NJ has finally managed a Pangram!! As usual she has me stumped with 13 & 16A and 20D
1 - Half of Berlin first gaze at the composer (4) - {BER}{G}
9 - Not saying much, it's strange not drinking in United Nations as one hostage has no power (15) - {UNCOMM(-on}{UN}{I}{CA(-p)TIVE}
10 - Two follow the traffic signal in the desert (4) - {GO}{BI}
11 - Family goes back to the king on their first outing in the city (5) - {NIK<-}{K}{O} )
12 - Every other oratress has rows (4) - {O}{A}{R}{S}
13 - Worker used to circle the University (5) - SMITH ?(Addendum - S{MIT}H - Thanks to Maddy)
14 - Father raises the lad up in excitement to congratulate (7) - {AP<-}{PLAUD*} )
16 - Leaves out the book not in use with the engineers on both sides (7) - ???A?E?(Addendum - {VACA(-nt)}{T}{ES} - Thanks to Suresh)
18 - First judgment is doubtful at the moment (5) - {J}{IFFY}
22 - Shoe in the compartment of a car (4) - BOOT [DD]
23 - To persuade the woman with no energy to move quickly (5) - {WOO}{SH(-e)}
24 - Attack a shopping centre, overheard (4) - MAUL(~mall)
25 - Note the giant cozily is creeping outside the boundaries of Brunei on identification (15) - {RE}{COGNIZA{BI}LITY*}
26 - It's not difficult for an Asian specifically at the end of the day (4) - {E}{AS}{Y}
2 - Being very unusual from most characters around an island (7) - {EX}{OT{I}SM*}
3 - This eminent wig has an unusual sign (6,3,5) - GEMINI THE TWINS*
4 - Interfere soon to solve the first problem (5) - {SNOO*}{P}
5 - Spiral serpent (5) - SNAKE [DD]
6 - Proving it to be true, an accountant is firm with a politician with the bill he has manipulated (14) - {AC}{CO}{MP}{LISHABLE*} One H gobbled up
7 - Walk on the street with a cycle (6) - {ST}{ROLL}
8 - Expected post-date payment (7) - OVERDUE [E]
15 - Place on top of a bed concealing the round sign (3,4) - {SET {O}{V}ER}(Addendum {LAY {O}{V}ER} - Thanks to Suresh)
17 - Excitement in a play for an individual in the borders of Oregon (6) - {ACT}{I}{ON}
19 - Girls in England do not take refreshments included in the wages (7) - FE{MAL}ES Anno for MAL can it be M(-e)AL ? not clear
20 - Crazy style to bargain in New Zealand is a bit old-fashioned (5) - ?O{NZ}?(Addendum - {GO}{NZ}{O} - Thanks to Richard)
21 - Sort of an expression cited by a famous person (5) - QUOTE [CD]
Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
No 9803, Tuesday 30 Mar 10, Nita Jaggi
She's back
2 - Experiment is done by an inventor (6) - EDISON*
7 - Depressed actress is with a man instead of the knight (4) - (-k+g){GLUM}
9 - No worker returns for the festival (4) - {O}{NAM<-} )
10 - Adult is the one in stress convincing the Spanish fellow to act boldly (6,7) - {A}{SSERT {ONE}S*}{EL}{F}
12 - Asks for to be deliberately named in the discussions from both sides (7) - {DEMAN*}{D}{S}
13 - Extra copy (7) - EDITION [CD]
15 - Hindu goddess (4) - KALI [E]
17 - It rings at the end of the day in the bread basket (5) - {BELL}{Y}
18 - It's not common for an academician to read out the notice (4) - {RA}{RE}(-ad)
19 - The spice I extract from a plant (7) - {EPISC*}{I}{A}
21 - Cut off the lens in good condition for the leading warrior in the city (7) - {GLAS(-s)}{GO}{W}
23 - They may be put up on site in galleries! (13) - INSTALLATIONS [CD]
27 - Seal back the small cups (4) - {MUG<-}{S}
28 - Head off to cruise around into the ocean (4) - DEEP Anno pending (Addendum DEEP(-s)<- Thanks to Sandhya see comments)
29 - Girl has no right holding you in extreme distress in clubs (6) - {G{U}I(-r)L}{D(-istres)S}
1 - Prefer to cheer up (6) - PLEASE ?
2 - Representatives in England will overlook the sign (10) - {E}{MISS}{ARIES} Nice clue
3 - A river is in this area (4) - ISAR [T]
4 - State of eleven individuals initially in the house (4) - OHIO Anno pending
5 - Push the bag (4) - TOTE [DD] Can tote mean push?(Addendum - POKE [DD] - Thanks to Svemuri)
6 - This year the student in the fourth grade has no time for 30 minutes (4,4) - {HA}{L}{F HOUR(-t)*}
8 - Be afraid of the doctor for each bit of the dose (5) - {DR}{EA}{D}
11 - Curiously sees in the painting set-up in checker-work (7) - T{ESSE*}RA<- )
13 - Blessed object given during Church service (7) - EULOGIA [E]
14 - Separate the seeds sold out at doorsteps (10) - {THRESH}{OLDS*}
16 - Decorative kind of work (8) - APPLIQUE [E]
20 - Both sides ideally welcome the chess grandmaster in the city (5) - {I}{TAL}{Y} Didn't know there was a city named Italy
22 - Dismissed the head ombudsman you initially sent to Edward (6) - {O}{U}{S}{TED}
24 - First to see when to finally wash the scarf (4) - {S}{(-w)ASH}
25 - Smart woman is the first to leave you in lurch initially at University (4) - {L}{U}{L}{U}
26 - Command the leaders to explain Latin letters (4) - {T}{E}{L}{L}
2 - Experiment is done by an inventor (6) - EDISON*
7 - Depressed actress is with a man instead of the knight (4) - (-k+g){GLUM}
9 - No worker returns for the festival (4) - {O}{NAM<-} )
10 - Adult is the one in stress convincing the Spanish fellow to act boldly (6,7) - {A}{SSERT {ONE}S*}{EL}{F}
12 - Asks for to be deliberately named in the discussions from both sides (7) - {DEMAN*}{D}{S}
13 - Extra copy (7) - EDITION [CD]
15 - Hindu goddess (4) - KALI [E]
17 - It rings at the end of the day in the bread basket (5) - {BELL}{Y}
18 - It's not common for an academician to read out the notice (4) - {RA}{RE}(-ad)
19 - The spice I extract from a plant (7) - {EPISC*}{I}{A}
21 - Cut off the lens in good condition for the leading warrior in the city (7) - {GLAS(-s)}{GO}{W}
23 - They may be put up on site in galleries! (13) - INSTALLATIONS [CD]
27 - Seal back the small cups (4) - {MUG<-}{S}
28 - Head off to cruise around into the ocean (4) - DEEP Anno pending (Addendum DEEP(-s)<- Thanks to Sandhya see comments)
29 - Girl has no right holding you in extreme distress in clubs (6) - {G{U}I(-r)L}{D(-istres)S}
1 - Prefer to cheer up (6) - PLEASE ?
2 - Representatives in England will overlook the sign (10) - {E}{MISS}{ARIES} Nice clue
3 - A river is in this area (4) - ISAR [T]
4 - State of eleven individuals initially in the house (4) - OHIO Anno pending
