Thursday 18 July 2019

No 12681, Thursday 18 Jul 2019, xChequer

7    Meal without a vessel (6) LAUNCH {L{A}UNCH}
8    China's neighbour having power to remove Western expatriate tycoon (6) TAIPAN TAI(-w+p)PAN
10 Tailor set mark to cut opening in robe (8) VESTMENT {V{SET*}{M}ENT}
11 One beginning to close old fireplaces (6) INGLES (-s)INGLE(+s)S
12 Monsters go back, saint carries on (5) OGRES {GO<=}{RE}{S}
14 Mum can supply loads of fish sauce (4,3) NUOC MAM {MUM+CAN}* {O} Thanks to Google
15 Modern man reached space, a wonderful experience (7,3,5) PEACHES AND CREAM*
18 Get expert to heal (7) PROCURE {PRO}{CURE}
19 Extract using force with support (5) WREST {W}{REST}
20 Bit of finery, over a pound during season (6) FALLAL {A}{L}<= in {FALL}
21 Fancy heiress eating fine specimen of mackerel (4,4) SEER FISH {HEIRESS}* over {F}
23 Perhaps a patient batting partner (6) INMATE {IN}{MATE}
24 Instrument of Zulu heritage, timeless hit (6) ZITHER {Z}{HERITage}*

1    Noble use questionable for a prig (8) BLUENOSE*
2    Barely reasonable (4) JUST [DD]
3    Current charge for admission (6) ACCESS {AC}{CESS}
4    Several staff doubt veteran (8) MANIFOLD {MAN}{IF}{OLD}
5    Ahead before true game unfolds on a sticky wicket (2,1,3,4) UP A GUM TREE {UP}{TRUE+GAME}*
6    Garment measure said to appear under hip (6) INSEAM {IN}{SEAM}(~seem) &lit
9    Put up with a kid in order to loosen up (5,2,4) STAND AT EASE {STAND}{A}{TEASE}
13 Deficiency in butter reportedly for Spooner's meat dish (4,2,4) RACK OF LAMB {(-l+r)RACK} {OF}{(r+l)LAMB} Ramb?
16 Identity of base character (8) EQUALITY {E}{QUALITY}
17 Skill and cunning is on test (8) ARTISTRY {ART}{IS}{TRY}
18 Limits to paper alliance in real-life operation (6) PRAXIS {PapeR}{AXIS}
19 Tiny, most nasty pest (6) WEEVIL {WEE}{VILe}
22 Name of northerly, stifling hot wind (4) FOHN {N}{OF<=} over {H}

Reference List
Power = P, Western = W, Mark = M, Saint = S, On = RE, Of = O, With = W, Pound = L, Fine = F, Zulu = Z, Base = E, Name = N, Hot = H



  1. This turned out to be a pleasant solve except for the Vietnamese sauce and the The Reverend's faux pas.
    FOI Launch
    LOI Vestment
    COD Peaches and Cream
    Word OD Fallal
    Thanks XChequer.

  2. 13dn I think it is RAM[B being silent, just as in lamb's hp is lam

    1. Isnt it necessary that HPs are two genuine words in OED.

    2. No. The way they are spoken is important and not the spelling

    3. How do we know how to speak (in the one way setter intends!) if they are not defined? Like proper nouns we can speak any which way we want!

    4. I understand your point. To be a HP, the words should both appear in dictionary/ies. A non-existing word, like RAMB in this case, may not stand.
      However, inasmuch as words like jamb, lamb in the dictionaries are pronounced as jam,lam, we may conclude ramb's hp is ram

  3. 19a def to include "using force"
    20a fal(al<=)l, IMU

  4. 6d garment measure:def, no role in wp. Is it litt.

  5. 19d WEe EVIL also seems to work.

    1. Though it appears so, the comma distinguishes which one to cut short

  6. 13 D. RAMB homophone of RAM (butter). But Spoonerism indicator must qualify the Spoonered version and not the definition. Also, since a Spoonerism itself is a quirk of pronunciation, it is unusual to see homophone and Spoonerism indicated together.

    1. A few unheard of fares like NUOC MAM & SEER FISH sent me UP GUM TREE. I am not a great fan of the Rev Dr. SPOONER. Some use his name so frequently, he may be turning in his grave. RAM/RAMB? Ram ram !
      Namaskaram, Santhanam, Shantham , Papam !

  7. Can someone please explain how base = e? Or is it b as e?

  8. Not sure how the anagram indicator 14A works.

    1. 'Supply' us not noun in the sense of goods that we may get. It is adverb, 'supple' (soft) - 'supply' (adv) - in a soft manner.

    2. Supply also means distribute, which can work as anagrind.

    3. KKR, ‘distribute’ after the fodder doesn’t work as an anagram indicator, IMO.

      Chaturvasi, makes sense. Loads is actually a pretty loaded link word :) And O for of ? As in, when of is written and o’ ?

  9. Fohn was new to me. And I didn't solve vestment either. A good mind-wrestle, this one! Thanks, xChequer.

  10. Should the clue be "meal with a vessel" or meal without a "vessel"?
