Saturday, 14 December 2013

No 10956, Saturday 14 Dec 2013, xChequer

I'm all thumbs as usual with Exchequer.

1   Imitation ring, extremely phoney, detected in carbon scan? (7) COPYCAT {C}{O}{PhonY}{CAT}
5   Long live rent setback in city (3,4) TEL AVIV {TEL} {AVIV}<=
9   Bird hopping over new motor car’s dicky (9) (Addendum - CORMORANT {CORMORA{N}T*} - See comments)
10 One in five good men zip in America (5) VIGOR {V}{1}{G}{OR}
11 Cause an initial change in its outcome (6) EFFECT (-a+e)EFFECT
12 Perhaps one in five running across is a priest (Rabbi included) (7) (Addendum - ISRAELI {IS}{R}{A}{ELI} - See comments)
14 Spindle seen in large tool boxes (4) AXLE {AX{L}E}
15 Belly dancing in guided tours is a device to take people for a ride (10) TROLLEYBUS*
19 Recoils in wild anger during periods of depression? The opposite! (10) BOOMERANGS {BOOM{ANGER*}S}
20 Very excited to find gas in western state (4) AGOG {A{G}OG<=}
22 What’s produced is not in shape (7) OUTTURN {OUT}{TURN}
25 Cardinal having half-normal vision? (6) TWENTY TWENTY-twenty
27 Adventures with birds (5) LARKS [DD]
28 Focus in awfully boring web meeting without taking sides (9) NEUTRALLY {NE{awfUlly}T}{RALLY}
29 Seeped out at a place far offshore and far below (4,3) DEEP SEA {DEEP SE*}{A}
30 What comes after a rest? Hassles! (7) BOTHERS [CD] (Addendum - {B}{OTHERS} - See comments)

1   Empty boast from dawn, sheer nonsense (4) COCK COCKcrow ?
2   Left clumsy fool holding independent charge (9) PORTFOLIO {PORT}{FOL{I}O*}
3   Key piece missing in chain or necklace (6) CHOKER Anno pending (Addendum - {CH}{O{KEy}R} - See comments)
4   Shot traitor hiding at restaurant (9) TRATTORIA {TR{AT}TORIA*}
5   All together express disapproval over rejected appeal (5) TUTTI {TUT}{TI<=}
6   Be free around base wearing a uniform (8) LIVERIED
7   Very fit general (5) VAGUE {V}{AGUE}
8   Private art exhibition is never organised around fall (10) VERNISSAGE {VERNIS{SAG}E*} Thanks to Sandhya from Orkut
13 Starting to binge in the morning and drunk around beginning of lunch made a fool of one (10) BAMBOOZLED {B}{AM}{BOOZ{L}ED}
16 Source of illumination in new big hut? Two pounds should cover it (5-4) LIGHT-BULB {L}{IGHT-BU*}{LB}
17 Opening in dance with oriental piece of music (9) BAGATELLE {BA{GATE}LL}{E}
18 Legacies live on, mission ending in success (8) BEQUESTS {BE}{QUEST}{S}
21 Lament from royal bird (6) REGRET {R}{EGRET}
23 Short after several folds (5) TERSE [T]
24 Erstwhile professional assassin essentially seen in Japan (5) NINJA [T]
26 Spot gold primarily moving up, so get ‘goldbricks’? (4) GYPS Anno pending (Addendum - {SPY}{G}<= - See comments)


  1. 12 Perhaps one in five running across is a priest (Rabbi included) (7) {IS}{R}{A}{ELI}

    1. R for RUN is okay but can it be extended to RUNNING?

    2. Running across used (apart from surface) to distinguish 5ac from 5d. Not part of the wordplay

  2. 9 Bird hopping over new motor car’s dicky (9) CORMORA{N}T*

    1. Good surface reading - good anag signal (dicky) - good inserticator (hopping over).
      Yet the clue as a whole falls.

      Qn: is the order of operations indicated clearly?

      We can interpret like this:

      Bird - def
      hopping over new - going over N
      [is] motor car’s dicky - motorcar anagramed

      The problem is the missing 'is' and the intrusive 's
      which doesn't make cryptic reading coherent.
      Trust I have made myself clear and pointed out where the problem lies.

