Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Sunday 31 May 2009
No 2535, Sunday, 31 May 09
1 - Set up a partnership (5) - STAND [DD]
4 - Actual money to be made if top rent adjusted (3,6) - NET PROFIT*
9 - Take corners well racing in Jersey? (4-4,7) - ROLL-NECK SWEATER
10 - One male job in tax (10) - {I}{M}POSITION
11 - Endlessly hinder alliance (4) - BLOC(-k)
13 - Powerless, locked in sauna, bleeding (6) - UNABLE [T]
14 - Choose artist to illustrate a type of complex (7) - ELECT{RA} Had heard of Oedipus complex but not this one, see the explanation at the link
16 - Wear out car part (7) - EXHAUST [DD]
18 - Lean, adult leader of group diving into lake (6) - MEA{G}RE (Correction ME{A}{G}RE - Thanks to Bala)
20 - Fine linen from Prestatyn, Wales, sent over (4) - LAWN [T] Never knew Lawn was fine linen also
21 - Obstacles in rear by travelling cranes (10) - {HIND}RANCES*
23 - Writer of musical tale, we hear, receiving top prizes (6,9) - {OLIVER} {GOLDS}MITH (~myth)
24 - In succession to throne, displaced head of Tudors (2,3,4) - ON THE TRO{T}
25 - Solitary type Cockney fellow dismissed (5) - LON(-don)ER Londoners are not necessarily Cockneys
1 - Runs in country getting injury (6) - SP{R}AIN
2 - Tolerant? Waspish? Possibly a mild rebuke is the answer (1,4,2,3,5) - A SLAP ON THE WRIST*
3 - Cheese in buns he laid out (6,4) - DANISH BLUE*
4 - Ascot's winning margin, then dead heat? (7) - {NECK}{TIE}
5 - Silk from refurbished US store (7) - TUSSORE*
6 - Part of film is serious, according to report ... (4) - REEL (~real)
7 - ... film total art fanatic misconstrued (5,10) - FATAL ATTRACTION* Great movie
8 - Develop film showing traitor (8) - {TURN}{COAT}
12 - Bone in arm, at least cracked (10) - METATARSAL*
15 - Rich source of oil, also buried diamonds (4-2-2) - {WELL}-TO-{D}O
17 - Start trip (7) - TRIGGER [DD]
18 - Malicious assertions over apartment in area of seaside land (3,4) - MUD FLAT
19 - Queen of Persia belonging to Xerxes, there? (6) - ESTHER [T]
22 - Children on the radio give up (4) - CEDE Anno pending (Addendum - (~seed) - Thanks to Chaturvasi)
Saturday 30 May 2009
No 9546, Saturday, 30 May 09, Neyartha
Note: The starred clues carry no direct definition, but they are all from the same pen.
1 - Palm greased, when enveloped in darkness, with soot (4-5) - LAMP* BLACK
6 - Concluding operation (3-2) - MOP UP [CD]
9 - Embryo bags found with molybdenum extracted from a fertilizer (5) - AM(-mo)NIA
10 - Organ container in hideout returned for packing? Not good! (4-5) - RI{NG} {CAN}AL<- )
11, 19Ac - *Half-witted doctor declines aid from the vocal bishop’s neighbour (7,5) - TWELFTH*(-aid) NIGHT(~knight)
12 - *Overturned tree pictured in headgear (6) - HA{MLE<-}T
14 See 6 Dn
15 - Tipped about the silent cover up of a corn growth (9) - MU{CRONA*}TE
17 - Accountant imprisoned in air-base attacked by beetles (9) - S{CA}RABAEI*
19 - See 11 Ac
20 - Clearing attempt with a right to expel the Yankee (6) - ASSA(-y+rt)RT (Thanks to Chaturvasi)
22 - An understanding teen foolishly pockets what’s left around (7) - EN{TEN<-}TE*
24 - Not joking purposefully (2,7) - IS SERIOUS [CD] (Correction IN EARNEST)
25 - India idolises the showing of Japanese martial art (3-2) - IAI-DO
26 - Treehouses? (5) - NESTS [CD]
27 - Very devout priest and soldier are taken in by the showy flower (9) - R{ELI}{GI}OSE
1 - Individual in audition has an interpretation for calque (4,11) - LOAN(~lone) TRANSLATION
2 - Nominates revolutionary to the State (9) - MINNESOTA*
3 - Boyfriend paid honour to the departing editor with an antique cupboard (7) - {BEAU}{FET}(-ed)
4 - Old English beggar, sailor and artist get meat from the valet (7-3) - {AB}{RA}{HAM} MAN
5, 23Dn - *Work area hides a fireplace inside (4,4) - KING JOHN (Correction - K{ING LE}AR )
6, 14Ac, 19Dn - *Adhesive from the south put around a tooth chain bound by mistake (4,3,5,7) - MU{CH ADO ABOUT NOTHIN*}G <- )
7 - Team sheet (5) - PANEL [DD]
8 - A tall claim’s rejoinder? (4,3,5,3) - PLAY THE STORY OUT [CD] ? (PULL THE OTHER ONE [CD] - From comments of Ganesh)
13 - Unplanned stress for Capone when besieging Idaho (10) - (Addendum - ACC{ID}ENT{AL})
16 - Money needed for renovating building after Victor drops out (9) - ARGENTINO*(-v)
18 - Run out, framed by haloes, to see the sky lights (7) - AU{R}{O}RAS
19 - See 6 Dn
21 - Birds from Moroccan capital for the model cooks (5) - S(-t+m)MEWS (Thanks to Ganesh from the HUB)
23 - See 5 Dn
Friday 29 May 2009
No 9545, Friday, 29 May 09, M Manna
1 - He takes up practice with a new found son maybe (7) - {ADOPT}ER ?
5 - One who goes pelting around Canadian forests (7) - TRAPPER [CD]
9 - A ban on Lee affected his visit to this American city (7) - AB{I}LENE*
10 - President Lawrence made out sets of musical compositions for 7 performers (7) - S{E{P}T}ETS
11 - Tim has become so tearful (5) - MOIST*
12 - Worked out cut without hesitation (9) - EX{ER}CISED
13 - Swiss federal state extends to Far East language (9) - {CANTON}ESE
15 - Moves gently to be free from pain (5) - EASES [DD}
16 - Appear quiet dear, as you hang the curtains (5) - DRA{P}E*
18 - Atlantic Coast American near trees uprooted (9) - EASTERNER*
21 - In a temper Ann forever (9) - PERMANENT*
24 - Persian head dress fit for a queen (5) - TIARA [CD]
25 - Friction that narrowed passage without stopping air intake (7) - S?I?A?T
26 - Reclaim another supernatural happening (7) - MIRACLE*
27 - It gives warm support to aspiring glider pilots (7) - THERMAL [DD] Why aspiring? all glider pilots look for thermals, remember looking for them while learning Gliding at the Coimbatore Airport
28 - Listens for a just cause to enter into energetically (7) - ENLISTS*
1 - Looking pale coming out of a cinema (7) - ANAEMIC*
2 - Not right to pin on one, a favourable estimation (7) - O{PIN}{I}ON
3 - Coming of age on the black jack table (6,3) - TWENTY ONE [DD]
4 - Soldier approaching first lady with old bailiff (5) - {RE}{EVE}
5 - Stateless arrangement completely lacking in style (9) - TASTELESS*
6 - A spice having no end of use in savouries (5) - ASPIC(-e)
7 - Record sales crazily delights all (7) - {P}L{E}ASES*
8 - Desires arrangement to dwell permanently (7) - RESIDES*
14 - Like the powers of nature (9) - ELEMENTAL [CD]
15 - Relating to voters (9) - ELECTORAL [CD]
16 - Down payment I posted off (7) - DEPOSIT*
17 - Atmosphere on tap for aircraft organisation (7) - {AIR}{LINE}
19 - Eastern sun can create shades of difference (7) - NUANC{E}S*
20 - In here a person may find agricultural workers (7) - REAPERS [T]
22 - Designed to arm Al with a warning of danger (5) - ALARM*
23 - Tee off with congressman at a place of choice beauty (5) - TE{MP}E
So it's bye bye Mr Manna for the next 28 days
Thursday 28 May 2009
No 9544, Thursday, 28 May 09, M Manna
1 - Survive in first? (7) - OUTLAST [CD] ?