5 - Push the bag (4) - TOTE [DD] Can tote mean push?(Addendum - POKE [DD] - Thanks to Svemuri)
6 - This year the student in the fourth grade has no time for 30 minutes (4,4) - {HA}{L}{F HOUR(-t)*}
8 - Be afraid of the doctor for each bit of the dose (5) - {DR}{EA}{D}
11 - Curiously sees in the painting set-up in checker-work (7) - T{ESSE*}RA<- )
13 - Blessed object given during Church service (7) - EULOGIA [E]
14 - Separate the seeds sold out at doorsteps (10) - {THRESH}{OLDS*}
16 - Decorative kind of work (8) - APPLIQUE [E]
20 - Both sides ideally welcome the chess grandmaster in the city (5) - {I}{TAL}{Y} Didn't know there was a city named Italy
22 - Dismissed the head ombudsman you initially sent to Edward (6) - {O}{U}{S}{TED}
24 - First to see when to finally wash the scarf (4) - {S}{(-w)ASH}
25 - Smart woman is the first to leave you in lurch initially at University (4) - {L}{U}{L}{U}
26 - Command the leaders to explain Latin letters (4) - {T}{E}{L}{L}
Monday, 29 March 2010
No 9802, Monday 29 Mar 10, Sankalak
Holiday finished it's NJ from tomorrow :-(( !!
1 - Non-committal response to a query from a pressman (2,7) - NO COMMENT [E]
5 - Structure in fungus — a funny sac with use curtailed (5) - {ASC*}{US}(-e)
8 - They go with balances to prevent concentration of power (6) - CHECKS [CD]
9 - Trendy, full of energy but jobless! (8) - {IN}{ACTIVE}
11 - Dye obtained from Manila (4) - ANIL [T]
12 - Plant that yields ripe mangoes, strangely (10) - ANGIOSPERM* One extra E gobbled up.
14 - Violating bail? I find an excuse (5) - ALIBI*
15 - It is an important part of the diet for a youngster, they say (7) - {PRO}{TEIN}(~teen)
16 - Percussion instrument used to frighten old inventor (7) - {COW}{BELL}
17 - First among Hebrew characters (5) - ALEPH [E]
19 - English painting: odd, dear one, of a hearing aid (3,7) - {E}{ART}{RUM}{PET}
20 - Water extracted from a quaint source (4) - AQUA [T]
22 - Binding together, as were some convicts, aching, in distress (8) - CHAINING*
23 - Identity parade, originally launched in eastern Uttar Pradesh (4-2) - {L}{IN}{E} {UP}
24 - Essential equipment for a gourmet (5) - TEETH [CD]
25 - Favourable result, gold, for the one next in line (9) - {SUCCESS}{OR}
1 - A divine drink to break trance (6) - NECTAR*
2 - Using poisonous articles in battle, like mustard gas, say, unleashes raw fear (8,7) - {CHEMICAL} {WARFARE*}
3 - Donkey may come without company, skirting Oklahoma (4) - (-co)M{OK}E
4 - Devvarman, for one (6,6) - TENNIS PLAYER [E]
5 - Used to current practice followed by journalist (10) - {AC}{CUSTOM}{ED}
6 - It is a game for vocal inspectors from Beijing perhaps (7,8) - CHINESE CHEQUERS (~checkers)
7 - American general who gave his name to a tank (7) - SHERIDAN [DD](Correction - SHERMAN [DD] - Thanks to Giridhar)
10 - One has a right to get them in settlement somehow (12) - ENTITLEMENTS*
13 - Plumber's tool or musical instrument? Right, carried by a woman (4,6) - {PIPE} {W{R}ENCH}
16 - Sailors hurt by short hairstyle (7) - {CREW}{CUT}
18 - Union leader figuring in the Times, perhaps, a poverty-stricken person (6) - PA{U}PER
21 - Have a desire to be at home in physical exercise (4) - P{IN}E
1 - Non-committal response to a query from a pressman (2,7) - NO COMMENT [E]
5 - Structure in fungus — a funny sac with use curtailed (5) - {ASC*}{US}(-e)
8 - They go with balances to prevent concentration of power (6) - CHECKS [CD]
9 - Trendy, full of energy but jobless! (8) - {IN}{ACTIVE}
11 - Dye obtained from Manila (4) - ANIL [T]
12 - Plant that yields ripe mangoes, strangely (10) - ANGIOSPERM* One extra E gobbled up.
14 - Violating bail? I find an excuse (5) - ALIBI*
15 - It is an important part of the diet for a youngster, they say (7) - {PRO}{TEIN}(~teen)
16 - Percussion instrument used to frighten old inventor (7) - {COW}{BELL}
17 - First among Hebrew characters (5) - ALEPH [E]
19 - English painting: odd, dear one, of a hearing aid (3,7) - {E}{ART}{RUM}{PET}
20 - Water extracted from a quaint source (4) - AQUA [T]
22 - Binding together, as were some convicts, aching, in distress (8) - CHAINING*
23 - Identity parade, originally launched in eastern Uttar Pradesh (4-2) - {L}{IN}{E} {UP}
24 - Essential equipment for a gourmet (5) - TEETH [CD]
25 - Favourable result, gold, for the one next in line (9) - {SUCCESS}{OR}
1 - A divine drink to break trance (6) - NECTAR*
2 - Using poisonous articles in battle, like mustard gas, say, unleashes raw fear (8,7) - {CHEMICAL} {WARFARE*}
3 - Donkey may come without company, skirting Oklahoma (4) - (-co)M{OK}E
4 - Devvarman, for one (6,6) - TENNIS PLAYER [E]
5 - Used to current practice followed by journalist (10) - {AC}{CUSTOM}{ED}
6 - It is a game for vocal inspectors from Beijing perhaps (7,8) - CHINESE CHEQUERS (~checkers)
7 - American general who gave his name to a tank (7) - SHERIDAN [DD](Correction - SHERMAN [DD] - Thanks to Giridhar)
10 - One has a right to get them in settlement somehow (12) - ENTITLEMENTS*
13 - Plumber's tool or musical instrument? Right, carried by a woman (4,6) - {PIPE} {W{R}ENCH}
16 - Sailors hurt by short hairstyle (7) - {CREW}{CUT}
18 - Union leader figuring in the Times, perhaps, a poverty-stricken person (6) - PA{U}PER
21 - Have a desire to be at home in physical exercise (4) - P{IN}E
Sunday, 28 March 2010
No 2578, Sunday 28 Mar 10
1 - Place to sleep for daughter in town (7) - {BED}{FOR}{D}
5 - Pollster in Missouri State (4) - {MO}{RI} Result of a google search I presume RI is from Rhode Island State
9 - The gin ran out? Something only just avoided (4,5) - NEAR THING*
10 - Piece of coal in colliery cut into small pieces (5) - MIN{C}E
11 - Army officer, the elder of two brothers (5) - MAJOR [DD]
12 - Inspect butcher's circular (4,5) - {LOOK} {ROUND} How are Butcher and look connected?(Addendum see Shuchi's comment below for explanation)
13 - Awful hardship, so real in a volume of poetry (1,10,3) - A SHROPSHIRE LAD* Had to google search this
16 - Dog moves awkwardly where there's new pelican crossing (7,7) - C{LUMBER S}PANIEL*

