Thursday 17 September 2009

No 9639, Thursday, 17 Sep 09, Neyartha

I must say I am improving as I polished off this Neyartha CW in record time for a Neyartha CW, or is it because he used the word Indian Rivers in the hint for the starred clues
Note: Solutions to the starred clues (which carry no direct definition) are all Indian rivers
1 - Mint for the auditor bound by a deadline (4,5) - (~thyme)TIME {LIMIT}
6 - Evil backing to capture Arizona people led by an Austrian (5) - N{AZ}IS <- ) ??
9 - He may proverbially have the least leisure (5) - IDLER [CD]
10 - * Maria bats explosively! (9) - SABARMATI*
11 - * Quiet North Arcot leaders are behind Kartik, oddly (7) - {K}{R}{I}{SH}{NA}
12 - Savara dialects feature a kind of symmetry (6) - RADIAL [T]
14 - Lacks the right to take wife out, resulting in verbal tirades (5) - (-w+r)RANTS
15 - Flowers of sulphur behind the cave shrine’s internal switch (9) - AMARANTH*{S} See a picture of the Ice Lingam in the cave shrine
17 - Bitter revolutionary in mass meeting shows how a fundamental may act (9) - R{ADIC*}ALLY
19 - Trainee leaves Asian capital in furore (5) - MANI(-l)A
20 - Very small cat (one sheltered by Bill) (6) - A{TOM}C
22 - Original sign (7) - INITIAL [DD]
24 - Conspiring together with the orchestra on stage? (2,7) - IN CONCERT [DD]
25 - * Type of dance note (5) - {TAP}{TI}
26 - * Soldier captures corrupt Tom (5) - G{OMT*}I
27 - German leader censored engrossing adaptation of Odysseus’s Lure (5,4) - SIREN SONG*(-g)
1 - Costumed custom for kids in the West (5-2-8) - TRICK-OR-TREATING [CD]
2 - Mould line shape to show how some barred windows may be (9) - MULLIONED*
3 - Shifts the skunks (7) - LURCHES [DD]
4 - Oversight surrounding lab error is subject to misconception (10) - MISTAK{ABL*}E
5 - Fish (new) exchanged for a second grade instrument (4) - TU(-n+b)BA
6 - * Managed to turn up with the first man from the south (7) - NAR<-MADA<- )
7 - * Iguazu aristocrats in hiding (5) - ZUARI [T]
8 - Delaying the featuring of Yankees in the Hill Hall signs’ design (15) - SHILLYSHALLYING*
13 - The brooding hen’s labour result initially needed a temporary guardian (10) - {BABYSIT}{TE}{R} Anno doubtful (Correction - {BABY}{SITTER} - See comments of Ganesh)
16 - No tea in presentation break for this court worker (6,3) - TENNIS PRO*(-tea)
18 - Vocal pitch against wine (7) - (~key)CHI{ANTI}
19 - The Eskimo is tentative about concealing a sponge (7) - MOISTEN [T]
21 - Chapters penned by Communist leader about a philosopher (5) - O{CC}AM<- )
22 - * Goes ashore without the revolutionary (4) - BE(-che)AS (Correction - BEA(-che)S)



  1. Fixing an anno: it is BEA(-Che)S.

  2. Thanks Chaturvasi, I have since amended the main post also

  3. The brooding hen’s labour result initially needed a temporary guardian (10)

    Brooding hen: SITTER
    labour result : BABY
    initially needed : placement indicator to show BABY needs to come in front

    temporary guardian : required definition

  4. Removing the question marks. Adolf Hitler was
    Austrian born

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Bitter revolutionary in mass meeting shows how a fundamental may act (9) - R{ADIC*}ALLY

    I think the anno is RA{DICA<-}LLY.

    More comments on this puzzle here:

  7. Bitter revolutionary in mass meeting shows how a fundamental may act (9) - R{ADIC*}ALLY

    I think the anno is RA{DICA<-}LLY.

    Could be two ways of interpreting revolutionary {<- or *}.

  8. The * interpretation would make it an unfair clue - ACID for "bitter" is an indirect anagram.

    A reversed word is perfectly fair, so <- seems like the better anno.
