Friday 20 May 2016

No 11705, Friday 20 May 2016, Gridman

1   Good money a mother returns to a relative (7) GRANDMA {G}{RAND}{M)(A<=}
5   Fine distinction as a number undergoes a change in third place (6) NICETY NI(-n+c)CETY
9   Promises crop around top of hill (5) OATHS {OAT{Hill}S}
10 Unadorned body of boaters or others (4,5) BARE TORSO*
11 Wise about son and worker consuming cake (7) SAPIENT {S}{A{PIE}NT}
12 Head of sorcerers, without any flying aid, is coming down (7) SLOWING {So...s}LO{WING} Anno pending (Addendum - SNOWING {So...s}{NO WING} - See comments)
13 Objects to guards (5) MINDS [DD]
14 Fellows in large party heard where to park (3,6) OFF STREET {O{FF} S}{TREET}(~treat)
16 Gandhian leader, worried, stops reconstructing fence supporters (9) GATEPOSTS {Ga...n}{ATE}{STOPS}*
19 French woman fetches millions in payment (5) FEMME {FE{MM}E}
21 Depleting vitality grabbing a couple of princesses (7) ZAPPING {Z{A}{PP}ING}
23 Ominous sign left by medical speciality (7) PORTENT {PORT}{ENT}
24 More mischievous - nothing that is right (9) NAUGHTIER {NAUGHT}{IE}{R}
25 Bat haven in restaurant restored (5) ANTRE [T]
26 Remains to dash against a religious retreat (6) ASHRAM {ASH}{RAM}
27 Cry loudly, almost frightened by top head of terrorists (4,3) YELL OUT {YELL Ow}{U}{Te...s}

1   Does this periodical prompt one to reflect? (6,8) GLOSSY MAGAZINE [CD]
2   A cheat has tolerated influence (3,4) ACT UPON {A}{C{T UP<=}ON}
3   Sprinters shared movement with society (7) DASHERS {SHARED}*{S}
4   Aspiring range with debt notices (9) AMBITIOUS {AMBIT}{IOUS}
5   Boy puts up papers - they are standard (5) NORMS {NOR<=}{MS}
6   Stops working and leaves early (4,3) CUTS OUT [DD]
7   One small creature's condition to be on no-small location (7) TERMITE {TERM}{sITE}
8   A doctor isn't fair if he gives this kind of ministration (5,9) ROUGH TREATMENT [CD]
15 When participants sprint or when they go on hungry? (4,5) FAST PARTY [CD]
17 CEOs of an armoury? (3,4) TOP GUNS [CD]
18 Digital scammer has hips wriggled at that woman (7) PHISHER {HIPS}*{HER}
19 Chaotic battle with a pet animal? (7) F?R?A?L {Addendum - FURBALL [DD] - See comments)
20 Distinguished composer exposes same rot (7) MAESTRO*
22 Harsh-sounding writer (5) GRIMM (~grim)


  1. An entertaing puzzle once again from was a quick & early solve for me today for this 14 letter grid....confirmed Grimm & furball through IA version..

    1. DD both pet & chaotic battle lead to fireball

    2. Furball! Autocorrect feature is a pain!

    3. Thats right!So what i do is i only enter the answer of which I am doubtful about..hence I confirmed Grimm & furball by entering the letters letters confirmed the answers

    4. I think RameshJ was referring to autocorrect facility in his mobile or iPad.

    5. Yes. I was referring to auto correct feature in my mobile, which changed furball to fireball. I have stopped using Hindu online CW. I do not plan to use it till they fix the red/green confirmation feature.

  2. 12 Head of sorcerers, without any flying aid, is coming down (7)
    I had it as SNOWING - S + NO WING (without any flying aid), def = coming down

  3. 19D: FURBALL
    DD - it means a fight between 2 groups of aircrafts, and is also pet name for a kitten

    1. +1. Thanks for the help of google which gives the other meaning as aerial battle

  4. Nice one from Gridmanji.. thanks some new learning again.. furball DD didnt know, term "fast party" unfamiliar... how is it used? Antre new word,, some nice charades - Gateposts and zapping,,, but Glossy magazine is not cryptic enough IMO more like a DD..