19 - Gloomy? Sunnier at resort (9) - SATURNINE*
21 - Large hospital at end of that wide bay (5) - {BIG}{H}{T}
22 - Talk about Ecstasy con (5) - CH{E}AT
23 - Make drunk, mixing a beer in it (9) - INEBRIATE*
24 - Info wanted about lake in valley (4) - G{L}EN
25 - No trouble, we hear, landing on net from swing (7) - {TRAP}{EZE}(~ease)
1 - Fertilizer, one Mabel spread outside (8) - BONEMEAL*
2 - Sweet character penning boy a farewell note (4,4,6) - {DEAR {JOHN} LETTER}
3 - Working with sailor, one round lake (7) - {ON}{TAR}{I}{O}
4 - Doctor's bad practice (5) - {DR}{ILL}
5 - Wild animals go in trees (9) - MAGNOLIAS*

6 - Feeling of guilt about son breaking and entering again (7) - {RE}{MOR{S}E}
7 - Abusive about a video that advertises adhesive material (10,4) - {INSUL{A}T}I{ON TAPE} Anno for I pending(Addendum - {ISUL{A}TING} {TAPE} - See Shuchi's and Sandhya's comments below)
8 - Was first to engage a guide (4) - LE{A}D
14 - Wine - review one's limit (2-7) - ST EMILION*
15 - Everyone at that place is completely sane (3,5) - {ALL} {THERE}
17 - Mum on trial after break-up of marriage (7) - {MA}{RITAL*}
18 - Wary about book on a part of Canada (7) - {AL{B}ERT}{A}
19 - Cashier in bed (4) - SACK [DD]
20 - English Opening in tournament (5) - {E}{VENT}
Richard, Shuchi and self met for lunch yesterday here are two snaps from our lunch renedezvous at the Sahib Sindh Sultan restaurant at Forum mall in Bangalore
Saturday, 27 March 2010
No 9801, Saturday 27 Mar 10, Sankalak
1 - Crime hub dismantled by angels (8) - CHERUBIM*
5 - Can they keep the doctor away over time? (6) - APPLES [CD]
10 - Beat, of the heart it is an attractive one (5) - THROB [DD]
11 - Keep changing your mind? Quit, being sick inside (9) - VAC{ILL}ATE
12 - Great love for a key address (9) - {A}{D}{ORATION}
13 - Claw used in a digital onslaught (5) - TALON [T]
14 - Cunning — always, in the outskirts of Londonderry (5) - L{EER}Y
16 - The kind of record that the Hansard is? (8) - VERBATIM [CD]
18 - Swinger in Mulund distressed after probable error (8) - {P}{E}{NDULUM*}
20 - Joint needing grease for hard work (5) - ELBOW [CD]
24 - Informal expression in southern tongue halved (5) - {S}{LANG}(-uage)
25 - Pole providing support in a window? No, this can be bent (9) - STANCHION*
27 - In original condition (9) - UNALTERED [E]
28 - Province of birth (5) - NATAL [DD]

29 - Hero on track, shining brightly (6) - {STAR}{RY}
30 - It signals the end of danger (3,5) - ALL CLEAR [E]
1 - Tom's vocal expression of disapproval (7) - {CAT}{CALL}
2 - Part of a sound receiver supporting a stud perhaps (7) - EARLOBE [E]
3 - A shadow for all to see, on top of physician and artist (5) - {U}{MB}{RA}
4 - In Virginia, I started networking unsuccessfully (2,4) - {IN} {VA}{I}{N}
6 - Savoury plate Bala cooked (9) - PALATABLE*
7 - Immature growth on plant, a publicity vehicle (7) - LEAFLET [DD]
8 - Bone that put a bird in money (7) - S{TERN}UM
9 - Fragrant, as discovered by smell (7) - SCENTED [CD]
15 - He will cease to be one as he gets older (9) - YOUNGSTER [CD]
17 - Hasty copper, awfully sorry (7) - {CU}{RSORY*}
18 - Insincere people can work up crazy users (7) - {PO<-}{SEURS*} )
19 - In Agra, refurbished tourist attraction (7) - NIAGARA One A missing from clue

21 - Part of a brush from a British island, a little tacky inside (7) - {BR}{IS{T}LE}
22 - One engaging in noisy dispute without right, a manipulator (7) - W(-r)ANGLER
23 - Commercial vehicle chased by backward boy, one who wilfully destroys property (6) - {VAN}{DAL<-} )
26 - Pessimist exhibiting some fancy niceties (5) - CYNIC [T]
1 - Crime hub dismantled by angels (8) - CHERUBIM*
5 - Can they keep the doctor away over time? (6) - APPLES [CD]
10 - Beat, of the heart it is an attractive one (5) - THROB [DD]
11 - Keep changing your mind? Quit, being sick inside (9) - VAC{ILL}ATE
12 - Great love for a key address (9) - {A}{D}{ORATION}
13 - Claw used in a digital onslaught (5) - TALON [T]
14 - Cunning — always, in the outskirts of Londonderry (5) - L{EER}Y
16 - The kind of record that the Hansard is? (8) - VERBATIM [CD]
18 - Swinger in Mulund distressed after probable error (8) - {P}{E}{NDULUM*}
20 - Joint needing grease for hard work (5) - ELBOW [CD]
24 - Informal expression in southern tongue halved (5) - {S}{LANG}(-uage)
25 - Pole providing support in a window? No, this can be bent (9) - STANCHION*
27 - In original condition (9) - UNALTERED [E]
28 - Province of birth (5) - NATAL [DD]
29 - Hero on track, shining brightly (6) - {STAR}{RY}
30 - It signals the end of danger (3,5) - ALL CLEAR [E]
1 - Tom's vocal expression of disapproval (7) - {CAT}{CALL}
2 - Part of a sound receiver supporting a stud perhaps (7) - EARLOBE [E]
3 - A shadow for all to see, on top of physician and artist (5) - {U}{MB}{RA}
4 - In Virginia, I started networking unsuccessfully (2,4) - {IN} {VA}{I}{N}
6 - Savoury plate Bala cooked (9) - PALATABLE*
7 - Immature growth on plant, a publicity vehicle (7) - LEAFLET [DD]
8 - Bone that put a bird in money (7) - S{TERN}UM
9 - Fragrant, as discovered by smell (7) - SCENTED [CD]
15 - He will cease to be one as he gets older (9) - YOUNGSTER [CD]
17 - Hasty copper, awfully sorry (7) - {CU}{RSORY*}
18 - Insincere people can work up crazy users (7) - {PO<-}{SEURS*} )
19 - In Agra, refurbished tourist attraction (7) - NIAGARA One A missing from clue
21 - Part of a brush from a British island, a little tacky inside (7) - {BR}{IS{T}LE}
22 - One engaging in noisy dispute without right, a manipulator (7) - W(-r)ANGLER
23 - Commercial vehicle chased by backward boy, one who wilfully destroys property (6) - {VAN}{DAL<-} )
26 - Pessimist exhibiting some fancy niceties (5) - CYNIC [T]
Friday, 26 March 2010
No 9800, Friday 26 Mar 10, Sankalak
1 - Method of checking population growth: for Orientals, it is funny (13) - STERILISATION* It wasn't very funny when it happened in India during Sanjay Gandhi's time!
10 - Aromatic plant with small fruit, hardly used (9) - {S}{PEAR}{MINT}
1 - Method of checking population growth: for Orientals, it is funny (13) - STERILISATION* It wasn't very funny when it happened in India during Sanjay Gandhi's time!
10 - Aromatic plant with small fruit, hardly used (9) - {S}{PEAR}{MINT}

11 - Mason's cottage? (5) - LODGE [CD]
12 - The new and the old organic chemical (5) - {ETH*}{OL}
13 - Shockingly bad guise Gore exposed (9) - EGREGIOUS*
14 - Brown, democrat, one behind the other (6) - {TAN}{DEM}
16 - Newton or Walton (5) - ISAAC [E]
19 - It entertains and may also reveal end of anarchy (5) - {TELL}{Y}
20 - Some meat at home for European composer (6) - {CHOP}{IN}
25 - Vegetable one may get to cure bends (9) - COURGETTE*

26 - A game for motor dealers, heartless (5) - {CAR}{D(-ealer)S}
27 - Depressed in extremes of fixation, escaped (5) - {F{LOW}(-ixatio)N}
28 - Lack of energy in girl with poor, unsatisfactory diet (9) - {LASS}{IT{U}DE*}
29 - Put to sleep in the theatre perhaps (13) - ANAESTHETISED [E]
2 - Such trouble with biters! (8) - TEETHING [CD]
3 - Rustic, like a farmer's milieu (5) - RURAL [E]
4 - Stand around doing nothing (6) - LOITER [E]
5 - Instrumentalist, one accepted by hero is ending concert (8) - {S{I}TAR}{IS}{T}

6 - Means of communication, one had to be wired for it (9) - TELEGRAPH [CD]
7 - Alumnus, not necessarily advanced in years (3,3) - OLD BOY [CD]
8 - Bill does not become an act till the President gives it (6) - ASSENT [CD]
9 - Robbery by a believer losing head (5) - (-t)HEIST
15 - First appearance of a black period in history altered finally (9) - EMERGENC(-y+e)E
17 - Tell a pet about something in the blood (8) - PLATELET*
18 - It provides an opening to the photographer (8) - APERTURE [CD]

