Friday 17 February 2012

No 10388, Friday 17 Feb 12, Sankalak

1   - Under par, not up to the mark (5,8) - BELOW STANDARD {BELOW} {STANDARD}
10 - In an old place, alien gets across people, becoming used to it (9) - INUREMENT {IN}{UR}{E{MEN}T}
11 - Supernatural being puts defence wing back on track (5) - FAIRY {FAI<-}{RY}
12 - Fruit universal in Georgia and Virginia (5) - GUAVA {G{U}A}{VA}
13 - Kind of memory needed for storing information (9) - RETENTIVE [E]
14 - Choose one of two (6) - PREFER [E]
16 - Plans made on 13th April about Austria (5) - IDEAS {IDE{A}S}
19 - Unlikely story of confusion in Sri Lanka (5) - SPIEL {S{PIE}L}
20 - Pelted, got very drunk (6) - STONED [DD]
25 - Represent by a figure how boys smile somehow (9) - SYMBOLISE*
26 - Parts of cow used as food beginning to turn smelly (5) - TRIPE {T}{RIPE}
27 - Highway from the heart (5) - AORTA [DD]
28 - Cries in NE exposed as hypocritical (9) - INSINCERE*
29 - Strength needed when getting the sack following editor's return? (13) - DETERMINATION {DE<-}{TERMINATION}
2   - Tried to do better than a bird, overdue, beginning to despair (8) - EMULATED {EMU}{LATE}{D}
3   - Musical work written in hope rather than reason (5) - OPERA [T]
4   - Drink that can make one go wrong in modest surroundings (6) - SHERRY {SH{ERR}Y}
5   - Capacity that makes UTI adept perhaps (8) - APTITUDE*
6   - One charged to protect worker (9) - DEFENDANT {DEFEND}{ANT}
7   - Dry fruit which, for the artist, is trendy (6) - RAISIN {RA}{IS}{IN}
8   - Call using the last word about gun culture (4,2) - RING UP {RI{NG U*}P}
9   - Sorts unknown in a backward Irish clan (5) - TYPES {T{Y}PES<-}
15 - Personage, one deployed without right in spying (9) - ESPIONAGE [PErSONAGE+i}*
17 - Food shop with spirit accommodates one in a state of confusion (8) - DELIRIUM {DELI}{R{I}UM}
18 - Lead player opposed to start? (8) - ANTIHERO [CD]
21 - Fuel extracted from oilseed, nothing less (6) - DIESEL oILSEED*
22 - Some writing by the old about a ship in retreat (5) - ESSAY {E{SS}{A}Y}<-
23 - Shadows seen by doctor starting research in the Emirates (6) - UMBRAE {U.{MB}{R}A.E.}
24 - Time of year — a marine issue? (6) - SEASON {SEA}{SON}
26 - A doctrine enshrined in a remote network (5) - TENET [T]


  1. Sorry for the delay forgot to hit the 'Publish' button!!

  2. For a second I thought i have scored over Colonel.

  3. Odd. While the time of publishing shows as 9.57 AM (presume it is correct, why do the comments show 8.57 and 8.58 PM?

    1. The problem has been there for a few days, I think blogger is trying to sort it out

  4. I thought ides always falls on the middle of the month. I was surprised to see April 13th as IDES in today's clue. When I googled I got the answer:

    The Kalends always falls on the first of the month
    The Nones falls on the fifth, except as described by the following poem:
    March, July, October, May
    The Nones are on the seventh day
    The Ides falls 8 days after the Nones.

  5. I entered "RETENTION" for 13A and went for a toss and could not get the types of 9D.
