Wednesday 20 October 2021

No 13381, Wednesday 20 Oct 2021, Sunnet

Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Our pangrammist is back. So is our TalePiece specialist.

1   Clever method’s nearly complete (6) ARTFUL {ART}{FULl}
4   Black’s proposal to get English aircraft (8) SEAPLANE {SEA}{PLAN}{E} (Addendum - JETPLANE {JET}{PLAN}{E} - See comments)
10 Do italics when correctly placed show the lengthening of a normally short syllable (9) DIASTOLIC*
11 Circle a sister’s retreat (5) OASIS {O}{A}{SIS}
12 Van has nothing left to sing (5) CAROL {CAR}{0}{L}
13 Cat’s killer? (9) CURIOSITY [GK]
14 Exotic chanter’s part (7) TRANCHE*
16 Store in second step (4) SHOP {S}{HOP}
19 Dull poet is sent back (4) DRAB<=
21 Author is the devil (7) DICKENS [DD]
24 One accustomed to covering society without a policy? (9) UNINSURED {UN}{IN{S}URED}
25 Trustee’s deed for plot (5) TRACT {TR}{ACT}
26 Nearly fool me at first with peculiar expression (5) IDIOM {IDIOt}{Me}
27 To prevent reproduction doctor/sister lie (9) STERILISE*
28 Mobile atlases to attract unknown levy (5,3) SALES TAX {ATLASES}*{X}
29 Run a little way to get a large quantity of paper (6) STREAM {ST}{REAM}

1   Give Australian money to a metro enterprise (8) AUDACITY {AU}{DA}{CITY} (Addendum - {AUD}{A}{CITY} - See comments)
2   Gingerly ate crack in rest period (3,5) TEA BREAK {ATE*}{BREAK}
3   Before seen in the hunt I loved (5) UNTIL [T]
5   Settle scores with some traitorous partners (7) ESCORTS {SCORES+Tr...s}*
6   Expert to cross one fragment of chromosome of basic life form (9) PROTOZOIC {PRO}{TO}{Z}{1}{Ch...e} Z/Cross? (Addendum - {PRO}{TO}{ZO}{1{Ch...e} - See comments)
7   Charge like captain (6) ASSAIL {AS}{SAIL}
8   Papers point to sassy broadcast (6) ESSAYS {E}{SASSY*}
9   Stereotype of communist picketing insurance company (6) CLICHE {C{LIC}HE}
15 Charles gets new trims for Noel (9) CHRISTMAS {C}{H{TRIMS*}AS} (Addendum - {CH{TRIMS*}AS} - See comments)
17 Gloomy local has half the eggs (8) NEGATIVE {N{EGgs}ATIVE}
18 Geographical line that is more in theory (8) ?S?T?E?M (Addendum - ISOTHERM {IS{OTEHR}M} - See comments)
20 Coffee dispenser in taproom is beginning to tilt? Ay! (7) BARISTA {BAR}{IS}{Tilt}{Ay}
21 Reformed odd German trickster (6) DODGER {ODD*}{GER}
22 Shakes birds (6) QUAILS [DD]
23 Loyal crowd around the shores of India (6) FILIAL {FIL{IndiA}L}
25 Time to join a card game after missing husband’s turn (5) TWIST {T}{WhIST}

Reference List
Black = JET, English = E, Left = L, Second = S, One = UN, Society = S, Trustee = TR, Unknown = X, Australian = Money = AUD{Australian Dollar) , Point = E(East), Charles = CHAS, Time = T, Theory = ISM, Husband = H

(By Dr RKE)

Hope it doesn't sound like a CLICHE or a DRAB IDIOM, when I exclaim "what the DICKENS of a themed pangram!"  

Many TWISTs and turns in the grid and one has to be an ARTFUL DODGER to negotiate through them. If one is successful, one can reach The Old CURIOSITY SHOP and buy a vinyl L.P. record of a CHRISTMAS CAROL. Or a gift of a miniature ESCORTS TRACTor, a mark of your FILIAL affection towards your farmer father. Make sure you get a bill and that GST is charged - in case you didn't know, SALES TAX is now passe. 

