Monday, 3 November 2014

No.11230, Monday 03 Nov 2014, Scintillator

S has Trigged me into doing math. The number of logs he has thrown at me is, of course, 0, which translates to -∞, which in the real world probably means I have thrown infinte logs at him!

1 Such one remains single — that's fair! (6) SQUARE (CD,DD)
4 Leg spin? Not succeeded in making a connection (5,3) CROSS PIN  WRIST PIN (WRISTsPIN) See comments
9 Incur a tenth share for minister (6) CURATE (T)
10 Prostrate before woman-to-marry, bent in a servile manner (8) KOWTOWED (K(nocked)O(ut) W TO WED)
12 Advocate's competitor in the past has no work (8) EXPONENT (EX OPPONENT)
13 Strong lance needs tip to be replaced (6) FIERCE (PIERCE-P+F)
15 Function is to give approval for auditors (4) SINE (~SIGN)
16 Proposition that could be inadequate for a dissertation? (10) HYPOTHESIS (HYPO THESIS)
19 I deign to harness talent that's home-grown (10) INDIGENOUS (I DEIGN* NOUS)  See comments
20 Symbol to represent negative infinity? (4) LOGO (LOG O= log 0)
23 Consult Ubuntu, eg, for info streams (6) VIDEOS (VIDE OS)
25 A union roping in Cassius mainly to betray powerful ruler (8) AUTOCRAT (A U TO C RAT) not sure if position of C is adequately indicated
27 Press finds support to return to former state (8) ROLLBACK (ROLL BACK)
28 Amidst fatigue, I limped back to get to setting (6) MILIEU (T<)
29 Blackmail could be former lover's doing (8) EXACTION (EX ACTION)
30 A dog to live with — a delight for the most part (6) BEAGLE (BE A GLEe)

1 Extract tax, say, to get prosperity (7) SUCCESS (~SUCK CESS)
2 Green pen ruined by mistake (9) UNRIPENED (PEN RUINED)*
3 Spherical diamonds pip gold on mounting (6) ROTUND (D NUT OR)<
5 Plant part to decay on getting old (4) ROOT (R(O)OT)
6 One dry tourist spot to tour? Wait it out (3,5) SIT TIGHT (S(1 TT)IGHT)
7 Faculty might work on time (5) POWER (Work on Time = Work / Time = Power)
8 They could be in assent, sleepy people (7) NODDERS (2)
11 Ceaseless downfall after a change of heart (7) UNDYING (UNDOING with change of middle letter to unspecified Y)
14 Mould us, imparting a way to look at the positives (7) MODULUS (MOULD US)* In modulus where a number +/-N is written as |N|, the negatively is taken as a positive!
17 Scrub horse to rein in whipping(9) SCOURGING (SCOUR GG(=geegee=horse) with IN inside)
18 Go to bed worried about coming first being hopeful possibility (1,4,3)  A GOOD BET (A + (GO TO BED)*)
19 How poets express themselves to be retrograde (7) INVERSE (IN VERSE)
21 Evenly combat against vulgar thrust on someone (7) OBTRUDE (cOmBaT RUDE)
22 Firm 15 and 15's partner (6) COSINE (CO SINE)
24 Teller's distributed a deposit (5) DELTA (~DEALT A)
26 A kind of repetition shows up in mundane chores (4) ECHO (T)


  1. Replies
    1. Nous- Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception. (As given by Free Dictionary)

  2. Press and Roll ? Consult and Vide ?

    1. Roll = press (Freedict)

      I give my sarees for rolling at the dry-cleaners shop.

    2. Yes, it means flattening out. (rollers are used for this purpose)

    3. It is also called calendering.

    4. Vide from Chambers:

      used as an instruction in a text: refer to or see.
      So stretching 'to refer' = to consult.

    5. I agree about roller presses but one does not say 'Roll a sari' while giving it to the cleaners one would say I want it 'roller pressed'. Roll by itself for Press in my view is not correct

  3. From where do we get the A in 18D?

    1. I've seen a= about being used in THC and is there in Chambers I think.

    2. A = about (Freedictionary)

    3. My mistake, it's there in Chambers

  4. Not clear on where HYPO comes from in 16A

  5. I think Hypo comes from inadequate. Hypertension as against hypotension.

  6. 18D- Is A from 'About coming first' (meaning first letter)?

