Saturday, 30 November 2024

No 14344, Saturday 30 Nov 2024, Gussalufz

                                        Silky Pad?

1 Thoughtful boss promises to pay (8) STUDIOUS {STUD}{IOUS}
6 Devil of a religious fellow eyes taking 50% (6) MONKEY {MONK}{EYes}
9 They take dips before/after the pubs (4) BARS {BAtheRS}
10 Working out with sex? I cringe, shocked (10) EXERCISING*
11 Guard's key or baton, essentially (6) ESCORT {ESC}{OR}{baTon}
12 Dark pigment in meat? Ah, wrinkles (8) HAEMATIN*
13 Enclosures: fresh dairy products (no runny dip) (10) COURTYARDS {dAiRY pRODUCTS*}
15 Assessment:// a gullible fool (4) MARK {DD}
17 Makes watery, revolting goulash (4) STEW {WETS<}
18 Verifying: no good spies left in country (10) PROVINCIAL {PROVINg}{CIA}{L}
20 Old collector of jazz? Am in, darling! (8) ZAMINDAR {T}
22 Fragile creature admits: "I'm small" (6) FLIMSY {FL{I'M S}Y}
24 "Sausages and wild strawberries, but no beer?" I teased (10) BRATWURSTS CA {BRATWURSTS+I BEER}*={STRAWBERRIES+BUT} {STRAWbeRrieS BUT}* See Comments
26 Inexperienced people slip when cycling (4) KIDS {(s)KID(+S)}
27 Reveals everything about wife's fluctuations (6) SWINGS {S{W}INGS}
28 Enormity of cricket almanack omitting special timeless tests (8) WIDENESS {WIsDEN}{tEStS}

2 Electrify//vehicle (9) TRANSPORT {DD}
3 To an extent, kabaddi's considered a dance form (5) DISCO {T}
4 Oscar, really? Cuddling belly of butler in public! (7) OVERTLY {O}{VER{buTLer}Y}
5 Date of release oddly dropped back (3) SEE {rElEaSe}<
6 Male — offensive, carrying a touch of entitlement — has spiked drinks (7) MICKEYS {M}{ICK{Ent.....nt}Y'S}
7 Having an eye condition, gymnast bungled one cartwheel, initially (9) NYSTAGMIC {GYMNAST*}{I}{Cart......eel}
8 Lack of interest in Delhi: unnecessary uprising (5) ENNUI {T<}
12 "Period Drinks": fancy bar offering port (7) HARBOUR {H{BAR*}OUR}
14 Regarding change of winter clothes — time to get fully updated! (9) REWRITTEN {RE}+T inside WINTER*
16 Attacks, chopping head and shoulders (9) ROADSIDES {bROADSIDES}
18 Platforms of hatred embraced by hollow politicians (7) PODIUMS {ODIUM} inside {Pol......anS}
19 Soaked undies irritated, gripping strongly (7) INFUSED F inside UNDIES*
21 Slender (except its top) weapon (5) ARROW {nARROW}
23 Confirm chai plan conclusively with family (3,2) INK IN {chaI}{plaN}{KIN}
25 Hack some days a week? (3) SAW {T}

Reference List 

Promises to Pay=IOUs, Good=G, Left=L, Small=S, Wife=W, Time=T, Oscar=O, Male=M, One=I.

Friday, 29 November 2024

No 14343, Friday 29 Nov 2024, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Most ridiculous place where one may find chicks? (7) INANEST {IN A NEST}
5   Buzz about the end of illegal affair (7) CLAMOUR {C}{i...aL}{AMOUR}
10 Yankee kills and injures without purpose (4) OFFS OFFendS
11 Calling loudly to replace leader of Conservatives in March (10) PROFESSION PRO(-c+f)FESSION
12 Carriage in teal and auburn (6) LANDAU [T]
13 Fish and peeled fruit with popular starter of Italian pasta (8)  LINGUINI {LING}{frUit}{IN}{It...n}
14 Awkward ballMaharashtra's opener shut out (3,6) ALL THUMBS {BALL+Ma...a+SHUT}*
16 Piece of endearing duet remixed in musical composition (5) ETUDE {En...g}{DUET*}
17 A special collection that is valuable (5) ASSET {A}{S}{SET}
19 Criticism of union member hoarding foreign soda (9) BROADSIDE {BR{SODA*}IDE}
23 Black powder coating plastic resistance-free brown item of winter-gear (8) SNOWBOOT {S{BrOWN*}OOT}
24 Completely depressed after short vacation (6) HOLLOW {LOW}<=>{HOLiday}
26 Without support Rocky, say, after losing almost everything boxes with amateur (5-5) STAND-ALONE {ST{AND}{A}alLONE}
27 King Schwarzenegger - as "Terminator" - enthralling comeback (4) TSAR [T<=]
28 Bull's roar, having separated (7) BALONEY {BA{LONE}Y}
29 "Jolly good fella" - uttered scientist (7) FEYNMAN (~fine man)