5 - A little manual work (7) - BOOKLET [CD] ?
9 - Opinion of English into Spanish wine (5) - TEN{E}T
10 - Fighting with energy, but having difficulty (2,1,6) - IN A SCRAPE ?
11 - Riddle solved in game (6) - ENIGMA*
12 - Sent off with rage having alienated friendship (8) - ESTRANGE*
14 - They ate, say, usually at a prescribed time (5) - EIGHT (~ate)
15 - Wandered, preferring the Middle East to the West (9) - (-w+me)MEANDERED
18 - Ticket collectors’ nemesis (5,4) - (Addendum - METER MAID [CD] see comments below)
20 - Flying at speed of sound (5) - SONIC [CD] ?
22 - For female deer in greatest number, take farthest back (8) - {HIND}{MOST}
24 - Met with acceptance (6) - PASSED [DD] ?
26 - Agreement on tailless aircraft at last (9) - CONCORD(-e)AT
27 - You may find him on the lane leading to lake (5) - AL{L}EN* ?
28 - Appear more impertinent for dope to rise stupidly (7) - S{ASS}IER*
29 - Leader takes time off to pedal (7) - {T}READLE*
1 - Getting warm place for gymnastic exercises (2,3,4) ON THE BEAM
2 - Two quintets praise his conquest of Everest (7) - {TEN}{SING} ? Should have been TENZING
3 - It provides in-flight reading matter (9) - ALTIMETER [CD] Manna has totally lost it here!!
4 - Make an accuracy slip (4) - TRIP [CD] ?
5 - Money belts for musicians (5,5) - BRASS BANDS [CD]
6 - Happen to fall on the same day (5) - OCCUR ?
7 - Right to be around the French as a beginner, to gain skill (7) - {L{EARN}E}{R} ?
8 - Egotists’ subject (5) - {THE}{ME} The only good clue in today's CW
13 - As a diplomat he appears in capital form (10) - AMBASSADOR ?
16 - Quite dissimilar pairs getting involved in rendezvous (9) - D{ISPAR*}ATE
17 - The decline of exotic rhythm (9) - DECADENCE [CD]
19 - Numbered insects hold possession (7) - {TEN}{ANTS}
21 - Settled comfortably (7) - NESTLED [CD]
22 - Gains unauthorised access to other computers (5) - HACKS [CD]
23 - I roam to return as member of New Zealand’s aboriginal people (5) - MAORI
25 - Restore after making for deletion (4) - STET [CD] That should have been marking and not making seems to be a typo
Wednesday 27 May 2009
No 9543, Wednesday, 27 May 09, M Manna
1 - Deplore crack about exercise (6) - RE{PE}NT Does repent mean deplore?
4 - One of the family gives Rex great joy (8) - R{ELATION}
10 - Sharply provoked? (7) - NEEDLED [DD]
11 - The Queen was excavated with trimmed white coat (7) - {ER}{MINED} How trimmed??
12 - To search in the dirt (4) - GRUB Search ???
13 - He objects to patterns being changed (10) - PROTESTANT*
16 - To dupe Lawrence, make him an agent (6) - DEPU*{TE} ???? Make him an agent should be Deputise
17 - Teach me to twist the knife (7) - MACHETE*
20 - They reflect a faithful representation (7) - MIRRORS [CD]
21 - Both a painter and a sailor return to this Mid-Eastern town (6) - A{RA<-}{RAT<-} How is this Mid-Eastern
24 - Girl earned trouble from head of gang (10) - RINGLEADER*
25 - Concerned at taking charge of about an acre (4) - CARE Taking charge ?????
27 - Company at a loss facing organisation having gigantic power and influence (7) - {CO}{LOSS}I How plural ??????
29 - He faces facts — retails make up (7) - REALIST*
30 - Getting up and in smart! (8) - ST{AND}ING
31 - Complained when I had shortly broken down (6) - WHINED*
1 - Grandee put out over Oriental apostate (8) - RENEGAD*{E}
2 - Possibly uppermost in arrogance (11) - PRESUMPTION*
3 - Has no legal force (4) - (Addendum - NULL [CD])
5 - Al takes turn at event that is happening as a consequence (8) - EVENT{U}{AL}
6 - Mother’s pea soup needs air (10) - ATMOSPHERE*
7 - Public house in quarter (3) - IN{N}
8 - Dreadfully untidy in the natural state (6) - NUDITY*
9 - Very much like to have a party again (5) - ADO{RE}
14 - Turn accountant into wreck with dispute (11) - ALTER{CA}{TION*}
15 - I tried less to become free of infection (10) - STERILISED*
18 - Action taken about production of a specially designed garment (8) - C{RE}ATION* Where's the garment???????
19 - Bore witness at the match, ‘e’d concluded (8) - AT{TEST}{ED}
22 - A summary that is exact but endless (6) - PRECIS(-e)
23 - Robin Hood had a cheerful band (5) - MERRY [CD] Yes we know he had, so what????????
