Thursday, 30 January 2014

No 10995, Thursday 30 Jan 2014, Sankalak

1   Malicious gossip who had better be kept in one’s sight! (9) BACKBITER [CD] That should have been 'gossiper'
5   Poplar variety, a species easily nurtured initially (5) ASPEN {A}{SP}{E}{N}
8   Icy lunar formation shows the kind of skill needed in the kitchen (8) CULINARY*
9   Emotional problem? Put the phone down (4-2) HANG-UP [DD]
11 Overweight, like some of these bovines in retreat (5) OBESE [T<=]
12 Dote on duo oddly and find which one doesn’t quite belong (3,3,3) ODD ONE OUT*
13 Plump pixie retreats, self-conscious (6) FLESHY {FLE<=}{SHY}
14 It’s a man’s version of a part of the logarithm (8) MANTISSA*
16 Worthy of admiration, girl is outwardly fit (8) ADORABLE {A{DORA}BLE}
18 Jolts caused by slightly sweet white wines (6) SHOCKS {S}{HOCKS}
22 Such a dinner might as well be due to power outage (9) CANDLELIT [CD]
23 In the fireplace it has a good charge (5) GRATE {G}{RATE}
24 Became straight — from a corrupt state? (6) UNBEND [CD]
25 Rare mice variety with more fat (8) CREAMIER*
26 Time to request squadron leader for jobs (5) TASKS {T}{ASK}{S}
27 Piece of cardboard much prized by wannabe NRIs (5,4) GREEN CARD [CD]

1   Footballer, no longer fresh, may retreat from action (4,3) BACK OFF {BACK} {OFF}
2   In a mix of pics article is replaced by English place of learning (7) COLLEGE COLL(-a+e)EGE
3   Banned healers in confusion get top attention in newspapers (6,9) BANNER HEADLINES*
4   Fish found by petty officer in mountain lake (6) TARPON {TAR{PO}N}
5   Not in favour of rice, say, contrary to natural inclination (7,3,5) AGAINST THE GRAIN {AGAINST} {THE GRAIN}
6   Unpleasant people take a long time with birds (7) PIGEONS {PIG{EON}S} A pair of Spotted Doves have set up home on my terrace.
7   Oil that causes new ulcer in the mouth (7) NAPHTHA {N}{APHTHA}
10 Attach an American weapon to get the antelope (5) ADDAX {ADD}{AX} Never heard of thia antelope before
15 In a secretive way, unknown ills are treated (5) SLILY {Y+ILLS}*
16 Report on a relationship with the bank (7) ACCOUNT [DD]
17 Stand-in, in a short time, returns with a combined edition of books (7) OMNIBUS {OM}{NI}{BUS}<=
19 Old empress caught with gold threadnew article (7) CZARINA {C}{ZARI}{N}{A}
20 Cut off, was that woman a revolutionary? (7) SHEARED [SHE}{A}{RED}
21 Celebrity, very English, can go without food (6) STARVE {STAR}{V}{E}


  1. 1 Malicious gossip who had better be kept in one’s sight! (9) BACKBITER [CD]
    That should have been 'gossiper'

    GOSSIP and GOSSIPER are both synonymous.

  2. Before I am accused of causing heart attacks, may I confess that the headline given in the toon is fake

    1. I was about to make a comment about it when I saw your post. In any case no one will take it to be real- no chance!

  3. After reading the first couple of lines, I came here and was going to write that 'gossip' itself is also a noun with the meaning of 'one who tells tales'.
    BTW, I don't find 'gossiper' in Chambers.
    Is there any support for that?
    There are some other old, amusing meanings for 'gossip'. See BRB.

    1. I did not find it in OED too. But it was mentioned in Webster's which leads me to think it is probably an U.S.version.

    2. CV 8:46: Similarly, 'cheater' and 'pickpocketers' are being used while 'cheat' and 'pickpocket' are nouns by themselves.

      After being in circulation for many years, such words quietly get into OED and attain an aura of respectability.

    3. Is BACKBITES correct? I did solve that way.,

  4. Kishore
    Is the misprint in the banner headline[in your cartoon] a deliberate tilt at any newspaper?

    1. Nope. My bad. Just sent an update to Col. Thanks for pointing out. Deepak, kindly use second update.

    2. My intention was just to pun on 'Banner'

  5. Aphtha was new to me. I also realised the 2 versions of Czarina. I filled in Tsarina and was in for shocks ( I mean got caught for 18A)

    1. The third version is Zarina (Wahab)

    2. Leave it to (not Psmith) but to the punster to make pun out of names too!

    3. Tsorry, Anna ...

  6. I had my doubt before filling in Aspen- 'sp' for initially for species?

    1. Sp - abbr for *species* & Initially for *E* asily *N* urtured .

  7. Thank you LV. I always get into problems with abbreviations (bugbear?)

    1. I was not fully happy with the clue, as originally means we take one letter only which is at the beginning of the word (when you have to pick the beginning letters from multiple words) and not one in one word, two in another word etc., whether it has abbreviation or not. Since this is a simple known word we could get the answer quickly. Imagine our plight if it were to be a totally unknown word.

  8. 17d Stand-in = OM - One Moment?

    1. Please see correction for OM - One Moment @ 1:03

    2. MO means indefinitely short time and it reverses in this clue to give OM. Stand-in is Substitute, short form of which is SUB. It also reverses in the clue. IN reverses to give NI.

  9. Yesterday's ACAD Crossword clue was interesting. I was satisfied with my answer after googling only. I don't think many students would have tried the clue. They would have simply put the answer for the first part without understanding how it fits for the second half of the clue,.

  10. THC fans, am sure, everywhere,
    Have had 3 puzzles beyond compare,
    Clues so perfect, never trite,
    Thank you, Sankalak, Solver's delight!

  11. Sumitra@12.59-

    A poem matching Sankalak's CW! One good turn deserves another. Only grouse is that of late it has whittled down to 3 only,for understandable reasons though.

  12. Three days of smooth sailing and expecting the trend to continue for the next six days, with Gridman at the wheel !

  13. Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Padmanabhan, but the crossword is way above! We now have to wait long for the short spell if 3, but it's well worth the wait.

  14. Lovely cw.clear-cut & pointed cluesare typial of sankalak's, the veteran. Also the same is enjoyed with relish as the journey obviously leads to fairy tale end.

  15. 24A : Became straight — from a corrupt state? (6) UNBEND [CD]

    Answer, could it be UNBENT pl ?

  16. I have forgotten to mention yesterday's clue in ACAD. It is

    Makes cakes, designed low-cost housing (5)

    1. Could you pls explain how it fits the second part of the clue ?

  17. 7D Aphthous ulcer in the mouth is a term well known to the medical fraternity.

  18. Sumitra, good to have a budding poet in our midst!
    And I always enjoy Kishore's excellent cartoons, too.
    This blog provides all round entertainment, besides the CW, itself, of course!!
    Thank you, all!

  19. @ Nadathur Rajan - Need to communicate with you.

    Can you email me at RLASRADO(at the rate of)GMAIL(dot)COM - all in lower case?

    Or text your email ID to +91 94802 00000. Thanks.

  20. Thank you, Rita. It was just heartfelt appreciation and gratitude, probably influenced by 'The Hobbit', which I just read:)
