Thursday 12 May 2016

No 11698, Thursday 12 May 2016, Afterdark

The Hindu Crossword now has an interactive version. See under 'LINKS' on the panel on the left.

1   Media broadcast on excitement at Buddhist school is of little value (1,4,1,5) A DIME A DOZEN {A DIME}* {A DO}{ZEN}
9   Say, Jack's partner working to receive a huge amount (7) JILLION {JILL}{1}{ON}
10 Banks love to collect Euros regularly to chase target (7) LENDERS {L}{END}{EuRoS} L for Love?
11 Singers chapter has men without ego (5) CHOIR {CH}{O{I}R}
12 Ignored new ideas after changing sides in attack (4,5) LAID ASIDE {(-r+l)LAID} {IDEAS}*
13 Entrance of hotel nightclub turned inside (5) INLET [T<=]
15 Vendor upset about an end-product; Engineer redesigned (9) RENOVATED {VENDOR}* around {A}{p...cT}{En...r}
18 Maybe, scenery around South Africa is unavoidable (9) NECESSARY {NECES{SA}RY*}
21 Funny man replacing lady brings pain (5) COLIC CO(-m+l)LIC
22 Country man seen behind a road in Australia (9) ARGENTINA {A}{R}{GENT}IN}{Au...a}
24 After mid-morning, NASA distributes breads (5) NAANS {m..N..g}{NASA}*
26 Cat hair is used to make an instrument (7) CITHARA*
27 Thrust in action postponed (7) DELAYED {DE{LAY}ED}
28 Call-girls from professional colleges not fashionable (11) PROSTITUTES {PRO}{inSTITUTES}

1   A leaderless opposition is for humiliation (9) ABJECTION {A}{oBJECTION}
2   Big looking houses/shelters of people in Greenland (5) IGLOO [T]
3   Resettles monthly instalment charges including a grand (9) EMIGRATES {EMI}{G}{RATES}
4   Medical officer receives direction for promo material (7) DANGLER {D{ANGLE}R}
5   Maybe 9 Ac., 9 Ac. received last letter earlier to dump Jack (7) ZILLION (-j+z)ZILLION
6   Primarily no income, no jobs, assets needed for this loan in US (5) NINJA Acrostic
7   Railway official blocks inaccurate mailer for payment (8) REMITTAL {TT} in {MAILER}*
8   Perhaps, Capri lies all over the place (4) ISLE*
14 Execute heartlessly, access a movable barrier (8) LYCHGATE {LYnCH}{GATE} Why 'movable'?
16 L&T found an empty space (6,3) VACANT LOT {Nothing/VACANT/O in LT}
17 Coeds skid carelessly in areas near pier (9) DOCKSIDES*
19 Thanks to a soldier seen earlier moving in a hurried manner (7) AGITATO {TA}{TO}<=>{A}{GI}
20 Endless desire to get stud for a long time (7) YEARDOT {YEARn}{DOT}
22 Circular chamber contains vault (4) ARCH [T]
23 American association caught in a nap suddenly (5) NAACP {C} in {A+NAP}* Is this enumeration correct?
25 Somehow stayed without daughter up to now (2,3) AS YET STAYEd*



  1. 10 Banks love to collect Euros regularly to chase target (7) LENDERS {L}{END}{EuRoS} L for Love?

    L is an abbreviation for LOVE in internet slang

  2. Nice one from Afterdark. Not too taxing, but quite fun!
    Filled in 21A intially as COMIC but had to change to COLIC because of 7D REMITTAL.

  3. Great ride from Afterdark - a million thanks to him and to DG!

    I share the reservation on the enumeration for NAACP. Also, in 21a, the clue as phrased suggest M replacing L rather than the other way around.

    I was thrilled to see the link for online solving at the top of the crossword today! I travel a lot and often can't get the Hindu - this will make life easier. Kudos - and a huge vote of thanks - to those responsible for this happy development.

  4. I wonder if AD set this puzzle when he was away from home when he did not have access to his usual workplace and tools and files. I was taken aback a little this morning when I saw the fill-in grid because it is one of six that I created and have been using cyclically since 2001. I am not saying that the grid should not have been used; I am only saying that it has been used.