21 - Her son got transformed into an eater (6) - NOSHER*
22 - “And fools, who came to _____, remained to pray” (Goldsmith) (5) - SCOFF [E]
23 - Backward American, brought into being to induce one to commit perjury (6) - {SU}{BORN}
24 - He would have an agreement with a lessor (6) - LESSEE [E]
26 - Hot on the tongue, but cold to the ear (5) - CHILI(~chilly)
Thursday, 25 March 2010
No 9799, Thursday 25 Mar 10, Sankalak
1 - Getting the rod ready for the fish (7) - BAITING [CD]
5 - Weir, rather old, is broken (7) - {DAM}{AGED}
9 - What a star may make, when invited to a show (5,10) - GUEST APPEARANCE [CD]
10 - Does it hum with activity, with a sweet output? (6) - APIARY [CD]
11 - Highlander at liberty, unharmed (4-4) - {SCOT} {FREE}
13 - Oriental, caught unmoving, is rapturous (8) - {E}{C}{STATIC}
15 - A bit of hope for the jobless! (4-2) - WANT-AD [CD]
18 - Pope led astray in Montana by dear child (6) - M{OPPE*}T
19 - Means of help for leaders of urban establishment — crores distributed (8) - RESO{U}RC*{E}
22 - A tie, yet king and knight free to move! (4,4) - REEF* {K}{N}OT*

24 - Forty winks for Tom (6) - CATNAP [CD]
27 - Source of entertainment spelling out bestial violence (5,10) - CABLE TELEVISION* Good one
28 - Bi-continental landmass (7) - EURASIA [E]
29 - Elegance seen if travelling around the south (7) - {FINE{S}SE*}
1 - The hunter's objective — great sport! (3,4) - BIG GAME [DD]
2 - Ancient British tribe getting something very cold back at home (5) - {ICE}{NI<-} )
3 - Bury the dial in a common boundary (9) - {INTER}{FACE}
4 - Stare at the opening with ecstasy (4) - {GAP}{E}
5 - Soak the children cavorting without LI (6) - DRENCH(-li)*
6 - French revolutionary leader, a master at concealing resistance (5) - {MA}{R}{AT}
7 - Source of power for Reno, great novelty (9) - GENERATOR*
8 - It should be off limits for non-swimmers at the pool (4,3) - DEEP END [CD]
12,17 - Great bell ebbing out (3,3) - BIG BEN*

14 - Period of 30 days in which EB power meters break down (9) - S{E}PTEM{B}ER* Nice clue
16 - A distraction from a divine calling (9) - {A}{VOCATION}
17 - See 12
18 - A saint could surely have performed one (7) - MIRACLE [CD]
20 - The kind of account popular with executives (7) - EXPENSE [E]
21 - Prayers for nine days — something hot in North America (6) - N{OVEN}A
23 - They are bended in a supplicant (5) - KNEES [CD]
25 - Are they the personification of callousness? (5) - NAILS [CD]
26 - Riches that the Spanish invested in Provident Fund (4) - P{EL}F
1 - Getting the rod ready for the fish (7) - BAITING [CD]
5 - Weir, rather old, is broken (7) - {DAM}{AGED}
9 - What a star may make, when invited to a show (5,10) - GUEST APPEARANCE [CD]
10 - Does it hum with activity, with a sweet output? (6) - APIARY [CD]
11 - Highlander at liberty, unharmed (4-4) - {SCOT} {FREE}
13 - Oriental, caught unmoving, is rapturous (8) - {E}{C}{STATIC}
15 - A bit of hope for the jobless! (4-2) - WANT-AD [CD]
18 - Pope led astray in Montana by dear child (6) - M{OPPE*}T
19 - Means of help for leaders of urban establishment — crores distributed (8) - RESO{U}RC*{E}
22 - A tie, yet king and knight free to move! (4,4) - REEF* {K}{N}OT*

24 - Forty winks for Tom (6) - CATNAP [CD]
27 - Source of entertainment spelling out bestial violence (5,10) - CABLE TELEVISION* Good one
28 - Bi-continental landmass (7) - EURASIA [E]
29 - Elegance seen if travelling around the south (7) - {FINE{S}SE*}
1 - The hunter's objective — great sport! (3,4) - BIG GAME [DD]
2 - Ancient British tribe getting something very cold back at home (5) - {ICE}{NI<-} )
3 - Bury the dial in a common boundary (9) - {INTER}{FACE}
4 - Stare at the opening with ecstasy (4) - {GAP}{E}
5 - Soak the children cavorting without LI (6) - DRENCH(-li)*
6 - French revolutionary leader, a master at concealing resistance (5) - {MA}{R}{AT}
7 - Source of power for Reno, great novelty (9) - GENERATOR*
8 - It should be off limits for non-swimmers at the pool (4,3) - DEEP END [CD]
12,17 - Great bell ebbing out (3,3) - BIG BEN*

14 - Period of 30 days in which EB power meters break down (9) - S{E}PTEM{B}ER* Nice clue
16 - A distraction from a divine calling (9) - {A}{VOCATION}
17 - See 12
18 - A saint could surely have performed one (7) - MIRACLE [CD]
20 - The kind of account popular with executives (7) - EXPENSE [E]
21 - Prayers for nine days — something hot in North America (6) - N{OVEN}A
23 - They are bended in a supplicant (5) - KNEES [CD]
25 - Are they the personification of callousness? (5) - NAILS [CD]
26 - Riches that the Spanish invested in Provident Fund (4) - P{EL}F
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
No 9798, Wednesday 24 Mar 10, Sankalak
1 - In the big top, it is a cover for unsteady, nasty feet (6,3) - SAFETY NET*
5 - When should the actor make his entrance? (2,3) - ON CUE [E]
8 - A game to make the French annoyed - end of bonhomie (8) - {LA}{CROSS}{E}
9 - Unsparing way to circumvent a ruse, almost (6) - S{TRIC(-k)}T
11 - A bit of bread with drink in an empty club (5) - {C(-lu){RUM}B}
12 - Do one's duty, surprise Tia in place of work (9) - OFFIC{IAT*}E
13 - In the bank, he does not necessarily tattle (6) - TELLER [CD]
14 - The state of affairs in hockey, say (4,4) - BALL GAME [DD]
16 - Gemstone that makes soprano happier somehow (8) - {S}{APPHIRE*}
1 - In the big top, it is a cover for unsteady, nasty feet (6,3) - SAFETY NET*
5 - When should the actor make his entrance? (2,3) - ON CUE [E]
8 - A game to make the French annoyed - end of bonhomie (8) - {LA}{CROSS}{E}
9 - Unsparing way to circumvent a ruse, almost (6) - S{TRIC(-k)}T
11 - A bit of bread with drink in an empty club (5) - {C(-lu){RUM}B}
12 - Do one's duty, surprise Tia in place of work (9) - OFFIC{IAT*}E
13 - In the bank, he does not necessarily tattle (6) - TELLER [CD]
14 - The state of affairs in hockey, say (4,4) - BALL GAME [DD]
16 - Gemstone that makes soprano happier somehow (8) - {S}{APPHIRE*}

22 - Support for two boys on time (9) - {PAT}{RON}{AGE}
23 - Lucre, misused, is a source of evil (5) - ULCER*
24 - Hydrocarbon recovered from a hole finally (6) - OLEFIN [T]
25 - Seamen in the drink (8) - {ABS}{IN}{THE}
26 - Remove eavesdropper's plants (5) - DEBUG [CD] Nice clue
27 - After rights are reversed, modish man becomes severe (9) - STRIN{GENT} Anno pending
1 - Lawyer gives up gold to ask for help (7) - SOLICIT(-or)
2 - Such an account cannot contain untruth (7) - FACTUAL [CD]
3 - Tracing and fixing things - it's a neighbour's lot to suffer (15) - TROUBLESHOOTING*
4 - Upset Bengali, on elevation, finds Greek counsellor (6) - {NES<-}{TOR} )
5 - Mirage makes cousin, a pilot, ill, delirious (7,8) - OPTICAL ILLUSION*
6 - Indian town in American state occupied by Hira, student (7) - C{HIRA}{L}A
7 - That's the limit! (7) - EXTREME [E]
10 - Not working any more upset the French? Rubbish! (5) - {OFF}{AL<-} )
15 - Old king of Troy, one in child's carriage (5) - PR{I}AM
16 - Part of tree which could deplete a lot of trees (7) - {SAP}{WOOD}