26 - Accountant quiet where money is concerned (4) - CA{SH}
28 - The French have an open country under grass (3) - LE{A}(-n)
Tuesday 26 May 2009
No 9542, Tuesday, 26 May 09, M Manna
1 - Not applied by editor being absent minded (10) - ABSTRACT{ED}
6 - Defensive armour for the body (4) - MAIL [CD]
9 - Dial a new pal for a knight errant (7) - PALADIN*
10 - It’s a bet made for the fabric to be either cotton or wool (7) - BATISTE*
12 - Specifically selected what had been classified (8) - AS{SORTED}
13 - Overhang still in part causes anxiety (5) - ANGST [T]
15 - Closes to a shorter distance (5) - NEARS [DD]
17 - Craving post — Christian clarity of speech (9) - {AD}{DICTION}
19 - These days a guy splits supporters (9) - {AD}{HE}{RENTS}
21 - He may be a fine student but is like a mischievous child (5) - E{L}FIN*
23 - As arranged Lee is to turn up for her (5) - ELSIE*
24 - Goes for the financial outcome (8) - PROCEEDS [DD]
27 - Coats made by seal-men, sadly (7) - ENAMELS*
28 - CID fee I required for large building (7) - EDIFICE*
29 - Tiny sandbanks in river (4) - TEES [DD] Clue could have been better
30 - It gives the angle in favour of farm vehicle (10) - {PRO}TRACTOR I liked those round protractors we used while in school
1 - May need to run laps around to climb the mountain range (4) - ALPS*
2 - Polish part of the missiles I aim (7) - SILESIA [T]
3 - Show travelled round (5) - RODE{O}
4 - Learns to teach by force (9) - CONS{TRAIN}
5 - Flowed back to decline (5) - EBBED [CD]
7 - One is ages repairing the spear (7) - {A}SSEGAI*
8 - The French woman’s military officer? (10) - LIEUTENANT [CD]
11 - Henry in a dazed state at the issue of portion of money (7) - TRANC{H}E New word for me
14 - Fighting to get a booking (10) - ENGAGEMENT [DD]
16 - Engineer made to sever drawing on pavement (7) - S{C}R{E}EVE*
18 - Crooked underworld boss puts on edge with time (9) - DISH{ON}{ES}{T} Anno not clear
20 - Prisoner kept as security by innkeeper for a period of time (7) - {HOST}AGE
22 - Fussy type taking lot in hand (7) - F{ADD}IST LOT and ADD ?
24 - It may be a difficult question (5) - POSER [CD]
25 - A woman from a South American country (5) - ERICA [T]
26 - A River outfit (4) - WEAR [DD]
Monday 25 May 2009
No 9541, Monday, 25 May 09, M Manna
1 - Bank employee confronted by vast sum of money sees a future (7,6) - FORTUNE TELLER [CD]
8 - Note it is the obvious choice (7) - NATURAL [CD]
9 - Particular concerning parking in school environs (7) - {RE}S{P}ECT
11 - Silk fabric worn by small number in dance one leaves at the end (6) - {V}ELVE{T} Anno pending (Addendum - VEL{V}ET(-a) the dance being VELETA)
13 - A French pair obtaining divorce? (8) - {UN}{COUPLE}
15 - Arranged to lower a small spiked wheel on a spur (5) - ROWEL*
16 - Jabbers and irritates one (7) - NEEDLES [DD]
18 - Hide carefully to know about lace (7) - {CON}CEAL*
19 - Move out of the way of the French dog (5) - D{ODG*}E
21 - Transportation of French servants’ uniform (8) - {DE}LIVERY
23 - Bony cavity occupied by a worker with spirit (6) - {ANT}RUM
25 - “Fixing” a race, the guy will get a complaint (7) - EARAC*{HE}
26 - Oriental or English back (7) - {E}ASTERN
28 - Intend to complete the whole course? (5,2,6) - START TO FINISH [CD]
2 - Outward current (7) - OUTFLOW [CD]
3 - It’s not to climb back a rocky height (3) - TOR <- )
4 - Life line of Egypt? (4) - NILE [CD]
5 - Quite possibly all aren’t at the dance (10) - TARANTELLA * Is this coincidence? This dance appeared in yesterday's Sunday CW as well
6 - Girl has nothing to catch wild horses (5) - LASS{O}
7 - Grants immunity to old MP set apart (7) - {EX}EMPTS*
8 - Don’t give up vulgar way of referring to a dice (5,3,3) - NEVER SAY DIE [CD] What is vulgar about this?
10 - The chaps who dig into their tucker! (11) - TRENCHER{MEN}
12 - Nell turns to English to find her (5) - {E}LLEN*
14 - Affection that’s mean and tender by turn (10) - ENDEARMENT*
17 - Doubtless how merchantmen left a Yemeni port (5) - {L}ADEN
18 - He is at fault to rip cult out of sorts (7) - CULPRIT*
20 - Stare on road, fresh water diving birds (7) - {D}A{R}TERS*
22 - Six vehicle for a Bishop’s deputy (5) - {VI}CAR
24 - Strength of objection (4) - BEEF [DD]
27 - To name is a moral offence (3) - SIN [CD] Is this a CD or SI<-{N}
Sunday 24 May 2009
No 2534, Sunday, 24 May 09
1 - Poet having rare delicacy on part of Hebridean island (5,3-5) - CECIL DAY*-LEWIS
9 - Self-evident truth adult associate recalled about love (5) - A{X}I{O}M
10 - Team everybody boycotts (3,6) - ALL BLACKS [CD]
11 - Fruit that could make one unwell in old Moorish city (10) - GRANAD{ILL}A
12 - Appellation belonging to Dallaglio, naturally? (4) - LION [T]
14 - Distinctive smell of European river, some say (5) - ODOUR (~oder)
15 - Gaudy public house, good in Winter, say (3,6) - {G}{IN} PALACE linking winter; to palace as the answer, seems a bit obscure
16 - Formal wear in smooth clubs,perhaps (5,4) - DRESS SUIT [CD]
18 - Accumulate a large number (5) - A{MASS}
21 - Girl about right for service (4) - A{R}MY
22 - Discovers fool swallowing some (10) - AS{CERTAIN}S
24 - Conductor of opera one located in pub on the way back (9) - TOSCA{N{I}NI<-}
25 - Ring worn by miss, unattached (5) - L{O}OSE
26 - Everything must go here (9,4) - CLEARANCE SALE [CD]
1 - Musical, elegant with a vitality (7) - {CHIC}{A}{GO}
2 - Found, ornate mace and a crucifix (4,6) - CAME {A}{CROSS}
3 - One may be asked by counsel in prominent matter (7,8) - LEADING QUESTION [CD]
4 - At each stage from A to B on the London Underground? (3,5,3,4) - ALL ALONG THE LINE [CD]
5 - Girl, awfully ill close to infirmary (4) - LIL{Y}
6 - US city with CIA involvement (7) - WICHITA*
7 - Girl uses an eccentric knight inside (7) - SUSAN{N}E*
8 - Racing driver frustrated in a fog (6) - FANGIO*
13 - Managed to explain note after Territorial Army dance (10) - {TA}{RAN}{TELL}{A}
16 - Radical doctor with a short cane (7) - {DR}{A}{STIC}(-k)
17 - All together in new manse on outskirts of Stoke (2,5) - EN MASSE
19 - Notice one model is fat (7) - {AD}{I}{POSE}
20 - Nurse in obstetrics is terrific (6) - SISTER [T]
23 - Pretty fine tune (4) - {F}{AIR}
Saturday 23 May 2009
No 9540, Saturday, 23 May 09, M Manna
1 - A vehicle followed by a van that could be covered (7) - {CAR}AVAN
5 - Leave the radio playing march music? (7) - {BAG}{PIPE} ? (Addendum - A{BAND}{ON})
10 - Ringleader caught by an aged headmaster (6) - A{R}N{OLD}
11 - King has priest cast off and smacked (8) - (Addendum - {R}{ELI}{SHED})
12 - Thrashed by the opposition in a game (6) - BEATEN [CD]
13 - About 21 once, but that’s another story (8) - (Adendum - ANECDOTE* - date+once)
14 - An expedition to find animals for a fair’s organised (6) - SAFARI*
15 - New variety of lemons — quite weighty (6) SOLEMN*
18 - Occupying temporary accommodation being so resolved (6) - {IN}{TENT}
20 - It’s Sue who turns up with soft absorbent paper (6) - TISSUE*
23 - Give assistance to the gentleman hemmed in (8) - M{IN}ISTER
25 - He’s reckless in top gear (6) - MADCAP [CD]
26 - The rest is mixed into the meat for the pets (8) - HAM{STER*}S
27 - Some retrogressive female — quite monstrous (6) - OGRESS [T]
28 - Let out when you find another occupant for (7) - RELEASE [DD]
29 - Sewers that are almost totally superfluous (7) - NEEDLES(-s)
2 - Corresponds with about, through the years (6) - AG{RE}ES
3 - Re-dial when given the order (5,4) - ABOUT FACE [DD]
4 - Material that requires to be added (7) - ADDENDA [CD]
6 - Brief letters from military quarters (7) - (Addendum - BILLETS [DD])
7 - Used faculty for detecting (5) - PROBE ?? (Addendum - NOSED [CD])
8 - Open one, myself, as a source of extra revenue (8) - {PART}T{I}{ME} ??? (Correction - {OVERT}{I}{ME})
9 - Usury is attracting considerable attentions (5,8) - GREAT INTEREST [CD]
16 - A youngster, going outside under direction, washed (9) - LA{UNDER}{E}D
17 - Hint one of the occupants held it up (8) - IN{TI<-}MATE
19 - Giggles at small bird going right into another tree (7) - {TIT}TE{R}S Where's the tree?
