Thursday 25 July 2019

No 12687, Thursday 25 Jul 2019, Dr. X

Solved while enroute from Los Angeles to San Diego

1   Justify seizing incorporated territory (8) PROVINCE {PROV{INC}E}
5   America almost destroyed peninsula annexed by Russia (6) CRIMEA AMERICa*
10 Slight commotion around dais perhaps (7) DISDAIN {DI{DAIS*}N}
11 Wise men love quests to gain knowledge essentially (7) ORACLES {O}{RAC{k..wLe..e}ES}
12 Bodily cavities conserved by organ transplant (5) ANTRA [T]
13 He knocks over maids with elan? (6,3) LADIES MAN* {MAIDS+ELAN}* &lit
14 Fast means of protest? (6,6) HUNGER STRIKE [CD]
18 Clashing with policeman? Bit idiotic (12) INCOMPATIBLE*
21 Give up a small sum of money to snitch in America (4,1,4) DROP A DIME {DROP}{A}{DIME}
23 Cherish a perfectly maintained physique (5) SHAPE [T]
24 Silly inane Republican takes time to get on board (7) ENTRAIN {INANE+R}* over {T}
25 Perplexed fool arrests a lot incorrectly (2,1,4) AT A LOSS {ASS} over {A+LOT}*
26 Creeps loiter aboard steamer (6) SIDLES {S{IDLE}S}
27 Reports of guru in trouble (8) MESSAGES {MES{SAGE}S}

1   Dolt every so often interrupts a fruit vendor (6) PEDLAR {PE{DoLt}AR}
2   Unit about to meet for a type of inspection (2-4) ON-SITE {ON{SIT}E}
3   Where dirt might be isolated from external influences (2,1,6) IN A VACUUM [DD]
4   Fires cheat to lessen issues (14) CONFLAGRATIONS {CON}{FLAG}{RATIONS}
 Forcibly seize ecstasy found in party (5) REAVE {R{E}AVE}
7   Character retained by messieurs to assist dairy worker (8) MILKMAID {M}{ILK}{M}{AID}
8   One who agrees with simpleton on board (8) ASSENTER {ASS}{ENTER}
9   Request strip club in headquarters? That is touch-and-go (10,4) BORDERLINE CASE {B{ORDER}{LINE}{C}ASE}
15. Charms fellow in fancy A-list society (9) TALISMANS {A+LIST}*{MAN}{S}
16 Love to canoodle around new exotic den (8) KINDNESS {KI{N}{DEN*}SS}
17 Approached brilliant director to take charge (8) ACCOSTED {AC{COST}E}{D}
19 Musical composition about a queen's garment (6) SARONG {S{A}{R}ONG}
20 Stops crates filled with ecstasy (6) CEASES {C{E}ASES}
22 Associate delivered succulent plant (5) AGAVE {A}{GAVE}

Reference List
Love = O, Republican = R, Time = T, Ecstasy = E, Club = C, Society = S, New = N, Director = D, Queen = R, Associate = A



  1. Easier than the three. Thanks for the parting gift, DrX!

    1. Yes. Hence quick and enjoyable solve. Thanks Doc!

    2. Thanks KKR, MB..till next month then.. :)

  2. San Diego is the place where I stayed for six-months on my first US visit. Nice place, Col

  3. I have been to Austin twice for months-long stay and I have also been to Folsom, California. When there, I went along the same route that the Col is doing now. I liked La Jolla beach in San Diego.

  4. As enjoyable as the other 3. Thanks Dr. X

  5. How can there be only ecstasy without husband and wiffe? Incompatible , because of LADIESMAN?

    I loved the construction in BORDERLINE CASE.

    1. Yes! Giving husband and wife a much-needed break :) Thanks Raju.

    2. Raju, easy to have VAT, than having HW. No?

  6. Now I understand what the regular contributors mean by complimenting you on "surface", Dr X! Elegant clues. Very enjoyable.

    1. Thanks Amita! This link below makes for a nice read on the topic you mention about surface reading.

    2. Thank you, that's very clear.

  7. 16d, doc did you consider climax (instead of exotic den).

  8. Thank you Doc. for a nice enjoyable CW as well as for the interesting ref. regarding surface/ cryptic reading.
    I find your surfaces so very enjoyable (with a pinch of humor/ pun) that I sometimes find it difficult to get to the cryptic part!

  9. Col.
    You seem to be in the midst of an enjoyable trip to some exotic places. Hats off to you for finding the time to do the blog at the same time (literally) and with all links/ pictures as if from home!