17 - Plant useful in cooking, not the same one, cased in lead symbolically (3-4) - P{OT-HER}B
19 - It would be black in a formal dinner (7) - NECKTIE [CD]
20 - First among hunters, good man going across European river to gather crop (7) - {H}{ARVE}{ST}
21 - One who belongs in a club, for example (6) - MEMBER [CD]
19 - It would be black in a formal dinner (7) - NECKTIE [CD]
20 - First among hunters, good man going across European river to gather crop (7) - {H}{ARVE}{ST}
21 - One who belongs in a club, for example (6) - MEMBER [CD]
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
No 9797, Tuesday 23 Mar 10, Sankalak
I like Sankalak as I generally breeze through the clues without too much scratching of the head. I know some will crib that it's too easy, but I attribute it to excellent cluing and use of everyday words, mostly.
1 - Frustration makes Pip sad, needing treatment with balm (14) - {DISAPP*}{OINTMENT}
8 - Business office starts capitalising in US city after a long time (6) - {AGE}{N{C}Y}
9 - Regional arm of the UN gets notice initiating enquiry into caper (8) - {ESCAP}{AD}{E}
11 - Without any preparation, toper, male, stumbled into river (9) - EX{TE{M}POR*}E
12 - Tax on article about popular field of study (5) - T{IT}THE (Typo fixed T{IT}HE)
13 - He cannot resist the bottle (7) - DRINKER [E]
15 - God, I'm about to take in uranium or another element (7) - {THOR}{I{U}M}
17 - Be worthy of two keys, be adequate (7) - {D}{E}{SERVE}
19 - One that gives new life to batteries (7) - CHARGER [E]
21 - Mythological twin figuring in bizarre musings (5) - REMUS [T]

23 - A professional, full of energy, not waiting for things to happen (9) - {PRO}{ACTIVE}
25 - Parade ground work, for finding fuel? (8) - DRILLING [DD]
26 - Self-service meal (6) - BUFFET [E]
27 - Scholarly tomes demystified? That is like Mr. Chips (14) - SCHOOLMASTERLY*
1 - That is as far as one can go (4,3) - DEAD END [CD]
2 - Used in surgery, it is a reverse trap, in a way (5) - S{TEN<-}T )

3 - It improves heart function in a sick meat packer with no time (9) - PACEMAKER(-t)*

4 - New, a perfume just come into existence (7) - {N}{A}{SCENT}
5 - Intended for yours sincerely, a set of books (5) - {ME}{A}{NT}
6 - Close shave, but not from a razor (4,5) - NEAR THING [CD]
7 - Hymn, surprisingly muted with ecstasy (2,4) - TE D{E}UM*
10 - Angry, say? Fly high (4) - SOAR(~sore)
14 - She can't sleep, with a son, manic one, on the loose (9) - {I}{NSO*}{MNIAC*}
16 - Such payment is only partial when working for a report (2,7) - ON ACCOUNT [E]
17 - Make fun of the German notion being incomplete (6) - {DER}{IDE(-a)}
18 - Make a list of unusually pale men (7) - EMPANEL*
19 - Navigator who would have been at home in the galley (4) - COOK [DD]
20 - Critical phase in the life of a satellite (2-5) - RE-ENTRY [CD]
22 - Burst of gunfire in battle and to salute victory also, oddly (5) - SAL{V}O*
24 - Make a deduction that there is no Nobelium in hell (5) - INFER(-no)
1 - Frustration makes Pip sad, needing treatment with balm (14) - {DISAPP*}{OINTMENT}
8 - Business office starts capitalising in US city after a long time (6) - {AGE}{N{C}Y}
9 - Regional arm of the UN gets notice initiating enquiry into caper (8) - {ESCAP}{AD}{E}
11 - Without any preparation, toper, male, stumbled into river (9) - EX{TE{M}POR*}E
12 - Tax on article about popular field of study (5) - T{IT}THE (Typo fixed T{IT}HE)
13 - He cannot resist the bottle (7) - DRINKER [E]
15 - God, I'm about to take in uranium or another element (7) - {THOR}{I{U}M}
17 - Be worthy of two keys, be adequate (7) - {D}{E}{SERVE}
19 - One that gives new life to batteries (7) - CHARGER [E]
21 - Mythological twin figuring in bizarre musings (5) - REMUS [T]

23 - A professional, full of energy, not waiting for things to happen (9) - {PRO}{ACTIVE}
25 - Parade ground work, for finding fuel? (8) - DRILLING [DD]
26 - Self-service meal (6) - BUFFET [E]
27 - Scholarly tomes demystified? That is like Mr. Chips (14) - SCHOOLMASTERLY*
1 - That is as far as one can go (4,3) - DEAD END [CD]
2 - Used in surgery, it is a reverse trap, in a way (5) - S{TEN<-}T )

3 - It improves heart function in a sick meat packer with no time (9) - PACEMAKER(-t)*

4 - New, a perfume just come into existence (7) - {N}{A}{SCENT}
5 - Intended for yours sincerely, a set of books (5) - {ME}{A}{NT}
6 - Close shave, but not from a razor (4,5) - NEAR THING [CD]
7 - Hymn, surprisingly muted with ecstasy (2,4) - TE D{E}UM*
10 - Angry, say? Fly high (4) - SOAR(~sore)
14 - She can't sleep, with a son, manic one, on the loose (9) - {I}{NSO*}{MNIAC*}
16 - Such payment is only partial when working for a report (2,7) - ON ACCOUNT [E]
17 - Make fun of the German notion being incomplete (6) - {DER}{IDE(-a)}
18 - Make a list of unusually pale men (7) - EMPANEL*
19 - Navigator who would have been at home in the galley (4) - COOK [DD]
20 - Critical phase in the life of a satellite (2-5) - RE-ENTRY [CD]
22 - Burst of gunfire in battle and to salute victory also, oddly (5) - SAL{V}O*
24 - Make a deduction that there is no Nobelium in hell (5) - INFER(-no)
Monday, 22 March 2010
No 9796, Monday 22 Mar 10, Neyartha
Easy offering with a slew of Anagrams from Neyartha today, as compared to his normal CW's. Sankalak from tomorrow for a peaceful error free week.
1 - Shocked when Dutch-run treks get a face lift (13) - THUNDERSTRUCK*
9 - Carelessly posted pun in the open (9) - UNSTOPPED*
10 - We vocally endorse this gesture of peace (1-4) - (~we)V-{SIGN}
11 - Finger-operated, like most cameras nowadays (7) - DIGITAL [DD]
13 - Gallery gutted for the most part (7) - LARGELY*
14 - Delight in being put back after easy first half (3,2) - {EA(-sy)}T UP<-} )
15 - Is the groom's place in the outskirts admitting one for balance? (9) - STAB{I}L{IS}E
17 - Teacher gauged Poe incorrectly (9) - PEDAGOGUE*
18 - It may be raised to disrupt something (5) - HAVOC [CD]
20 - Cosmetic aid maiden replaced with cold dried bark (7) - (-m+c)CASCARA
22 - Suggestion to mother: Embrace the princess and the copper (9) - MO{DI}{CU}M
23 - Thief lashed for hiding the camera attachment (5) - FLASH [T]
24 - Party feature internal to Bose's army in the peninsula (9) - IN{DO}{CHIN}A
26 - Classical equestrian competition they venerated surprisingly (5-3,5) - THREE DAY EVENT*
1 - Cruise prudently trimmed at sea (7) - TRUNDLE(-p-y)*
2 - Blind peacekeepers complain to Edward (9) - {UN}{SIGH}{TED}
3 - Brace for a somewhat assiduous trek (3) - DUO [T]
4 - Revolt by upset social outcast (5) - REPEL <- )
5 - A predictable 'tsunami'? (5,4) - TIDAL WAVE [CD]

