Sunday 7 April 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3301, Sunday 07 Apr 2024

4032 25A
1   One who went at 15mph at start of seaside rails (10) BANNISTERS {BANNISTER}{Se...e}
6   Steals judge's clothes, wanting piece of ermine (4) ROBS ROBeS
9   Gold coins ... heads! (10) SOVEREIGNS [DD]
10 Look, Lord (4) PEER [DD]
12 Dispatches pair of idiots in a trial that ends abruptly (12) ASSASSINATES {ASS}{ASS}{IN}{A}{TESt}
15 Carousing, drunk aeronaut stripped of uniform (2,1,4) ON A TEAR AERONAuT*
16 Here's a gift (7) PRESENT [DD]
17 Larger kitchen implement, did you say? (7) GREATER (~grater)
19 German acknowledges grim sort of humour (7) GALLOWS {G}{ALLOWS}
20 Shirking one's duties? (3,9) TAX AVOIDANCE [CD]
23 Grimly obstinate, Everyman's after last bit of custard (4) DOUR {OUR}<=>{c...rD}
24 Composer, pious type, yellin' – by heavens! (10) STRAVINSKY {ST}{RAVIN'}{SKY}
25 Writing may be done on this feature, with beginning and end discarded (4) SPEC aSPECt
26 As Revelation mentions, apocalyptic gathering engendering devastating destruction of Nature, primarily? (10) ARMAGEDDON Acrostic &lit

1   Clobber boy in front of tree (4) BASH {B}{ASH}
2   In reflection of river, a bright star (4) NOVA<=
3   ... regardless of price (it veers wildly) (12) IRRESPECTIVE*
4   Characteristic of balding Cockney – where it's all vanished! (4,3) THIN AIR {THIN 'AIR} 
5   Enters the price of phones (5,2) RINGS UP [DD]
7   In a gaudy way, like a gilet might be sported? (4-3-3) OVER-THE-TOP Definition by example
8   Emphasize international investigation of pressure (6,4) STRESS TEST {STRESS}{TEST}
11 Never file and cut recklessly (without thought) (12) UNREFLECTIVE*
13 Ungodliest changes that are seen all round the world (10) LONGITUDES*
14 Reckless exec, Samuel, offering implausible justification (4,6) LAME EXCUSE*
18 Listing about ... one noisy reveller (7) ROISTER {RO{1}STER}
19 Some scallywag ran a dairy somewhere in Spain (7) GRANADA [T]
21 Second-hand, unsteady, regularly failing (4) USED UnStEaDy
22 Somewhat saucy and kind of blue (4) CYAN [T]

Reference List
German = G, Pious type = ST, Boy = B


  1. 23A- Everyman's- My or our? I had (and still have) a doubt but only 'our' fitted.

    1. Exactly i had the same doubt. Dictionaries that i accessed didn't lead to the our part-(

    2. Every man's like every person's - our.
      Of course, the women should feel offended.

    3. Equivalent to "hum" In hindi.
      Aam admi (bole tho )means me + you (all).
      Nawab saheb (bole tho) only he/I.

    4. Pardon me. But every man is 'har aadmi' where as 'aam admi' is common man. Yes, in Hindi we can include both men and women in such collective nouns.
      It is another matter that English vocabulary is far more definitive(if that is the right word to use).

  2. 8D. What is ' international' about the clue ?

  3. 25A. don't understand how spec is something you can write on

    1. Read "on" as "topic" rather than medium.
      Specification is written description.

    2. Is it possible 'feature' was on double duty. Part of definition as well as fodder.
