s lost Head of Finances (4) (-f)LOCK
23 - Society meeting (5) - UNION [CD]
25 - A Hindu posture on a NASA deal (5) - ASANA*

Friday 15 May 2009

No 9533, Friday 15 May 09, Gridman

What a relief after 10 days of torture
1 - Slick hit turns out to be hard to handle (8) - TICKLISH*
5 - Able to get endlessly spacious painting surface (6) - CAN{VAS}(-t)
9 - True, lady! Gallivanting may result in love relationship (8) - ADULTERY*
10 - Killer of small hen (6) - S{LAYER}
12 - Sound reflection by English actor-politician (4) - {E}{CHO}
13 - Ignore norm modified for one who sells hardware (10) - IRONMONGER*
15 - A hot one is hard to deal with (6) - POTATO [CD]
17 - They are often in fine print (5) - TERMS [CD]
20 - As used to bind together bits recoiling (5) - STRAP<-
21 - Flee, abandoning a part of the airport (6) - RUNWAY [CD]
24 - Nasty annual pest destroyed (10) UNPLEASANT*
27 - Partly Aristotelian author (4) - ELIA [T]
29 - Writer leaves cheese for the formidable woman (6) - GORGON(-zola)
30 - Allocated to a ship ending on the rocks without head of navvies (8) - {A}{SS}IGNED*(-n)
31 - Extremely sleazy film producer is leaving Australian city (6) - {SY}{D(-is)NEY}
32 - Bridge players swarm over journalist held in high regard (8) - {ES}{TEEM}{ED}
1 - Exchanges with a leader of Democrats held by the very French (6) - TR{A}{D}ES
2 - Trapped hundred — anything whatever (6) - {C}{AUGHT}
3 - Allows alien into the left section (4) - L{ET}S
4 - More certain on the French queen (5) - {SUR}{ER}
6 - “__ __ Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender …” (Hymn) (3,2) - ALL TO [CD]
7 - Village Officer, close to insanity, rages about sailors (8) - {VO}{Y}AGERS*
8 - Purser is disposed to give a jolt (8) - SURPRISE*
11 - Not frayed because it was never used? (6) - UNTORN [CD] (Correction - UNWORN)
14 - Combine goes up to circuit (4) - LOOP<-
16 - Thanks sent up to others when not moving (2,4) - AT<- REST
17 - Eyedrop? (4) - TEAR [CD]
18 - Pacifies fool making wrong usage (8) - {ASS}UAGES*
19 - Ready, having cut before? (8) - {PRE}{PARED}
22 - Opponents in prize assembly (6) - PL{EN}UM
23 - United too in sack (6) - B{AND}ED [CD]
25 - Leave with one’s love (5) - ELOPE [CD]
26 - Where chicks hang out (5) - NESTS [CD]
28 - They are shaken at the gambling table (4) - DICE [CD]

Delay in posting

Hi all,
Will be late with today's post as I have to make atrip with my m-i-l to the lab