6 - Frank (in the nude) arranged to protect seal (11) - UN{VARNISH}ED*
7 - Beginner's kitchen nutcracker is fine except for the blade (5) - {K}{N}{I}{F}{E}
8 - A complex protein food processor? (6) - ENZYME [E]
12 - Beetle upsetting therapy group? That is not acceptable! (11) - TYPOGRAPHER(-u)*

15 - Mark and Ellis sing a composition offline (9) - SIGNALISE(-l)*
16 - Talented Pole at the centre expelled for cocaine abuse (9) - INVE(-n+c)CTIVE
17 - Limit to be raised provided Yankee is calm (6) - {PAC<-}{IF}{Y} )
19 - Firm agreement (7) - COMPACT [DD]
21 - Hurt resulting from overturned streetcars (5) - SMART<- )
22 - A statistical concept detailed in the press (5) - MEDIA(-n)
25 - Line in speech gives a hint (3) - CUE(~queue)
1 - Shocked when Dutch-run treks get a face lift (13) - THUNDERSTRUCK*
9 - Carelessly posted pun in the open (9) - UNSTOPPED*
10 - We vocally endorse this gesture of peace (1-4) - (~we)V-{SIGN}
11 - Finger-operated, like most cameras nowadays (7) - DIGITAL [DD]
13 - Gallery gutted for the most part (7) - LARGELY*
14 - Delight in being put back after easy first half (3,2) - {EA(-sy)}T UP<-} )
15 - Is the groom's place in the outskirts admitting one for balance? (9) - STAB{I}L{IS}E
17 - Teacher gauged Poe incorrectly (9) - PEDAGOGUE*
18 - It may be raised to disrupt something (5) - HAVOC [CD]
20 - Cosmetic aid maiden replaced with cold dried bark (7) - (-m+c)CASCARA
22 - Suggestion to mother: Embrace the princess and the copper (9) - MO{DI}{CU}M
23 - Thief lashed for hiding the camera attachment (5) - FLASH [T]
24 - Party feature internal to Bose's army in the peninsula (9) - IN{DO}{CHIN}A
26 - Classical equestrian competition they venerated surprisingly (5-3,5) - THREE DAY EVENT*
1 - Cruise prudently trimmed at sea (7) - TRUNDLE(-p-y)*
2 - Blind peacekeepers complain to Edward (9) - {UN}{SIGH}{TED}
3 - Brace for a somewhat assiduous trek (3) - DUO [T]
4 - Revolt by upset social outcast (5) - REPEL <- )
5 - A predictable 'tsunami'? (5,4) - TIDAL WAVE [CD]

6 - Frank (in the nude) arranged to protect seal (11) - UN{VARNISH}ED*
7 - Beginner's kitchen nutcracker is fine except for the blade (5) - {K}{N}{I}{F}{E}
8 - A complex protein food processor? (6) - ENZYME [E]
12 - Beetle upsetting therapy group? That is not acceptable! (11) - TYPOGRAPHER(-u)*

15 - Mark and Ellis sing a composition offline (9) - SIGNALISE(-l)*
16 - Talented Pole at the centre expelled for cocaine abuse (9) - INVE(-n+c)CTIVE
17 - Limit to be raised provided Yankee is calm (6) - {PAC<-}{IF}{Y} )
19 - Firm agreement (7) - COMPACT [DD]
21 - Hurt resulting from overturned streetcars (5) - SMART<- )
22 - A statistical concept detailed in the press (5) - MEDIA(-n)
25 - Line in speech gives a hint (3) - CUE(~queue)
Sunday, 21 March 2010
No 2577, Sunday 21 Mar 10
1 - Star workers are inside (7) - ANT{ARE}S
5 - Batting crease about to be wiped as a precaution (2,4) - IN C(-re)ASE
8 - In topping clothes? (7,2,4) - DRESSED TO KILL [CD]
10 - Arab fell in dock (4) - MOOR [DD]
11 - TV programme - repeat - Coast? (4,5) - {ECHO} {BEACH}
12 - Various priests press soldier about battle, initially (10) - {MONS}{IG<-}{NORI<-} ) 14 - Shot captures Bond's boss leaving ceremony (4) - PO{M}P
16 - City, very big in Asian country (4) - {LA}{OS}

17 - Aim to get black, each one after being this (6,4) - {OBJECT} {B}{ALL}
19 - Turn out once more - what did you say? (4,5) - COME AGAIN [DD]
21 - Austrian composer, a Lothario (4) - WOLF [DD]
23 - Non-executive investor who keeps his mouth shut? (6,7) - SILENT PARTNER [E]
24 - Ring in variegated crest of duck (6) - SC{O}TER

25 - Follows advice and pays attention (7) - LISTENS [DD]
1 - Assistant in Dubai deli (4) - AIDE [T]
2 - Artful touches of nudism in film (3,5,2,5) - THE SOUND OF MUSIC*

3 - Check all others before shower (8) - {REST}{RAIN}
4 - Plant in small border (5) - {S}{EDGE}

5 - Train in club on piece of gymnastic equipment (4,5) - {IRON} {HORSE}
6 - Goes up with Conservative members (6) - {C}{LIMBS}
7 - Chilean politician in Brazilian port on sub submerged in the drink? (8,7) - {SALVADOR} {AL{LEND}E}
9 - Man attached to the Spanish place of worship (6) - {CHAP}{EL}
12 - Spite shown by married woman (6) - {M}{ALICE}
13 - Something requiring little thought in Reno, surprisingly goes without support (2-7) - NO-{BRA}{IN}ER*
15 - Race officials set staggering charges (8) - {STE*}{WARDS}
18 - Everyone in base, except Tom, gets to vote (6) - B{ALL}OT(-tom)
20 - Plane crashes in Asian country (5) - NEPAL*

22 - Love Seve's finish (4) - (-seve ballest)EROS

1 - Star workers are inside (7) - ANT{ARE}S
5 - Batting crease about to be wiped as a precaution (2,4) - IN C(-re)ASE
8 - In topping clothes? (7,2,4) - DRESSED TO KILL [CD]
10 - Arab fell in dock (4) - MOOR [DD]
11 - TV programme - repeat - Coast? (4,5) - {ECHO} {BEACH}
12 - Various priests press soldier about battle, initially (10) - {MONS}{IG<-}{NORI<-} ) 14 - Shot captures Bond's boss leaving ceremony (4) - PO{M}P
16 - City, very big in Asian country (4) - {LA}{OS}

17 - Aim to get black, each one after being this (6,4) - {OBJECT} {B}{ALL}
19 - Turn out once more - what did you say? (4,5) - COME AGAIN [DD]
21 - Austrian composer, a Lothario (4) - WOLF [DD]
23 - Non-executive investor who keeps his mouth shut? (6,7) - SILENT PARTNER [E]
24 - Ring in variegated crest of duck (6) - SC{O}TER

25 - Follows advice and pays attention (7) - LISTENS [DD]
1 - Assistant in Dubai deli (4) - AIDE [T]
2 - Artful touches of nudism in film (3,5,2,5) - THE SOUND OF MUSIC*

3 - Check all others before shower (8) - {REST}{RAIN}
4 - Plant in small border (5) - {S}{EDGE}

5 - Train in club on piece of gymnastic equipment (4,5) - {IRON} {HORSE}
6 - Goes up with Conservative members (6) - {C}{LIMBS}
7 - Chilean politician in Brazilian port on sub submerged in the drink? (8,7) - {SALVADOR} {AL{LEND}E}
9 - Man attached to the Spanish place of worship (6) - {CHAP}{EL}
12 - Spite shown by married woman (6) - {M}{ALICE}
13 - Something requiring little thought in Reno, surprisingly goes without support (2-7) - NO-{BRA}{IN}ER*
15 - Race officials set staggering charges (8) - {STE*}{WARDS}
18 - Everyone in base, except Tom, gets to vote (6) - B{ALL}OT(-tom)
20 - Plane crashes in Asian country (5) - NEPAL*

