Saturday 27 April 2024

No 14160, Saturday 27 Apr 2024, Hypatia

9   Sons urge to get Transformers? (7,8) PLASTIC SURGEONS {SONS+URGE}* [RA]
10 English politician's mistake disheartened king (7) EMPEROR {E}{MP}{ERrOR}
11 Study of animals around Australian's old timber yard (7) ZOOLOGY {OZ<=}{O}{LOG}{Y}
12 Nut-free oat chips - Have one? (9) PISTACHIO {OAT+CHIPS}* over {1}
14 Next Olympics held to celebrate (5) EXTOL [T]
17 Mother's reading Thai novel in another language (7) MARATHI {MA}{R}{THAI*}
19 Regularly referred by her blogs, find about rebel (7) DISOBEY {bY+hEr+BlOgS+fInD}<=
21 Ditch tailor (5) SEWER [DD]
23 Collapse after uncontrolled rapid rise (9) DISREPAIR*
25 Without a bar, new jail produces vegetable (7) BRINJAL {BaR}{{N+JAIL}*
27 Shakes Arsenal's top scorer (7) QUIVERS {QUIVER}{Sc...r}
30 Find lifestyle changes involving criminal - one escaping coolly (4-11) SELF-CONFIDENTLY {FiND+LIFESTYLE} over {CON}

1   Lamps seen periodically in part of church (4) APSE {lAmPs+SeEn}
2   Stinging insect used to be predatory basically (4) WASP {WAS}{Pr...y}
3   Spooner's average introduction for key role (4,4) STAR PART (~par start to star part)
4   My school's covering what a singer can do! (6) SCORCH {S{COR}CH}
5   Catchphrase or term in Spelling Bee? (4,4) BUZZ WORD [DD]
6   Take no notice of flower on girl - some rose (6) IGNORE [T<=]
7   Fast food in two seconds (4) MOMO {MO}{MO}
8   Spot where buses stop regularly at terminals (4) ESPY Tail Acrostic 
12 Draws little dogs cuddling master (5) PUMPS {PU{M}PS}
13 Yellow and green under stone (5) STRAW {RAW}<=>{ST}
15 Starts to tap and beat lightly above percussion instrument (5) TABLA Acrostic Semi&lit
16 Bird's out early? (5) LAYER*
18 At home, work fast and slow (8) INDOLENT {IN}{DO}{LENT}
20 Spice used by 50% of people, for example (8) SPECIMEN {SPICE*}{MEN} 
22 Second veto (6) REJECT [DD]
24 Pursue victory, we hear it makes one shine (6) SEQUIN (~ seek win)
25 Extra towel initially removed from hamper to sunbathe (4) BASK BASKet
26 Lazy hero gets picked up (4) IDLE (~idol)
28 Has leader lost from constituencies (4) EATS sEATS
29 Dark sauce containing egg's cooked, say (4) SOYA {O} in {SAY}*

Reference List
English = E, Old = O, Yard = Y, Reading = R, New = N, My! = COR, School = SCH, Second = MO, Master = M, Stone = ST, At home = IN


  1. 20d 50℅ looked like a jabardasti usage. Its confusing when people=men (OEad support) and "50℅ of" is debatable.

    1. I suppose Hypatia meant people = men and women so 50% would men or women. But nowadays we have a third category also :-). So we may have to write 33% in future

  2. Spice used by,say, 50% .....would be better?

  3. 19A- Reversal indicator? Again rebel?

    1. About is reversal. Rebel is definition.

    2. About:
      The abracadabra pf crosswords

    3. I saw a nameboard of a shop here- Abra cut abra!!

  4. 7D- Momo- Link says Tibetan & Nepali name. Some indication would be better?

    1. Momo's are available at every nook and corner nowadays

  5. I am not up to date with fast food 😒

    1. Indianised momos are available oil fried too.
      Buy you have to try atleast once: steamed momos with red chilli sauce.

  6. 13D- Green used cleverly for raw. Loved it as it went well with yellow!

  7. Today’s CW is more like Hypatia compared to yesterday. Enjoyed solving 9A, 7D, 11A to name a few. 7D my COD.