2   Addict keeling over before tumble? That's nothing! (4,3) NAFF ALL {FAN<=}{FALL}
3   Nudged wideso not holding up (5) NOSED [T<=]
4   Suicide by rabid Oriental pups across kingdom (7) SEPPUKU {E+PUPS}* over {UK}
6   Reline bent arch supporting a vault (6) LIERNE*
7   Flies and parasitic growth outside capital city (9) MOSQUITOS {MOS{QUITO}S}
8   Universal study about housing in this day and age is wanting a title (7) UNOWNED {U}{NOW}{DEN<=}
9   Speech by Commanding officer covers withdrawn dance concert (13) COLLABORATION {ORATION<=>CO} over {BALL<=}
15 Take crackers to party having got gold in Olympic event (9) TAEKWENDO {TAKE*}{WON}{DO}
18 Singer Avtaar put in a right answer after reflection (7) SINATRA SINATRA {I} in {A}{RT}{ANS}<=
20 Sportsperson gave permission to be featured in two articles (7) ATHLETE {A}{TH{LET}E}
21 Miniature scene from one old boring play (7) DIORAMA {D{1}{O}RAMA}
22 Place to gather per Spooner (6) LOCATE (~collate to locate)
25 Variant of Tamil, not essentially new language (5) LATIN {TAmIL*}{N}

Reference List
About = C, Loudly = F, Popular = IN, Special = S, Resistance = R, Amateur = A, Oriental = E, Universal = U, Right = RT, Answer = ANS, New = N

Thursday, 28 November 2024

No 14342, Thursday 28 Nov 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Cross back through Germany after vacation (6) GRUMPY {Ger{RUMP}anY}
4   Exercise as per calendar - at first, it's an extended stretch! (6) PARSEC {AS+PER+Ca...r}*
9   Weight reversed the Indian way (4) MARG<=
10 Select lawyer Mason's girl, per Spooner (6,4) CHERRY PICK (~perry chick to cherry pick)
11 Bathed her in seductive clothes (6) RINSED [T]
12 Animal doctor returns trap to old timers (8) VETERANS {VET}{SNARE<=}
13 Enchanting ghazal's extremely passionate (9) GLAMOROUS {Gh..aL}{AMOROUS}
15 Regularly view note in passage (4) VENT {ViEw+NoTe}
16 Leads for those adopting innocent little dog (4) TAIL Acrostic
17 So end up using retired setter's handle (9) PSEUDONYM {SO+END+UP}*{MY<=}
21 Ustad performs receiving smooth shawls (8) DUPATTAS {DU{PAT}TAS*} 
22 Keep stealing mother's make-up (6) FORMAT {FOR{MA}T}
24 Bring green, almost drug free drink (6-4) GINGER-BEER {BRING+GREEn+E}*
25 Without power cut in bridges (4) SANS SpANS
26 Moderate humour (6) TEMPER [DD]
27 Spotted deer's stomach dips when pressed (6) ESPIED {dEEr+DIPS}* 

1   Reptile or fish biting hard is also large, originally (7) GHARIAL {G{H}AR}{Is}{Also}{La..e}
2   Cleans out dropping partridge's first eggs (5) URGES pURGES
3   Lancer's men chasing irrational scoundrel (7) PICADOR {OR}<=>{PI}{CAD}
5   Expose to air and water, alternately taking charge (6) AERATE {wAtEr}{rate}
6   Unusually pure woman saved by very brave man (9) S?P?R?E?O ()
7   Removed old shell above extremely upright tree (7) COCONUT {COCoON}{Up...hT}
8   Sets my body's control apparatus (7,6) NERVOUS SYSTEM {SETS+MY}* [RA]
14 One's beaten guy bored by free entertainment mostly (9) MRIDANGAM {M{RID}AN}{GAMe}
16 Detour is temporarily stalling traveller (7) TOURIST [T]
18 Opens up global organization following domain names (7) UNFURLS {UN}{F}{URLS}
19 Sighed, getting close to family taken home (7) YEARNED {f...lY}{EARNED}
20 Staff controlling resistance fast (6) STARVE {STA{R}VE}
23 Sunak rather ineffectively subdued high inflation, per sources (5) RISHI Acrostic