22 - Love Seve's finish (4) - (-seve ballest)EROS

Saturday, 20 March 2010
No 9795, 20 Mar 10, Neyartha
Sorry for the delay but as I mentioned yesterday I had to go out at 6 in the morning.
James Cameron special by Neyartha has me stumped at three places :-(
1 - The third estate in Paris (5, 4) - TIERS ETAT [CD]
6 - Medicinal shrub found by student going around Hungary (5) - {BUC<-}{HU} )

9 - Farewell to the bright coloured shirt (5) - ALOHA [DD]

10 - Spoke again to deter true adjustment (9) - REUTTERED*
11 - 50 per cent off? Son-in-law gets escorted back inside by the shrew! (7) - SON{DEL<-}I(-nlaw)}
12 - Movie on Lord Krishna, for example (6) - AVATAR [DD]
14 - Dreadful pain for the French relieved by Pole in ravine (5) - ABYS(-mal+s)S
15 - Area blast pulverised the Mexican onyx (9) - ALABASTER*
17 - Spirit consumed by deviant genius first off to get drunk (9) - A?E?R?O?S (Addendum - (-g)INE{BRIO}US - Thanks to Venkatesh)
19 - Understood I'm out to get ferried (5) - (-im)PLIED
20 - Gate enclosure for the lawyer's quarter made more majestic (6) - {IN}BRED (Addendum - {NO{BL}{E}R} - Thanks to Venkatesh)
22 - Industry magnate in charge of ship … (7) - {TITAN}{IC}
24 - … at sea seeking berth in Long Island to get glassware (9) - I?T?I?I?I (Addendum - L{ATTICIN}I - See Neyartha's comments below)
25 - Fired editor lacks training specified for a particular movie genre (3-2) - SCI-FI Anno pending (Addendum - S(-pe)CIFI(-ed) - Thanks to Chaturvasi at the Orkut Group)
26 - Affirmative votes given by Nazi guards reportedly (5) - YESES(~ss)
27 - Alignment is altered (despite IT's absence) by some railway employees (9) - SIGNALMEN(-it)*
1 - Qualifier for crossing countries' borders (15) - TRANSLATABILITY [CD] I think this must be wrong that's why I am stumped by 17, 20 & 24A (Addendum - TRANSNATIONALLY [CD] - See Neyartha's comments, no wonder I was stumped as I had this wrong all along)
2 - Catalyst for Zulu chief to get involved with dirty money found in British river (9) - EX{OEN{Z}YM*}E
3 - Vest (a menswear item) featuring the parts of a flower (7) - STAMENS [T]
4 - Limits detailed on counter register for pest killer (10) - {TERMIN(-i)}{ATOR<-} )
5 - Words that may be spoken many times in jest (4) - TRUE [CD] Anno not clear However read this with 23D as part of the theme
6 - Spot a shoe company on the way to the old Indonesian capital (7) - {BATA}{VIA}
7 - Mark's estimate of gold purity for the auditor (5) - CARET(~carat)

8 - This may describe some unreleased movies (5-10) - UNDER-PRODUCTION [CD]
13 - Mortgage plug on site (10) - {WAD}{SETTING} New word for me had to google it
16 - Time period when cook's ennui is masked by the recipe involving milk for starters (9) - {T}{R}{I}{ENNIU*}{M}
18 - Makes new changes to rectify demerits after my initial loss (2-5) - RE-EDITS(-m)*
19 - Fool with a crown goes north to get a compound containing K (7) - {POT}{A}{SSA} <- )
21 - Sops for the Oriental to get rid of the hot tubs (5) - BATH(-e)S Should have been SOAPS?
23 - Some of the deadliest inventions (4) - LIES [T]
James Cameron special by Neyartha has me stumped at three places :-(
1 - The third estate in Paris (5, 4) - TIERS ETAT [CD]
6 - Medicinal shrub found by student going around Hungary (5) - {BUC<-}{HU} )

9 - Farewell to the bright coloured shirt (5) - ALOHA [DD]

10 - Spoke again to deter true adjustment (9) - REUTTERED*
11 - 50 per cent off? Son-in-law gets escorted back inside by the shrew! (7) - SON{DEL<-}I(-nlaw)}
12 - Movie on Lord Krishna, for example (6) - AVATAR [DD]
14 - Dreadful pain for the French relieved by Pole in ravine (5) - ABYS(-mal+s)S
15 - Area blast pulverised the Mexican onyx (9) - ALABASTER*
17 - Spirit consumed by deviant genius first off to get drunk (9) - A?E?R?O?S (Addendum - (-g)INE{BRIO}US - Thanks to Venkatesh)
19 - Understood I'm out to get ferried (5) - (-im)PLIED
20 - Gate enclosure for the lawyer's quarter made more majestic (6) - {IN}BRED (Addendum - {NO{BL}{E}R} - Thanks to Venkatesh)
22 - Industry magnate in charge of ship … (7) - {TITAN}{IC}
24 - … at sea seeking berth in Long Island to get glassware (9) - I?T?I?I?I (Addendum - L{ATTICIN}I - See Neyartha's comments below)
25 - Fired editor lacks training specified for a particular movie genre (3-2) - SCI-FI Anno pending (Addendum - S(-pe)CIFI(-ed) - Thanks to Chaturvasi at the Orkut Group)
26 - Affirmative votes given by Nazi guards reportedly (5) - YESES(~ss)
27 - Alignment is altered (despite IT's absence) by some railway employees (9) - SIGNALMEN(-it)*
1 - Qualifier for crossing countries' borders (15) - TRANSLATABILITY [CD] I think this must be wrong that's why I am stumped by 17, 20 & 24A (Addendum - TRANSNATIONALLY [CD] - See Neyartha's comments, no wonder I was stumped as I had this wrong all along)
2 - Catalyst for Zulu chief to get involved with dirty money found in British river (9) - EX{OEN{Z}YM*}E
3 - Vest (a menswear item) featuring the parts of a flower (7) - STAMENS [T]
4 - Limits detailed on counter register for pest killer (10) - {TERMIN(-i)}{ATOR<-} )
5 - Words that may be spoken many times in jest (4) - TRUE [CD] Anno not clear However read this with 23D as part of the theme
6 - Spot a shoe company on the way to the old Indonesian capital (7) - {BATA}{VIA}
7 - Mark's estimate of gold purity for the auditor (5) - CARET(~carat)