As a doctor, I recommend a TEA BREAK after all that exertion of shopping- just to ensure that your DIASTOLIC blood pressure doesn't hit the ceiling- there is BARISTA outlet conveniently round the corner.  

So UNTIL the next of these Talepiece ESSAYS, au revoir

Dr.Ramakrishna Easwaran


  1. 1d AUD is symbol for Australian dollar.

  2. 6d ZO is a Tibetan breed of cattle, developed by crossing the yak with common cattle.

  3. Replies
    1. Charles can be Chas. Trims* inside Chas.

    2. Col anno indicates gets:has!

    3. Chas around trims* is the anno I had in mind.

  4. I felt very happy to see Sunnet after an year! Good crossie and usual pangram. Thanks for the entertainment.
    Last one to fall was 22DN as I felt the options could be too many. Then I have decided to take the alphabet count and concluded that Q was missing in the pangram. That made my life easier!

  5. Replies
    1. s are Here Again!" (Ben Selvin and the Crooners ... › watch
      So long sad times
      Go long bad times
      We are rid of you at last
      Howdy gay times
      Cloudy gray times
      You are now a thing of the past
      Happy days are here again
      The skies above are clear again
      So let's sing a song of cheer again
      Happy days are here again
      All together shout it now
      There's no one
      Who can doubt it now
      So let's tell the world about it now
      Happy days are here again
      Your cares and troubles are gone
      There'll be no more from now on
      From now on
      Happy days are here again
      The skies above are clear again
      So let's sing a song of cheer again
      Happy times, happy nights
      Happy days are here again

    2. Thank you Paddy for sharing this.

    3. I vaguely remember Limca[am I right?] song of "happy days are here again"

    4. It's thuns-up. Hi thirsty bye thirsty was limca.

    5. Thanks Prasad for that thirst-quenching response!

    6. "Happy Days are here again, good friends and thumbs up" was the jingle.

    7. Thanks Paddy for reminding of ' Happy days are here again'. Visited the blog just now. The grid, the responses of Paddy, return of RKE and posts of others were equally enjoyable.

    8. Nice Lyrics. For me (Happy Days)^2. Glad to see Dr RKE's return. Have a Nice Day

  6. 18d-ISOTHERM=Geographical line. Jumble of IS MORE TH(EORY)?

  7. Happy to see RKE also back with his excellent tailpiece.

  8. Double surprise- A good pangram deserves a good Talepiece (one good turn deserves another!). Nostalgic. We have been missing both.
    Thank you Ramesh and Thank you Dr.Easwaran.
    Wish you get enough time off your prodession to keep enlightening us.

  9. 18d. ISOTHERM..Is T( heory) in some*

  10. 18D- isotherm- geographical line; ism- theory, that- other; is(other)m

    1. Welld done Sridhar. You are hereby promoted to the regulars list.

    2. I think we have to correct. 'More' in the clue means OTHER

    3. KKR is iright. I just looked at the anno give by Sridhar and not the explanation

    4. Guess I can continue as a rookie for some more time 😊

    5. Congratulations Mr Sridhar for your Promotion. Welcome to Regular Solvers Club.

  11. Getting broken links error today.
    Don't know if my last two posting are visible. It says your comment posted but I cannot see.

    1. It's OK now. But had posted a couple an hour or so back.

  12. Some tough and all interesting clues, thanks Sunnetafter a long time!

  13. Thanks everyone for your wishes.

  14. Loved the 'summing-up' by Dr. Ramakrishna Easwaran...

  15. Welcome back Sunnet ji

    Simple clues. Couple of observations

    1A art and artful share same roots
    27 A Surface grammar is off with "lie"?

    Thanks to Prasad ji for Charles explanation

  16. Great CW. Though ZO for cross was too obscure. Just filled without parsing.
