Tuesday 4 June 2019

No 12643, Tuesday 04 Jun 2019, Incognito

If the puzzles were swapped, 11A might have been more fitting

8 Graduate left Indian town to get gooseberry (4) AMLA [AMbaLA]
9 Model relative's jibe (5) TAUNT [T + AUNT]
10 Cash dispensing machine has nothing in it, just a tiny bit of stuff (4) ATOM [0 in ATM]
11 Move dynamo at the beginning of the working week (6) MONDAY [DYNAMO]*
12 Drug dealers hide loan repayment money in boxes (8) CHEMISTS [EMI in CHESTS] extra E?
13 Tan saris designed in Queens (8) TSARINAS [TAN SARIS]*
15 Government of India is gheraoed by penniless pest, a self-centred person (6) EGOIST [GOI in pEST]
17 Setter and that lady, in London, go this way and that (7) MEANDER [ME + AND + 'ER]
19 Charlie, with the girls, gives tutorials (7) CLASSES [C + LASSES]
22 Returning students make mistake (4,2) SLIP UP [PUPILS]<=
24 Encore! MO to dance again (4,4) ONCE MORE [ENCORE MO]*
26 Game trail permit included (8) ROULETTE [LET in ROUTE]
28 Rascal! Travel hither and thither! (6) VARLET [TRAVEL]*
30 Stylish bird has no knowledge (4) CHIC [CHICken]
31 Internal bar next to emergency room (5) INNER [INN + ER]
32 500 sheets on America (4) REAM [RE + AM]

1 National Investigation Agency left chemical/shooting supplies (4) AMMO [AMMOnia]
2 Male singer Bobby hugs an official from China (8) MANDARIN [AN in M + DARIN]
3 Continue. "Say 'not' irritatedly" (4,2) STAY ON [SAY NOT]*
4 Supreme Court admits uniform tax. That's a victory (7) SUCCESS [U in SC + CESS]
5 Other-worldly alien next to man is not a figment of imagination (8) ETHEREAL [ET + HE + REAL]
6 Accountant's in old gambling house (6) CASINO [CA'S + IN + O]
7 State: Last mascot's an animal (4) GOAT [GOA + T]
14 That girl with two pounds gets a cartridge (5) SHELL [SHE + LL]
16 Guide // cattle (5) STEER [DD]
18 English lawmaker at hospital's in command and compassionate (8) EMPATHIC [E + MP + AT + H + IC]
20 Solemn king has hole in hat (8) SOMBRERO [SOMBRE + R + 0]
21 Cipher in English medicine (7) CODEINE [CODE + IN + E]
23 A place renovated to provide accommodation for the king (6) PALACE [A PLACE]*
25 6 balls admitted in court? That's secret! (6) COVERT [OVER in CT]
27 Ostentatious Adolf Hitler's uniform initially seen in island (4) OAHU [Acrostic]
29 Old flame's morning test (4) EXAM [EX + AM]


  1. 12a MI, monthly installment? Aka monthly payment. EMI is subset of MI!

    1. EMI : Equated Monthly Installment

      Can't find any reference to MI = monthly installment. Where did you see it?

    2. Agree with you Bhavan!
      I have come across MP as monthly payment but not MI as monthly instalment. I have not seen in my dictionaries as such for MI.
      Probably it is a non-standard one?

    3. Sorry. Spoke from my experience (from SBH days) where monthly installment on reducing balance was the norm before EMI took over.

      I too find difficult locating any online ref.

    4. State bank of Hyderabad.

  2. 20 across hat

    Hat trick by Incognito with todays crossword...

    1. There will be one more trick tomorrow:-)

  3. Bhavan's opening comment:This could well have been done by a thinking editor.

  4. No Cog in today’s Incognito’s gridlock. Thanks, Kishore.

    The Col has landed in the land of Eagle ! Have a lark , Col !

  5. Could solve 10 clues But only after 🕚.

    1. Good start. Keep at it. The Day won't be far when you will be able to do the whole grid. Nothing better than an Incognito puzzle to do a whole grid.

  6. 8,11 AND 18....AWESOME... Thanks to Shri col & INCOGNITO...superb.

  7. Welcome to U.S. Col. Have a good time. Will catch up with you after a few days.

    1. Thanks Paddy. Got to get used to the timeong change so that I don't goof up my posts