Reference List
Keep = FORT, Drug = E, Power = P, Hard = H, Men = OR, Irrational = PI, Old = O, Following = F, Resistance = R

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

No 14341, Wednesday 27 Nov 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Smart doctor taken in by Egyptian banker? (6) ?I?B?E ()
9   Romantic ladies aroused in sex (8) IDEALIST {I{LADIES*}T}
10 Spooner to consult the journalist and retire (3,3,4) HIT THE SACK (~sit the hack to hit the sack)
11 It's clarified about say, engaged man ... (4) GHEE {G{HE}E<=}
12 ... Organise his visa before getting married in Hindu tradition (8) SHAIVISM {HIS+VISA}*{M}
14 Internally revolting makes Palestine go on (6) ELAPSE [T<=]
15 Preacher and holy man entering a bar (7) APOSTLE {A}{PO{ST}LE}
17 Therapists sadly strip ape sporting casual clothes (1-6) T-SHIRTS THeRapISTS*
20 Japanese hospital initially appointed neonatal specialist in district (6) JHANSI {J}{H}{Ap...d}{Ne...l}{Sp...t}{In}
22 Bachchan's first featured in foreign cinema with English character (8) AMBIENCE {AM{Ba...n}IENC*}{E}
24 Revoke global organisation's work (4) UNDO {UN}{DO}
25 Place to spend the rest of the night in boredom (7,3) BEDROOM SET {BOREDOM}* [RA]
27 Procedure oddly chosen in part of two schools (8) PROTOCOL {PaRt+Of+TwO+sChOoLs}
28 Spies nabbed local going West from the Middle East (6) ARABIC {CI{BAR}A}<=

1   Terminate European leaving North Indian state (6,2) FINISH UP {FINnISH}{UP}
2   "The Abba" regularly recall help (4) ABET {ThE+aBbA<=}
3   Arab national picked up the old bread (6) YEMENI {~ ye money}
4   Wins over timeless Russian leader entertained by Black Sabbath (7) DISARMS {DI{tSAR}M}{S}
5   Negligent little kid left in break (8) RECKLESS {REC{Kid}ESS}
6   Irrational about delay to come up in lift (10) PLAGIARISE {P{LAG}I}{ARISE}
7   Shows in theatre? (6) USHERS [CD]
13 Comprehensive details of India's stand on US bombing (3,3,4) INS AND OUTS {I}{STAND+ON+US}*
16 Relaxed bachelor pursues help in need (4-4) LAID-BACK {B}<=>{AID} in {LACK}
18 Ate heartily and was made comfortable (6,2) TUCKED IN [DD]
19 Geometrical design overlapping a kolam and a lattice (7) MANDALA [T]
21 Longing after leaving a European country (6) HUNGRY HUNGaRY
23 City in Bangladesh vacated by old friend (6) BHOPAL {Ba...sH}{O}{PAL}
26 Nasty plan (4) MEAN [DD]

Reference List
Sex = IT, Married = M, Holy man = ST, Japanese = J, Hospital = H, English = E, North = N, The old = YE, Time = T, Sabbath = S, Irrational = PI, India = I, Bachelor = B, Old = O

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

No 14340, Tuesday 26 Nov 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Agent finally entraps rogue in part of church (8) TRANSEPT {a...nT}{ENTRAPS}*
5   Passed over money to secure son's freedom (6) RANSOM {RAN}{O}{M} over {S} &lit
10 Guy left enthralled by excellent chain (7) MANACLE {MAN}{AC{L}E}
11 Old tenor in disc is sonorous (7) OROTUND {O}{RO{T}UND}
12 A little child tore out right-hand page of book (5) RECTO {Ch..d+TORE}*
13 Found entertaining posh models beginning to gambol in German city (9) STUTTGART {ST{U}{T}{T}{Ga...l}ART}
14 Misbehave near base drunkenly, yet ultimately manage to avoid dismissal (5,4,3) CARRY ONES BAT {CARRY ON}{BASE*}{yeT}
18 Creep throttling poor chap in work of sequential art (7,5) GRAPHIC NOVEL {GR{CHAP+IN}*OVEL}
21 Upset about hip fracture in island country (9) S?N?A?O?E (Addendum - SINGAPORE {S{IN}{GAP}ORE} - See comments)
23 Correct illustration showing straight muscles (5) RECTI [T]
24 Effect of leucotomy leaving lady extremely confused (7) OUTCOME lEUCOTOMy*
25 Woman beats rogue outside club in live video on the internet (7) WEBCAST {W}{EB{C}AST*}
26 Smooched English chick on vacation, enthralled by joint in retreat (6) NECKED {N{E}{ChicK}ED<=}
27 English pop star releasing solo finally? Wow! (2,6) BY GEORGE {BoY GEORGE}

