Wednesday 24 March 2010

No 9798, Wednesday 24 Mar 10, Sankalak

1 - In the big top, it is a cover for unsteady, nasty feet (6,3) - SAFETY NET*
5 - When should the actor make his entrance? (2,3) - ON CUE [E]
8 - A game to make the French annoyed - end of bonhomie (8) - {LA}{CROSS}{E}
9 - Unsparing way to circumvent a ruse, almost (6) - S{TRIC(-k)}T
11 - A bit of bread with drink in an empty club (5) - {C(-lu){RUM}B}
12 - Do one's duty, surprise Tia in place of work (9) - OFFIC{IAT*}E
13 - In the bank, he does not necessarily tattle (6) - TELLER [CD]
14 - The state of affairs in hockey, say (4,4) - BALL GAME [DD]
16 - Gemstone that makes soprano happier somehow (8) - {S}{APPHIRE*}

18 - Songbird, fed a piece of leaf, may jump in pain (6) - F{L}INCH

22 - Support for two boys on time (9) - {PAT}{RON}{AGE}
23 - Lucre, misused, is a source of evil (5) - ULCER*
24 - Hydrocarbon recovered from a hole finally (6) - OLEFIN [T]
25 - Seamen in the drink (8) - {ABS}{IN}{THE}
26 - Remove eavesdropper's plants (5) - DEBUG [CD] Nice clue
27 - After rights are reversed, modish man becomes severe (9) - STRIN{GENT} Anno pending
1 - Lawyer gives up gold to ask for help (7) - SOLICIT(-or)
2 - Such an account cannot contain untruth (7) - FACTUAL [CD]
3 - Tracing and fixing things - it's a neighbour's lot to suffer (15) - TROUBLESHOOTING*
4 - Upset Bengali, on elevation, finds Greek counsellor (6) - {NES<-}{TOR} )
5 - Mirage makes cousin, a pilot, ill, delirious (7,8) - OPTICAL ILLUSION*
6 - Indian town in American state occupied by Hira, student (7) - C{HIRA}{L}A
7 - That's the limit! (7) - EXTREME [E]
10 - Not working any more upset the French? Rubbish! (5) - {OFF}{AL<-} )
15 - Old king of Troy, one in child's carriage (5) - PR{I}AM
16 - Part of tree which could deplete a lot of trees (7) - {SAP}{WOOD}
17 - Plant useful in cooking, not the same one, cased in lead symbolically (3-4) - P{OT-HER}B
19 - It would be black in a formal dinner (7) - NECKTIE [CD]
20 - First among hunters, good man going across European river to gather crop (7) - {H}{ARVE}{ST}
21 - One who belongs in a club, for example (6) - MEMBER [CD]


  1. Hi everyone

    Many simple ones - like 1D, 15D, 19D and 21D.

    Some nice anagrams - like 3D and 5D.

    6D CHIRALA was the last to fall. May not be a very familiar name for non-Andhraites or readers from the northern states.

  2. Deepak

    27A - After rights are reversed, modish man becomes severe (9) - STRIN{GENT} Anno pending

    STR - reverse of RTS, short for rights

    IN = modish

    GENT = man

    Does this gel?

  3. @ Richard,
    Looks convincing, I did think of RTS but did not think of the IN so I left it there

  4. BTW, I too liked 26A - DEBUG.

  5. 20 D mentions the European river - Arve. This river, a tributary of the Rhône, flows through France and Switzerland. Chamonix, Sallanches, Cluses, Bonneville, Annemasse and Geneva are located on its banks.

  6. 13A - In the bank, he does not necessarily tattle (6) - TELLER [CD]

    Thought of sharing with my friends here an anecdote which made rounds during my days as a bank officer.

    The wife of a well-placed account-holder arrives at a bank counter to enquire about her husband's balance. When the request is declined for reasons of secrecy, she blusters, "But you are a teller, aren't you?"

    Pat comes the reply: "Yes, madam. I am a paying teller, but not a telling payer !"

  7. @Richard
    Never knew you were a Bank Officer, one of the hats you wore?

  8. After quite a few years with CorpBank and Grindlays and on finding the daily grind too monotonous, I hung up my hat and opted for a more creative career.

    Thanks for enquiring.

  9. Hi, I found this link where there are some really funny anagrams. Thought you guys will like it

  10. Richard, the anecdote about teller was really funny.

  11. One of my neighbours in the apartment complex is a former SBI officer who in mid-career learnt Italian and is now a highly successful interpreter. This is the truth. From one telling job to another, eh?

  12. Signor Chaturvasi

    Have you heard the story of the Italian who went to Malta ? The one who checks in at a hotel? I can email it to you. Very hilarious.

  13. Signor Richard,
    Why can't the rest of us enjoy it?

  14. Deepak, I am not sure if it is suitable for everyone here. But I have forwarded it to you too, much before I read your post.