21 - Any person not specified (7) - SOMEONE [CD]
22 - A little girl’s story about a donkey (6) - L{ASS}IE
24 - Sue is disturbed on a point in dispute (5) - ISSUE*
Friday 22 May 2009
No 9539, Friday, 22 May 09, M Manna
1 - Hold up a wicket and add to the score (9) - {PROP}{A}{GATE}
6 - Make hot iron (5) - BRAND ? (Addendum - The anno would be [DD])
9 - Stiff and thoroughly wet (5) - STEEP [DD]
10 - To a child, where that hum comes from? (3,6) - TOP SECRET ?
11 - Honest company Chairman’s relative standing (5,5) - ABOVE BOARD [CD]
12 - Lady accommodates one who succeeds (4) - HE{I}R
14 - One by one sides lining up (7) - ELEVENS [CD]
15 - Network of lines with note found on relic (7) - R{ET}ICLE*
17 - Unusual dialect in the Kremlin, for example (7) - CITADEL*
19 - He has to stand to take part of telephone, to speak (7) - HANDSET*
20 - Foreigner without a legal right (4) - (-a)LIEN
22 - Unhappiness caused by a slump (10) - DEPRESSION [DD]
25 - Ditch a worker, getting acrimonious (9) - {TRENCH}{ANT}
26 - Hotel about a quarter empty (5) - IN{A}NE Where did E come from (Addendum - E from East, though quarters normally are SE, SW, NE & NW)
27 - High pressure area, torrid generally in the interior (5) - RIDGE [T]
28 - Engineer told Lee to model low cut dress (9) - D{EC}OLLETE
1 - Dad’s Army fare (5) - {PAS}{TA}
2 - In a short time giving a signal to men assembled outside (3,6) - ONE M{OMEN}T*
3 - Runs in and gets the picture (10) - APPREHENDS [DD]
4 - No one performs proper proceedings in a court (7) - ACT{I}{ON}S Confusing clue with no proper indicators etc
5 - More confused by the inclusion of a sovereign (7) - EM{PER}OR*
6 - Last stopping place for a drink, you could say (4) - BIER (~beer)
7 - Eager to give consent (5) - AGREE*
8 - Check on fellow cleaner (9) - {DETER}{GENT}
13 - Stop but don’t sit down yet (10) - {STAND}{STILL}
14 - Non-stop commercial flight? (9) - ESCALATOR [CD]
16 - Found one entry to criticise (9) - CAST{I}{GATE}
18 - Lee takes a side giving shelter from the wind (7) - LEE{WARD} Poor clue
19 - His beliefs are contrary to his religious community (7) - HERETIC [CD]
21 - Some of the most able men do better and better (5) - EMEND [T]
23 - A young relative will be critical about one point (5) - NI{E}CE
24 - Piece of land Saladin failed to save (4) - ACRE [DD]
Thursday 21 May 2009
No 9538, Thursday, 21 May 09, Gridman
1 - Made obeisance? The lowly fellow! It’s bending to the newspaper boss! (8) - {CUR}{TSI*}{ED}
5 - Computes — sounds reasonable (4,2) - ADDS UP [CD]
10 - Echoes in Esperanto with no-no twists (7) - REPEATS*(-no)
11 - Dairy product you don’t finish — good Ruth’s made (7) - YO(-u){G}{HURT*}
12 - Greater storehouse with no copper but with grand (6) - LAR(-d+g)GER
13 - Afflicted with sprain as Sten falls all over (8) - ST{RICK}EN
15 - Impudence when among the saints (4) - S{AS}S
16 - Passengers accept Hari’s distribution of equitable portions (4,6) - F{AIR SH*}ARES
18 - What you might pay after a medical prescription is made (7,3) - DOCTORS FEE
20 - News gleaned from the main forum (4) - INFO [T]
23 - Hidden with one Pole rioter, unfortunately (8) - I{N}TERIOR*
24 - Graduate and sailor on rock (6) - BA{SALT}
26 - Setter having anagram’s source in Latin translation is a foreigner (7) - {I}TALI{A}N*
27 - Nothing to hold down one on a point of view (7) - {O}{PIN}{I}{ON}
28 - Heads of General Assembly ran and puffed (6) - {G}{A}SPED
29 - The sort of deal you can’t expect from a crooked businessman (8) - STRAIGHT [CD]
1 - Neither a motorist nor a golfer can afford to do this (8,7) - CARELESS DRIVING [CD]
2 - Gives an account of explosive noises? (7) - REPORTS [DD]
3 - Looked intently at pre-eminent journalist (6) - STAR{ED}
4 - Comfort art supporter who has no learner (4) - EASE(-l)
6 - Follow tussle in film (8) - DOG{FIGHT}
7 - One who will be out of the way and who won’t do one’s duty (7) - SKULKER [DD]
8 - How one might make a blunder — what one might do with a stirrup (3,4,4,2,2) - PUT ONES FOOT IN IT [DD]
9 - Where the secretive person sleeps? Not exactly! (6,3) - OYSTER BED
14 - What one might do with a plate for more collections (4,5) - PASS ROUND [CD]
17 - Compelling firm to receive orders without invoice at last (8) - {CO}ERCIVE*(e)
19 - Axe — axe the girl (7) - CUT{LASS}
21 - Approaching the last of men with ornament that’s lost its centrepiece (7) - (-me){N}EAR(-r)ING
22 - Animal crushed brown paper (6) - MANILA*
25 - Advertise a job (4) - POST [DD]
Wednesday 20 May 2009
No 9537, Wednesday, 20 May 09, Gridman
1 - Simpleton backs doctor to work on confection (7) - GUM<-{DR}{OP}
5 - Journalist in retreat, caught in dismally sore surroundings, disintegrates (6) - ERO{DE<-}S*
9 - Foeman in Jabalpur holds warrior (5) - NINJA [T]
10 - He repined on spilling medicine (9) - EPHEDRINE*
11 - Excited Super’s has one to boost (5,2) - RAISE UP*
12 - A big number mouthing off their yearning (7) - C{RAVING}
13 - Fiftyone recommended actions on pools (5) - LI{DOS}
14 - ”Nutty” role for Jerry Lewis in a film (9)- - PROFESSOR Must have seen this movie N number of times and will still see it again given a chance
16 - Plugged, as a container jar might be (9) - STOPPERED [CD]
19 - Brief paralysis of one in a game (5) - POL{I}O
21 - Rags about tears being shed on capturing game (7) - TA{TT}ERS*
23 - He may be up on a pole to fix a current problem (7) - LINEMAN [CD]
24 - Kerala festival has the engineer proceeding well (2,3,4) - ON {THE} {BE}AM
25 - About to be with an old historical figure of India (5) - {C}{LIVE}
26 - I need a revised epic (6) - AENEID*
27 - Observes planting of article and is angry (7) - SEE{THE}ES
1 - One may not go into particulars in making this (14) - GENERALISATION [CD]
2 - Race around the earth? (7) - MANKIND [CD]
