Tuesday 25 June 2019

No 12661, Tuesday 25 Jun 2019, Bruno

5   Takes responsibility for a party... gets points (6) ADOPTS {ADO}{PTS}
7   Oaf of a man and boy consume everything around (8) MEATBALL {M}{EAT}{B}{ALL}
9   Monkey has date fruit (8) TAMARIND {TAMARIN}{D}
10 Don’t start to criticise guard (6) ENSURE cENSURE
11 Marketing rep distributed timer (7,5) PARKING METER*
13 Hey! That should be X not L! (6) LISTEN {L}{IS}{TEN}
15 Divorced President in Italian city went ahead and partied (6) ROMPED {D}<=>{ROM{P}E}
18 Blazer left on board — sailor gets sleeve trimmed (6,6) SPORTS JACKET {S{PORT}S} {JACK}{gETs}
21 Participants in ultrafast rally are like stars (6) ASTRAL [T]
22 John involved in mathematical operation to unravel time constant's structure (3,5) TAJ MAHAL {J} in {MATHemAticAL}*
23 Save up credit first... then get a little smack, ecstasy, or crack (8) CREVASSE {CR}{SAVE<=}{Sm..k}{E}
24 Wedding dance shortly allowing free entry (6) BRIDAL {B{RID}ALl}

1   Posh posh companion's impression? Boring... (8) UPMARKET {U}{P{MARK}ET}
2   Give passes often to hot girl to enter (6) ASSIGN {pAsSeS}{I{G}N}
3   Finally, malfunctioning steamer's working better (8) GAMESTER {m...nG}{STEAMER*}
4   One that mistreated a table-cleaner's son — thrown out (6) ABUSER {A}{BUSsER}
6   Difficult Master's obtained — leaving school's emotional (8) DRAMATIC {DRAs{MA}TIC}
7   Crazy Bruno's following a woman (6) MADAME {MAD}{A}{ME}
8   Charisma of Lou Reed even can wane (4) LURE {LoU+ReEd}
12 Sugar in sambar? Aré! Me definitely throw up! (8) DEMERARA [T<=]
14 New growth — shoots — on maples (8) NEOPLASM*
16 Footwear worn at the start of main event not secondary contest (8) MOCCASIN {Main}{OCCASIoN}
17 Figure right now, true leader (and deputy) are missing (6) STATUE {STAT}{trUE}
18 Work hard to hammer rivets (6) STRIVE*
19 Candy's partly just junk and beer (6) JUJUBE {JUst}{JUnk}{BEer}
20 Russian leader long ago — was beheaded and overthrown? (4) TSAR Anno pending (Addendum - {Ru...n}{pSAT}<= &lit - See comments)

Reference List
Man = M, Boy = B, Date = D, Divorced = D, President = P, Sailor = JACK, John = J, Constant = C, Ecstasy = E, Posh = U, Girl = G, Hot = IN, Son = S, School = S


  1. 20d Russian leader -r
    Long ago-past, -p

    1. Though in reality he was overthrown, executed and beheaded!

    2. True Sree... thought of that, but doesnt anno ;-)

  2. 22d the def has no particular reference to tajmahal (or did I miss?). The fodder has anagram. How does it lead to solution, unless relied on crossings! Or flash of brilliance.
    Is it OK to clue that way.
    Asking for updating my grammar and syntax of crossword cluing.

    1. You mean 22A. Structure, one of the most famous, is the definition. With the WP, it is gettable. With the enu, more gettable. If the definition was more pointing (like mausoleum or Agra building) it would have been easier.

    2. If you mean structure should have been followed with a word like say or perhaps, agree.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. OK... perhaps more specifics around the structure (e.g. famous structure) mightve helped.

  3. Wah, Taj ! I agree, the allusion to the Taj Mahal has a crevasse ! By sheer inference the J could have led one to the crown jewel of India. We all have to think out of the box.
    In 1 doesn’t, why companion and why boring ?

    Bruno is an acolyte of Afterdark ?

  4. +1 for Satyen ji s comments in yesterday's post!

  5. Have a question regarding 24A. The definition "wedding" is a noun, whereas the answer "bridal" is an adjective. Is this okay?

    1. Hi Bridal can be both Noun and Adjective. As a noun, it refers to the Wedding feast/ the wedding itself, though it's use as a noun has declined over the years. Can check here https://www.thefreedictionary.com/bridal.

    2. Thanks Satyen, I had no idea bridal can be used as a noun! One lives and learns, I guess!!

