Saturday 14 February 2009

No. 9456, Saturday, 14 Feb 09, Sankalak

Happy Valentine's day, though I do not know why we have started aping the west on these issues, I never heard of all these days while in scuool and college, anyway its something for the gen-next to do to distract them from their busy work schedules. Happy crosswording from my side
1 - Incapacitate the biased student somehow (7) – DISAB{L}E*
5 - Would such a house be full of ‘spirit? (7) - HAUNTED
9 - Completing studies — at a place where social graces are taught (9,6) – FINISHING SCHOOL
10 - Take for granted that flightless birds return after a bit of a sortie (6) – {A}{S}SUME <- 11 - Permit holder is untruthful reportedly, never beginning to understand (8) – “LICE”{N}SEE
13 - Choke one in a car (8) - THROTTLE
15 - Abe put out but optimistic (6) – UPBEAT*
18 - Caught one in a handout being submissive (6) – DO{C}{I}LE
19 - No end confident? Get on, conquer! (8) – SUR{MOUNT}
22 - Supplemented by a prosecutor and finished off (8) – A{PP}ENDED
24 - A tree for the general public, say (6) – “PEEPAL” Remember the big Peepal tree from the film Sholay?
27 - A levy by which Delhi earns money? (7,5,3) – CAPITAL GAINS TAX
28 - Three feet and one upper limb seen on a ship (7) - YARDARM
29 - Overdue, found dead in bed (7) – BE{LATE}D
1 - Fed up, one worker is mutinous (7) – DEF<-{I}ANT
2 - Bodily cavity in humans in use constantly (5) - //SINUS//
3 - Copper, say, in a lab meets disaster (4,5) – BASE METAL*
4 - The way out for an alien escorting a team (4) – E{XI}T
5 - An unpleasant woman soldier’s meat dish (6) – HAG{GIS}
6 - Relative who makes advances (5) - UNCLE
7 - Bride’s wardrobe beginning to trouble French philosopher and writer (9) – {T}ROUSSEAU
8 - The water added to milk, say (7) - DILUENT
12 ,17 - Using the maximum powers — to get ten wickets down? (3-3) – ALL OUT
14 - Stationery for consumption that I prepare afresh with carbon (4,5) – R{I}{C}E PAPER* Just realised that Rice has nothing to do in the manufacture of rice paper!!
16 - Orczy’s floral hero’s signature! (9) - PIMPERNEL I have never read any of her books was more of the pure fiction type of reader.
17 - See 12
18 - Daily record includes honour for a government with two heads (7) - DIAR{CH}Y
20 - Message sent: Delete unknown error (7) - TELEXED
21 - Utter confusion that led MBA astray (6) – BEDLAM*
23 - Jejune traditions that capture a girl (5) - NETRA
25 - __ bourgeois — the lower middle class (5) - PETIT
26 - Aggressive remark from advocates: brouhaha starts (4) – BAR{B}


  1. Re 20 dn.

    Before the computers, Internet and so many of these modern gadgets came, newspapers used to receive news items by telex.

    These machines used to spew out reels and reels of news from the offices of PTI, UNI or other agencies. The newsroom was filled with their clitter-clatter.

    Staff on late night shift even after putting the newspaper to bed have to keep a watch for any newsbreak.

    Thus it was that one night after sending down the front page of the paper I saw the news flash of Bhopal gas leak. I immediately recalled the pager and produced a fresh layout with the flash in a prominent position. Remember it was the wee hours. The news assumed grave proportions later in the day and it was the lead story in all newspapers on subsequent days but I think only Indian Express, Madras, had it with due prominence at the crack of dawn.

  2. Yes I do remember the Telex machine. They also used to have them in foyers of some hotels where one could see the latest news items spewing out from the machine. Something like the breaking news streamers you see at the bottom of the present day TV screen.

  3. Thanks for your post Col. I'm very much a novice though I managed to get myself through 75% of today's crossword.
    I spent a long time looking at Telexed and Netra in your solutions to figure how they came about and realized that you had missed mentioning tele {x} ed* and //Netra//
    I still can't figure out 6d. though .. advances - uncle?

  4. Not to worry, in crosswords you will improve day by day practice makes perfect. A pawnbroker is also informally known as 'uncle' and a pawnbroker makes advances so the relative here is uncle

  5. KarSub, you could also take a look at the explanations given at this link

  6. Thanks Colonel. To be honest, I had checked her blog before I came to yours. As it turns out, your explanation was out first :)