3 - These tools are used for some rural gatherings (7) - REA*{MERS} Could not find the connection between MERS and rural gatherings, thought it was french but Mer in french is Sea. (Correction from comments below - REAPERS [CD])
4 - He rid Hamelin of rats by playing his flute (4,5) - PIED PIPER [CD]
5 - Moral principle held by the thick-set (5) - ETHIC [T]
6 - Someone known to you for ages or a young person with an aged look? (3,4) - OLD FACE [CD]
7 - Brings to light what’s legal within the boundaries of estates (7) - E{LICIT}S
8 - Reggie’s put out rejoinders against instruments to detect radioactivity (6,8) - GEIGER* COUNTERS
15 - Would one get burned by contact with former lovers? (3,6) - OLD FLAME [CD]
17 - One of those pieces of eight found in dismantled cote by railway official (7) - OCTE*{TTE}
18 - Come first but quietly fall back finally (7) - {P}RECEDE
19 - Fear about the Spanish throwing up flower cluster (7) - PANIC{LE}
20 - Find his plum having a heavy appearance (7) - LUMPISH*
22 - Retraction of the French capture of foreign mount (5) - S{TE<-}ED <- )
Tuesday 19 May 2009
No 9536, Tuesday, 19 May 09, Gridman
1 - Brothers and sisters as a group (8) - SIBLINGS [CD]
5 - Break in — ten leave furiously to break in (6) - I(-nte*)RRUPT New word for me
9 - Turn to trios to get an Italian dish (7) - RISOTTO*
10 - Goes away, with bag and baggage (5,2) - PACKS UP [CD]
11 - Is it not true, in German? (5,4) - NICHT WAHR
12 - Profanes and does hose repair (5) - DARNS [CD]
13 - Little swimmers that can also do the crawl (4) - EFTS [CD]
14 - New slates smashed? But that’s known to me already! (5,4) - STALE NEWS* Reminds me of the phrase 'Stale news stinks and so do you'
17 - What wrong in is sentence this (4,5) - WORD ORDER [CD]
19 - One has the journalist’s backing in indigenous style (4) - DE<-{S}{I}
23 - Relative mentions joints (5) - NIECE (~knees)
24 - If some persons are so, they are agreed! (2,3,4) - OF ONE MIND [CD]
25 - Recruited through deception — what a cowboy did, perhaps (5,2) - ROPED IN [CD] Roping in is not exactly recruiting by deception
26 - Fellow high jumper accepts wager over right (7) - RO{BE{R}T}O
27 - They are the pits (6) - ABYSMS [CD]
28 - Grime settles on worker, a displaced person (8) - EMIGR*{ANT}
1 - More quaint alien (8) - STRANGER [DD]
2 - Former U.S. President’s cautious act on animal (4-3) - {BUSH} CAT*
3 - Tito on converting entirely (2,4) - IN TOTO*
4 - Fine — a fine bird ducks over the bottom of the garden for greeting (4,9) - GOOD {A}{F}{TERN}{OO}{N}
6 - Going back on yielding (8) - RECEDING [CD]
7 - Twist in anti-clockwise direction (7) - UNSCREW [CD} Not applicable to pieces of jewellery
8 - Pity goes out to good man being an office worker (6) - TYPI*{ST}
10 - For a four-sided shape, roll a large map out (13) - PARALLELOGRAM*
15 - Literary supplement? (8) - ADDENDUM [CD]
16 - Discovers — able to have sound disposition (5,3) - FI{NDS OU*}T
18 - Give more money than what is due (7) - OVERPAY [CD]
20 - In summer it reaches the country (7) - ERITREA [T]
21 - A new vision is incomplete for her (6) - {A}{N}DREA(-m)
22 - As used to infuse some flavour into hot water (3-3) - TEA-BAG [CD]
Monday 18 May 2009
No 9535, Monday, 18 May 09, Gridman
1 - Event with choice possibilities (8) - ELECTION [CD]
6 - Difficult trip with frontrunners of the regiment entering Kohima (4) - {T}{R}{E}{K}
9 - Low joints (6) - ANKLES [CD]
10 - Enrol the setter recalling Nepal movement (7) - {EM<-}{PANEL*}
13 - One is so when one is free (2,7) - AT LIBERTY [CD]
14 - One so perplexed may be caught by it (5) - NOOSE*
15 - Boozy grown-ups return to hold a wild party (4) - ORGY [T]
16 - In offering one grand is included as a ‘must’ (10) - OBL{I}{G}ATION
19 - They add a shimmer to the edges of the mouth (3,7) - LIP GLOSSES [CD]
21 - The Ramayana, for example, featured in the pictures (4) - EPIC [T]
24 - Police outpost in Mumbai suburb undergoing change finally (5) - THANA (-e+a)
25 - Such a file has no images (5,4) - PLAIN TEXT [CD]
26 - American author Caldwell, for one (7) - ERSKINE [CD]
27 - Hilda is disturbed by a bloomer (6) - DAHLI*{A}
28 - Tipples in small amounts (4) - SIPS [CD]
29 - One who barely makes a dash (8) - STREAKER [CD]
2 - See no good member for a fielding position (4-3) - {LO}{NG}-LEG
3 - They are famous people, in short (6) - CELEBS [CD]
4 - Dedicates to fashionable journalists (9) - {IN}{SCRIBES}
5 - Poor born extremely drearily (5) - {NEE}{DY}
7 - Decoration at the doorstep managed with energy by 51 (7) - {RAN}{GO}{LI}
8 - Going mad, Yank licks ten tenacious fighters (8,4) - KILKENNY CATS* Hearing of this for the first time
11 - Learner goes after animal into thatched structure (6) - {PANDA}{L}
12 - Affairs overwhelming no little one raised by author (3,2,7) - MA{N O}{F LE<-}TTERS
17 - Foreign national transforms elder Rani (9) - IRELANDER*
18 - Soap maker? (6) - ALKALI [CD]
20 - Gives prominence to songs about young dog (5,2) - P{LAYS} UP
22 - Summary by the Orient is exact (7) - {PRECIS}{E}
23 - Hand-out Radha had carelessly discarded in a region of India (6) - {ANDH*}RA(-had*)
25 - Noblemen’s jetties, by the sound of it (5) - PEERS (~piers)
Sunday 17 May 2009
No 2533, Sunday, 17 May 09
1 - Gets going, sorting out mostly tricky tasks (4-6) - KICK STARTS*(-y)
6 - Silence leader in Africa, slightly mad (4) - {GAG}{A}
9 - Is help in it misplaced for one who's lowbrow? (10) - PHILISTINE*
10 - Huge Greek character losing face (4) - (-o)MEGA
11 - What on-course bookmakers may be doing, talking too loudly (8,3,4) - SHOUTING THE ODDS [CD]
13 - Overlooks foliage blossoming (6,3) - LEAVES OUT [DD]
15 - Goddess Jeffrey Archer's captured (5) - FREYA [T]
16 - Cried out for a drink (5) - CIDER*
17 - Former queen with gift, reportedly, as writer (9) - {PAST}{ER}{NAK} (~knack)