  7. 4 Leg spin? Not succeeded in making a connection (5,3) CROSS PIN (2)

    There seems to be no word meaning CROSS PIN. It's probably: WRIST PIN = A pin that attaches one end of a connecting rod to a wheel, crank, or piston. Also called gudgeon pin.

    Leg Spin = WRIST SPIN. After Not succeeded = WRIST (-s)PIN

    1. Thanks. I was wondering about this.

    2. How is 'after not succeeded'= wrist

    3. 'After' not within brackets.

    4. I get your point-"Not succeeded" is leading to cross.

    5. Still don't get it. I am bit dense for the last few months.

    6. Raghu,
      Would you pl. explain the wrist part? (Meaning not succeeding)

    7. 4 Leg spin? Not succeeded in making a connection (5,3) CROSS PIN (2)

      Leg Spin = WRIST SPIN. Sorry, I think I missed out mentioning S = Succeeded. WRIST (-s)PIN = making a connection. (Does Wrist pin mean making a connection?)

    8. Leg spin = WRIST SPIN
      after - meaning what happens after not succeeded
      Not succeeded = Indicator for deleting S
      Making a connection = Definition = {WRIST} {(-s)PIN}

    9. Definition 'used in making a connection' would have been better

    10. Two questions:
      a. Which S to delete?
      b. 'S=succeeded' from which list?

    11. b answer first: I have seen s being used for succeeded but have no list to refer that from.

      a answer: No answer to that. This is a query which has cropped up quite a lot on this blog about absence of an indicator to remove a particular letter occurring twice in a fodder.

    12. Two answers
      A. Your choice
      B. Chambers

    13. 4 Leg spin? Not succeeded 'a second time' in making a connection (5,3) might have been better, provided the 'making a connection' is OK = connector.

    14. I do not find it in my copy of BRB ;-(

    15. 5th item under S on page 1368, 12th edition of BRB

  8. 1D - SUCCESS has been clued as a homophone of SUCK CESS and the indicator is "say." But could we have 2 components in a homophone clue that don't constitute a proper phrase? I ain't never heard people say "suck cess."

    1. I had put my comment (see below) mistakenly as a reply to VJ's comment above, so have deleted it from here.

      This, now, *is* a response to VJ: I think he has a valid point. The word could have been clued as homophone+synonym (since CESS is a direct synonym of tax, rather that a "homonym of a synonym" as in SUCk vis-à-vis extract), but the clueing suggests that the whole thing is a homonym.

    2. Sorry - that should, of course, read "...rather *than* a *homophone* of a synonym.." and "... whole thing is a *homophone*."

      Note to self: When in a hurry, don't post! :(

  9. Looks to be more agreeable. Leg spin IS wrist spin as against off spin that is finger spin.

  10. My 9.05 is for Raghunath's 8.59.

  11. Thank you Sandhya for prompt clarifications. Lots of "If's" today.

  12. I didn't get two of the words today - WRIST SPIN and POWER. The latter should have been spotted with the crosses in place and the synonym "Faculty" staring me in the face. The former is another story - I could have spent the whole day staring at it and still not got it, simply because both the cricketing allusion (leg spin = wrist spin) and the engineering allusion (wrist pin being something that makes a connection in a machine) were completely unknown to me.

    Quite enjoyed the challenge overall. Thanks to Scintillator and to Kishore!

  13. Found it really tough but achieved a75% score for the 1st time in a sc puzzle. Lots of enjoyable clues+ all the math words very good: 4A, 18 D, 19 D brought an inner glow of satisfaction

  14. Forgot to mention LOGO which I didn't get was superb

    1. Except 'symbol' is on double duty

    2. Nice looking waffles...

      It ain't exactly double duty. it's more like a double definition. LOGO is a symbol and negative infinity is LOG 0...

    3. oh yes, I was looking at 'to represent' as a part of the def and assumed symbol had to be tucked in too.
      Thanks for the comment on the waffles btw

  15. Ooh ...Logo clue is brilliant !!
