Tuesday 2 June 2020

No 12951, Tuesday 02 Jun 2020, Karaoke

Solution to 19D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   One in adversity needs him (4,9) GOOD SAMARITAN [CD]
8   Advantage when the master leaves the fruit for son (4) PLUS PLU(-m+s)S
9   He is one of the parties to the Contract (4,6) CARD PLAYER [CD]
10 Lion accommodates six-footer in outhouse (4-2) LEAN-TO {LE{ANT}O}
11 Liqueur produced in estate (8) ANISETTE*
12 Setter stops playing harmonica for new presenter (9) ANCHORMAN HARMON(-i+n)NCA*
14 Indecent, unauthorized reproduction, not sanctimonious (4) RACY piRACY
15 Beams pull down audibly (4) RAYS (~raze)
16 Ben walks out of heated deliberation on newspaper column (9) EDITORIAL DELIbeRATIOn*
20 Headsquare champion, a gangster (8) SCARFACE {SCARF}{ACE}
21 Not returning to mingle with one now (2,4) AT ONCE {A{NOT<=}CE}
23 A test chart prepared with much difficulty (2,1,7) AT A STRETCH*
24 God goes from back to front in swimming pool (4) LIDO (+l)IDO(-l)
25 Wicked stepmother embarrassed for being crusty (5-8) SHORT-TEMPERED {STEPMOTHER}*{RED}

1   Sailing ship gone down taking everything (7) GALLEON {GONE}* over {ALL}
2   Protein formed by work and wrong (5) OPSIN {OP}{SIN}
3   Helping hand by fool reportedly (7) SUCCOUR (~sucker)
4   Together they pound and ground Rotterdam planes (6,3,6) MORTAR AND PESTLE*
5   Got even with baby’s nappy in return (6) REPAID<=
6   Show just after switch (5,4) TRADE FAIR {FAIR}<=>{TRADE}
7   None could go beyond this sign (2,5) NO ENTRY [CD] (Addendum - {NONE}*{TRY} - See comments)
13 Magic word or abracadabrasheer typo maybe (3,6) HEY PRESTO*
15 Speaks eloquently with short break obstructed by appeal (7) RECITES {RE{CITE}St} (Addendum -  {REC{IT}ESs} See comments)
17 Tap shoe dancing in restaurant (3,4) TEA SHOP*
18 Publicity gets yield, without working. Agreed (7) ACCEDED {A{ConCEDE}D}
19 Reverend’s Arctic tern for incentive (6) ?A?R?T (Addendum - CARROT (~tarrock) - See comments)
22 Steam generator’s lid is destroyed by tanker (5) OILER bOILER
Reference List
Master = M, Son = S, New = N, Sanctimonious = PI, Work = OP, ON, Appeal = IT

Dr RKE's TalePiece

Tarun Viswanath (TV!) was the chief ANCHORMAN of Newsnow PLUS TV channel. He had cut his teeth in the news business while on the EDITORIAL board of the Newsnow Plus daily, a daily that had pacey and RACY news.  He was capable of speaking non-stop AT A STRETCH in high decibel while hosting the talking heads program at primetime, whenever he had a strong point to make- which was practically every night.  He had tried to get Shri. Gundappa Badigere, the home minister, for an interview and the minister had ACCEDED at last.

Shri.Gundappa Badigere had a humble beginning as a TEA SHOP owner in Chikkapete, Bengaluru (Chickpet, Bangalore for you anglophiles!). He had begun his first agitation against NO ENTRY signs on either side of the narrow lane where his shop was located. The success he tasted spurred him on to become the voice of the traders and he was held to be their GOOD SAMARITAN. Shri.Gundappa started the Vyaparigala Sangha and he successfully organized a TRADE FAIR in the ground where once stood the LIDO cinema at Halasuru (Ulsoor for you anglophiles!). He AT ONCE became much sought-after by the political parties. To cut the long story short, he made his way up the political ladder in 5 years (with the SUCCOUR provided by the SCARFACEs who ran the hooch trade) and became the de facto deputy chief minister. Shri. Gundappa Badigere REPAID his gratitude to the crime syndicate who backed him by asking, nay, ordering the police, to go soft on their misdeeds.

Tarun Viswanath had done his homework well and thought he had enough material to prove Badigere’s complicity. TV had x-RAY scanned the documents on which Badigere had made alterations counter to the sage recommendations of the home secretary. Those alterations had immensely benefitted the mafia and caused a huge loss to the exchequer. TV thought he could grind down the minister as easily as one would crush a tablet with a MORTAR AND PESTLE. The minister, however, maintained a poker face like a seasoned CARD PLAYER and calmly refuted the allegations and kept on RECITing that it was a vile smear campaign by the opposition. TV then employed the final weapon in his arsenal-the pictures that showed Badigere in a compromising position with a film starlet. HEY PRESTO, this lit the fuse and the SHORT-TEMPERED minister rose abruptly and walked away unceremoniously in a huff.  TV had once again scored and long live his brand of journalism.


  1. Just as expected- an interesting enjoyable workout. Thank you KKR.
    Needed help to solve a couple of them,though.

  2. Nice one on journalism Dr. Pragmatic.

  3. Good one KKR. Had to struggle with RACY, not being able to annotate it. Colonel's parsing cleared the air

  4. Thought 15d) is IT in RECES(-S)

    1. I was trying to fit in orates,but crossings would not let me.

    2. Was 'eloquently'put in there as a red herring?

    3. You got it right, Karthik!
      Paddy, it was kept intentionally.
      When you recite, you recite from your memory you wouldn't fumble. It should be fluent when it is recitation

  5. I have this habit of going to TEA SHOP
    Where into my mouth somasas I may pop
    More peppy is the palaver
    That often happens all over
    During covid lockdown this did stop

    1. Vasi Sir,
      I wonder if the roadside panipuriwallahs will have their livelihood restored after the corona!
      There were few viral videos about the sanitation aspects of their preparations but that didn't deter them from minting money.
      Corona is more powerful than other hazards, it proves.

