Wednesday 29 November 2017

No 12175, Wednesday 29 Nov 2017, Incognito

Long time since I read a good Piccadilly Western.

8   Mafia boss had egg on his headgear (4) CAPO {CAP}{O}
9   Kitchen garment ... it is normally used by pilots (5) APRON [DD]
10 These creatures can be found returning amongst earthworms, leeches, etc. (4) EELS [T<=]
11 Bopped in the company outhouse (6) COSHED {CO}{SHED}
12 Triple success for a bowler, say, at deception (3,5) HAT TRICK {HAT} {TRICK} &lit
13 Sailor with pipe or kidnapper? (8) ABDUCTOR {AB}{DUCT}{OR}
15 The French trollop was heard in city (6) LAHORE {LA}{HORE}(~whore)
17 Owned a wharf for fish (7) HADDOCK {HAD}{DOCK}
19 A street travel on a horse (7) ASTRIDE {A}{ST}{RIDE}
22 Bay for Hardy's mate (6) LAUREL [DD]
24 Pockets and pants (8) TROUSERS [DD]
26 Bread roll consumed during case in the legal forum (8) TRIBUNAL {TRI{BUN}AL}
28 Jim Green's riding unsaddled after getting rid of crooked lad (6) SUDDEN UNSadDlED*
30 Got back love for country (4) TOGO {GOT<=}{O}
31 Detest, after losing time, dashing to get a horse (5) STEED DETESt*
32 Number held by the Omani newspaperman (4) NINE [T]

1   Papa had nothing for skirting (4) DADO {DAD}{O}
2   Baffle one dog and get another dog (8) FOXHOUND {FOX}{HOUND}
3   Gangster's group has sex appeal (6) BANDIT {BAND}{IT}
4   A Roman Catholic Yankee corrals that lady to display shooting sport (7) ARCHERY {A}{RC}{HER}{Y}
5   Establishes places where the moonshine was made (8) INSTILLS {IN}{STILLS}
6   Look for south-eastern building feature (6) SEARCH {SE}{ARCH}
7   Inconclusively stall a group of nations (4) BLOC BLOCk
14 Intoxicated nawab becomes boss in Kenya (5) BWANA*
16 Condition of one who is 19 (5) RIDER [DD]
18 Occupier : is tenant at first (8) COLONIST {COLON}{IS}{Te...t}
20 Head of state without power is just an occupant (8) RESIDENT pRESIDENT
21 Old Bob spoke and followed (7) STALKED {S}{TALKED}
23 Kick again to restart the computer (6) REBOOT {RE}{BOOT}
25 One went around little Sidney ... Not offside! (6) ONSIDE {ON{SIDney}E}
27 Bird on board? (4) ROOK [DD]
29 Mountain erupts tamely, not agitatedly, in the beginning (4) ETNA Acrostic



  1. Wondering about the theme until I saw Col.'s byline.
    Looks like yesterday I did this- completed soooo long ago. Had a fast ride- astride on saddles?
    I had to think only to get the bun out of rolls and to get Pro. Haddock.

  2. 27d bird -> rook. Does on board also lead to rook.

  3. There should be more to the theme, unless I've got it wrong

    1. Thought so too. Still trying.

    2. Perhaps more words like Trousers, Apron,Stalked, Reboot?

  4. A search revealed that Rook is a comic book character. Now I start wondering if the theme is comic books.

  5. Sorry folks, no theme intended today ;) Any resemblance to a theme is entirely co-incidental ...

    Will compensate tomorrow for absence of theme today

    By the way, Colonel, do watch a Spaghetti western after the Picadilly ;)

    1. Wouldn't mind watching one from the Bus Spencer-Terence Hill series

    2. Mani Osai has come. The 'yaanai' will come tomorrow !!!

    3. They call me Trinity! I love the way Colt 45 has been weaved into the lyrics of the title song.

      The song was reprised in Django Unchained not long ago

    4. Mani Osai munne, Yaanai varum pinne ? Is this where bellwether came form ?

    5. We should all learn by tomorrow.

  6. Terence I remember as an entry in a small (at the most 11x11) crossword that Brylcreem used in a promotional crossword (with straight definitions) published in the paper before I really got into cryptic crosswords.I remember sending a filled-up form but I don't recall the result - whether I got some sample for all entrants. But in 1953 we children saw the bottle of hair cream on my father's dressing table in the dressing room!

  7. I remember Farookh Engineer as a model for Brylcream.

    1. He was probably one of the first cricketers in ads.

  8. A BANDIT well versed in ARCHERY was riding ASTRIDE a STEED followed by a FOXHOUND and another NINE in LAHORE.
    All of a SUDDEN he heard someone shouting "ROOK. Have a samosa"
    The rider was neither a RESIDENT nor a COLONIST. " One? When I say one I mean a hundred. Make it TO GO. I have to give to all when STALKED."
    Wondering what?
    Superstar is on location shooting...

  9. Incognito gave me the experience of the speed with which the stalwarts used to crack the grid! Thank you.
