Tuesday 11 June 2019

No 12649, Tuesday 11 Jun 2019, xChequer

Some new words at 20A, 4D and probably 10A which I have not solved.

7   Post that may fit one employed after retirement (6) NOTIFY [T<=]
8   Benefactors having name entered in portals (6) DONORS {DO{N}ORS}
10 Wisdom returning after collapse for bull (8) ?O?D?R?L (Addendum FOLDEROL {FOLD}{LORE<=} - See comments)
11 Dislodged bachelor being fellow manipulated (6) FUDGED (-b+f)FUDGED
12 Rushed having started late, being on time would be pleasing (5) TASTY {T}{hASTY}
14 Chicken 65 for starters gets a shade timeworn (7) YELLOWS {YELLOW}{Si...e}
15 Economies now not in ideal position to get rightful recognition (4,4,4,3) COME INTO ONES OWN*
18 Detail about matter (7) RECOUNT {RE}{COUNT}
19 Sink bin Laden with remains ending in oblivion (5) BASIN {B{ASh}IN}
20 Primate shot crossing a trail (6) GALAGO {G{A}{LAG}O}
21 Creating fuss or getting along? (6,2) MAKING DO {MAKING}{DO}
23 Jumbled mixture eaten by wild game bird (6) MAGPIE {MAG{PI}E*}
24 Nowhere short of hundred runs so far (3,3) ERE NOW {NOWhERE}*

1   Sprinkling of ground over new root (3,2,3) ONE OR TWO {O+NEW+ROOT}*
2   Boss leaving scrutiny unfinished (4) STUD STUDy
3   Affectionately switching sides without a brawl (6) AFFRAY  {AFF(-l+r)RY} over {A}
4   Flag on traverse, one with edge nicked? (8) GONFALON {FLAG+ON}*{ONe} Semi&lit
5   Happy hours, so bottomless deal in wayside taverns (10)  ROADHOUSES {HOURS+SO+DEAl}*
6   Shows drug addicts taking heroin (6) USHERS {US{H}ERS}
9   Trade I ply from tea stall (4,3,4) PLAY FOR TIME*
13 Sept. 11 commute leaving significant impact (4,6) STEP CHANGE {SEPT}* [RA] What's the role pf 11? See comments
16 Nationalist wearing blue uniform gets hysterical (8) NEUROTIC {N}{E{U}ROTIC}
17 Act during opportunity, then finally relax (4,4) WIND DOWN {WIND{DO}OW}{theN} There's an extra O in the fodder
18 Dominions are free from American charity? (6) REALMS {ARE}*{aLMS} (Addendum - {aRE}{ALMS} - See comments)
19 Where dough is made from bread or the other way round (6) BAKERY [C&DD]
22 Goose protecting new-born (4) NENE {NE{N}E}

Reference List
Name = N, Bachelor = B, Fellow = F, About = RE, Hundred = H, Over = O, Heroin = H, Nationalist = N, Uniform = U, American = A, New = N


  1. 10a FOLDorel. Lore<=wisdom returning.

    1. Small correction;
      Defn: BULL; Soln: FOLDEROL;
      LORE from wisdom; FOLD from collapse;
      Reversal ind = returning
      Anno: {FOLD{LORE}<=}

  2. 13d I took 11(a) as fudged. Sept fudged step. Commute:change.

  3. 13D) Defn: Impact;
    11 stands for solution of 11A which is fudged meaning "changed";
    leaving significant is to drop "D" from "changed"

  4. 17d its "o" extra as per wp. Unless contraction of did and do are same. Acted would have been better.

  5. A toughie through and through. As a solver, I felt inadequate. Thanks to the blog and the commenters for ending my misery:-)

  6. Apologies for the silly error in 17d, my bad

  7. 1d is coincidently clued in Today's Times Quick Cryptic as
    A few find wooer not crazy (3,2,3)