  6. Thank you CV. An apple a day keeps the doctor way.

  7. A GOOD SAMARITAN had invested with Ummer a hundred thousand dollars for the developement of the island.

    Only a small part remained and with this SHORT TEMPERED Ummer went to his favourite joint in Las Vegas atop the LIDO cinema.

    He felt that he being an expert CARD PLAYER could play some RACY games and double his money.

    To his dismay he could only see a NO ENTRY board and a red PLUS sign at the entrance.

    Ummer became worried as the hundred thousand dollars was asked to be REPAID.


    He saw the adjoining roulette room open and went in with RAYS of hope.

    What happened next?

    1. He hit the jackpot AT ONCE. SUCCOURed by the rival who was a novice, he made enough to develop the island PLUS some for the celebratory ANISETTE

    2. Many wonderful stories! Thanks writers Trio!

    3. CG sir, I too reading every day your Tale piece. so both versions are abs. amazing. BTW, I too anticipating one day to complete the grids with Rays of Hope. Hope it will take light years. as said by KKR Trio's are rocking.

  8. Nice and gentle with generally straight definitions. Got 1 A from crossings as the answer doesn’t come that easily from definition.


  10. Feeling happy that I got the answer after a long try. however, Mr Orthopaul cracked few min.before . Anyway, I got the words. but anno. put me on delay. DD or MD. Thanks to Karoke for the challenging puzzles. 16 and 24 were too impressive.

    1. Thanks Prasanna Rao!
      Orthopaul and your answers are correct. But it is not MD or DD. Try again!

  11. 1Ac is very relevant in present times. Loved solving the crossword. 12A is My COD.

  12. ANCHORMAN , TRADE FAIR, SCARFACE,from Scarface Mob, NO ENTRY are well thought out. CARD PLAYER in relation to Contract bridge is a clever deal.No Trump, as TRUMP is hunkered in a bunker.

    Enjoyed the grid. KAROAKE.

  13. 6D very clever indeed. Only with all crossers in place could I guess the answer and then parse it. Truly impressive.

  14. Since none of the non-regular/novice commenters could get the anno for 19D it's now open to anyone

  15. Unable to utilise the offer- awaiting parsing.

  16. Spoonerism (reverend) for tarrock is carrot. Tarrock is another name for the bird Arctic term. Carrot is the incentive held out before wielding the stick!

    1. gr8 RKE. lesson learned. from you and Col.

    2. Super solving, RKE! Thanks for cracking.

    3. spoonerism involves transposition of initial sounds only. I am not sure if the above Spoonerism as explained works.

    4. It needed a neurosurgeon to give an incisive look into the brain(y) part of the clue and bring out clarity.

    5. I thought of spoonerism,but could not get Tarrock.
      Same doubt as CV- I also felt it needed 2 words and their first syllables to exchanged. I have not come across in a single word,though having 2 syllables.

    6. Thanks Vasi Sir!

      I felt it worked. Both carrot and tarrock have similar sounds and the initial sound is moved back and vice versa.
      I also feel that there need not be two words for a spoonerism clue.
      After all, it is only a slip of tongue and it can be in any form, I feel.
      Opinions from experts invited.

    7. I express opinions. Let others speak if the clue works.

    8. I agree with CV, I don't think it works

  17. Col, 7DN My intention was: NO EN*+TRY - Semi &Lit
    could=anagrind; go=try

    1. I don't think 'could' works as an anagram

    2. Chambers lists 'could be ' in the anagram indicators list,but not could.

  18. We can call this neo-spoonerism! I had learnt about Reverend being a spoonerism indicator from CV, some months ago in this blog

  19. Clear and concise clues. I especially liked the wordplay in 10A: LEAN-TO. Didn't get 19D, but the rest was smooth going. Thanks, Karaoke.

  20. First time I tried Karaoke grid. Interesting style. Got 4d immediately, but HEY PRESTO filled it as "pestle and mortar". After solving a few around reversed it. What an anagram - Rotterdam planes! Good imagination.

    Got carrot but couldn't figure out the spoonerism.

  21. Wonderful tale piece and mini tale piece. A limmeric too!

  22. Nice clues are around. Biffed Carrot and had to work out the spoonerism. Thing with Spoonerism(and a few homophone clues) is it works for some and doesn't work for others. Last syllable transposition is rare in a Spoonerism and hence doesn't work for some.
    On the other hand, I immediately parsed No Entry taking could as anagram. I didn't find any problem in that.

  23. Found the grid smooth and easy today - liked LEAN-TO, SHORT-TEMPERED, GALLEON, EDITORIAL to name a few.
    On the Spoonerism clue, my 2p:
    1) I don't think spoonerism of CARROT is TARROCK. Spoonerism involves 2 words (or 1 word split to 2 parts), where the initial syllables of the 2 parts / words are transposed. So Spoonerism of CARROT - if we were to split it as CA + ROT - would be RA - COT or something similar. TARROCK swaps the 2 ends of the word which I don't think is a valid spoonerism.

    2) Spoonerism of CAT FLAPS (where the 2 initial syllables are Ca (Ka) and Fla) is FLAT CAPS which is valid.

