Wednesday 19 August 2009

No 9615, Wednesday, 19 Aug 09, Sankalak

It's going to be OMG OMG NJ from tomorrow
1 - A gem that has no right to glisten (7) - SPARKLE(-r)
5 - Sea creature permitted to arrest little devil (6) - L{IMP}ET
11 - Records made by primates after time (5) - {T}APES
12 - MP left in dubious action evokes accusation (9) - CO{MP}{L}AINT*
13 - At home, reportedly boring man is permissive (9) - {IN}DUL(~dull){GENT}
14 - Small tablet that can light a fire (5) - {S}PILL
15 - For a one-time partner, it is a way out (4) - {EX}IT
17 - The chorus to avoid (7) - REFRAIN [DD]
21 - Sportsman who has to cross many obstacles (7) - HURDLER [E]
22 - In which one can see what one may eat (4) - MENU [E]
26 - In Latin, it is about … (5) - CIRCA [E]
27 - … powerlessness of pet mice on treatment (9) - IMPOTENCE*
29 - Distressed by fact, I fled unceremoniously (9) - AFFLICTED*
30 - Wild creature that can make a racket and leave (5) - {DIN}{GO}
31 - Measure of a large English article, almost (6) - {L}{ENG}{TH(-e)}
32 - Prisoners may have them, so may women (7) - ESCORTS [DD]
2 - The kind of music that may be on tap? (5) - PIPED [CD]
3 - Outcome eagerly awaited by students, say (6) - RESULT [E]
4 - Servant who may be in need of the old backing (6) - LACK{EY<-} )
6 - Deceptive is our silly spell (8) - ILLUSORY*
7 - Underdeveloped painter of an old era (9) - PRIMITIVE [CD]
8 - Tell a story about Ping Pong (6) - TA{TT}LE
9 - Tarnished, like some glass windows? (7) - STAINED [DD]
10 - Left out, like gloves in the Oxford English Dictionary (7) - O{MITT}ED
16 - Medicine for pain and inflammation up for being (almost) reformulated (9) - IBUPROFEN(-g)*
18 - Visionary who got a perfect first (8) - IDEAL{IST}
19 - A new beginning, result of karma! (7) - REBIRTH [CD]
20 - An Xmas record, foundation for fire (4,3) - YULE LOG [CD]
23 - Scribbled words describing fish in empty shell (6) - S{CRAW}(-hel)L
24 - A suit found in the deck (6) - SPADES [E]
25 - It is where scenes may be made (6) - STUDIO [E]
28 - Nobody is on time for this bit of music (5) - NONE{T}


  1. Deepak,
    Just one question. Will it be god or goddess that you will be apostrophising?

  2. CV,
    Good one, the first was to God and the second to goodness and not 'THE GODDESS'you are implying.
    BTW regarding apostrophising in general I always make a mistake, I suppose it is due to my lack of interest in English Grammar while at school.