19 - Expression of views about split in government agency abroad (5,10) - STATE {DEPART}MENT
22 - Monster, as a result, returned (4) - OGRE<-)
23 - What may be turned on if one's down in a pumping station? (10) - WATERWORKS [CD]
24 - Garment - king left wearing it (4) - {K}I{L}T
25 - Food store, booming, delivers, we're told (4-6) - DEEP FREEZE (~frees)
1 - Some like pistols and military caps (5) - KEPIS [T]
2 - One seen in vehicle round capital (5) - CA{I}R{O}
3 - Martyr condemned segregation (5,6) - SAINT GEORGE*
4 - Against carrying on, old sea captain in Twelfth Night (7) - {ANT{ON}I}{O}
5 - Small child in shade pocketing fancy toy (4,3) - TIN{Y TO*}T
7,8 - One's hard to find, and keys a chatelaine lost (1,6,2,1,8) - A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK*
12 - I flew free to foreign landmark (6,5) - EIFFEL TOWER*
13,14 - Completely secure merchandise, a brand new line about to be introduced (4,5,3,6) - LOCK STOCK {AND BAR*}{RE}{L}
17 - Talk at tedious length about the Spanish clergyman (7) - PR{EL}ATE
18 - Develop image at college (5,2) - SHAPE UP Anno pending
20 - Strange and frightening eastern lake (5) - {E}{ERIE}
21 - Sip drop of sherry in gallery (5) - TA{S}TE
Saturday 16 May 2009
No 9534, Saturday, 16 May 09, Gridman
1 - Be adequate — what a pelican might do when hungry (4,3,4) - FILL THE BILL [CD]
9 - A blow from the ocean — sabre-rattling with no difficulty, it’s said (3,6) - {SEA BR}EEZE (~easy) (Correction - ~ease)
10 - Cut through many for army chaplain (5) - PA{D}RE
11 - Perplexed set lost among abstainers (2,3) - A{T SE*}A
12 - Drink the man hit, among 50, thoroughly (2,3,4) - {TO T}{HE} HI{L}T
13 - One doctor to use no second fill (5) - {I}{MB}{U(-s)E}
15 - Emerges again to harvest fruits (9) - {REAP}{PEARS}
18 - Book satellite with revised notes (9) - MOON{STONE*}
21 - Thought a large number to be second-hand (5) - {M}{USED}
22 - Rolls, for one thing (9) - LIMOUSINE [CD]
24 - Sage was driven away by the spies (5) - SWA*{MI}
26 - One of two keys — one found in the kennel (5) - {C}OR{G}{I}
27 - Same — Circe calls for frozen desserts (9) - ICECREAMS *
28 - Poor thing in storm is a bird (11) NIGHT*{IN}{GALE}
1 - Government’s economic policy befuddles Miss Calif. (9) - FISCALISM*
2 - Inclines, slight and small (5) - {LEAN}{S}
3 - Intimidates rowdy Stan there (9) - THREATENS*
4 - Choose an alternative German ruler (7) - ELECT{OR}
5 - Near it, I tend to be doing very little (7) - INERTIA*
6 - Circuits have direction to go downhill (5) - {LOOP}{S}
7 - Fleet commanders or flighty creatures (8) - ADMIRALS [DD]
8 - Grand entry may partly make an impression (4) - DENT [T]
14 - Mistakes that are burgeoning? (8) - BLOOMERS [DD]
16 - Strengthens one’s muscles and draws info with one young boy (5,4) - PUMPS {I}{RON}
17 - It doesn’t concern in the main (4,5) - SIDE ISSUE [CD]
19 - Supposing Head of Operations is languishing… (7) - {O}{PINING}
20 - First principle of one’s most favourable environment (7) - ELEMENT [CD]
22 - Secure company that’s lost Head of Finances (4) (-f)LOCK
23 - Society meeting (5) - UNION [CD]
25 - A Hindu posture on a NASA deal (5) - ASANA*
Friday 15 May 2009
No 9533, Friday 15 May 09, Gridman
1 - Slick hit turns out to be hard to handle (8) - TICKLISH*
5 - Able to get endlessly spacious painting surface (6) - CAN{VAS}(-t)
9 - True, lady! Gallivanting may result in love relationship (8) - ADULTERY*
10 - Killer of small hen (6) - S{LAYER}
12 - Sound reflection by English actor-politician (4) - {E}{CHO}
13 - Ignore norm modified for one who sells hardware (10) - IRONMONGER*
15 - A hot one is hard to deal with (6) - POTATO [CD]
17 - They are often in fine print (5) - TERMS [CD]
20 - As used to bind together bits recoiling (5) - STRAP<-
21 - Flee, abandoning a part of the airport (6) - RUNWAY [CD]
24 - Nasty annual pest destroyed (10) UNPLEASANT*
27 - Partly Aristotelian author (4) - ELIA [T]
29 - Writer leaves cheese for the formidable woman (6) - GORGON(-zola)
30 - Allocated to a ship ending on the rocks without head of navvies (8) - {A}{SS}IGNED*(-n)
31 - Extremely sleazy film producer is leaving Australian city (6) - {SY}{D(-is)NEY}
32 - Bridge players swarm over journalist held in high regard (8) - {ES}{TEEM}{ED}
1 - Exchanges with a leader of Democrats held by the very French (6) - TR{A}{D}ES
2 - Trapped hundred — anything whatever (6) - {C}{AUGHT}
3 - Allows alien into the left section (4) - L{ET}S
4 - More certain on the French queen (5) - {SUR}{ER}
6 - “__ __ Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender …” (Hymn) (3,2) - ALL TO [CD]
7 - Village Officer, close to insanity, rages about sailors (8) - {VO}{Y}AGERS*
8 - Purser is disposed to give a jolt (8) - SURPRISE*
11 - Not frayed because it was never used? (6) - UNTORN [CD] (Correction - UNWORN)
14 - Combine goes up to circuit (4) - LOOP<-
16 - Thanks sent up to others when not moving (2,4) - AT<- REST
17 - Eyedrop? (4) - TEAR [CD]
18 - Pacifies fool making wrong usage (8) - {ASS}UAGES*
19 - Ready, having cut before? (8) - {PRE}{PARED}
22 - Opponents in prize assembly (6) - PL{EN}UM
23 - United too in sack (6) - B{AND}ED [CD]
25 - Leave with one’s love (5) - ELOPE [CD]
26 - Where chicks hang out (5) - NESTS [CD]
28 - They are shaken at the gambling table (4) - DICE [CD]
Delay in posting
Will be late with today's post as I have to make atrip with my m-i-l to the lab
Thursday 14 May 2009
No 9532, Thursday, 14 May 09, Nita Jaggi
1 - High-ranking official? (7) COMMDRE ? (Correction - TOPMOST)
5 - A quiet nymph (6) - {A}{P}SARA
10 - Father turns the fabric covering the left design (8) - AP<-P{L}IQUE
11 - Cuts off the nuggets (6) - PIECES ? (Correction - BLOCKS [DD])
13 - Abandon the gatehouse (4) - SHED [DD]
14 - Supervise the horseman around the house to salute back (4,4,2) - {RIDE {H}{E}R}{D ON<-} ?
