Sunday 15 December 2013

No 2769, Sunday 15 Dec 2013

1   Leave name on pot in specialist language (6) JARGON {JAR}{GO}{N}
4   Small telescope agent put in front of good girl (8) SPYGLASS {SPY}{G}{LASS}
9   Fit to eat from deli? Be prepared! (6) EDIBLE*
10 Rebel, warty, let out (3,5) WAT TYLER*
11 Merry individual in charge of rowers? (3,4,3,5) ONE OVER THE EIGHT {ONE} {OVER} {THE EIGHT}
13 Father to study certificate for show (3,7) POP CONCERT {POP} {CON}{CERT}
15 Some without a home, in a state (4) UTAH [T]
17 Little woman in punt with husband (4) BETH {BET}{H}
18 A tall nurse treated comic actor (4,6) STAN LAUREL*
21 Potentially great, one guy in a French film (5,3,4,3) ANNIE GET YOUR GUN {GREAT+ONE+GUY+IN}*{UN}
23 Crack marksman still (8) SNAPSHOT {SNAP}{SHOT}
24 Guide by hand (6) MANUAL [DD]
25 Forever in entirety, possibly (8) ETERNITY*
26 Keep terriers in check (6) RETAIN {RE{TA}IN}

1   One imposed on, pensioner supporting US soldiers (3,4) JOE SOAP {JOE S}{OAP} Had to cheat on this one.
2   Inflate article during climb (5) RAISE {R{A}ISE}
3   Old boy playing violin in ignorance (8) OBLIVION {OB}{VIOLIN*}
5   Drink, especially pleasing thing, make unknown (5,6) PEACH BRANDY {PEACH} {BRAND}{Y}
6   Channel in front of gondola, say (6) GUTTER {G}{UTTER}
7   Reptile flying at gorilla (9) ALLIGATOR*
8   Withdraw cash (7) SCRATCH [DD]
12 Make waves, as the sea may? (4,3,4) ROCK THE BOAT [DD]
14 Ruler in old marquee entertained by head (9) POTENTATE {P{O}{TENT}ATE}
16 A Stuart warring close to watercourse in flood (8) SATURATE {A+STUART}*{E}
17 Reportedly noisy golf club (7) BRASSIE (~brassy)
19 All in on processing a wool extract (7) LANOLIN*
20 Not as busy in class? (6) LESSON {LESS}{ON}
22 Father eating last on menu, a Dutch cheese (5) GOUDA {GO{U}D}{A}


  1. Good morning. It's amazing as to how you manage to crack tough clues like today's.

    I could get only a few like EDIBLE, UTAH, BETH, ETERNITY, OBLIVION, ALLIGATOR, SCRATCH and GOUDA. The last one reminded me of the former premier. I knew the name but was not sure of the anno.

  2. 1 One imposed on, pensioner supporting US soldiers (3,4) JOE SOAP

    The link to Joe Soap needs to be changed - it is showing The Hub.

  3. Will change the link later.
    Special at 10:30 by Barker

  4. Col., I think Beth should have a link to "Little women" ( Louisa May Alcott's book) where Meg,Jo,Beth & Amy are the lead characters