Thursday 14 May 2009

No 9532, Thursday, 14 May 09, Nita Jaggi

Terrible clues today. Hopefully the last in this series... too many grey areas today . Missing out on 32A and 4D, 6D . (Some corrections done with help from the Orkut community)
1 - High-ranking official? (7) COMMDRE ? (Correction - TOPMOST)
5 - A quiet nymph (6) - {A}{P}SARA
10 - Father turns the fabric covering the left design (8) - AP<-P{L}IQUE
11 - Cuts off the nuggets (6) - PIECES ? (Correction - BLOCKS [DD])
13 - Abandon the gatehouse (4) - SHED [DD]
14 - Supervise the horseman around the house to salute back (4,4,2) - {RIDE {H}{E}R}{D ON<-} ?
16 - Jumped up a net for the seed (6) - PEANUT*
18 - The initial excitement, leaving each girl around noticing curios ethnic and attractive in appearance (8) - ELEGANCE
21 - Wrap up the black game in the white matter (8) - CERE{B}RUM
22 - Entertainer of his age gets disturbed (6) - GEISHA *
25 - One more notice is set into a lid (10) - {AD}DITIONAL*
27 - Handle the large bundle, overheard (4) - BAIL (~bale)
30 - Reported the big group of performers (6) - TROUPE (~troop)
31 - One mark provided at the end of the day to recognise (8) - {I}{DENT}IF{Y}
32 - Coffin nail in the cold vehicle (6) - REEFER Anno ?
33 - At home, to greet the characters of the whole unit (7) - {IN}{TEGER*}
2 - Supernatural creature in a group heist (5) - OUPHE [T]
3 - Principal pipe (4) - MAIN [DD]
4 - By the way, trap the princess in the empty room (6) - (Addendum - {ST}{U}{DI}{O} Defining just a room as Studio is a little far fetched)
6 - Plant is soft, is covered by rubber (5) - (Addendum - PULSE)
7 - A council head is the chief for ten to change the direction of events (9) - A{C}CID{ENT*}{S}
8 - Not being there for rating half the Senate on the borders of Chile (7) - {AB}{SEN(-ate)}{C(-hil)E}
9 - Roughly puts out the sauce (6) - CA{TSUP*}
12 - The French, almost all on Tuesday have taken some action (5) - {DE}{AL(-l)}{T}
15 - Leading businessman uses logs burning the light source (4) - BULB [T]
17 - Position of the rare dome surrounding the circular landing place (9) - AER{O}DROME*
19 - Odd girl very boring and sad (4) - {G}{R}{E}{Y}
20 - Wrestlers in the erstwhile Soviet Union have a short on Saturday (5) - SUMO{S}
21 - King is in to talk about the monarch getting a special privilege (7) - CHA{R}TER
23 - Mixtures found in the small oysters (6) - ALLOYS
24 - New venture for the lady (6) - MAIDEN [DD]
26 - Poet to wear an oriental sun hat (5) - TOPE*{E}
28 - A price increase that has come into force (5) - A{RISE}
29 - About the church on a single occasion (4) - ON{CE}

Wednesday 13 May 2009

No 9531, Wednesday, 13 May 09, Nita Jaggi

Hopefully this is the last from Ms NJ for a while.

1 - A follower is busy around holding the hard hand back of the primate (8) - {B}{US{HB}{A}BY*} Not satisfied with the annotation I have shown. HB indicates Hard Black in pencils but where did the A come from? (Revised annotation - BUS{HB}{A}{B}Y A follower indicating A B)
5 - Turn on to talk about the river (4) - {U}GAB
9 - Hefty aid is given to the Post Office that is returned in a second (8) - {ADI*}{PO}{SI<-}{S}
10 - Dropped off and killed in a battle (6) - FALLEN [DD]
12 - Appliance found in an alcove niche (4) - OVEN [T]
13 - Valuing a ship at ease at a point where men start from the top (10) - A{SS}ES{S}{MEN}{T}
15 - Put a barrier for one on to sit in the form of a protestor (14) - {OBSTRUCT}{I}{ON}{IST*}
17 - Where a car goes for a regular check-up? (7,7) - SERVICE STATION [CD]
21 - Cancel his mark to show him little scope of success (4,6) - SLI{M} CHANCE*
22 - Peacekeepers in the large city of the moon (4) - L{UN}A
25 - Cook the odd bird as it steams (6) - {B}{R}{A}{I}{S}{E}
26 - Applier of the last coat of paint (8) - FINISHER [CD]
27 - Home Counties are after each with comfort (4) - {EA}{SE}
28 - Governor traces the different area units (8) - {HE}CTARES*
1 - Philosopher holds a low grade signal of light (6) - B{E}ACON
2 - Pointed projection on the second tree (5) - {S}{PINE}
3 - Start up the machine with a hard kick (4) - BOOT [DD]
4 - Sikh hub developed by the monk (7) - BHIKSHU
6 - Common people have tea, a different sort around a circle (10) - GRAS{SR{O}OT}S Grass and Tea?
7 - Graduate has a couple of learners for the girl to love the dancer (9) - {BA}{LL}{ERIN}O
8 - Thousand on an alien painter (5) - {M}{ON}{ET}
11 - Head boy to let loose the strip of cloth (4) - {B}{ELT*}
14 - Is one actress in trouble taking the set of steps? (10) - ST{A}IRCASES*
16 - Wall put up, is constructed for a bird race (9) - BARRICADE*
18 - Say, turn up an Asian bird taken from the nest (4) - {E}YAS
19 - First to take the performance on an isle leaving us in a touching manner (7) - {T}{ACT}{ILE}
20 - Looks after around the deserted members (6) - CA{D}RES
21 - Shoe in large boats (5) - SABOT*
23 - Doorkeeper from America has a woman (5) - {US}{HER}
24 - Container has the shade (4) - {TIN}{T}

