Saturday, 30 October 2021

No 13390, Saturday 30 Oct 2021, Spinner


1 Emotional air all around leading to a change for the better (12) AMELIORATION {EMOTIONAL+AIR*}
10 Bust chiefly shattered in blast (5) BOSOM {BO{Shattered}OM}
11 Fulfilling programme primarily emphasising anchor’s yell (9) APPEASING {APP}{Emphasising}{Anchor}{SING}
12 Hurt jawbone plated with metal (6) ACHING {A{CHIN}G}
13 Most savage cryptic clue set traps solver ultimately! (8) CRUELEST {CLUE+SET*} around {solveR}
15 Resistance overcome by widespread disease concerning the skin (9) EPIDERMIC {EPIDE{R}MIC}
16 Sing jazz improvisation from intro ofSmelly Cat’ (4) SCAT {Smelly}{CAT}
20 Track // family // business (4) LINE (MD)
21 Worker embraces a young, queer woman offering advice (5,4) AGONY AUNT {A{A+YOUNG*}NT}
24 Flight? In other words, ’twas airy! (8) STAIRWAY {TWAS+AIRY*}
26 Male takes no true responsibility! (6) MANTLE {MA{N}{T}LE}
28 On getting work, sign-up actively for donating! (9) SUPPLYING {SIGN+UP*} around {PLY}
29 Egg on various unheralded lads everyday, for starters (5) OVULE (Acrostic)
30 To assist, they play captions as CM rambles (12) ACCOMPANISTS {CAPTIONS+AS+CM*}


2 Deformed from accident involving player with two other players (9) MISSHAPEN {MIS{S}HAP}{E}{N}
3 Drunk old man gets energy on drinking energy drink (8) LEMONADE {OLD+MAN*}+{E} around {E}
4 Old friend’s a gem (4) OPAL {O}{PAL}
5 According to some sources, they’re charged with multiple counts of defamation! (10) ASPERSIONS {AS PER}{Sources}{IONS}
6 Setter matures on imbibing methods introduced in icons (6) IMAGES {I}{Methods}AGES}
7 Ignorant rogue loses principal while accruing interest (5) NAIVE {kNA{I}VE}
8 Basically, underwater vessel? (1-4) U-BOAT {Underwater}{BOAT} &lit
9 Protest a fool’s arrogant, thoughtless enactments at the outset (7) AGITATE {A}{GIT}{Arrogant}{Thoughtless}{Enactments}
14 A qualifying test invested in viewpoint of realism (10) PRAGMATISM {PR{A}{GMAT}ISM}
17 Fashion scam nearly brought down model (9) CONSTRUCT {CON}{STRU{C}T}
18 Tightest of catches goes down — with it, match essentially! (7) CLOSEST {C}{LOSES}{maTch}
19 “I’m on a car, cooking pasta!” (8) MACARONI {I+M+ON+A+CAR}

22 Dance away to unending beat (6) FROLIC {FRO}{LICk}
23 Often, etiquette embraces dogma (5) TENET (T)
25 Royal phalanx shields dominant leader (5) ALPHA (T)
27 Silver lining of Raja’s wonderful city, perhaps? (4) AGRA {AG}{RajA}

Reference List

Programme=App, Metal=Ag, Resistance=R, Worker=Ant, No=N, True=T
Player=S (South), Players=EN(East&North), Energy=E, Energy=E, Old=O, Setter=I, Interest=I, Qualifying test=GMAT, Nearly=C(Circa), Catches=C, Silver=AG

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Thank you Spinner. So happy to do your CW after a gap. Always enjoyable.
    Loved the non moving flight!!
    Thank you Ramesh for the wonderful blog.

  2. 6d technical doubt:
    Shouldn't it be introduction.

    1. M for methods? Then 'On imbibing' and 'Introduced' becomes duplication. One of them would be sufficient.

    2. Imbibing is for containment indication. 'Introduced' is to pick up the first letter of 'methods'.
      Of course, Prasad's doubt is debatable.

    3. X introduced provides a result of the operation.

      Similar to how 'X rearranged' is the correct usage for an anagram as opposed to 'X rearrangement'.

  3. 8d it's basically how it name was derived. It probably should be classified as GK.

  4. I sincerely feel Clues shd be quite tough but solvable for diligent solvers. On that scale, Spinner comes Winner!

  5. Versatile spinner one must admit... Googly,òff-break, leg-break balls...
