Thursday 16 September 2010

No 9949, Thursday 16 Sep 10, M Manna

Hardly a Cryptic CW today. Brace for Neyartha's brace from tomorrow.
1   - Al lords over many countries having the same standard unit of money (7) - DOLLARS*
5   - Itinerant Russian fighter faces tirade (7) - {MIG}{RANT}

9   - He causes great affliction with a whip (7) - SCOURGE [DD]
10 - The way coppers like a man who is wise (7) - {PAS}{SAGE} Pas & Coppers?(Addendum - {P}{AS}{SAGE} - See comments)
11 - Practice America developed with a period of time (5) - {US}{AGE}
12 - Eddy disturbed smart mole (9) - MAELSTROM*
13 - Poor quality disc which destroys one's reputation (3,6) - {BAD} {RECORD}
15 - Water reservoirs (5) - SUMPS [E]
16 - Get up for high tension struggle (5) - {FIG}{HT} Get up & Fig ?
18 - Pitch Peter's pal in a canvas sheet (9) - {TAR}{PAUL}{IN} Nice one
21 - Builder to make the picture visible? (9) - DEVELOPER [DD]
24 - Balances equally (5) - EVENS [E]
25 - They help us see around Aintree (7) - RETINAE*
26 - Inspect closely an old first class tunnel (7) - {EX}{A}{MINE}
27 - Take shelter to keep away from the direction the wind blows (7) - LEEWARD [CD]
28 - Let English men unravel determining factor in a problem (7) - {EL{E}MENT*}
1   - Bust out to rid inconvenience caused (7) - DISTURB*
2   - Spotted wild cat (7) - LEOPARD [E]
3   - Bond's men finding themselves in a welcome situation (9) - {A}{GREE{MEN}T}
4   - One way to cook assorted meats (5) - STEAM*
5   - Aficionado of the cartographer's art (3,6) - MAP READER [CD]
6   - Girl meets venomous snakes that makes her breathe in distressed manner (5) - {G}{ASPS}
7   - Change letters of a word to form another (7) - ANAGRAM [E]

8   - A flask of mother's ruin (7) - THERMOS*
14 - Extensive picnic (9) - {OUT}{SPREAD} I think Manna intends this to be a DD
15 - Tired fellow coming to a standstill (9) - {STALE}{MATE}

16 - Fear led to new form of government (7) - FEDERAL*
17 - A vet got upset by a series of steps (7) - GAVOTTE*
19 - Idle for a change to see where there's shelter (7) - LEESIDE* Is there such a word? It should have been LEE SIDE
20 - An unusual perfume that's now in process of production (7) - {NA}{SCENT} What's the definition here?
22 - Seeing a land excites her (5) - LANDA Never heard such a name (Correction - {L{I}NDA*} - See comments)
23 - Thread one's way through a high official (5) - REEVE [DD]


  1. Very good morning

    Moderately OK kind of puzzle. Some nice clues. GAVOTTE was a new word, courtesy Googe. The sole clue that eluded me: 19D

  2. Sorry, Googe should read Google.

  3. Hi
    Russian in 5a followed by America in 11a, LEOPARD and LEEWARD.

    CV, please see 11a and 5d in The Guarding Quick Crossword 10286 today.

    Landa??? Heard of Yolanda...

  4. 10a Coppers=pennies=P, like a=AS, wise man=SAGE, but still iffy

  5. 20D - An unusual perfume that's now in process of production (7) - {NA}{SCENT} What's the definition here?

    My take: In Chemistry, gases like Oxygen, at the stage of production during a chemical reaction, are called 'nascent Oxygen' etc.

  6. Is it by any chance supposed to be LINDA, with A = I?

  7. 20d In process of production= NASCENT as in nascent oxygen from chem days.

  8. Satya seems correct.

    The spotted cat is being frequently spotted in CWs.

  9. 22D - Seeing a land excites her (5) - LANDA Never heard such a name

    I took it as a=one=I making it LINDA. Fertile imagination, eh?