Tuesday 12 May 2009

No 9530, Tuesday, 12 May 09, Nita Jaggi

Reasonably okay today though the clue setting leaves a lot to be desired in many places
8 - Cut through the digits hopefully (7,7) - CROSSED FINGERS [CD]
9 - Nowadays, one in Goa has to play the music slowly (6) - {AD}AG{I}O*
10 - Young boy and the French are away to distribute generously (5,3) - {LAD}{LE} OUT
11 - Supporter of the upper class leaving mankind to the Vedic priests (8) - {BRA}H(-u)MANS
13 - Money paid to turn in the scriptures put down (6) - {O{U}T}{LAY}
14 - Paper art works on advertisements displayed (6) - {P}OPU{P}S
16 - Comes in with difficulty inside the large nest (6) - ENT{ER}S
19 - Brides to dispose the scrap material (6) - DEBRIS*
21 - Fail to notice a brief examination on the contrary (8) - {OVER}{LOOK}
23 - So a loser disposes the containers (8) - AEROSOLS*
24 - Keep intact the symbol when almost all is taken by the French (6) - {EMB{+AL(-l)}(-le)M}
26 - Alphabets in Roman numerals (7,7) - CAPITAL LETTERS [CD]
1 - Dip a cord in the twisted candy (4,4) - ACID DROP*
2 - Head of the group follows the numbers taken up for a call (4) - SON<-{G}
3 - Leading English supporter comes on after a card game (6) - {E}{S}{C}{O}B{A} B comes after A
4 - Too much of hero-worship (7) - IDOLISM [CD]
5 - Confined to the wrong diet not kept up (4,4) - TIED* DOWN
6 - Very much, a huge instance of buying (1,5,4) - A GREAT DEAL [CD]
7 - You are in the vehicle to get a shock (6) - TRA{U}M{A}
12 - Keyed up, an offspring in charge is faster than sound (10) - {HYPER}{SON}{IC}
15 - Fathers start to talk and speak of the country life (8) - {PAS}{T}ORAL
17 - Less pots are arranged in a clean manner (8) - SPOTLESS*
18 - Cool Sen is pushed on the cabinet (7) - CONSOLE* Is pushed?
20 - I say, the hood has glasses (6) - {EYE}{CAP}
22 - Select the characters by voting (6) - ELECTS*
25 - Odd bar set with the drink (4) - {B}{R}{E}{W}