8 - This may describe some unreleased movies (5-10) - UNDER-PRODUCTION [CD]
13 - Mortgage plug on site (10) - {WAD}{SETTING} New word for me had to google it
16 - Time period when cook's ennui is masked by the recipe involving milk for starters (9) - {T}{R}{I}{ENNIU*}{M}
18 - Makes new changes to rectify demerits after my initial loss (2-5) - RE-EDITS(-m)*
19 - Fool with a crown goes north to get a compound containing K (7) - {POT}{A}{SSA} <- )
21 - Sops for the Oriental to get rid of the hot tubs (5) - BATH(-e)S Should have been SOAPS?
23 - Some of the deadliest inventions (4) - LIES [T]
Friday, 19 March 2010
No 9794, Friday 19 Mar 10, M Manna
Bye to Manna and it's Neyartha for Saturday & Monday
1 - Possibly a hangman's noose? (7) - {NECK}{TIE}
5 - Making the waiting well worthwhile (7) - OVERTIP [CD]
9 - Twists and runs aground (7) - STRANDS [DD]
10 - A float with a baited hook and line for an angler (7) - TRIMMER ?
11 - Sapper admits sick in a small trench (5) - R{ILL}E
12 - Pins tress arranged for single girls (9) - SPINSTERS*
13 - An impoverished man — one cannot follow better! (9) - {MEND}{I}{CANT}
15 - Leapt around a corolla leaf (5) - PETAL*
16 - Seal softly mashed material for pottery making (5) - PASTE [DD]
18 - Capital fellows — in pairs as required (9) - PARISIANS*
21 - Citadel taking a cut and turning over store (9) - {A}{CROP}{OLIS<-} )
24 - A card to beat (5) - HEART [DD]
25 - States' alternative name — claim by Heather (7) - {AM}{ERICA}
26 - Dismiss with disgrace for his careless attitude (7) - CA{SHI*}ER*
27 - Carted away on time to reduce quantity (7) - {DETRAC*}{T}
28 - Gets rid of the sound of snow vehicles (7) - SLEIGHS (~slays)
1 - Possibly a hangman's noose? (7) - {NECK}{TIE}
5 - Making the waiting well worthwhile (7) - OVERTIP [CD]
9 - Twists and runs aground (7) - STRANDS [DD]
10 - A float with a baited hook and line for an angler (7) - TRIMMER ?
11 - Sapper admits sick in a small trench (5) - R{ILL}E
12 - Pins tress arranged for single girls (9) - SPINSTERS*
13 - An impoverished man — one cannot follow better! (9) - {MEND}{I}{CANT}
15 - Leapt around a corolla leaf (5) - PETAL*
16 - Seal softly mashed material for pottery making (5) - PASTE [DD]
18 - Capital fellows — in pairs as required (9) - PARISIANS*
21 - Citadel taking a cut and turning over store (9) - {A}{CROP}{OLIS<-} )
24 - A card to beat (5) - HEART [DD]
25 - States' alternative name — claim by Heather (7) - {AM}{ERICA}
26 - Dismiss with disgrace for his careless attitude (7) - CA{SHI*}ER*
27 - Carted away on time to reduce quantity (7) - {DETRAC*}{T}
28 - Gets rid of the sound of snow vehicles (7) - SLEIGHS (~slays)

1 - No sound form of medication (7) - {NO}{STRUM}
2 - She maybe involved with carol singing in New York (7) - {CAROL}{YN*}
3 - Inner gate conceals mandarin (9) - TANGERINE*

4 - Becomes comfortable from pain (5) - EASES [CD]
5 - A clothier striking a craftsman (9) - {OUT}{FITTER}
6 - Improves text when tied up in quarter (5) - {EDIT*}{S}
7 - Play ‘Stormy weather' (7) - TEMPEST [DD]
8 - Mean also to arrange personal cover (7) - {PAR}{ASOL*}
14 - An appealing individual! (9) - APPELLANT [CD]
15 - So the taps can be turned very quickly (9) - POSTHASTE*
16 - Place a piece of stiff paper on the notice board (7) - {PL}{A}{CARD}
17 - Sent holding uneasy agent to catch a snake! (7) - SE{RPE*}NT
19 - Giant graduate involved in reducing weight (7) - A{BA}TING*
20 - Ridicules South Africa, tries diversification (7) - {SA}{TIRES*}
22 - She is the leading singer in an opera (5) - PRIMA [CD] I thought it was Prima Donna
23 - Plunders a Spanish town of white wines (5) - SACKS [DD] Sack is not a Spanish town!! See the various meanings at the link.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
No 9793, Thursday 18 Mar 10, M Manna
1 - Within one hour, you'll see it on the beach (7) - S{H}INGLE
5 - Friend, sing around when placing stakes to fence (7) - {PAL}{INGS*}

9 - Her month to play a hoax? (5) - APRIL [DD]
10 - Read about a train crash — such a bloomer! (9) - C{A}{RNATI*}ON

11 - Improper for boy to stare at mammary glands (6) - {B}{REAST*} Why plural?
12 - Chief engineer is right to take money for a formal act (8) - {CE}{R}{EMONY*} Is this about Indian CE's ?
14 - The defence offered ‘in another place' (5) - ALIBI [CD]
15 - On which men who were detained once walked to work (9) - TREADMILL [CD]
18 - An unknown representation of the black knight (4,5) - {DARK} {HORSE}
20 - Pretext made for a sudden round of applause (5) - SALVO [DD]
22 - Cabin arranged for each member to cater to surrounding influence (8) - A{M}{BIANC*}E
24 - To climb the Himalayan mountains have him as a guide (6) - SHERPA [E]

26 - A critical point in the action of a play (9) - SITUATION [DD]
27 - Sort out a way to avoid strong heat (5) - RO{A}ST* Why avoid?
28 - No uncle ordered this little scrap (7) - NUCLEON*
29 - Furniture giving an actor some help (7) - DRESSER [DD]

1 - Leading director's right (9) - {STAR}{BOARD}
2 - National airlines flying about with no name? (7) - ISRAELI(-n)*
3 - Writer of work carrying a hallmark (9) - GOLDSMITH
4 - Make an artistic impression (4) - ETCH [CD]
5 - Continued steadfastly by itself against reed destruction (10) - {PERSE}{V}{ERED*} Nice clue
6 - Direction to seal proper contract to rent farm house (5) - {LEAS*}{E}
7 - Town whence Robinia sprang? (7) - NAIROBI*
8 - She has a beach and sun as well (5) - SANDY [DD]
13 - Draw sober artillery men into battle (10) - A{TT}{RA}CTION
16 - Five hundred is the price for release (9) - {D}{IS}{CHARGE}
17 - Tend to appear later (4,5) - {LOOK} {AFTER}
19 - Characteristic of a mechanical man (7) - ROBOTIC [CD]
21 - Lassos for horses? (7) - LARIATS [E]
22 - Gunner retires as son sets house on fire (5) - {AR<-}{SON}
23 - Informed of hostilities in east (5) - {A}{WAR}{E}
25 - Dine out with her (4) - ENID*
1 - Within one hour, you'll see it on the beach (7) - S{H}INGLE
5 - Friend, sing around when placing stakes to fence (7) - {PAL}{INGS*}

9 - Her month to play a hoax? (5) - APRIL [DD]
10 - Read about a train crash — such a bloomer! (9) - C{A}{RNATI*}ON

11 - Improper for boy to stare at mammary glands (6) - {B}{REAST*} Why plural?
12 - Chief engineer is right to take money for a formal act (8) - {CE}{R}{EMONY*} Is this about Indian CE's ?
14 - The defence offered ‘in another place' (5) - ALIBI [CD]
15 - On which men who were detained once walked to work (9) - TREADMILL [CD]
18 - An unknown representation of the black knight (4,5) - {DARK} {HORSE}
20 - Pretext made for a sudden round of applause (5) - SALVO [DD]
22 - Cabin arranged for each member to cater to surrounding influence (8) - A{M}{BIANC*}E
24 - To climb the Himalayan mountains have him as a guide (6) - SHERPA [E]

26 - A critical point in the action of a play (9) - SITUATION [DD]
27 - Sort out a way to avoid strong heat (5) - RO{A}ST* Why avoid?
28 - No uncle ordered this little scrap (7) - NUCLEON*
29 - Furniture giving an actor some help (7) - DRESSER [DD]

1 - Leading director's right (9) - {STAR}{BOARD}
2 - National airlines flying about with no name? (7) - ISRAELI(-n)*
3 - Writer of work carrying a hallmark (9) - GOLDSMITH
4 - Make an artistic impression (4) - ETCH [CD]
5 - Continued steadfastly by itself against reed destruction (10) - {PERSE}{V}{ERED*} Nice clue
6 - Direction to seal proper contract to rent farm house (5) - {LEAS*}{E}
7 - Town whence Robinia sprang? (7) - NAIROBI*
8 - She has a beach and sun as well (5) - SANDY [DD]
13 - Draw sober artillery men into battle (10) - A{TT}{RA}CTION
16 - Five hundred is the price for release (9) - {D}{IS}{CHARGE}
17 - Tend to appear later (4,5) - {LOOK} {AFTER}
19 - Characteristic of a mechanical man (7) - ROBOTIC [CD]
21 - Lassos for horses? (7) - LARIATS [E]
22 - Gunner retires as son sets house on fire (5) - {AR<-}{SON}
23 - Informed of hostilities in east (5) - {A}{WAR}{E}
25 - Dine out with her (4) - ENID*
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