1   Brother captivated by rhythm and quality of sound (6) TIMBRE {TIM{BR}E}
2   Doc in laboratory checking revolutionary alloy (6) ALNICO [T<=]
3   Chap is too relaxed for a person with personality disorder (9) SOCIOPATH*
4   One letting off steam in gambling game, having lost resources (8,6) PRESSURE COOKER {P{RESOURCES*}OKER}
6   Stop a raid around bar (5) ABORT {A}{ROB<=}{T}
7   Terribly queasy after eating kebab on vacation - manage barely to survive (6,2) SQUEAK BY {SQUEA{Ke.aB}Y}
8   Umpire taking time to ponder (8) MEDITATE {MEDI{T}ATE}
9   Make a special effort to travel by a circuitous route (2,3,2,4,3) GO OUT OF ONES WAY [DD]
15 Old oriental guy stealing rupees is obnoxious (9) EXECRABLE {EX}{E}{C{R}ABLE}
16 Go sponge dirty kitchen item (3,5) EGG SPOON*
17 Irresistible maiden acting recklessly after consuming ecstasy (8) MAGNETIC {M+ACTING}* over {E}
19 Cake with a little cream in European retreat (6) ECLAIR {E}{Cr..m}{LAIR}
20 Slightly drunk with half of bottle gone (6) LITTLE {LIT}{botTLE}
22 Love a retro bar close to home (5) ADORE {A}{ROD<=}{homE}

Reference List
Over = O, Money = M, Son = S, Left = L, Old = O, Tenor = T, Posh = U, Model = T, Hip = IN, Woman = W, Club = C, English = E, Brother = BR, Bar = T, Time = T, Old = EX, Oriental = E, Rupees = R, Ecstasy = E, European = E

Monday, 25 November 2024

No 14339, Monday 25 Nov 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 16D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Small amount of money keeps individual tense in period of inactivity (8) DOWNTIME {D{OWN}{T}IME}
5   Yearned to embrace associate getting upset (6) PAINED {P{A}INED}
10/14 Influential acquaintances who live on the mountains? (7,2,4,6) FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES [DD]
11 Secured new contracts (7) REDUCES*
12 Native New Zealander in trek around island (5) MAORI {ROAM<=}{I}
13 Bringing back cover charge pinches - customers essentially disappear (9) EVAPORATE {PAVE<=}{c..tOm..s}{RATE}
14 See 10
18 Broadcast a bulletin about rebellious fellow virtually (2,3,3,4) IN ALL BUT NAME {A+BULLETIN}* over {MAN<=}
21 Surprises criminal ring in capital (9) CONFOUNDS {CON}{F{O}UNDS}
23 Analysed value of eye layer (5) UVEAL*
24 Inattentive without lithium - that's undeniable (7) OBVIOUS OBliVIOUS
25 Fantastic gal, nice and virtuous (7) ANGELIC*
26 Conscript and oriental lady involved in immorality around Thailand (6) ENLIST {E}{SI{L}N<=}{T}
27 Be weakened by fighting in the war (4,4) WEAR THIN*

1   Run down - fine morning to enter river (6) DEFAME {DE{F}{AM}E}
2   Attend to captain of Windies getting excellent century (4,2) WAIT ON {Wi...s}{A1}{TON}
3   Due to strain, model is alone, intoxicated around noon (9) TENSIONAL {T}{IS+ALONE}* over {N}
4   Disorder of system with neurosis resulting in incomprehensibility (14) MYSTERIOUSNESS {SYSTEM+NEUROSIS}*
6   Sound in German car, ordinary (5) AUDIO {AUDI}{O}
7   Hong Kong actor involved in revolting electronic fraud? Impossible! (2,6) NO CHANCE {CHAN} in {E}{CON}<=
8   Distribute and throw seeds in park (8) DISPENSE {SEEDS+IN+P}*
9   Opportunity to relax, swilling beer as nightcap (9,5) BREATHING SPACE*
15 Son consumed lean meat patty and cheese (9) LIMBURGER {sLIM}{BURGER}
16 Show by lady in nightclub, extremely seductive (8) ?I?C?O?E (Addendum - DISCLOSE  {DISC{L}O}{Se...vE} - See comments)
17 Four erotic films in festival (8) CARNIVAL {IV} in {CARNAL}
19 Condition of student overwhelmed by fever and bit of headache (6) HEALTH {HEA{L}T}{He...e}
20 Fine deception to pinch the French scent bottle (6) FLACON {F}{LA}{CON}
22 Musical instruments with round holes need bit of repair (5) OBOES {O}{BOrES}

