Friday 15 July 2011

No 10207, Friday 15 Jul 11, Sankalak

1 and 8 - Preferred wear for the fashion-conscious (8,7) - DESIGNER CLOTHES [CD]
5 - Private hospital where doctor leaves critic coldno treatment (6) - CLINICdoctor* CLINIC
10 - Mark made on part of the gut (5) - {COL}{ON} COLON
11 - Way to travel unrecognised, noticing nothing unusual (9) - INCOGNIT(O)* INCOGNITO My COD
12 - Innocent but physically challenged? Be thankful about that (9) - {B{LAME}LESS} BLAMELESS
13 - Faith that gets plighted in betrothal (5) - TROTH [T]
14 - Bloodsucker general in front of church (5) - {LEE}{CH} LEECH
16 - Doctor reportedly challenges and changes (8) - {MO}{DIFIES}(~defies) MODIFIES
18 - Where one may go for 1 Ac. and 8 (8) - BOUTIQUE [CD]
20 - Good earth, source of hormone, for one (5) - {G}{LAND} GLAND
24 - Begin searching, look for a surgical implant (5) - {S}{HUNT} SHUNT
25 - A temperature regimen worked out to make a seed begin to grow (9) - GERMIN(A)(T)E* GERMINATE
27 - Offshoot of a soft finish in a part of the book (9) - {A}{P{P}{END}AGE} APPENDAGE
28 - Disease reported by confidential advisers (5) - (~aids) AIDES
29 - Show the way for this kind of speech (6) - DIRECT [DD]
30 - He provides assistance in a bid to conceal suggestion of treachery (8) - {A}{T{T}ENDER} ATTENDER
1 - A sound measure (7) - DECIBEL [E]
2 - The edge of the fabric may save leg slipping (7) - SELVAGE*
3 - Spirit in a bottle? (5) - GENIE [CD]
4 - The likes of Victor Hugo (6) - EXILES [CD]
6 - Warning of thunder to come (9) - LIGHTNING [CD]
7 - Keralite with a sash in African city (7) -  {NAIR}{OBI} NAIROBI
8 - See 1 Across
9 - To cut a cross is very wrong (7) - SCISSOR*
15 - Fertilizer for high level growth! (4,5) - HAIR TONIC [CD]

17 - Break-in artist (7) - BURGLAR [E]
18 - Bird on public transport, almost overdue (7) - {BUS}{TARDy} BUSTARD
19 - Pursuer turns an encroacher (7) - USURPER*
21 - Granted, there is a drawback in a journalist (7) - {A}{WARD<-}{ED} AWARDED
22 - Theatre assistant among cadres serving a cause (7) - DRESSER [T]
23 - Man of religion beginning to perform strange rites (6) - {P}{RIEST} PRIEST
26 - Impression created by troubled Maigret, abandoning right (5) - IMAGErt* IMAGE


  1. Wrt some messages late last evening.

    As I did not solve this crossword I missed it.

    Undoubtedly the answer is PSYCHE.

    Psycho cannot be the answer because (as Alok said) he/she will not be studied by a mind-reader but rather by a psychiatrist.

    Besides, the key word in the clue is 'object' which goes with 'psyche' rather than 'psycho' which I believe is likely to be a human.

    I am glad informed Comments are made on this forum.

  2. 23ac is so nice.
    Absolutely smooth surface reading that also makes perfect sense.
    Nothing artificial about wordplay or subsidiary indication.
    Not an unnecessary word.
    Clear directions to operations.
    Any clue-writer can be proud of the clue.

  3. I just wanted to see how Gridman had tackled PRIEST.
    Surprisingly, this word does not find a place in any of his 600 plus crosswords that he has set so far for TH.
    Given his partiality for the fair sex, he has PRIESTESS!
    Given his partiality for undressing, he has DEFROCKED PRIEST!
    However, one wonders what moves these setters when they fill their grids. Some words get repeated (e.g., RAITA, INERTIA, ENNUI) and some common words don't get in at all.

  4. CV @ 8:40,

    Why can't a psychiatrist be bracketed with a mind reader? Why can't a human be an object? Isn't the subject of my cartoon at 3D an object of desire?

  5. Deepak
    Good questions!
    The word 'object' means 'a material thing'. So AJ (or take your pick!) cannot be an 'object of desire'. 'A desirable person' maybe. If any man says a woman is an 'object of desire', it means he has a poor opinion of women. I, who hold women in high esteem, cannot tolerate that. In fact, when someone pontificates to men, they would say "women must not be treated as sex objects". Here the word is used in a deprecatory manner.

    A psychiatrist is a person who studies the warped mind of a patient and tries to cure it.
    A 'mind reader', on the other hand, merely reads the mind of another person and might say that the latter has AJ in his mind. He may not try to disabuse the patient's mind of the thought, for he too may well have the very same thought, should another mindreader read his mind!

  6. Clueless about CV Sir's last explanation. By any chance, do you intend to say AJ is a psycho? ;)

  7. Ah! How I would love to have a tonic like in Deepak's cartoon for 15D. The side effect is preventable.

  8. Suresh, I do have a wonder drug which has prevented me from resembling the Tundra. If you wish, I will let you know.

  9. CV844: Do you mean 23d?

  10. Kishore, Actually I am looking for a wigmaker

  11. @Kishore, will u let me in on your secret,please? The anti Tundra wonder drug?

    Delightful puzzle today, just like yesterday's!
    Enjoyed BURGLAR. Sankalak does have a penchant for medical terms!

  12. Another one of Sankalak's brilliant, engaging grids!

    What I enjoy the most (and I'm sure others have also noted this here) he uses very few utterly esoteric words and quite a few Indian words/Indian-themed clues.

    Especially loved 7D which left me chuckling again, on the way to work.

  13. Kishore. Of course, I meant 23d. Sorry for the error.

  14. Ah! yet another day in paradise. nice puzzle... completed except for the Victor Hugo clue. My COD is APPENDAGE (27A)... had to rack my brains to figure soft=P (as in piano). This forum has really helped honing my solving skills. Thanks again to all.