16 - Jumped up a net for the seed (6) - PEANUT*
18 - The initial excitement, leaving each girl around noticing curios ethnic and attractive in appearance (8) - ELEGANCE
21 - Wrap up the black game in the white matter (8) - CERE{B}RUM
22 - Entertainer of his age gets disturbed (6) - GEISHA *
25 - One more notice is set into a lid (10) - {AD}DITIONAL*
27 - Handle the large bundle, overheard (4) - BAIL (~bale)
30 - Reported the big group of performers (6) - TROUPE (~troop)
31 - One mark provided at the end of the day to recognise (8) - {I}{DENT}IF{Y}
32 - Coffin nail in the cold vehicle (6) - REEFER Anno ?
33 - At home, to greet the characters of the whole unit (7) - {IN}{TEGER*}
2 - Supernatural creature in a group heist (5) - OUPHE [T]
3 - Principal pipe (4) - MAIN [DD]
4 - By the way, trap the princess in the empty room (6) - (Addendum - {ST}{U}{DI}{O} Defining just a room as Studio is a little far fetched)
6 - Plant is soft, is covered by rubber (5) - (Addendum - PULSE)
7 - A council head is the chief for ten to change the direction of events (9) - A{C}CID{ENT*}{S}
8 - Not being there for rating half the Senate on the borders of Chile (7) - {AB}{SEN(-ate)}{C(-hil)E}
9 - Roughly puts out the sauce (6) - CA{TSUP*}
12 - The French, almost all on Tuesday have taken some action (5) - {DE}{AL(-l)}{T}
15 - Leading businessman uses logs burning the light source (4) - BULB [T]
17 - Position of the rare dome surrounding the circular landing place (9) - AER{O}DROME*
19 - Odd girl very boring and sad (4) - {G}{R}{E}{Y}
20 - Wrestlers in the erstwhile Soviet Union have a short on Saturday (5) - SUMO{S}
21 - King is in to talk about the monarch getting a special privilege (7) - CHA{R}TER
23 - Mixtures found in the small oysters (6) - ALLOYS
24 - New venture for the lady (6) - MAIDEN [DD]
26 - Poet to wear an oriental sun hat (5) - TOPE*{E}
28 - A price increase that has come into force (5) - A{RISE}
29 - About the church on a single occasion (4) - ON{CE}
Wednesday 13 May 2009
No 9531, Wednesday, 13 May 09, Nita Jaggi
1 - A follower is busy around holding the hard hand back of the primate (8) - {B}{US{HB}{A}BY*} Not satisfied with the annotation I have shown. HB indicates Hard Black in pencils but where did the A come from? (Revised annotation - BUS{HB}{A}{B}Y A follower indicating A B)
5 - Turn on to talk about the river (4) - {U}GAB
9 - Hefty aid is given to the Post Office that is returned in a second (8) - {ADI*}{PO}{SI<-}{S}
10 - Dropped off and killed in a battle (6) - FALLEN [DD]
12 - Appliance found in an alcove niche (4) - OVEN [T]
13 - Valuing a ship at ease at a point where men start from the top (10) - A{SS}ES{S}{MEN}{T}
15 - Put a barrier for one on to sit in the form of a protestor (14) - {OBSTRUCT}{I}{ON}{IST*}
17 - Where a car goes for a regular check-up? (7,7) - SERVICE STATION [CD]
21 - Cancel his mark to show him little scope of success (4,6) - SLI{M} CHANCE*
22 - Peacekeepers in the large city of the moon (4) - L{UN}A
25 - Cook the odd bird as it steams (6) - {B}{R}{A}{I}{S}{E}
26 - Applier of the last coat of paint (8) - FINISHER [CD]
27 - Home Counties are after each with comfort (4) - {EA}{SE}
28 - Governor traces the different area units (8) - {HE}CTARES*
1 - Philosopher holds a low grade signal of light (6) - B{E}ACON
2 - Pointed projection on the second tree (5) - {S}{PINE}
3 - Start up the machine with a hard kick (4) - BOOT [DD]
4 - Sikh hub developed by the monk (7) - BHIKSHU
6 - Common people have tea, a different sort around a circle (10) - GRAS{SR{O}OT}S Grass and Tea?