  5. Yesterday there was this clue
    Venture forth with industrial action abroad (6,3)
    The answer was STRIKE OUT.
    Actually in a phrase like this it's not quite elegant to write a clue by giving SIs for the two words without breaking up the phrase for wordplay in some manner, say, ST(RI[s]KE)OUT.
    If I remember right, this aspect was discussed recently in a Crossword Unclued post.
    As a setter I think I have done this but done this rarely. Of course, I am saying this from memory and on the basis of my predilection and not as a result of any careful examination of database.
    Maybe I paid more attention to a nice surface, as any breakup like the one I suggested offhand above might have resulted in a long, clumsy clue. I think Bhala yesterday was probably alluding to this when he wrote "I am also OK with the occasional clue being split along its constituents."

  6. Nice clue in today's Guardian by Paul.
    Intend to keep right before end of motorway(6)

    1. Don't think it is an &lit - since the def is only given by "In" and the rest is wordplay.

      Question for the gurus - it's a nice clue, but is it okay to have the def as only part of a word?

    2. I think it is okay and elegant

    3. Oops! Sorry. I did not notice that the question was only addressed to the gurus. You may ignore my earlier comment.

    4. While we wait for the gurus to chime in, here is my 2 Paise

      I am fine with it too, but it definitely makes it tougher for beginners to crack this type of clue

    5. Has been seen in THC earlier

    6. Raghunath 11:14: I may have done a similar clue but alas my db is not searchable by clue-type.

    7. My (wise or otherwise) opinion is we must have rules, yes, but at the same time we may break rules to get stunning effect as in this clue. Breaking rules to write a hasty, ill-managed clue will show up and also will be rejected by solvers.

    8. Crossword Unclued has a discussion of elision in word play.

    9. CV to fish out data RJ is best.

    10. CV Sir: Ithink it was tour brooklyn clue that was quoted in crossword unclued..dont exactly remember the clue..

    11. Read your instead of tour

  7. Based on yesterday's discussion, does 15D qualify to be a DD since 'fast' here has 2 different meanins- sppeding & going without food?

  8. A q for gurus: 12a: object to mind is OK. But when in plural does to work here as guards is a verb I think. Or can it be taken as a connector

  9. My take:
    He objects to my butting in.
    He minds my butting in.

  10. And minds = guards. Will you please mind my bag while I am gone to take a cup of coffee at the restaurant?
    Will you please guard etc etc?

    1. In plural how does it work. Sorry am in a taxi so swallowing some letters

    2. I don't see 'objects' as noun in plural. I see "objects to" as verb.
      Anyway I am not sure if I have understood you correctly.
      I leave it to someone else to chip in with their view.

  11. One of the meanings of 'Mind' as a verb from Free Dic.-
    a. To be concerned or annoyed by; care: They don't mind that their guests are arriving late.
    b. To object to; dislike: I don't mind doing the chores when I don't feel rushed.

    Note in (b) it is 'Object to'.

    So it can be taken as
    Objects to = Minds
    Guards = Minds

  12. 2D : A cheat has tolerated influence (3,4) ACT UPON {A}{C{T UP<=}ON}
    What is the reverse ind here pl?

    27A : Cry loudly, almost frightened by top head of terrorists (4,3) YELL OUT {YELL Ow}{U}{Te...s}
    {U} for ?

    1. MB: 2D: There is no explicit reversal indicator. But tolerated = PUT UP = TUP :) (with UP as the reversal ind)
      27A: U = top (as in high-class, superior, posh etc.)

  13. Vasant @ 11.46-
    Your memory seems to be the best DB! Can't see how you could ever have remembered Brooklyn.

    1. Paddy it is quite flattering..I remember the clue as I had & reread the post a number of times & also had mailed my query to Shuchi regarding one of the clues posted there(in Crossword Unclued blog on elission)

    2. I reread the post now(thanks to Ramesh for providing the link); the Brooklyn clue was: Streamline New York's backward borough?(8)
      The elision of streamline is the interesting part.
      The second interesting clue posted there was: Isolated place, El Asmada?(9)

    3. Vasant @7:21:
      The answer to the second clue is BACKWATER (meaning isolated place)
      The WP is: EL ASMADA = (ADAM'S ALE)<< = (WATER)<< = BACKWATER :)
      Somewhat similar to the way clued TUP in 2D today

    4. Well solved usual!