  10. PASSAGE brought to mind the National Award for the son's role in PAA by an actor of (grand?)Pa's age. (Today's headline) ;-)

  11. Kishore
    See what you mean. We are such stuff as dreams are made on.

  12. Landa is a name, but it's more like a surname I reckon. Well Colonel Hans Landa comes to mind, an awesome character in the movie Inglorious Bastards. Christopher Waltz did a great job.

  13. 16 - Get up for high tension struggle (5) - {FIG}{HT} Get up & Fig ?
    Fig also means 'smart clothes', which would mean get up

  14. Good morning

    Nascent - I take An unusual as Na added perfume as scent thats all. Except GAvotte and leeside others are passable. Enjoyed soliving today.

    Good day


  15. Ok... had a relatively easy time today, but still.. it wasn't particularly satisfying. I had more fun with Gridman and even NJ (OMG!) :-).
    The thing I don't like is the lack of consistency... grammar, etc. Maybe it's just me, but could someone explain how:

    1D: "Inconvenience caused" is DISTURB as opposed to DisturbANCE??
    3D: Bond's is AGREEMENT as opposed to AgreementS??
    Other strangeness like:
    16A: Get up = FIG-ht was a stretch... never heard that usage of FIG... but thanks for the clarification Suresh.
    14D: not well thought out. A picnic is a spread... but outspread is a reach...

    I noticed similar oddities in previous puzzles too. Anyway, I'll shut up with my whining! :)

    Pls do let me know if this is considered fair game or borderline.


  16. Can sb pls tell me how 18Across comes???

  17. Thanks, Suresh. I always thought FIG was what Adam wore.

    Normurray: 18 - Pitch Peter's pal in a canvas sheet (9) - {TAR}{PAUL}{IN}

    Pitch= TAR
    Peter's pal= PAUL (as in Saint Peter/Paul, robbing Peter to pay Paul)
    canvass sheet=TARPAULIN

  18. Kishore. Fig was a smart dress for the occassion in Adam's time

  19. 19 - Idle for a change to see where there's shelter (7) - LEESIDE* Is there such a word? It should have been LEE SIDE

    I had put this down as LEEWARD.

    It fits in with the crossings also - last letters of 22D LINDA & 14D OUTSPREAD

  20. Venkatesh,

    Looks like Manna has foxed you!! LEEWARD is at 27A, and LEESIDE is at 19D

  21. Or rather, I should say he has flummoxed you!!

  22. Maybe Manna was watching a Bruce Lee movie while setting the cw

  23. Hari, 3D is all right. You have to ignore the apostrophe. The clue word then becomes "bond," for which one of the definitions is AGREEMENT.

    I'm not familiar with the rules concerning apostrophes. You can check Shuchi's blog for more info.

    1D would have been all right had the definition word been "inconvenience." But I doubt if the word "caused" could be ignored here.

    16A: Looks like Manna's taken a complex route. Fig = "dress" = get up = "outfit" and hence fig = get up

    14D: Perhaps the setter expects this to be a CD. If it was a DD in the form of "extensive = OUTSPREAD" and "picnic = OUTSPREAD"(as in outdoor spread), we'd have to ignore the verb/adjective confusion. I don't think it would be proper in this particular case.

    I really wonder why Manna doesn't get the kind of criticism NJ gets.

  24. Coppers for your thots VJ! ;-)
    Thx for the pt-by-pt reply.

    We'll see what Neyartha's got to offer tomorrow. :)


  25. btw, I came across the following site. Donno if u guys have seen it b4. It's got some limmericks on Manna and NJ. Pretty funny! :)

  26. Todays CW! Penny for ur thots! :-D

  27. Manna probably doesn't get the criticism of NJ because despite the blunders it is fairly esy to complete the CW. NJ on the other hand can leave you totally foxed on some clues, even after you have the answers. Some blanks are normally there on the grid.

  28. a change of 1 cent for putting my 2 cents in!!!

  29. Hari @ 14:56,

    Everyone here knows about Crossword Unclued, in fact you will find a link to the site on the Left Hand Side panel. Shuchi who is the owner of that blog is a regular commenter on this blog as well.

  30. VJ,

    Though I watched only a part of IB, the performance of Waltz in the scene at the farmer's house where he interrogates the farmer was enough to leave an impression on me.
