Saturday 13 June 2020

No 12961, Saturday 13 Jun 2020, Incognito

7   Send // protective clothing (4) MAIL (DD)
8   He kept Ram excited in amusement area with a central motif (5,4) THEME PARK {HE+KEPT+RAM*}
10 Gave money in appreciation of services // and pushed over (6) TIPPED (DD)
11 Safe! Initially, hoodlum was captured by one without weapons (8) UNHARMED {UN{Hoodlum}ARMED}
12 Daily, company gets a litre for fuel (8) CHARCOAL {CHAR}{CO}{A}{L}
14 It is difficult to understand // one type of angle (6) OBTUSE (DD)
16 Nowadays I model fatty material (7) ADIPOSE {AD}{I}{POSE}
18 Shows about bovine meat with a pinch of spice (7) REVEALS {RE}{VEAL}{Spice}
21 Behave negatively, to some extent, when returning, in a Swiss city (6) GENEVA (T<=)
23 Kick princess’s desk at last and get means of starting an early computer (4,4) BOOT DISK {BOOT}{DI}{S}{desK}
25 Chinese gang pocketed 50% of dinero returned in West Indian island (8) TRINIDAD {TRI{DINero<=}AD}
27 Spouse’s relations, //  even when they break rules, remain these (2-4) IN-LAWS (D&CD) Outlaws still remain in-laws
29 Get into train after Romeo leaves and give a party (9) ENTERTAIN {ENTER}{TrAIN}
30 Kung Fu Panda gets red kale, for starters, and pig-meat (4) PORK {PO}{Red}{Kale}

1   Lacquered, without having right, and disappeared (8) VANISHED {VArNISHED}
2   Friends return and hit (4) SLAP {PALS<=}
3   Endlessly study ten characters in an artist's workshop (6) STUDIO {STUDy}{IO}
4   Abdulla dropped a sailor for setter in the middle bit (7) MEDULLA {(-ab+ME)DULLA}
5   Unseat King Herod violently around end of revolt by leaders of Naphtali eremites (8) DETHRONE {HEROD*} around {revolT}+{Naphtali}{Eremites}
6   Argue endlessly about Indian bison (4) GAUR {ARGUe*}
9   Retains // in towers for holding prisoners (5) KEEPS (DD)
13 Money made from manufacturing puree (5) RUPEE {PUREE*}
15 Territorial Decoration written around a small cloth (5) TWEED {T}{WEE}{D}
17 Stanley, in short, died on a road. That’s normal (8) STANDARD {STAN}{D}{A}{RD}
19 For eg: amen // or even zyzzyva/zyzyzzus, perhaps (4,4) LAST WORD (DD)
20 An offer made before January in Ivory Coast’s capital (7) ABIDJAN {A}{BID}{JAN}
22 A home high up? Sounds strange! (5) EYRIE {~EERIE}
24 Align to // the East (6) ORIENT (DD)
26 Madmen // like almonds, pistachio, macadamia, et cetera (4) NUTS (DD)
28 Drinks // rounds in stadium (4) LAPS (DD)

Reference List

Company=Co, Litre=L, Nowadays=AD, About=Re, Princess=Di, Romeo=R, Right=R, Ten characters=IO, Sailor=AB, Setter=Me, Territorial=T, Decoration=D, Died=D, Road=Rd, January=Jan

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Dr RKE's TalePiece

A very ADIPOSE woman from far-off TRINIDAD
In Disney THEME PARK, she was quite scared
Of being TIPPED off the roller coaster
They tried explaining over and over
That fatter women had made it UNHARMED

For stringent was the Disney STANDARD
In safety theirs was ever the LAST WORD
Despite all the twists and spins
Making all jump out of their skins.
Assured thus, her fears, they VANISHED

She buckles, SLAPS the belt on her LAPS
Way too short, these extra large straps
And sits munching NUTS, a habit-
She had never tried ever to kick it
In spite of the warnings from her IN-LAWS

The car vrooms- it is worth all the moolah
For the rush felt right in the MEDULLA
DisORIENTed she does become
Champing faster on chewing gum
With a speed to match all the hullabulla

The death ride lasts for what seems an age
She gets off, not DETHRONEd from her cage
How she KEEPS from throwing up
All the stuff that she did eat and sup
Hope she REVEALS on e-MAIL or web page 


  1. Incognito provides a nice start to the mornings, without the need to tie ourselves into knots. Nice blogging by Sunnet

    1. +1- esp. for Ramesh's blogging ( we have come to expect it though)

  2. Since the admins seem to be busy, I am posting my write-up here in the comments section


  3. A very ADIPOSE woman from far-off TRINIDAD

    In Disney THEME PARK, she was quite scared

    Of being TIPPED off the roller coaster

    They tried explaining over and over

    That fatter women had made it UNHARMED

    For stringent was the Disney STANDARD

    In safety theirs was ever the LAST WORD

    Despite all the twists and spins

    Making all jump out of their skins.

    Assured thus, her fears, they VANISHED

    She buckles, SLAPS the belt on her LAPS

    Way too short, these extra large straps

    And sits munching NUTS, a habit-

    She had never tried ever to kick it

    In spite of the warnings from her IN-LAWS

    The car vrooms- it is worth all the moolah

    For the rush felt right in the MEDULLA

    DisORIENTed she does become

    Champing faster on chewing gum

    With a speed to match all the hullabulla

    The death ride lasts for what seems an age

    She gets off, not DETHRONEd from her cage

    How she KEEPS from throwing up

    All the stuff that she did eat and sup

    Hope she REVEALS on e-MAIL or web page

    1. Sorry. I had gone out for something. Forgot to upload after I got back

  4. The examination REVEALS nothing! So the doubt ENTERTAINED by Ummer for the time being VANISHED and this left the Agent UNHARMED.

    Ummer checked the MAIL in his phone and what he saw made his MEDULLA oblangata responsible for his vomit.

    His boss without mincing words had labelled him NUTS and he was asked to report to HO.

    He knew of the SLAP that he could expect from the man wearing the black TWEED suit.

    The scenario KEEPS one to ask

    What happened next?

    1. Next things keep happening!

    2. CG sir...the scenario was too nice. Now the readers are eager about vomit what will happen!!!!

  5. Awaiting e mail!!
    Superb Dr.RKE.

  6. A very easy crossword puzzle after a long time .I was able to solve all but 22D which I wrongly wrote as eerie

  7. Nice to read different version of Tale by Doc & CG sir. I perceive the tale piece impacts by setter. such an excellent vocabulary it added with further shape.
    17d....could not get the word "RoaD" from Stanley, in short, died on a road. That’s normal. My doubt is the word in short shall applicable only for stanley or it passes to died, a, road. Hence, confusing to get letters RD. esp. the puzzle 5D was my favorite. awesome. I could get all letters easily while solving.

    1. Stan is short for Stanley.
      D-died,Rd= Road are common abbreviations. So Stan d a rd.

  8. In 12A how did we get CHAR. is Daily = Char?

  9. Char is a daily chore as well as a woman (charwoman) who does the daily cleaning at home.

    1. Since the blogger has indicated chat is daily, be prepared to look up char in a dict and go on a voyage of discovery.

    2. Read char. Excuse my typo.

  10. Wow tale piece a string of limmerics and more what happens next piece all adding to a simple and nice grid.

    After Arden Neyartha freeze
    Today's grid was a breeze
    That blows gently in the beach
    Solutions were easy to reach
    Nice some like these....

    1. wow...nice poetry Novice.....BTW, today's grid was too easy.
