Thursday 4 February 2010

No 9757, Thursday 04 Feb 10, M Manna

Not sure of 10A and 5D.
1 - Turn pound up and one’s able to supply drink on Sunday by inn keepers (9) - {PU<-}{BL<-}{I}{CAN}{S} )
6 - Aimed to corrupt Press and TV (5) - MEDIA*
9 - Quietly lied and accumulated a fortune (5) - {P}{ILED*}
10 - Tender in a neat occupation (9) - CATTLEMAN ?
11 - Moral basis for lip service concealed by royalty (10) - PRINC{IPL*}ES
12 - One of the things you find in a diverse community (4) - UNIT [T]
14 - Church rooms dressed with colourful compounds (7) - {CH}ROMOS*
15 - A brilliant red pimpernel! (7) - SCARLET [DD]
17 - Relates to a secret male society (7) - MASONIC [CD]
19 - Dope with a certain way, displays confidence (7) - AS{SURE}S
20 - Team up with a fellow worker (4) - MATE*
22 - Celebrity making minor adjustment when there’s not much money around (10) - P{ROMIN*}ENCE
25 - Point to six quite different, but beautiful (9) - {E}XQUISITE* Nice clue
26 - Compete to become an insider (5) - ENTER [DD]
27 - Walk or run up holding a note (5) - TR{E}AD <- )
28 - Openings for top person in the North (9) - {GATES}{HEAD} Poor clue. How does up in the North give an indication to the answer.
1 - Move quickly, to shoot (3,2) - POP UP [DD]
2 - Account awful raids to be just a game (9) - {BILL}{IARDS}

3 - Half the work that sticks can be persuasive (10) - {INDU(-stry)}{CEMENT}
4 - Views favourably as the accountant takes correct step (7) - {ACC}{EPTS*}
5 - They find victims for thieves (7) - SETTERS / SITTERS ?
6 - Many fall sick at corn grinding factory (4) - {M}{ILL}
7 - Sometimes, men do find a friendly spirit (5) - DEMON* Why friendly?
8 - Adds comments on the year the state collapsed (9) - {ANNO}{TATES*}
13 - In transits they’ll get by with mashed greens (10) - {PASS}{ENGERS*}
14 - Cheese constituent consumed by Tom (9) - CA{MEMBER}T Nice one
16 - It’s held to give a view of gentle rot perhaps (9) - LORGNETTE*

18 - Swearing at scoundrel to turn informer (7) - {CUR}{SING}
19 - Give others ammunition in support of the chairman? (7) - {ARM}{REST}
21 - It’s a quote about a chef’s tall white hat (5) - TOQUE*

23 - Wasn’t right to put royalty down as revolutionary (5) - {ER<-}{RED} )
24 - Take care of your thinking (4) - MIND [DD]


  1. 10 across: Cattleman seems correct: one who tends cattle.

    5 down: seems to be SETTERS: long-haired dogs trained to help hunters find bird/animals to shoot.

  2. 28A: If this clue appeared in a crossword in UK, 'in the North' would make sense.

  3. 22A Definition would be CELEBRITY MAKING,.

  4. Some great clues today: 22A, 2D, 3D, for example.

    @Suresh: CELEBRITY also means fame or prominence. e.g. His sudden celebrity has gone to his head.

  5. @Colonel, Thanks. I did not know this meaning. Always thought it referred only to the person and not to his fame

  6. I did not bother to look at my Dictionary since I found the alternate explanation

  7. @Sandhya,

    But hunters are not thieves. I wonder what Manna had in mind?
    How can we link tending cattle to a 'neat occupation' ?


    The clarification on CELEBRITY was from Shuchi and not me

  8. I have in turn rustled Chaturvasi's anno for 10A from the ORKUT group, which is as follows


    10 Tender in a neat occupation (9)


    (answer rustled from the Col's blog)

    Tender - not soft but one who tends
    in - c/c ind
    a - connector
    neat - also means cattle
    in a neat occupation - one engaged in the occupation of tending cattle

    Meastro's clue with novice agape.


  9. Taken from Wiki

    Neat (horned oxen, from which neatsfoot oil is derived)

  10. Neat for cattle has been used earlier in some crossword. The word did not come to my mind at the right time