  5. Great news! Congrats to AD Sir for the first interactive puzzle

    1. Congrats AD. Admiral Katari was the first to be published in The Hindu print edition & AD becomes the first to be published in the interactive online edition

    2. Haha. Sheer luck. Thanks to the unpredictability of some setters appearing only in random months :)

  6. Regarding 16D: I parsed it as when Lot is vacant, (the letter O is removed) , L&T is found.

  7. Great news for the interactive will be helpful for people like me..the android version is also good..only problem is that the puzzle does not come on time...
    Nice puzzle too...had to stretch for SW corners...NAACP..unusual to get an abbreviation..same doubt for colic..clue leading to comic..

    1. I had issues with the keyboard. It kept filling multiple letters into a single box. Did you have the same problem too?

    2. Seems browser dependent. Happens on chrome, but not on some other browser

  8. Regarding 16D: I parsed it as when Lot is vacant, (the letter O is removed) , L&T is found.

  9. I think 14D could be Lockgate because lockgates are movable. I don't know if it is a single word. Enjoyable crossword today.

  10. Was unable to locate any reference to YEARDOT as one word. Enjoyed the interactive version.

  11. As many here, have the connections to the paper, I earnestly ask them to disable the solution button until the next day (as it is the case with the paper version) . The temptation is hard to resist.

    1. In most (all?) cases where newspapers put up non-competitive puzzles online, the solution is available along with the puzzle (e.g., the Guardian, The Independent, the Daily Mail). It is only for competitive puzzles (like the Guardian prize puzzle on Saturdays) that the solution is withheld till the entry deadline is over. The Hindu is, thus, following what has become standard practice. I am afraid the solution (!) is to practise more self-control! :)

  12. I just checked out the online version and discovered one problematic feature - even as one is entering letters, each letter shows up as green or red depending on whether the answer is right! That is extremely startling, and definitely not a feature I have seen elsewhere. Other sites have the option of checking entries, but that is one's choice (as is having the solution revealed) - here, the checking is automatic, and there there doesn't seem to be an option to turn it off. That is definitely a dampener! :(

    1. I don't think so. This facility will enable a fresher that his entry is wrong and he can always erase and try again. The Cata-list crossword by Sowmya Ramkumar and the Guardian too have this. Ignore it if you don't wish to use it ! I reckon, the software comes as a whole as package?

      I wholeheartedly welcome this advancement by the Hindu , though I still prefer pen on paper !

    2. The difficulty is that one *can't* ignore it - the colour (saying right or wrong) shows up the minute you have entered the letter! The Guardian has the option of checking one's entries - they don't automatically tag right and wrong entries as one enters them.

  13. I have submitted a comment on the crossword page requesting that the automatic checking be disabled. I request other people who are likely to use the online feature - or those who would just like to support the request - to submit comments there as well.

  14. Under 10280 David Dobson wrote:
    My most embarrassing mix up with using a word I hadn't seen written down was when we were planning our marriage. I was asking the vicar if we could decorate the covered gateway into the churchyard with flower garlands, and referred to it as the "lynch gate" rather than "lych gate". My usage could have put a whole new meaning on the ceremony.

    1. He surely was sticking his neck out on that occasion ... Necking must have followed

  15. How does one add a link in the comment?

    1. You can't provide link in Comments. Copy-paste the URL for us to do likewise in the address field in browser and reach the page.

  16. Waah waah.. first interactive Hindu xword. It is a move in the right direction but yes needs some work.. the red/green lettering needs to go for sure ! And perhaps a check - what is reveal vs show solution i wonder? is it by letter.. than thats way too juvenile... And it could do with a better font / some nice aesthetics but hey this is one big step already :) Thanks to AD for a jolly xword.. loved L&T clue !!

    1. 'Reveal' reveals only the word in the yellowed slot. 'Show solutions' brings up the entire gridfill.

  17. I have started compiling a new anagram crossword series for the Delhi Scrabble Blog. This is meant for beginning Scrabblers and therefore solving should be a cinch for the Hindu cryptic crossword afficionados. However, you are sure to learn a few new words along the way! All the words are valid for international Scrabble play. Link to the crossword can be found at ( Feedback welcome!

  18. CV: Padmanabhan: Did you see my response to your comments of mine in yesterday's blog? Your further comments , if any are awaited, as are others' too !

  19. Today's CW is no longer interactive in TH website. Did anyone try latertoday?

  20. Sorry. It is available. I had to go through the e paper. Morning I got it on the normal TH webpage.

  21. Raju @ 4 pm
    First, no 'ji' please! Just Padmanabhan or Paddy as I am better known around here. No formalities.
    I am very much in Chennai and you may be having my mail ID. Anyway it is
    Now I am curious to know more about the other P.B.Padmanabhan from Bangalore!
