Thursday 18 March 2010

No 9793, Thursday 18 Mar 10, M Manna

1 - Within one hour, you'll see it on the beach (7) - S{H}INGLE
5 - Friend, sing around when placing stakes to fence (7) - {PAL}{INGS*}

9 - Her month to play a hoax? (5) - APRIL [DD]
10 - Read about a train crash — such a bloomer! (9) - C{A}{RNATI*}ON

11 - Improper for boy to stare at mammary glands (6) - {B}{REAST*} Why plural?
12 - Chief engineer is right to take money for a formal act (8) - {CE}{R}{EMONY*} Is this about Indian CE's ?
14 - The defence offered ‘in another place' (5) - ALIBI [CD]
15 - On which men who were detained once walked to work (9) - TREADMILL [CD]
18 - An unknown representation of the black knight (4,5) - {DARK} {HORSE}
20 - Pretext made for a sudden round of applause (5) - SALVO [DD]
22 - Cabin arranged for each member to cater to surrounding influence (8) - A{M}{BIANC*}E
24 - To climb the Himalayan mountains have him as a guide (6) - SHERPA [E]

26 - A critical point in the action of a play (9) - SITUATION [DD]
27 - Sort out a way to avoid strong heat (5) - RO{A}ST* Why avoid?
28 - No uncle ordered this little scrap (7) - NUCLEON*
29 - Furniture giving an actor some help (7) - DRESSER [DD]

1 - Leading director's right (9) - {STAR}{BOARD}
2 - National airlines flying about with no name? (7) - ISRAELI(-n)*
3 - Writer of work carrying a hallmark (9) - GOLDSMITH
4 - Make an artistic impression (4) - ETCH [CD]
5 - Continued steadfastly by itself against reed destruction (10) - {PERSE}{V}{ERED*} Nice clue
6 - Direction to seal proper contract to rent farm house (5) - {LEAS*}{E}
7 - Town whence Robinia sprang? (7) - NAIROBI*
8 - She has a beach and sun as well (5) - SANDY [DD]
13 - Draw sober artillery men into battle (10) - A{TT}{RA}CTION
16 - Five hundred is the price for release (9) - {D}{IS}{CHARGE}
17 - Tend to appear later (4,5) - {LOOK} {AFTER}
19 - Characteristic of a mechanical man (7) - ROBOTIC [CD]
21 - Lassos for horses? (7) - LARIATS [E]
22 - Gunner retires as son sets house on fire (5) - {AR<-}{SON}
23 - Informed of hostilities in east (5) - {A}{WAR}{E}
25 - Dine out with her (4) - ENID*



  1. Good clues. Could be completed quickly.

    I thought Ambience was the spelling. It got corrected because of the crossing A in Aware.

    Nucleon was a new word.

    18 Ac DARK HORSE had a good clue.

    15 Ac TREADMILL was the last word as it took time.

  2. Some cute clues and a few grammar gaffes including singular-plural mix-up.

    1A, 10A, 1D, 2A - good ones.

    11A is likely to attract many comments. A singular-plural mix-up here.

    The puzzle appears to have been set in a war-like mood, what with gunner, artillery, battle and war appearing in DOWN clues.


  3. 22 - Cabin arranged for each member to cater to surrounding influence (8) - A{M}{BIANC*}E

    Unable to figure out A and E.

  4. 22A - Ambience and ambiance both are valid, but the former is more preferred

    5D - good play with the phrase 'per se'.


  5. @Richard
    EA is standard abbreviation for each

  6. Same doubt about spelling of 'ambience'! For a second I got scared how fast my knowledge is failing!!!
    11a -tut tut for adult content and grammar!!!

  7. 22A Thought it was always spelled "ambiance." Anyway, both sound right.

    8D: I'm not able to make the connection between sun and sandy. Could somebody explain?

  8. Richard
    Re your use of 'more preferred' I hereby declare that it is tautological.

  9. I have an Oxford American Dictionary installed on my computer where the spelling is given as ambiance

  10. I know that 'ambiance' is an alternative spelling of the word. But I have always spelt it as 'ambience'.
    Actually, the root word is 'ambient' as in 'ambient temperature'.
    Maybe that is why I instinctively prefer 'ambience'.

  11. @ CV

    Sorry, my 'most unkindest' offence on grammar happened in a hurry.


  12. LOL so many spelling and grammar nazis on here.

  13. Enjoyed 'ambiance'. Thanks to setters Manna and NJ for reminding us of the less used alternatives. 11 was crass. Gridman's prurient clues are at least, refined.

  14. Gridman and Manna seem to be birds of the same feather in giving lascivious clues like the one in 11ac.

  15. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Ambiance is a variation of Ambience, though Ambience has its root in the french word Ambiance (!). So there is an argument for both sides.

    Ambiance refers to the total 'mood' or 'feeling' of a room or space. This is created by architecture, layout, lighting, furnishings, sound and music.

    Ambiences are background sounds as used in sound for film.[e.g., The tape recorder picked up too many ambient noises.] Etymologically, amb- "around" + ire "go." The ground sense of "revolving" led to "encircling, lying all around."

    CVasi sir referred to the common use of terms like 'ambient temperature' and 'ambient air pollution'.

  16. 28 Ac NUCLEON is a proton or neutron (especially when considered as a component of a nucleus).
    NUCLEONICS has evolved as a cutting edge branch of physics concerned with the applications of nuclear energy. It involves the study of the quantum behavior of atomic nuclei, in particular of the transitions they make between discrete energy levels as they emit and give off radiation.
    A vast area has opened up for development of instruments for use in nuclear research.

  17. Thanks for the education, Venkatesh

  18. Revisiting one of the clues yesterday:
    12Ac - With “Auf Wiedersehen” or “so long”, see off (4) - SEND [CD]
    The answer is SONG
    so long (-) see (lo) off