Monday 11 May 2009

No 9529, Monday, 11 May 09, Nita Jaggi

Somehow I feel Ms NJ's clues are getting vaguer day by day ...
7 - Plan an account for the dreamer (8) - {IDEA}{LIST}
9 - Talk one into becoming a robber (6) - P{I}RATE
11 - Moving around, the fish covers the round passage (9) - L{O}{ITER}ING
12 - Study without finishing the end (5) - C{LOSE}(-t) ?
13 - Makes milk into butter in the containers (6) - CH{URNS} Don't know how CH came
14 - Labourer covers the perch end of the bird (8) - P{H}EASANT Can you call a labourer a peasant or vice versa?
17 - Destroys the shoe over a prolonged period of time (9) - {SABOT}{AGES}
22 - Commences around U.P., where new business ventures are set (5,3) - START {UP}S
23 - Large moon with a retrograde orbit (6) - TRITON [CD]
25 - Gypsy woman has a number of connected series of links (5) - CHAIN ?
27 - Showing anger, the peacekeepers deserted the worker laid off from a job (9) - {RED}{UN}{D}{ANT}
28 - Mischievous child has an appearance that is not perfect (6) - {IMP}{AIR}
29 - Two-part divider? (8) - BISECTOR [CD]
1 - Crosswind on the barricade of the floodgate (3,4) - AIR LOCK Totally misleading clue
2 - State of a patient admitted in the ICU (7) - SERIOUS [CD]
3 - Grandma’s pickle contains some jelly (5) - ASPIC [T]
4 - Zambia has an endless measure of this element (4) - {Z}{INC}(-h)
5 - Father has to work on the German domes (7) - {PA}{GO}{DAS }
6 - Directly under the hill to eat the top of the hamburger (7) - {BEN}{EAT}{H}
8 - Position I want for an individual to take for the surprise attack (3,2,4) - {LIE} {I}{N WA{I}T*}
10 - Clever Edward is on the upper part of the horse’s body (7) - {E}{GG}{HEAD}
15 - Lincoln has a Rolls Royce that can run to the east, deviating from the right way (9) - {ABE}{RR}{ANC*}{E}
16 - Introducer is always after the policeman of the company (7) - {CO}{MP}{ERE}
18 - One supposedly sensitive to supernatural forces (7) - PSYCHIC [CD]
19 - Henry has an airborne soldier taken up at the front of a palatial type-city (7) - {H}{ARAP<-}{PA}(-latial)
20 - First class officer comes up to the worker in a large city (7) - {A}{TL<-}{ANT}{A}
21 - Fitting garment for one caught in the tundra is amazing (7) - UN{I}TARD*
24 - Come in, it is the dam that burst first (5) - {ADM*}{IT}
26 - Wildcat going round the separated short fibres (4) - NOIL<-

Sunday 10 May 2009

No 2532, Sunday, 10 May 09

A tough one today at places, have not been able to unravel 24A and 23D
1 - Newspaper publisher tries to initially (6) - {HEARS}{T}
4 - Deputy at university is behaving badly (6,2) - {ACTING} {U}{P} P from ?
9 - Millions close to boundary cross Indian city (6) - {M}{Y}{SORE} Read about the Mysore palace at the link. abeautiful sight when lit up in the evenings
10 - Got on a bidet, nervously (8) - OBTAINED*
12 - A batsman may to get away quickly (3,3,3) - CUT AND RUN [CD]
13 - Caught fish on river - put them in this (5) - CREEL [CD]
14 - The way in which Eden served? (7,6) - DOWNING STREET [CD]
18 - Inferior batsman's guard (13) - NIGHTWATCHMAN [DD]
20 - Famous group in watering hole (5) - OASIS [DD]
22 - Require, on stage, a French firearm (6-3) - {NEED}LE GUN Anno not clear
24 - Play about leaving for work (8) - (-re)CREATION ? Must be the name of some famous play in England
25 - I ordered a Brie in part of Europe (6) - {I}BERIA*
26 - Take part in a sport and risk a wet undoing? (8) - WATERSKI*
27 - Civilised ancient city, source of evil (6) - {UR}{BANE}
1 - Murder in dwelling - bring in one branch to investigate? (8) - HOM{I}{CID}E
2 - Holding dog with no lead? (5) - (-b)ASSET
3 - Son running off, running quickly (9) - {S}{PRINTING}
5 - Joiner - one living in 14? (12) - CABINETMAKER [DD]
6 - Sarah's son uses savings scheme account (5) - I{SA}{AC} I from ?
7 - Got upset about reportedly lame male cat (6,3) - GINGER {TOM} Got this thro google Anno not clear
8 - Boat heading for Plymouth, badly loaded, docked (6) - {P}{EDALO*}(-d)
11 - Film city in Colorado, Boulder? (8,4) - {BRIGHTON} {ROCK}
15 - Cried after snakes exposed (9) - {WINDS}{WEPT}
16 - Sword found in former burial ground around start of century (9) - {EX}{C}{ALIBUR*}
17 - Overwhelm one sister on tryst (8) - {I}{NUN}{DATE}
19 - Doctor on barge in capital city (6) - {MO}{SCOW}
21 - One entering name of musical instrument (5) - S{I}TAR
23 - Turned up to search a lake (5) - G?R?A