7 - Graduate has a couple of learners for the girl to love the dancer (9) - {BA}{LL}{ERIN}O
8 - Thousand on an alien painter (5) - {M}{ON}{ET}
11 - Head boy to let loose the strip of cloth (4) - {B}{ELT*}
14 - Is one actress in trouble taking the set of steps? (10) - ST{A}IRCASES*
16 - Wall put up, is constructed for a bird race (9) - BARRICADE*
18 - Say, turn up an Asian bird taken from the nest (4) - {E}YAS
19 - First to take the performance on an isle leaving us in a touching manner (7) - {T}{ACT}{ILE}
20 - Looks after around the deserted members (6) - CA{D}RES
21 - Shoe in large boats (5) - SABOT*
23 - Doorkeeper from America has a woman (5) - {US}{HER}
24 - Container has the shade (4) - {TIN}{T}
Tuesday 12 May 2009
No 9530, Tuesday, 12 May 09, Nita Jaggi
8 - Cut through the digits hopefully (7,7) - CROSSED FINGERS [CD]
9 - Nowadays, one in Goa has to play the music slowly (6) - {AD}AG{I}O*
10 - Young boy and the French are away to distribute generously (5,3) - {LAD}{LE} OUT
11 - Supporter of the upper class leaving mankind to the Vedic priests (8) - {BRA}H(-u)MANS
13 - Money paid to turn in the scriptures put down (6) - {O{U}T}{LAY}
14 - Paper art works on advertisements displayed (6) - {P}OPU{P}S
16 - Comes in with difficulty inside the large nest (6) - ENT{ER}S
19 - Brides to dispose the scrap material (6) - DEBRIS*
21 - Fail to notice a brief examination on the contrary (8) - {OVER}{LOOK}
23 - So a loser disposes the containers (8) - AEROSOLS*
24 - Keep intact the symbol when almost all is taken by the French (6) - {EMB{+AL(-l)}(-le)M}
26 - Alphabets in Roman numerals (7,7) - CAPITAL LETTERS [CD]
1 - Dip a cord in the twisted candy (4,4) - ACID DROP*
2 - Head of the group follows the numbers taken up for a call (4) - SON<-{G}
3 - Leading English supporter comes on after a card game (6) - {E}{S}{C}{O}B{A} B comes after A
4 - Too much of hero-worship (7) - IDOLISM [CD]
5 - Confined to the wrong diet not kept up (4,4) - TIED* DOWN
6 - Very much, a huge instance of buying (1,5,4) - A GREAT DEAL [CD]
7 - You are in the vehicle to get a shock (6) - TRA{U}M{A}
12 - Keyed up, an offspring in charge is faster than sound (10) - {HYPER}{SON}{IC}
15 - Fathers start to talk and speak of the country life (8) - {PAS}{T}ORAL
17 - Less pots are arranged in a clean manner (8) - SPOTLESS*
18 - Cool Sen is pushed on the cabinet (7) - CONSOLE* Is pushed?
20 - I say, the hood has glasses (6) - {EYE}{CAP}
22 - Select the characters by voting (6) - ELECTS*
25 - Odd bar set with the drink (4) - {B}{R}{E}{W}
Monday 11 May 2009
No 9529, Monday, 11 May 09, Nita Jaggi
7 - Plan an account for the dreamer (8) - {IDEA}{LIST}
9 - Talk one into becoming a robber (6) - P{I}RATE
11 - Moving around, the fish covers the round passage (9) - L{O}{ITER}ING
12 - Study without finishing the end (5) - C{LOSE}(-t) ?
13 - Makes milk into butter in the containers (6) - CH{URNS} Don't know how CH came
14 - Labourer covers the perch end of the bird (8) - P{H}EASANT Can you call a labourer a peasant or vice versa?
17 - Destroys the shoe over a prolonged period of time (9) - {SABOT}{AGES}
22 - Commences around U.P., where new business ventures are set (5,3) - START {UP}S
23 - Large moon with a retrograde orbit (6) - TRITON [CD]
25 - Gypsy woman has a number of connected series of links (5) - CHAIN ?
27 - Showing anger, the peacekeepers deserted the worker laid off from a job (9) - {RED}{UN}{D}{ANT}
28 - Mischievous child has an appearance that is not perfect (6) - {IMP}{AIR}
29 - Two-part divider? (8) - BISECTOR [CD]
1 - Crosswind on the barricade of the floodgate (3,4) - AIR LOCK Totally misleading clue
2 - State of a patient admitted in the ICU (7) - SERIOUS [CD]
3 - Grandma’s pickle contains some jelly (5) - ASPIC [T]
4 - Zambia has an endless measure of this element (4) - {Z}{INC}(-h)
5 - Father has to work on the German domes (7) - {PA}{GO}{DAS }
6 - Directly under the hill to eat the top of the hamburger (7) - {BEN}{EAT}{H}
8 - Position I want for an individual to take for the surprise attack (3,2,4) - {LIE} {I}{N WA{I}T*}
10 - Clever Edward is on the upper part of the horse’s body (7) - {E}{GG}{HEAD}
15 - Lincoln has a Rolls Royce that can run to the east, deviating from the right way (9) - {ABE}{RR}{ANC*}{E}
16 - Introducer is always after the policeman of the company (7) - {CO}{MP}{ERE}
18 - One supposedly sensitive to supernatural forces (7) - PSYCHIC [CD]
19 - Henry has an airborne soldier taken up at the front of a palatial type-city (7) - {H}{ARAP<-}{PA}(-latial)
20 - First class officer comes up to the worker in a large city (7) - {A}{TL<-}{ANT}{A}
21 - Fitting garment for one caught in the tundra is amazing (7) - UN{I}TARD*
24 - Come in, it is the dam that burst first (5) - {ADM*}{IT}
26 - Wildcat going round the separated short fibres (4) - NOIL<-
Sunday 10 May 2009
No 2532, Sunday, 10 May 09
1 - Newspaper publisher tries to initially (6) - {HEARS}{T}
4 - Deputy at university is behaving badly (6,2) - {ACTING} {U}{P} P from ?
9 - Millions close to boundary cross Indian city (6) - {M}{Y}{SORE} Read about the Mysore palace at the link. abeautiful sight when lit up in the evenings
10 - Got on a bidet, nervously (8) - OBTAINED*
12 - A batsman may to get away quickly (3,3,3) - CUT AND RUN [CD]
13 - Caught fish on river - put them in this (5) - CREEL [CD]
14 - The way in which Eden served? (7,6) - DOWNING STREET [CD]
18 - Inferior batsman's guard (13) - NIGHTWATCHMAN [DD]
20 - Famous group in watering hole (5) - OASIS [DD]
22 - Require, on stage, a French firearm (6-3) - {NEED}LE GUN Anno not clear
24 - Play about leaving for work (8) - (-re)CREATION ? Must be the name of some famous play in England
25 - I ordered a Brie in part of Europe (6) - {I}BERIA*
26 - Take part in a sport and risk a wet undoing? (8) - WATERSKI*
27 - Civilised ancient city, source of evil (6) - {UR}{BANE}
1 - Murder in dwelling - bring in one branch to investigate? (8) - HOM{I}{CID}E
2 - Holding dog with no lead? (5) - (-b)ASSET
3 - Son running off, running quickly (9) - {S}{PRINTING}
5 - Joiner - one living in 14? (12) - CABINETMAKER [DD]
6 - Sarah's son uses savings scheme account (5) - I{SA}{AC} I from ?
7 - Got upset about reportedly lame male cat (6,3) - GINGER {TOM} Got this thro google Anno not clear
8 - Boat heading for Plymouth, badly loaded, docked (6) - {P}{EDALO*}(-d)
11 - Film city in Colorado, Boulder? (8,4) - {BRIGHTON} {ROCK}
15 - Cried after snakes exposed (9) - {WINDS}{WEPT}
16 - Sword found in former burial ground around start of century (9) - {EX}{C}{ALIBUR*}
17 - Overwhelm one sister on tryst (8) - {I}{NUN}{DATE}
19 - Doctor on barge in capital city (6) - {MO}{SCOW}
21 - One entering name of musical instrument (5) - S{I}TAR
23 - Turned up to search a lake (5) - G?R?A