Reference List
Tense = T, Associate = A, Island = I, Lithium = LI, Oriental = E, Lady = L, Fine = F, Model = T, Noon = N, Ordinary = O, Electronic = E, Park = P, Son = S, Student = L, The in French = LA

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Special, Sunday 24 Nov 2024, Ghaza

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 

Please submit all your answers in one comment.  


Ghaza 20

By Ghaza
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Ghaza THCC

1The one indicated by Narada Muni (11)
7Braided every now and then in order (3)
9The one almost parallel to 13 (5)
10The one that vanished (9)
11Ambling into a lit region lazily (9)
12The one that supplies our neighbour (5)
13The one highlighted by Baba Amte (7)
15Throw some stones over the tops astern (4)
18Claim to be fine though out of control (4)
20Imply a human smuggler’s no-es outvote the yes (7)
23Essentially was henpecked and sallow (5)
24One million returned again as donation to the expat (9)
26Releases haphazardly unless he acts first (9)
27Teenager’s exclamation knew greatest joy inherently (5)
28Member of a processor family (3)
29Kazakhstani journalist upsets model in happiness with further explanation (11)

1An abstainer in ostentatious clothing is struggling (8)
2A very quiet group of fibbers are rumoured to be candidates (8)
3One in a labyrinth needs cereal (5)
4Popular Italian staple outwardly is a smaller one (7)
5A traitor rising obtained an instrument (7)
6Hormone induced surprisingly basic transgressions circling around (9)
7With money, heartlessly purchase a drink (6)
8Most arid – let’s (almost) be prepared (6)
14Rounds of distinct non-innate construction at this type of compound (9)
16The one that’s longest in the peninsula (8)
17Wear out and overcome such a clue (4,4)
19The one that’s also a mischievous deity (7)
20Recovers cost as setter intervenes adding nothing (5,2)
21The one that flooded the capital (6)
22The one that’s part of a Famous Five (6)
25The one considered holy (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3333, Sunday 24 Nov 2024

1   Hairline fractures finally seen in window that’s not new – tip! (6,4) WIDOWS PEAK {f...eS} in {WInDOW}{PEAK}
6   He’s in the OT in biblical tower, scratching head (4) ABEL bABEL
9   Short trousers and red heels on, dancing (10) LEDERHOSEN*
10 Clothing to boast about (4) GARB<=
11 It’s almost always off the charts (3-3,6) ONE-HIT WONDER [CD]
15 Constituents of saliva in play area? (7) SANDPIT {S}and{PIT}
16 Andrés denounced, to some extent, somewhere on the Elbe … (7) DRESDEN [T]
17 … French PM losing energy in part of Benelux (7) HOLLAND HOLLANDe
19 He ignores issues over case of suet that’s fattening (7) OSTRICH {O}{SueT}{RICH}
20 What you expect with cricket: below lifeless (3,4,5) SIX FEET UNDER {SIX FEET}{UNDER}
23 Brother repulsed by small globes (4) ORBS {BRO<=}{S}
24 Greatest parts of capitals etc with carbon reduction (10) MAJORITIES {MAJOR+cITIES}
25 50 / 50 = odd? No (4) EVEN Definition by example
26 Even so, sentences that depict fruit etc (5,5) STILL LIFES {STILL}{LIFES}

1   Aha! Somewhere to get a drink! (4) WELL [DD]
2   Twice act the fool (4) DODO {DO}{DO}
3   Pa, can we read novel – a big one? (3,3,5) WAR AND PEACE*
4   Forecaster making net gains in speech (7) PROPHET (~profit)
5   Warned: treadle malfunctioning (7) ALERTED*
7   Small bird illegally traded? I bet (7,3) BEARDED TIT*
8   Sadly hit by snarl where dead ends abound (10) LABYRINTHS*
12 Clear at the outset, Everyman’s on rugby pitch, unwell and too old (4-3-4) OVER-THE-HILL {OVERT}{HE}{H}{ILL}
13 Bob Marley song I Shot the Sheriff’s intro, live, remastered (2,4,4) IS THIS LOVE {I+SHOT+Sh...f+LIVE}* 
14 In line? I nearly ran, being obstinate (10) INFLEXIBLE {IN}{FLEX}{I}{BLEd}
18 Diminish empty, desolate expanse (7) DETRACT {De...tE}{TRACT}
19 Characters from Tinseltown go along to see player’s worst fear (3,4) OWN GOAL [T]
21 Proudly impenitent artiste française, primarily! (4) PIAF Acrostic &lit
22 River goddess (4) ISIS [DD]

