Wednesday 12 June 2019

No 12650, Wednesday 12 Jun 2019, xChequer

7   Appearance on behalf of mother ending in fight (6) FORMAT {FOR}{MA}{f..hT}
8   Biting, cut close to bone (6) SEVERE {SEVER}{bonE}
10 Male needing place to retire with suitable companion (8) HELPMEET {HE}{PL<=}{MEET}
11 Musician's appeal reflected in burning passion (6) LUTIST {LU{IT<=}ST}
12 Racing boat out of yard and harbour in operation (5) YACHT {Y}{AC{H}T}
14 Alert when explosive fuel trails vehicle (7) CAREFUL {CAR}{FUEL*}
15 Novel to follow the timeless touch, entirely from fantasy (3,2,5,5) OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH {TO+FOLLOW+THE+tOUCH}*
18 Merciful chapter before sanction to quarter soldiers (7) CLEMENT {C}{LE{MEN}T}
19 Month to live perhaps (5) MAYBE {MAY}{BE}
20 Mica so used in tile pattern (6) MOSAIC*
21 Kept away from top due to imbecile (5,3) OPTED OUT*
23 King wearing an allowed ornament (6) ANKLET {AN}{K}{LET}
24 About to consider buy back (6) REDEEM {RE}{DEEM}

1   Expression of deference unfortunately true of anybody without guts (5,3) AFTER YOU {TRUE+OF+An...dY}*
2   Good to have rent control (4) GRIP {G}{RIP}
3   Overdue book lying hidden (6) LATENT {LATE}{NT}
4   Left in charge, independent say, to act as one may wish (4,4) FEEL FREE {FEE}{L}{FREE}
5   Extremities associated with once the greatest fundamental weakness? (4,2,4) FEET OF CLAY {FEET}{OF}{CLAY}
6   Wives selectively employing craft (6) VESSEL [T]
9   Executive remuneration showing high cost, then over to pink slips? (5,6) STOCK OPTION {COST}*{O+TO+PINK}*
13 Shut up before nasty son comes to show solidarity (5,5) CLOSE RANKS {CLOSE}{RANK}{S}
16 Poor women gagged (8) WRETCHED {W}{RETCHED}
17 Myth demolished about basis of entertainment with 'Silent Movie' (3,5) THE MUMMY {TH{En...t}{MUM}MY*}
18 Church getting vocal about group singing (6) CHORAL {CH}{ORAL}
19 Protection for hand, but struck head off (6) MITTEN sMITTEN
22 Deserts line in battle (4) DUEL {DUE}{L}

Reference List
Place = PL, Appeal = IT, Yard = Y, Harbour = H, Time = T, Chapter = C, King = K, About = RE, Good = G, Book = NT(New Testament), Son = S, Women = W, Church = CH, Line = L



  1. Brilliant puzzle. A tad easier for Xchequer's standards but with the same high quality.

  2. My Sunday Specials kitty is empty. Those interested please send in your CW's for publication.

    1. Time for Doppelganger to unleash his puzzles,.

  3. Lovely puzzle - thoroughly enjoyed solving it. Thanks for the fun Xchequer :)

  4. Yes, a tad easier for his standards, but more enjoyable and no sour grapes!

  5. FEET OF CLAY found in the last 1ACross puzzle ! Coincidence ? EXchequer is also a participant there . But his clueing is different from that.

    1. Was wondering where I saw this recently, Raju. Thanks for the info.

    2. And XChequer's puzzle must have been composed a lot earlier as also Avtaar's. But both clued Ali=Greatest=Clay
