Wednesday 4 October 2017

No 12128, Wednesday 04 Oct 2017, Incognito

8   Erstwhile American president's vehicle's hot (4) BUSH {BUS}{H}
9   Fuel tanker/steamer's top is removed (5) OILER bOILER
10 People's Liberation Army's initially nefarious scheme (4) PLAN {PLA}{Ne...s}
11 Daughter’s fine with the French man in Donglang, as we call it (6) DOKLAM {D}{OK}{LA}{M}
12 Disengage — including messy war around initial part of 11 (8) WITHDRAW {WITH}{Do...m}{WAR*}
13 Doric building around initial parts of Outer Ring Road's passageway (8) CORRIDOR {C{ORR}RDOR*}
15 Wood and sources of minerals found in the outskirts of Farangipet (6) FOREST {ORES} in {Fa...eT}
17 Yellow bird? (7) CHICKEN [DD]
19 Highland dish gets gold (7) PLATEAU {PLATE}{AU}
22 One could have been petrified by her or badly amused (6) MEDUSA*
24 16 go around North Dakota circle deadlock (5-3) STAND-OFF {STA{ND}{O}FF}
26 Rampaging blind GI went around university edifice (8) BUILDING {BLIND+GI}* around {U}
28 Depression at the end of Kiev lane (6) VALLEY {kieV}{ALLEY}
30 Rioting clansmen leave exploding Roman candles for Street (4) ROAD {ROman+cAnDles}
31 Gem merchants are hoarding grain (5) EMMER [T]
32 Thin strip of land, primarily near expressway connecting Kurseong (4) NECK Acrostic

1   Bread in possession of neuroscientist (4) EURO [T]
2   Bad tempered cleric captures head office (8) CHOLERIC {C{HO}LERIC}
3   Travelled, using damaged oar, on sea south of Europe (6) ROAMED {OAR*}{MED}
4   Female pulls down blossoms (7) FLOWERS {F}{LOWERS}
5   Sounds like there is no more space for wood in the fireplace. Obliged! (8) GRATEFUL (~ grate full)
6   Reds returned carrying religious creature (6) SPIDER {S{PI}DER<=}
7   Gunners take silver for Indian tune (4) RAGA {R{AG}A}
14 Awful chore results in production of pigment (5) OCHRE*
16 Rod's employees (5) STAFF [DD]
18 Old Pitman has a tester (8) EXAMINER {EX}{A}{MINER}
20 Make mincemeat of blind date, after beheading, on a part of the beach in the US (8) TIDELAND {bLIND+DATE}*
21 May is confused about rejected attempt of reproduction method (7) ISOGAMY {MAY+IS}* over {GO<=}
23 Peacekeeper's defence establishments initially surround city and remove goods from carrier (6) UNLADE {UN}{LA}{De...e}{Es...s}
25 Refer to a small promotion (6) ADVERT [DD]
27 Over-state small number returned (4) UPON {UP}{NO<=}
29 Roman and Chinese inscribe (4) ETCH {ET}{CH}



  1. Nice & welcome as usual.
    Doklam standoff is the theme?
    17A- Should it be 'birds'?
    Had a bit of a problem in SE, esp. w.r.o tideland.

  2. which case 'Stand off' to be highlighted.

  3. Doklam standoff themed beautifully!Thanks Incognito

  4. Col:24A,Stand off also to be highlighted

  5. Incognito is our topical thematic setter.

  6. Doklam spoiled my score in IXL.

  7. Chicken- both singular & plural?

  8. Is Incognito the man behind some of the lues in ICL and ! Across as a compiler ? His clues in the THCC post-these events seem to bring him out of the closet !!

    Nice and smooth and always a pleasure to do Incognito !

    1. Sir, I can categorically state that I have not written any lues for ICL or ! Across

  9. I would like to clarify that 7d is not a themed entry, despite the meeting with the Chinese ambassador. The appearance of the entry is a coincidence.

  10. Kishore :Thanks foer the disclosure. I close.

    1. Raju:you have to read Kishore's comments closely before reaching a conclusion

    2. So he puns on typos too !! nicely spun !