Reference List
New = N, Energy = E, Over = O, Small = S, Carbon = C

Saturday, 23 November 2024

No 14338, Saturday 23 Nov 2024, Dr. X


1 Intoxicated star can't perform (8) TRANSACT*
5 & 14 Chair for person who seems to be a permanent feature (4,2,3,9) PART OF THE FURNITURE {CD}
10 Dash back with money to get one cocktail (7) MARTINI {RAM<}{TIN}{I}

11 Bullies kiss model in store! Beaten up (7) EXTORTS {{X}{T} in STORE*}
12 Lounging somewhat drunkenly in Goa (5) LYING {T}
13 Sound of fine ace with flute, remarkable (9) EFFECTUAL {F ACE FLUTE*}
14 See 5
18 Head of cardiology handed over pictures featuring advanced birth defects (5,7) CLEFT PALATES {Car....y}{LEFT}{P{A}LATES}
21 Superficial Republican incites animatedly to secure vote (9) EXTRINSIC {X} inside {R INCITES*}
23 Came back around noon on a two-wheeled Indian vehicle (5) TONGA {G{N}OT<}{A}
24 Cherry is fresh, doubly large and round (7) MORELLO {MORE}{L}{L}{O}
25 Story of a nobleman smuggling cocaine (7) ACCOUNT {A}{C{C}OUNT}
26 Vegetable and bit of rice on a plate (6) RADISH {R}{A}{DISH}
27 Following error, having discussion with leader of group (8) STALKING {S{TALK}IN}{Group}

1 Member captivated by idol put up near extremely large place of worship (6) TEMPLE {P{M}ET<}{LargE}
2 Alarmed by an invasion to capture France (6) AFRAID {A{F}RAID}
3 Projectile weapon in ship to catch fish, sharp (9) SLINGSHOT {S{LING}S}{HOT}
4 Leader of China wrongly imprisons a foe for violent offence (5,2,7) CRIME OF PASSION {China}{IMPRISONS A FOE*}
6 Want ice to conduct prank (5) ANTIC {T}
7 Twisting out of shoulder - ultimately excruciating (8) TORTUOUS {TORTUrOUS}
8 Old soldier with rifle, roaming outside American institute (8) FUSILIER {US I inside RIFLE*}
9 Theatrical presentation by character touring France and Rome, fantastic (11,3) PERFORMANCE ART {P{FRANCE ROME*}ART}
15 Like Iceland - it's extraordinary (9) IDENTICAL*
16 Caught by fielder at last! Hugged by bowler for especially difficult catch (8) SCREAMER {S{C}{fieldeR}EAMER}
17 Refreshed by old wine after nap (8) RESTORED {O}{RED}<=>{REST}
19 Quash essentially illicit rings (6) ANNULI {ANNUL}{illIcit}
20 Unkempt rogue stealing girl's silver (6) RAGTAG {RA{G}T}{AG}
22 Relaxes in exotic isle, cuddling date (5) IDLES {I{D}SLE*}

Reference List 

Kiss=X, Model=T, Fine=F, Republican=R, Vote=X, Noon=N, Large=L, Round=O, France=F, American=US, Institute=I, Caught=C, Old=O, Girl=G, Silver=Ag, Date=D.

