Sunday, 9 October 2011

No 2655, Sunday 09 Oct 11

Another toughie today.
1   - Polish in Ulster, rioting (6) - LUSTRE*
4   - Hint from a close friend (8) - INTIMATE [DD]
9   - Leader of band in flat, the elder of two brothers (4,5) - DRUM MAJOR {DRUM} {MAJOR}
11 - Couple strike small child (5) - HITCH {HIT}{CH}
12 - Being hissed at shopping for a goose? (7,3,4) - GETTING THE BIRD
14 - Parking within remove exhaust (7) - DEPLETE {DE{P}LETE}
16 - Legal action brought against head, a fruitcake (7) - NUTCASE {NUT}{CASE}
17 - Collection in class (7) - VARIETY [DD]
19 - Conductor in rear of bus taking silver (7) - SARGENT {S}{ARGENT}
21 - Incautious deed worried those present at a TV recording? (6,8) - STUDIO AUDIENCE*
24 - Specialist area in hospital in French resort (5) - NICHE {NIC{H}E}
25 - Passing maple here that's rotten (9) - EPHEMERAL*
26 - Sweet shot may hit this window (5-3) - BULLS-EYE [DD]
27 - Ready to drive off, wearing harness (2,4) - IN GEAR [DD]
1   - Old gay criminal and prima donna in a romantic comedy film (4,6) - LADY GODIVA {LADY GO*}{DIVA}
2   - Bypass small pack of hounds (5) - SHUNT {S}{HUNT}
3   - Lettuce and eggs chief's brought in (7) - ROMAINE Anno pending ROMAIN{E} (Addendum - {RO{MAIN}E} - See comments)
5   - Novel PM distributes inside (5,3,5) - NORTH AND SOUTH {NORT{H AND S OUT}H}
6   - People in uniform (7) - INHABIT {IN}{HABIT}
7   - Every other substitute (9) - ALTERNATE [DD]
8   - Italian novelist must collect hard copy (4) - ECHO {EC{H}O}
10 - Old golf club taking two years to get to grips with fire-raiser's mischief (7-6) - JIGGERY-POKERY {JIGGER}{Y}-{POKER}{Y}
13 - Top actor not quite becoming top author (10) - BESTSELLER {BEST}{SELLERs}
15 - One despicable person in photo, a Latin practising robbery on the high seas (9) - PIRATICAL {P{I}{RAT}IC}{A}{L}
18 - Continuing too long, and with no purpose? (7) - ENDLESS [DD]
20 - Film of artist, US portrait painter (4,3) - RAIN MAN {RA}{IN MAN}
22 - Regular turned up with bandaged right cheek (5) - NERVE {NE{R}VE<-}
23 - Cold shoulder and rolls served up (4) - SNUB <-


  1. Lettuce and eggs chiefs brought in

    RO (MAIN) E

  2. I was expecting a picture of Lady Godiva!

  3. Dave

    To whet your curiosity, here:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. David, if you want to see her, go, lose your head and go back !

  6. 26 - Sweet shot may hit this window (5-3) - BULLS-EYE [DD]

    This not only reminded of the sweet def which used to appear in children's books, but also of half fried 'sunny side up' eggs. Huevos y bacon, the Spaniard in Asterix, can be normally translated as eggs and bacon. Abnormally, huevos is also used as a swear word.

    This character has really colourful names. Refer:

  7. 26 A is a triple definition - Sweet // shot may hit this //window

  8. You are right, Sandy. Wow!


    GO (DIVA(-d)<-)

  9. @kishore

    I did always like that there was a touch of inverted diva in me - somebody peel me a grape!