    2. I see it like this

      Bird = Definition
      hopping over new = going over N
      motor car = MOTOR CAR
      's dicky = is dicky = Anind

    3. The question is whether these operations are indicated properly - whether the cryptic grammar is right.

    4. Does this work?

      Flier in new motorcar's dicky (9)

      Flier as in pamphlet/ bird.

      Surface isn't great, but I though I'll use the same fodder

    5. On second thoughts it seems to be OK.

    6. 9 Bird in new motor car’s dicky (9) CORMORA{N}T*

      Why does the clue need "hopping over"? When the fodder is N+MOTOR+CAR?

    7. I think it's prolly for the surface. A bird inside a dicky would suffocate and die - not a pleasant image that.

  3. Spot - SPY
    gold primarily - G
    moving up, so get - rev ind, so GYPS '
    'goldbricks’? (4) GYPS - cheats. I uunderstand 'goldbricks' means cheats - avoids work while performing duty

  4. 3 Key piece missing in chain or necklace (6) CHOKER (Can't figure out the anno)

  5. 1 Empty boast from dawn, sheer nonsense (4) CACK (anno pending)

    1. The intended ans might be COCK.

      Cock is a bird that heralds the dawn and 'cock' also means 'nonsense' as in cock and bull story.

      A strutting person is known as 'cock' but I am not sure if it also means 'empty boast'.

    2. COCK means utter nonsense. So Empty boast

    3. Intended wordplay was Cockcrow minus crow, ie remove boast from dawn. Deepak's original anno too

  6. Deepak
    The anno must be shown as

    {SPY}{G} <=

    following the solution GYPS

  7. Got the anno:
    3 Key piece missing in chain or necklace (6) {CH}{O{KE(-y)}R }

  8. I got ISRAELI, but do not get how it is one of five.

  9. 'Perhaps one in five' and as Five is TEL AVIV 'Perhaps one in Tel Aviv' is an Israeli

    1. That is right. Actually I had got it after entering it but forgot that I had got it. Does that make sense?

    2. One in 'five'.Is this fair? Aren't clue numbers referred to in clues, to be numerals, as convention?

    3. You're right.

      In a clue if a number refers to an answer from another clue, it must be in the form of 5, 3, 8, etc, not five, three, eight.

      OTOH, 'five' in words will be a component yielding V, etc.

    4. That must be the reason why I did not comprehend the anno given here but I didn't ask. However, I got the answer from postings of others.

    5. It may be a break from convention. But not unfair in my opinion. In fact, it is variety like this that makes solving enjoyable.

  10. Good that Exchequer's one was slotted for a Saturday. Just about managed to clear the finish line. Needed the dictionary for vernissage & this blog for annos of Israeli & choker.

  11. Another pangram from Exchequer.

  12. Today also Crossword is on the last page. May be it is on trial!

    1. Had to use the search feature to locate it in the online edition. Couldn't find it directly.

    2. I would be happy if this was to continue

    3. My response of 1:36 is to Vijay's comment, not Deepak's. Watching Deepak struggle would not give me any peassure.

    4. The most ideal position for the crossword is bottom left or top left of the last page.
      We can rule out bottom left because if there are many ads they will take away that space.
      Top left should be available - unless the whole of the back page is an ad.
      But I don't see that happening because the left-to-right order now is religion-archive-CWD.
      I would think that it's the page level of the day's edition that is pushing the Variety segment to the last page.
      The back page is very important for a paper and its economy and it just cannot continue to have the Variety section.
      Of course, the back-page position makes it very easy for us to reduce the paper to a quarter-size (without any opening and refolding pages) and fill in comfortably.
      Many UK papers too shifting the crossword and there are complaints from readers.

  13. Regarding 30 A : What comes after a rest? Hassles (7) BOTHERS (CD)

    I had this anno as a charade as follows:

    What comes after "a" -- "B"
    rest -- others
    Hassles -- Keyword -- Bothers

  14. That's why I couldn't figure out the CD part. Nice clue BTW.

  15. It's all 'thumbs down' for me ! Found it (CW) a hard nut to crack ! Hope xChequer would make it a bit easier in the next round. Thanking in advance :)
