Tuesday 14 February 2012

No 10385, Tuesday 14 Feb 11, Sankalak

1   - Wide range available in medium wave (9) - AMPLITUDE [DD]
5   - Get ready to bat (3,2) - PAD UP [E]
8   - British jug for a beer-maker (6) - BREWER {BR}{EWER}
9   - Lama, born challenged, unusual (8) - ABNORMAL*
11 - Sudden movement in a plant (4) - ROSE [DD] (Addendum - RUSH [DD] - See comments)
12 - Claim derived from a proper genesis (9) - BIRTHRIGHT {BIRTH}{RIGHT}
14 - Note — a manuscript needing lots of paper (5) - REAMS {RE}{A}{MS}
15 - Narrow openings in little insular areas, say (7) - EYELETS (~islets)
16 - Passage off an old pamphlet (7) - EXTRACT {EX}{TRACT}
17 - The tribesman to give Red leader a stretch (5) - MAORI {MAO}{RI}
19 - A strange sign in Acre growing in size (10) - INCREASING*
20 - Slog with some flab, a burden (4) - BABU [T]
22 - Standards for conservative ritual over disturbed air (8) - CRITERIA {C}{RITE}{AIR*}
23 - Coating formed on a can carried by personal assistant (6) - PATINA {P{A}{TIN}A}
24 - Admonition for one hesitating to take a seat (2,3) - DO SIT [CD]
25 - Submissiveness of engineers in armed forces (9) - DEFERENCE {DEF{ER}ENCE} (Addendum - {DEFE{RE}NCE} - See comments)
1   - The colour of gold set on fire? (6) - AUBURN {AU}{BURN}
2   - Persuasion of an unpleasant kind resulting when ecstatic pursers dance (8,7) - PRESSURE TACTICS*
3   - Chilled by diamonds beginning to dazzle (4) - ICED {ICE}{D}
4   - Aggravation caused when restless, reticent mob met without commanding officer (12) - EMBITTERMENT {RETIcENT+MoB+MET}*
5   - Support, author said, for the owner (10) - PROPRIETOR {PROP}{RIETOR}(~writer)
6   - Removing the pull of metal on metal (15) - DEMAGNETISATION [E]
7   - The abilities to distinguish taste — of a bit of ambrosia in dishes! (7) - PALATES {P{A}LATES}
10 - Not content to see that daughter is pleased (12) - DISSATISFIED {D}{IS}{SATISFIED}
13 - Control that Megan meant to be restructured (10) - MANAGEMENT*
16 - English editor imbibed French wine, cold, as shown (7) - EVINCED {E}{VIN}{C}{ED}
18 - Gas needing a new tube perhaps (6) - BUTANE {A+N+TUBE}*
21 - A musical not for the bald! (4) - HAIR [DD]


  1. 25a - Engineers should be translated to ERs. Am I missing something here?

  2. Somehow, I find 11a to be incorrect...may be the tense..

    11a - Sudden movement in a plant (4) - ROSE [DD]

  3. 11A should be RUSH.

    Anno for 25A should read as DEFE(RE)NCE.

    1. @Suresh on 11a - I agree.

      Rush -
      (v). To make a sudden or swift attack or charge
      (n). a sudden surge towards someone or something

  4. How do you manage to post the answers by 8:30 AM irrespective of the difficulty level?! :) Amazing.
    I guess the Sankalaks take you less than 5 mins to complete!

    1. Many of us wondered about this.
      'and still the wonder grew,
      that one small head could carry all he knew'

    2. Thanks Chandrasekhar,

      However haste makes waste also, that's why I make mistakes like in 11A & 25A

  5. 20 Ac. It should have been "slogger" and not "slog". My typing error, made in a last minute correction, as I was unhappy with the original clue!


    1. Tks for the clarification. Whether they do so in practice is a moot point

  6. At least, they used to in earlier days!

  7. I still keep wondering how Col. used to do that even for (you know who)'s CW's !! That needed more mind reading than clue reading.

  8. What's the anno. for RI in MAORI?

  9. Stretch = Rigorous Imprisonment = RI

