Sunday, 1 March 2015

No 2830, Sunday 01 Mar 2015

1   Winning hit makes one cheerful (6) UPBEAT {UP}{BEAT}
5   Fortune in part of church, left hidden (6) CHANCE CHANCEl
8   Fancy one state employing sorcerers (11) IMAGINATION {1}{MAGI}{NATION}
11 Compiler, one accepting wagers (9) BOOKMAKER [DD]
12 Handy, old circuit breaker (2,3) OF USE {O}{F USE}
13 Operation seen in a new light, on a body of water away from land (4,3) OPEN SEA {OP}{EN SE}*{A}
14 Here's a gift (7) PRESENT [DD]
15 At home, language reportedly under control (2,5) IN CHECK {IN} {CHECK}(~czech)
17 Isaac's father, in a bar, upset poor actor (7) ABRAHAM {A}{BAR*}{HAM}
20 Decorative headband held by Portia (rarity) (5) TIARA [T]
21 A report inside station for important person's attendant (9) SATELLITE {S{A}{TELL}ITE}
22 Shows unfortunate American characteristics, we hear (11) ILLUSTRATES {ILL}{US}{TRATES}(~traits)
23 Plucky fellow is yet to be beaten (6) FEISTY {F}{IS+YET}*
24 Fair bumper? (6) DODGEM [CD]

2   This is likely to cause trouble, his deacon unfortunately being arrested by constabulary (8,7) POISONED CHALICE {PO{ISONED CHA}*LICE}
3   Problems are mounting for Dutch scholar (7) ERASMUS {ERA}{SMUS}<=
4   Fine king taken over reservoir, a source of solution to problems? (5,4) THINK TANK {THIN}{K} {TANK}
5   Seat I must sit in daily (5) CHAIR {CHA{I}R}
6   Fatty, a pickpocket, got up right away (7) ADIPOSE {A}{DIP}{rOSE}
7   Around 12 noon inside, the children make a situation more complicated (7,3,5) CONFUSE THE ISSUE {C}{O{N}FUSE} {THE} {ISSUE}
9   The Bronx's river (4) EBRO [T]
10 Band's hit (4) BELT  [DD]
14 Slated rep, awfully drunk (9) PLASTERED*
15 Greek character volunteers to track one of Jupiter's moons (4) IOTA {IO}{TA}
16 Facilitates distribution of beans the French imported (7) ENABLES {ENAB{LE}S*}
18 Told about tardy daughter (7) RELATED {RE}{LATE}{D}
19 Appearance of one captured by soldiers (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}
21 Impertinent reply about steamship (5) SASSY {SA{SS}Y}


  1. 7 D - Didn't get the anno for CONFUSE :(

    1. {C {O{N}F USE }; Noon = n, around = c; answer to 12 across = of use

    2. Child = ISSUE
      Can we equate 'children' with ISSUE?

    3. @Vinayak Thank you :)
      @Ram *12 noon* confuse d me :D

    4. Issue in the sense of child/children is always singular.

      It is wrong to say that so-and-so has five issues.

      That usage will raise - well - issues.

  2. Clever use of 12, especially since it seemed to be part of 12 noon. I got the word thanks to the issue, but could not get the anno.