Friday, 22 November 2024

No 14337, Friday 22 Nov 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Four cavorting around beauty on vacation (8) BOUNDARY {AROUND+Be..tY}*
5   Posh project by director in hilly country (6) UPLAND {U}{PLAN}{D}
10 Shot around hideout in American city (5) OGDEN OGDEN {GO<=}{DEN}
11 Trusts lead character in Agatha Christie's novel (9) CHARITIES {Ag...a + CHRISTIE}* 
12 Slim girl drinking liquor with member is buzzing (9) THRUMMING {TH{RUM}{M}IN}{G} 
13 Vibrating sound of insect revolving around entrance to warehouse (5) TWANG {GNA{Wa...e}T<=} 
14 Time unfaithful fellow's dumped, please (6) TICKLE TICKLE {T}{fICKLE}
15 Crushed by grenadehis ceiling burst open (7) DEHISCE [T] 
18 Plants with resin found in sanctuaries (7) LEGUME {LE{GUM}E} 
20 Interrupts copper beginning to tackle crime (4,2) CUTS IN {CU}{Ta...e}{SIN}
22 Learning about sportsman finally breaking record (5) ENROL {LOR{s...aN}E<=}
24 Badly hit after wife became very angry (5,1,3) THREW A FIT {HIT+AFTER+W}*
25 Cautiously popped a drug with partner (9) GRADUALLY {A+DRUG}*{ALLY}
26 Restrain German breaking rule (5) REIGN {REI{G}N}
27 Beautiful maidens and national politician involved in fling in retreat (6) NYMPHS {N}{Y{MP}HS<=}
28 Sad indeed, but no - book's not ready for publication (8) UNEDITED {INDEED+bUT}*

1   English novelist travelling to Bern (6) BRONTE*
2   Subordinate is close to cracking after endless stress (9) UNDERLING {c...nG}<=>{UNDERLINe}
3   Stop tickling my body - that's ridiculous! (4,4,2,5) DONT MAKE ME LAUGH [DD]
4   Entertain and seduce stunner finally for date (7) RECEIVE (-d+r)RECEIVE
6   Naughtily pet hot women at dinner party (5,3,4,3) PAINT THE TOWN RED {PET+HOT+W+AT+DINNER}*
7   Mania changes inner personality (5) ANIMA*
8   Decline to enter disastrous Eastern conflict (8) DISAGREE {DI{SAG}RE}{E}
9   Gained two grand after end of tombola in base (6) BAGGED {t...lA}{G}{G} in {BED}
16 Miser's wickedness crushing family - getting extremely fretful and tense (9) SKINFLINT {S{KIN}{Fr...uL}IN}{T}
17 Complete information about heartless emirone provoking a reaction (8) ALLERGEN {ALL}{EmiR}{GEN}
19 Small kitchen utensil without lid in sink (6) SETTLE {S}{kETTLE}
20 Continue to cheat around, pester husband to leave (5,2) CARRY ON {C{hARRY}ON}
21 High from just one drink (6) STONED [T]
23 Killing duke, hope to seize large province (5) REALM {dREA{L}M}

Reference List
Posh = U, Director = D, Girl = G, Member = M, Time = T, Wife = W, German = G, National = N, Book = B, Date = D, Women = W, Eastern = E, Grand = G, Tense = T, Small = S, Husband = H, Duke = D, Large = L

Thursday, 21 November 2024

No 14336, Thursday 21 Nov 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   President's mail disseminated, one caught in lie on expansion (13) AMPLIFICATION {P+MAIL}*{FIC{A}TION} 
10 More calls made to everyone in the contest (3-6) ALL-COMERS*
11 Location's smell almost getting stale at the end (5) SCENE {SCENt}{s..lE}
12 Middle Eastern custom is unoriginal (5) TRITE {easTern}{RITE}
13 Korean boy band reaches Nebraska, charge? Free (9) EXONERATE {EXO}{NE}{RATE}
14 To fawn over Labour's ridiculous basically (6) S?A?E?
16 First Lady arrives at new flat (4) EVEN {EVE}{N}
19 Approach firm backed by setter (4) COME {CO}{ME}
20 Analyst working after removing variable sideways (6) ASLANT ANALyST*
25 Zero time to pacify outside. It's Hate (9) ABOMINATE {AB{0}{MIN}ATE}
26 Small success in hiring a country lad (5) SWAIN {S}{W{A}IN}
27 Point at tenor instrument (5) THORN {T}{HORN}
28 Reject most, starting late, ones in contest (9) OSTRACISE {mOST}{RAC{1'S}E}
29 Associates almost grab bishop and speakers (13) COLLABORATORS {COLLAr}{B}{ORATORS}

