Thursday 5 October 2017

No 12129, Thursday 05 Oct 2017, Incognito

8   In brief, rank of military aviator who recently departed — finally took-off ... missing in action at first (1,1,1,1) M I A F {MIA}{ofF}
9   Storms Canberra parked amongst rushes (10) HURRICANES {HURRI{CANE}S} Didn't get the connection between Cane and Canberra (Correction - {HURRI{CAN}ES} - See comments)
10 Washington crater has one elk (6) WAPITI {WA}{PIT}{1}
11 I held capital (3,5) NEW DELHI {I+HELD}* [RA]
12 A model entices and goes (8) ATTEMPTS {A}{T}{TEMPTS}
14 Sir, teg is slaughtered for animals (6) TIGERS*
16 Moxie's fearlessness (necessary to get a DFC, perhaps?) (4) GUTS [CD]
17 Myanmar's defective siren jettisoned from submarine at sea (5) BURMA sUBMARineExtra letter in the fodder :-)
18 Sabre took a rocket initially and became a large ball of plasma (4) STAR Acrostic
19 Author's left side cloaks, ... (6) SHAWLS {SHAW{L}S}
21 ... for example, Don Quixote's cross with invaluable and resplendent diamonds, for starters (8) SPANIARD {SPAN}{In...e}{And}{Re...t}{Di...s}
23 Perhaps, bark, "C'mon Nina" excitedly (8) CINNAMON*
26 About a Yankee found around centre of Lyallpur, indeed (6) REALLY {RE}{A}{lyaLLpur}{Y}
27 No, Andrew, he dances at this place and time (4,3,3) HERE AND NOW*
28 Setter met, on return, two people having a romantic relationship (4) ITEM {I}{MET<=} Never new this meaning

1   Mao is Dutch? That's wrong! You will get a golden handshake! (5,5)  MIDAS TOUCH*
2   If forces go wild, they control them (8) OFFICERS* &lit
3   Way of addressing Indian gentleman, member of parliament or dwarf (6) SHRIMP {SHRI}{MP}
4   There's no water source in Cranwell — just a lot of herrings (4) CRAN CRANwell
5   Warrior in a poem written by Longfellow, HW, about a leader of Americans, at his abode, initially (8) HIAWATHA {H{1}{Am...s}W}{AT}{His}{Ab..e}
6   Wrongdoer from Faisalabad, eg: gangster (3,3) BAD EGG [T]
7   Just after the middle of September, she is thrown in net (4) MESH {s...eMb.r}
13 Arranges types (5) SORTS [DD]
15 Mad Lord or Earl gets a heavy vehicle (4,6) ROAD ROLLER*
17 Centre of Ambala has south-eastern soldiers with temperature in underground room (8) BASEMENT {amBAla}[SE}{MEN}{T]
18 Wandering Sikhs have a right: Independence to become hunters (8) SHIKARIS {A}{R}{I} in {SIKHS}*
20 Flew with Indian, German and English detachments in the beginning (6) WINGED {W}{IN}{Ge...n}{En...h}{De...s}
22 Pointers to leaders of airborne rescue/recovery operations over Western sector (6) ARROWS Acrostic
24 Freezes communications — not missing! (4) ICES notICES
25 Horrible suntan! No thanks, sisters (4) NUNS SUNtaN*



  1. 9d It's simple. HURRI(CAN)ES :: Can. - abbr. for the city

  2. In Bollywood, Kollywood, etc, 'item' means something else and from that we have 'item girl' - whatever the latter phrase means.

    1. The ref. given by Col. gives a new meaning. I found it in Free dic. also.

    2. so, are all married couples ITEMs!!!

    3. Except when they are romantically untangled ;)

  3. My little tribute to the gentleman.

  4. He had flown Wapitis and Hurricanes with No.1 Squadron (Tigers) and No.2 Squadron (Winged Arrows).

    Incidentally,there are several clues which have thematic connections too.

  5. 17A- It is actually one letter-R- short-(Submarine-Siren)*=(Buma)*
    7D- Is middle of September M? Is it not necessarily middle word E?
    I expected Air Chief Marshal yesterday itself. He deserves all the tributes and more.

    1. middle is E. Just after gives M

    2. Nice one. I missed it. Thank you.

    3. He flew off over the horizon on the 16th of September, just after the middle of the month

    4. I understand now there are many more words and incidents connected to the theme- pity we did not know them. Thank you.

  6. Hunter is a plane, not Shikari?

  7. If theme words are taken from clues also, Ambala (cantonment) is one.

  8. Replies
    1. Yes, he was one of the persons decorated with a DFC. You might recall that 3 of the 4 Engineer brothers were DFC awardees too.

  9. Replies
    1. distinguished flying cross

    2. Thank you again. You have the answers ready, great! (..and all I have are only questions!)

  10. HIAwatha was the tricky one . and ITEM means romantic couple ? New thing for me

  11. Canberra is a bomber too and a theme word.

  12. Easy did it. Air Force theme well clued.

    1. 8th October is Indian Air Force Day, sir

  13. Timely themes- to quote CV from yesterday.

  14. doubt about 22d. I understood it as (arro) over (w)(s)

  15. Lovely tribute to a great personality. Thanks Incognito
