It's the end of the first Wizarding War today. (Thanks to Google)
8 Ferocious carnivore's mark of injury (4) SCAR [T]
9 Old student's priest gets daggers (5) OBELI {OB}{ELI}
10 Hand over money to cover Riddle's penultimate drama (4) PLAY {P{
11 Gad! Ron's turned into a legendary creature (6) DRAGON*
12 Housekeeper moulded hard clay (8) CHARLADY*
13 Coaches may be found near this dais (8) PLATFORM [DD]
15 At home, little sister starts to take a firm stand (6) INSIST {IN}{SIS}{T
17 State's old media (7) EXPRESS {EX}{PRESS}
19 Endlessly lunges in Don's prison (7) DUNGEON {D{
22 Rubber found in Riviera seraglio (6) ERASER [T]
24 Complicated MIT poser for pretender (8) IMPOSTER*
26 Attend to clergyman around 1 (8) MINISTER {MIN{1}STER}
28 Elixir container No.1 returned (6) POTION {POT}{NO1<=}
30 Leaders of explorers prosecuted in China? That's a long story! (4) EPIC Acrostic
31 Trouble prince (5) HARRY [DD]
32 Evil mutation is still despicable (4) VILE*
1 Maple: Initially, a Canadian emblem, right? (4) ACER Acrostic
2 More intelligent boy's correct English reading (8) BRIGHTER {B}{RIGHT}{E}{R}
3 Carried nothing to island (6) BORNEO {BORNE}{O}
4 Gladly receive leading witch and a couple of elves accompanied by tailless space traveller (7) WELCOME {W
5 Sweet French friend follows last robber wearing crumpled suit (8) TIRAMISU {
6 Lists letters of 'Abracadabra', 'Alohomora', 'Riddikulus' and the like (6) SPELLS [MD]
7 For starters, wizard Aditya nullified Draco's magic baton (4) WAND Acrostic
14 Gallivanting begum left Luxembourg building for Egyptian city (5) LUXOR LUX
16 Some ships to Netherlands rock (5) STONE [T]
18 Damaged yachts sailing around Costa Rica (8) SCRATCHY {S{CR}ATCHY*}
20 Vets Goa's fantastic range (3,5) GAS STOVE*
21 Sign on line in newspaper's morgue, for example (7) LIBRARY {LIBRA}{RY}
23 Ishan releases first attacker and goes round to capture Gaunt's final college informer (6) SNITCH {ISH
25 Couple of letters from Parvati Patil about an unknown fruit (6) PAPAYA {PA
27 Rascals, I am at police station (4) IMPS {I'M}{PS}
29 Billy Bunter's leaves the messengers at Hogwarts? (4) OWLS