Saturday, 18 April 2009

No 9510, Saturday, 18 Apr 09, M. Manna

Some inconsistencies in few clues today, otherwise an easy crossword
 1 - Though in a car, one can take a jar (5,8) - SHOCK ABSORBER [CD]
 8 - Some continentals find this a softening influence (7) - CEDILLA [CD]
 9 - Theory about the mains I’m diverting (7) - ANIMISM*
11 - Acid found in a can! (6) - NIACIN* A appears to be indicating the second I here
13 - French best in North East, became unconquered (8) - U{N{BEAT}E}N Best here is indicating French best (UN) as well as BEAT
15 - One resort that is perfect (5) - I{DEAL}
16 - Left in the lurch (7) - DITCHED [CD]
18 - Concealed gaol-break from a Spanish bigwig (7) - {HID}ALGO*
19 - To form an intelligible pattern (3,2) - ADD UP [CD]
21 - Litmus paper might be used in the final analysis (4,4) - ACID TEST [CD]
23 - Salesman given help is reimbursed (6) - {REP)AID
25 - Previous head admits I need to make amends (7) - {EX}P{I}ATE
26 - Mean to use our charm to inspire (7) - ENAMOUR*
28 - Go into marquee containing main partition for public performance (13) - {ENTER}T{AINM*}ENT
 2 - Arty, he’d removed a chemical compound (7) - HYDRATE*
 3 - Pass given to senior army officer (3) - COL [DD] Link provided for those not familiar with the ranks
 4 - Indeed surprise to find South African nurse maid (4) - AMAH Annotation not clear; if CD then why the surprise; if surprise is indicating AH then how is South Africa and MA related, or else my answer is wrong
 5 - Not against development of non-progressive state (10) - STAGNATION*
 6 - 45th element in German river (5) - RH{IN}E
 7 - Time Ted was sent out (7) - EMITTED*
 8 - Kind of desecration, perhaps (11) - CONSIDERATE*
10 - Promising spinner? (5,6) - MINOR SPIDER [CD]
12 - Daughter lied about being unoccupied (5) - I{D}LED*
14 - Teenager creating a scene told off (10) - ADOLESCENT*
17 - Have to give direction to lift up with great effort (5) - H{E}AVE
18 - Sharp bend on a mountain road (7) - HAIRPIN [CD] Reminds me of the 14th Hairpin bend on the road to Ooty from Mettupalayam which is hardly a hairpin bend, but was added to avoid the unlucky number 13
20 - Hector, the old serving man (7) - DRAGOON [CD]
22 - Not proper to cater to small quantity that can just be detected (5) - TRACE*
24 - Endless danger for a fairy (4) - PERI(-l)
27 - Direct a remark with personal application (3) - A{IM}


  1. Though i don't support the logic, i feel 4D can be explained as "AM" being a synonym of "indeed" (!) and "AH" is of course surprise, and Mr. Manna is under the impression that S. African nurse maid means Amah, though i believe the origins are from Asia actually...

  2. The other option is "indeed" translates into "AY" (meaning yes) and surprise of course indicates "AH" and the answer is AYAH, which sounds more plausible, though even in this case, the "South African" part is ambiguous...

  3. I have explained this in detail in Anokha's blog on the Hindu crossword.
    The wordplay as such leads to AYAH.
    AMAH, I thought was Malaysian, but on checking I find that it is Portuguese.
    I think the term was orinally applied to native wet-nurses of children of the ruling class.
    In the clue South African is redundant and only confuses the solver.
    For ayah is very much an Indian term. Why go sailing across the seas? To watch the IPL matches?

  4. Yes, the IPL matches - that's what Mr. Manna had in mind! Didn't watch any of the 1st edition, planning to watch some this time around - timing works at least for the 1st match of the day ....

  5. 15 - One resort that is perfect (5) - (I)D(E)AL

    that is -> i.e. -> IE
    resort -> DAL as in Dal Lake

  6. I suppose AYAH and AMAH will get resolved onlt on Monday morning.
    As regards DAL lake being a resort it is far from that. If that is the intention then how is the 'One' in the clue explained moreover there is no indication of an anagram. Your answer would become DALIE

  7. Gopinath,
    On there were persistent demands for the resumption of the blog on the Observer Everyman crossword.
    Following this, I, who had taken a break from my blog on the Tuesday FT puz, have resumed the blog on what is the Sunday THC as you know.
    As you know also, this puz is some six or seven weeks ahead of the Sun THC but as you and Anokha seem to solve the puz ahead from the Guardian site, I am putting in this note.
    You may, if you wish, visit
    to read my blog.
    And as a visitor you may comment too if you have anything to say. No registration is needed, I think.
    As it is a prize crossword, any Sunday the blog will be on the previous week's puz. (No. 3263). So please be forewarned that you're ready to read the blog only when you have done the puz yourself.

  8. A little late to see your blog Colonel. I agree that AYAH is ambiguous.

    15A - One resort that is perfect (5)
    I think resort=DEAL here, in the sense of 'distribute/arrange cards differently'.
    So one = I, resort = DEAL, that is = connector, perfect = definition
