Thursday 18 April 2024

No 14152, Thursday 18 Apr 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   One has to restrict professor's leave (7) ABANDON {A}{BAN}{DON}
10 Plans for a new outlet sabotaged at the beginning (7) INVENTS {1}{N}{VENT}{Sa...d}
11 Dirty old book with picture (7) OBSCENE {O}{B}{SCENE}
12 Disregard criminal party, one without leader (7) CONDONE {CON}{DO}{oNE}
13 This leading prosecutor gatecrashed for pasta (9) SPAGHETTI {THIS+Pr...s+GATE}*
15 Ground rice in the silo basically (5) GRITS Acrostic Semi&lit
16 Company returns to collect an animal for finding total weight of the species (7) B?O?A?S (Addendum - BIOMASS {MO{1}B<=}{ASS} - See comments)
19 Avoid females or put up with (7) FORBEAR {F}{OR}{BEAR}
20 Weakness is systematically concealed by a cowardly person (5) SISSY [T]
21 Once, a Zimbabwean and a Greek character built a side with one player! (9) RHODESIAN {RHO}A+SIDE}*{N}
25 Rules to stay indoors for some dogs outside (7) CURFEWS {CUR{FEW}S}
26 Nominated a film cameraman perhaps, Edward (7) ADOPTED {A}{DOP}{TED}
28 Isabel, Eva, Teresa huddled inside lift (7) ELEVATE [T]
29 Commercial I appeared in lens by introductions (4-3) LEAD-INS {LE{AD}{I}NS}

1   Female caught a tailless rodent and became well-known (6) FAMOUS {F}{A}{MOUSe}
2   Last piece of Lamington taken at Australia with decaf regularly led to vomiting (6) NAUSEA {l...oN}{AUS}{dEcAf}
3   I don't laze easily, in the beginning it was opposite (4) IDLE Acrostic 
4   Poison in iron caplet? Purge stomach (6) INFECT {IN}{FE}{CapleT} 
5   Lady cut short meeting captain for bad behaviour (8) MISCHIEF {MISs}{CHIEF}
6   Overcoming resistance, advantage garnered by innovative group (5-5) AVANT-GARDE {R} in {ADVANTAGE}*
7   Organise marriage with kinsmen regularly (8) UNIONISE {UNION}{kInSmEn}
8   Appraiser of animals standing at front gate (8) ASSESSOR {ASSES}{St...g}{OR}
14 Perhaps Mercury's type of music (5,5) HEAVY METAL [DD]
16 New scales between B and F shown by a symbol (4,4) BASS CLEF {B}{SCALES*}{F}
17 In contact with Stokes's club, seen sacking captain, skirting rules in public view (2-6) ON-SCREEN {ON}{S}{C}{sEEN} over {R}
18 Urged son to keep hair tied in half (8) STRESSED {S}{TRESS}{tiED}
22 Skipper of vessel expelled by seer (6) ORACLE cORACLE
23 Perhaps Eskimo arrests leading Thai suspect (6) INTUIT {IN{Thai}UIT}
24 One who bares pundits brutally after overcoming pressure (6) NUDIST pUNDITS*
27 A gem at work, a leader of learners (4) OPAL {OP}{A}{Le...s}

Reference List
New = N, Old = O, Book = B, Party = DO, Females = F, Player = N, Commercial = AD, Resistance = R, Gate = OR, Club = S, Son = S, Pressure = P, Work = OP


  1. 21a isnt there an extra a/one!

  2. 16A-biomass-for finding the total weight of the species; Mob -company; animal- ass; an -i; B(i)omass

  3. 16a BIOMASS = Total weight of the species
    MOB. = Company, returns BOM
    I. = An
    ASS = Animal
    To collect indicates insertion of I in BOM

  4. 4d Typo in the annotation, anagram indicator * not required

    1d Role of 'caught' in the clue?
    Caught could be c or SW indicator. But none here.

  5. I also had some confusion in 1dn.
    Female s is F. Normally it will be FF. No?
    Player is N. Why one player?
    Thanx Afterdark!

  6. Fun puzzle with Afterdark's characteristic license. Got NW and SE quadrants and worked the rest pretty quickly. I'd say easier than the average AD, as I'm currently rusty. Always fun to do these after a month of watching Shrikanth's blend of animal tweets, family tweets, and Trent Reznor-grade "Tormented Soul" tweets. Makes my life much less lonely :D

    Thanks as always AD!