2   Think about a golf amateur (new) making a golf term (8) MULLIGAN {MULL}{1}{G}{A}{N}
3   Free bathrooms at England (5) LOOSE {LOOS}{E}
4   One that provides food takes charge at Delaware against resistance (6) FEEDER {FEE}{DE}{R}
5   User gets copper's book to read (8) CUSTOMER {CU'S}{TOME}{R}
6   Sat in the counter in front of television, scenes lack substance, insipid (9) TASTELESS {SAT<=}{TELE}{Sc..eS}
7   At almost one, two directions anyway empty, it's unidirectional (3-3) ONE-WAY {ONe}{E}{W}{An..aY}
8   Person is primarily trapping an insect (6) MANTIS {MAN}{Tr...g}{IS} Containment indicator missing
9   Say, studs seen at border with English Navy (2-3) HE-MEN {HEM}{E}{N}
15 Loving action after break essentially, a little (9) EMOTIONAL {MOTION}<=>{brEak} and {A}{L} L for Little?
17 Sacrifice by man and pet, say at Goombay essentially (8) HECATOMB {HE}{CAT}{goOMBay}
18 Arrogant knight (8) CAVALIER [DD]
21 Subway has a huge cask to hold 50% of fennel (6) TUNNEL {TUN}{fenNEL}
22 Scan topics covering part of a poem (5) CANTO [T]
23 Architectural style from cutting rock at one end, retain the middle and keep an opening (6) ROCOCO {ROCk}{rOCk}{O}
24 Division of Securities & Exchange Commission to counter disintegration (6) SECTOR {SEC}{ROT<=}
26 Introduce small pastry (5) START {S}{TART}

Reference List
President = P, New = N, Variable = Y, Small = S, Tenor = T, Bishop = B, Golf = G, England = E, Resistance = R, Read = R, Navy = N

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

No 14335, Wednesday 20 Nov 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fit to steal (11) APPROPRIATE [DD]
9   Say, one from Nigeria can receive fair play (7) AFRICAN {CAN+FAIR}*}
10 Displays a dog's head inside? No, it's dogs (7) SHADOWS {SH{A}{Dog}OWS}
11 Topic of those people - to procure drugs (5) THEME {THEM}{E}
12 Secure right inside, bad debts heartlessly collected (9) HARVESTED {HA{R}VE}{DEbTS*}
13 First lady has book business (5) EVENT {EVE}{NT}
15 Holy man worried, people tense with announcement (9) STATEMENT {ST}{ATE}{MEN}{T}
18 Say, youngsters have support, trouble's overcoming hesitation (9) TEENAGERS {TEE}{NAG{ER}S}
21 Bengali gentleman's at a corner, observe (5) SENSE {SEN}{SE}
22 Quality of tea? Light at the end in stock, right! (9) CHARACTER {CHA}{RAC{l..hT}E}{R}
24 Sisters are full of love for places, things, animals etc (5) NOUNS {N{O}UNS} Definition by example
26 Painful back, one on wear (7) EROSION {SORE<=}{1}{ON}
27 Senior struggling to control one who is more loud (7) NOISIER {NO{1}SIER*}
28 Underground society in a country (11) NETHERLANDS {NETHER}{LAND}{S}

1   Statecraft by individuals at Thailand is flat (9) A?A?T?E?T (Addendum - APARTMENT {AP}{ART}{MEN}{T} - See comments)
2   Fantastic, super pouch (5) PURSE*
3   Group put fish in box, right? No, the other way round (9) ORCHESTRA {OR{CHEST}{R}A} No Anind for OARfish
4   Estates managed by revolutionary's primarily socialistic (7) RANCHES {RAN}{CHE}{So...c}
5   Asia tour arranged omitting old country (7) AUSTRIA {ASIA+ToUR}*
6   Eradicate cholera selectively, not entirely (5) ERASE [T]
7   Neither partner's article on force pertains to direction (8) NORTHERN {NOR}{THE}{RN}
8   Employed? Outspend frequently (4) USED {oUtSpEnD}
14 Cruel Eva tortured hiding in lift (8) ELEVATOR [T]
16 Key German city on trial to end racism primarily (9) ESSENTIAL {ESSEN}{TrIAL}
17 Arrest Sue distributing fortunes (9) TREASURES*
19 Former lover taking money at cantonment banks terminated (7) EXTINCT {EX}{TIN}{Ca...nT
20 Saint called Chief Executive? It's odd (7) STRANGE {ST}{RANG}{Ex...e}
22 Bolt loses lead in team (4) CREW sCREW
23 The greatest being. oddly dismissed as stranger (5) ALIEN {ALI}{bEiNg}
25 University (Oxford) joins new coalition (5) UNION {UNI}{O}{N}

Reference List
Drug = E, Right = R, Book = NT(New Testament), Holy man = ST(Saint), Tense = T, Corner = SE, Society = S, Old = O, Force = RN(Royal Navy), Oxford = O, New = N