Wednesday 18 May 2016

No 11703, Wednesday 18 May 2016, Gridman

1   People gel together in thought (8) MENTALLY {MEN}{TALLY}
6   The last two of classy charabanc are in harmonisation (4) SYNC {c..sSY}{c...aNC}
9   Christmas party drink that may have taken some beating (6) EGGNOG [C&DD]
10 Rose makes priest accept blame wrongly (7) RAMBLER {BLAME}* in {RR}
13 Kitchen utensil, for example, used by girl, one in party to drive straying wild animal away (9) EGGBEATER {EG}{G}{BEATER}
14 Police officer begins jamming one room divider (5) SHOJI {SHO}{Ja...g}{1}
15 Boy in bathtub swirl (4) EDDY [DD]
16 A base a rani created in a body of water (7,3) ARABIAN SEA*
19 Training to leave direction for round of dispossessing (10) EXORCISING EX(-e+o)ORCISING
21 Saint pushes son to the far end for a long, long period (4) AGES (-s)AGE(+s)S
24 Horrify a laid-back Scandinavian (5) APPAL A}{PPAL<=}
25 With bicycle parts, the fellow is a corporate mouthpiece (9) SPOKESMAN {SPOKES}{MAN}
26 I, I tire - an exertion is not possible in this state (7) INERTIA* One I seems to have slipped the eagle eye of Gridman?
27 I am ghostly, requiring fix (6) IMPALE {I'M}{PALE}
28 No round stone used in building home (4) NEST SToNE*
29 Permanently in favour of mementoes (3,5) FOR KEEPS {FOR} {KEEPS}

2   Is occupied, having entered into conflict (7) ENGAGED [DD]
3   Kind offer (6) TENDER [DD]
4   Glues Rita mixed to have bonds (9) LIGATURES*
5   More lively, you at first get rare treatment (5) YARER {You}{RARE}*
7   Colours the old permits without top rung (7) YELLOWS{YE}{aLLOWS}
8   These are opposite of capital virtues (8,4) CARDINAL SINS [CD]
11 Omit a learner's letter (6) MISSAL {MISS}{A}{L}
12 Decline of French peer group (12) DEGENERATION {DE}{GENERATION}
17 Belt sweeps broad line (9) BANDOLIER*
18 Officer Commanding finds game at last - many a wild cat (6) OCELOT {OCE}{gamE}{LOT}
20 Put down nothing presented by primarily porno newspapers and periodicals (7) OPPRESS {O}{Po..o}{PRESS}
22 Mistake made in fitness class? Not exactly! (7) GYMSLIP ? {GYM}{SLIP} Definition? See comments
23 Cut old office aid’s endless request to constituency (6) PEOPLE {PEOn}{PLEa}
25 All but stop females in work force (5) STAFF {STAy}{FF}



  1. Gridman dishes out a mid week treat in this 12 letter grid opener...enjoyable as well as learning experience..came across shoji..ligatures..missal..bandolier ocetal for the first time..could get them due to impeccable word play

  2. Didnt find gymslip in my mobile dictionary as well..

  3. A gymslip is actually "a sleeveless belted tunic reaching from the shoulder to the knee, formerly worn by schoolgirls." (Dict.)
    There is the expression "gymslip mother" which means "a girl of school age who has become a mother"

    1. Then we have to read the definition cryptically as "Not exactly"?

  4. Apologies to my solvers for the anagram redundancy in 26ac. Originally correct, the clue has had the mistake introduced in repeated checking by the same person with the bored mind making slips.

  5. Hot samosas on a rainy morning. What a way to start the cycle. Hope I can keep it up for the following CW's of this cycle (with spokes,of course)
    Gymslip and impale were the last to fall. Gymslip required a lot of googling after trying to fit in PE,PT. Gym is the latest.

    1. Raining in Chennai?How lucky!Here in UP it is scorching hot..max temperature 45

    2. Unusual rains for the last 3 days- monsoonish. Normally a scorching May.

  6. I had always assumed 'Ye' to be you only- probably thanks to Raju, who uses it frequently. Crossings helped me.

  7. Enjoyed the samosas! Nice surfaces...mentally,gymslip,eggbeater et al...

  8. A very nice offering from Gridman. IMPALE was the last one in. Am still not able to connect 'ghostly' to 'pale'.

    1. Ok Sir. Shall look up in the dic one more time. :)

    2. Try

    3. Thanks, CV Sir! Got it now! I tried my OED and Free dic too with no success.

  9. MB,
    No need. When you see a ghost, you turn pale.

  10. Thanks for a nice puzzle. Hope Gridman's puzzles will continue at least for a few more days.

  11. In 19 ac there seems to be a small typo: O in caps after bracket to be deleted?

  12. Several new words - yarer, shoji, gymslip - thanks Gridmanji :) overall a nice xword.. btw in Shoji.. is police = Sho?

    1. SHO = Station House Officer...his ranking is above a Sub-Inspector. From Wiki.

  13. I think not familiar in India.
