Saturday 27 April 2024

No 14160, Saturday 27 Apr 2024, Hypatia

9   Sons urge to get Transformers? (7,8) PLASTIC SURGEONS {SONS+URGE}* [RA]
10 English politician's mistake disheartened king (7) EMPEROR {E}{MP}{ERrOR}
11 Study of animals around Australian's old timber yard (7) ZOOLOGY {OZ<=}{O}{LOG}{Y}
12 Nut-free oat chips - Have one? (9) PISTACHIO {OAT+CHIPS}* over {1}
14 Next Olympics held to celebrate (5) EXTOL [T]
17 Mother's reading Thai novel in another language (7) MARATHI {MA}{R}{THAI*}
19 Regularly referred by her blogs, find about rebel (7) DISOBEY {bY+hEr+BlOgS+fInD}<=
21 Ditch tailor (5) SEWER [DD]
23 Collapse after uncontrolled rapid rise (9) DISREPAIR*
25 Without a bar, new jail produces vegetable (7) BRINJAL {BaR}{{N+JAIL}*
27 Shakes Arsenal's top scorer (7) QUIVERS {QUIVER}{Sc...r}
30 Find lifestyle changes involving criminal - one escaping coolly (4-11) SELF-CONFIDENTLY {FiND+LIFESTYLE} over {CON}

1   Lamps seen periodically in part of church (4) APSE {lAmPs+SeEn}
2   Stinging insect used to be predatory basically (4) WASP {WAS}{Pr...y}
3   Spooner's average introduction for key role (4,4) STAR PART (~par start to star part)
4   My school's covering what a singer can do! (6) SCORCH {S{COR}CH}
5   Catchphrase or term in Spelling Bee? (4,4) BUZZ WORD [DD]
6   Take no notice of flower on girl - some rose (6) IGNORE [T<=]
7   Fast food in two seconds (4) MOMO {MO}{MO}
8   Spot where buses stop regularly at terminals (4) ESPY Tail Acrostic 
12 Draws little dogs cuddling master (5) PUMPS {PU{M}PS}
13 Yellow and green under stone (5) STRAW {RAW}<=>{ST}
15 Starts to tap and beat lightly above percussion instrument (5) TABLA Acrostic Semi&lit
16 Bird's out early? (5) LAYER*
18 At home, work fast and slow (8) INDOLENT {IN}{DO}{LENT}
20 Spice used by 50% of people, for example (8) SPECIMEN {SPICE*}{MEN} 
22 Second veto (6) REJECT [DD]
24 Pursue victory, we hear it makes one shine (6) SEQUIN (~ seek win)
25 Extra towel initially removed from hamper to sunbathe (4) BASK BASKet
26 Lazy hero gets picked up (4) IDLE (~idol)
28 Has leader lost from constituencies (4) EATS sEATS
29 Dark sauce containing egg's cooked, say (4) SOYA {O} in {SAY}*

Reference List
English = E, Old = O, Yard = Y, Reading = R, New = N, My! = COR, School = SCH, Second = MO, Master = M, Stone = ST, At home = IN

Friday 26 April 2024

No 14159, Friday 26 Apr 24, Hypatia

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Instructions to cook crepe mixed with maida essentially (6) RECIPE {REC{maIda}PE*} Semi&lit
4   Group looked around ruins (6) WASTES {SET}{SAW}<=
9   Grows older when leaves shed softly (4) AGES pAGES
10 Spoke about old city next to river that's enclosed (10) SURROUNDED {S{UR}{R}OUNDED}
11 Secret cabinet (6) CLOSET [DD]
12 Fine returning to fetch an old gran's knitted jumper (8) KANGAROO {OK<=} over {A+GRAN+O}*
13 Expert setter's books become famous (9) PROMINENT {PRO}{MINE}{NT}
15 Basically bachelors aren't immune ttemptation (4) BAIT Acrostic
16 Browse online - it's mostly safe and fine (4) SURF {SURe}{F}
17 Understand one's lost in vehicles behind schedule (9) TRANSLATE {TRAiNS}{LATE}
21 Secure initially high sum on return - it can grow fast (8) MUSHROOM {MOOR}{High}{SUM}<=
22 Value Eskimo men trimming traps (6) MOMENT [T]
24 Crowds welcoming hot and ultimately chic royals (10) PRINCESSES {PR{IN}{chiC}ESSES}
25 Time's endless for nobody (4) NOON {NO ONe}
26 Say, is IT team not even providing network (6) SYSTEM {SaY+iS+iT+tEaM}
27 Kind offer (6) TENDER [DD}

1   Right attack left and argue as usual (7) REGULAR {R}{L+ARGUE}*
2   Expenses rising in most societies (5) COSTS [T<=]
3   Afghan president has bad time with global body (7) PASHTUN {P}{HAS*}{T}{UN}
5   For starters, all male orangutans use nimble toes supply (6) AMOUNT Acrostic
6   Essentially customer loan via mobile that's useless (2,2,5) TO NO AVAIL {cusTOmer}{LOAN+VIA}*
7   That woman had to keep a nanny (3-4) SHE-GOAT {SHE}{GO{A}T}
8   Breach of trust by repsIMO (6,7) BROKEN PROMISE {REPS+IMO}* [RA]
14 Traders gathered orders finally around busy ranch (9) MERCHANTS {ME{RANCH*}T}{o...rS}
16 Queen wearing Indian drapes spurns English suits (7) SQUARES {S{QU}AReES}
18 Like teacher initially checking label for greeting (7) NAMASTE {NAM{AS}{Te...r}E}
19 Spooner's fully cooked dal, say in clay oven (7) TANDOOR (~ done toor to tandoor)
20 Sailor in comics to look after dad (6) POPEYE {EYE}<=>{POP}
23 Dug up jeans from below (5) MINED<=

Reference List
Softly = P, Old city = UR, River = R, Old = O, Books = NT(New Testament), Fine = F, Hot = IN, Right = R, Left = L, President = P, Time = T, Queen = QU