Sunday 1 December 2013

No 2767, Sunday 01 Dec 2013

1   Comic jokes about heading for Paris, a capital city (6) SKOPJE {SKO{P}JE*}
4   Behave flamboyantly in musical (8) SHOWBOAT [DD]
9   Dull day back at yard (6) DREARY {D}{REAR}{Y}
10 Forefather? No trace, unfortunately, around the south (8) ANCESTOR {ANCE{S}TOR*}
11 Cold? Olivier prepared a vitamin supplement (3-5,3) COD-LIVER OIL*
14 Demure maiden I married (3) MIM {M}{I}{M}
15 Old-fashioned, for a newspaper (6,3,5) BEHIND THE TIMES {BEHIND} {THE TIMES}
17 Authority quickly shown after suspension of early business meeting? (5,9) POWER BREAKFAST {POWER} {BREAK}{FAST}
21 Fish in the Elbe (3) EEL [T]
22 A new US state formed? That could be extremely good (5,2,1,3) SWEET  AS A NUT
23 Find out about record surplus (8) DISCOVER {DISC}{OVER}
25 Trouble with crew (6) WEIGHT {W}{EIGHT}
26 Set off from college in time (8) DETONATE {D{ETON}ATE}
27 Underwear from shopping complex on board ship (6) SMALLS {S{MALL}S}

1   Win over extremely sensible leader (6) SEDUCE {SensiblE}{DUCE}
2   Finished straight behind (7) OVERDUE {OVER}{DUE}
3   Ornamental pots and wide-mouthed container with reeds in, I suspect (11) JARDINIERES {JAR}{DINIERES*}
5   Worker working with courage, honestly (4,2,5) HAND ON HEART {HAND} {ON} {HEART}
6   Had on? Runs off in misery (3) WOE WOrE
7   Prefer mother to bring one in the very best (7) OPTIMUM {OPT}{1}{MUM}
8   Dessert - it is a rum concoction (8) TIRAMISU* Favourite dessert of crossword setters.
12 Soldiers in on desert manoeuvres, getting green light (11) ENDORSEMENT {ENDORS{MEN}T*}
13 Released pent-up emotions, then forgave silly mates (3,3,5) LET OFF STEAM {LET OFF} {MATES*}
16 Marvellous spindle carved by daughter (8) SPLENDID {SPINDLE*}{D}
18 Shaft prepared, strongly built (4-3) WELL-SET {WELL}-{SET}
19 Country girl seen weaving ahead (7) SENEGAL {SEEN*}{GAL}
20 Briefly declare American position (6)  STATUS {STATe}{US}
24 Admit dress is topless (3) OWN gOWN


  1. 22A - It could be hazardous to describe someone found extremely good to be as sweet as a nut ! ;-)

    1. Especially if you have nut allergy!

    2. From knotty gags to nutty ones...

    3. Especially when 'NUT' is cranky!

  2. IXL Grand Finale will be at Teri Auditorium, Domlur, Bangalore on 21.12.2013 as per their site. Further details awaited.

  3. Am I the only one or do others too find the Sunday crosswords easier than the daily ones

    1. I too finds it easier as the surface is clean, similar to SANKALAK & GRIDMAN.
