Thursday 19 March 2015

No 11346, Thursday 19 Mar 2015, Neyartha

CWC 2015 fever has caught up with Neyartha.

Note: The seven starred clues carry no direct definition, but they all belong to a particular list

7   Persistent tailor negotiated withholding of a lease payment (10) TORRENTIAL {TOR{RENT}IAL*}
9   Yahoo's bail-out contribution (4) LOUT [T]
10 *Bend backwards to accommodate bargemen in trouble after losing a precious stone (8) CANBERRA {C{BARgemEN*}RA<=}
11 *Yankee following the Seychelles democrat to the quarter (6) SYDNEY {SY}{D}{NE}{Ya...e}
12 Adult sailor going west with a collection of maps (5) ATLAS {A}{TLAS<=}
13 Condemn Oriental's love in act (9) PRESCRIBE Anno pending (Addendum - PROSCRIBE - PR(-e+o)OSCRIBE - See comments)
14 Most enclaves are set up with this type of bond (7) VALENCE ENCLAVEs*
17 Shoot with hesitation at the criminal follower (7) STALKER {STALK}{ER}
20 *Model of a lemur bone (9) MELBOURNE*
22 *Letters from innkeeper Thomas (5) PERTH [T]
25 Guide in retreat protecting some British sailors with rye grass (6) DARNEL {DA{RN}EL<=}
26 *Sulphur and barium dissolved in a pickling agent (8) BRISBANE {BRI{S}{BA}NE}
27 Worship forbidden by many a religion? (4) IDOL [CD]
28 One way to ride a horse (10) SIDESADDLE [CD]

1   *Gear-cutting tool design (6) HOBART {HOB}{ART}
2   Nasal sound from the Scandinavian's son moving up to the top (5) SNORE (+s)SNOR(-s)E
3   Struggle with the lines about viral breakdown (7) RIVALRY {R{VIRAL*}Y}
4   Dense lump containing two quarters (5-3) CLOSE-SET {CLO{SE}-{SE}T}
5   Scottish ice-cream for an American turtle (6) SLIDER [DD]
6   Woman in an important business position heard the Scottish girl live in recital (5,3) QUEEN BEE {(~quine)QUEEN} {BEE(~be)}
8   No bun in barbecuing arrangement for a type of skeletal structure (3,4) RIB CAGE BARbECuInG*
15 *Revolutionary component of an old telephone found submerged in a Welsh river (8) ADELAIDE {A}{DE{LAID<=}E}
16 Nothing here may leave you in such a state (8) CLUELESS [CD]
18 Auditor's washing liquid on top of a couch for the late riser (3-4) LIE-ABED (~lye){LIE}-{A}{BED}
19 Someone with a guess giving an answer to the New York company (7) ANYBODY {A}{NY}{BODY}
21 An embarrassing mistake by the Uruguay premier replacing a bracelet (6) BUNGLE B(-a+u)UNGLE
23 What stars do when the wife goes missing with a ring (6) TINKLE TwINKLE
24 Original key (5) FIRST [DD]



  1. In 13 I think PRESCRIBE becomes PROSCRIBE by letter-change.
    Oriental's love - E is O

    Please check if this fits in as I have not entered any word in the grid.

  2. 13 Condemn Oriental's love in act (9) PROSCRIBE


  3. An unabashed plug

    A letter of mine has appeared in Madras Musings, the heritage magazine from Chennai that was Madras:

    Here is the URL of the pic concerned:

  4. PS

    Please wait for previous issue to fully download and see page 8, right top.

  5. This could have been a crossie from our Down Under friend _ Bhavan !!

    Again, only 5 hits ? Every one is busy watching some more interesting hits in Melbourne?
